Practical Clinic (KU Leuven) (B-KUL-C00K1A)

6 ECTSEnglishBoth termsCannot be taken as part of an examination contract
Devroe Wouter (coordinator) |  Devroe Wouter |  Muir Elise |  Wouters Jan
POC Rechten

Independent and autonomous reasoning and making of legal arguments.

Bachelor of Laws


6 ects. Practical Clinic (KU Leuven) (B-KUL-C00K1a)

6 ECTSEnglishFormat: AssignmentBoth terms
POC Rechten

Students write a paper on a case or practical problem related to either European, international or economic law and benefit from academic guidance. The goal is to allow the students research and give concrete answers to practically oriented legal themes.

Alternatively, students carry out a practical experience (in the form of a stage or other similar experience) in the framework of an international organisation, where they can do written work on legal topics (for instance in the form of the writing of opinions, legal briefs, etc.). It is the responsibility of students to look for a suitable place and then to contact the programme director/programma coordinator (before 15 October) in order to discuss the possibility to qualify the internship as Practical Clinic.


Evaluation: Practical Clinic (KU Leuven) (B-KUL-C20K1a)

Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Paper/Project