Master of European Studies: Transnational and Global Perspectives (Leuven)

Master of Arts

What can you find on this webpage?

Our (future) students can find the official study programme and other useful info here.

You can find information about admission requirements, further studies and more practical info such as ECTS sheets, or a weekly timetable of the current academic year. 

Are you a future student?

Be sure to first take a look at the page about the Master of European Studies: Transnational and Global Perspectives.

There you can find more info on:

- What’s the programme about?

- Starting profile

- Admission and application

- Future possibilities

- Why KU Leuven

- Contact

- ...

Master of European Studies

1.  The students of the “Master of European Studies” gain in depth knowledge and understanding of Europe and its strong transnational interactions across national boundaries and constant exchanges with the outside world.
2.  Students rely on a range of different disciplinary and theoretical perspectives to analyze historical, cultural, political, legal, economic and/or philosophical dimensions of Europe and its relations with the outside world.
3.  Students are familiar with the European institutions, their functioning, and policies as well as their interactions in global governance.
4.  Students handle complex information and formulate adequate answers to diverse challenges.
5.  Students are equipped with analytical and methodological skills to understand and reflect upon transnational developments in Europe and Europe’s position and role in a context of globalization and global governance.
6.  Students engage in research practices and adequately apply a comparative, transnational and/or global focus in order to analyze a personal, well-defined research topic.
7.  Students communicate adequately in different ways and to a variety of audiences about European and global developments as well as Europe’s position and role in the world.
8.  Students actively participate in debates on Europe and its role in the world.
9.  Students are able to work both independently and in team.
10.  Students have adequate skills and knowledge to pursue competitive and internationally recognized careers, for example in European and international institutions, civil society and transnational networks, academic research and education, lobby groups and global consultancies, international, national and regional diplomacy, journalism and related fields.

The ‘Master of European Studies: Transnational and Global Perspectives’ wants its students to become accurate analysts and communicators who are curious to learn about society, who act sensitively and with an open mind, who aim at a thorough and nuanced understanding of social diversity and power relationships in society; who are aware of the importance of multidisciplinarity and multiperspectivity in the social debate, and dare to question themselves and others critically, based on their knowledge of other times and cultures; who know their way around in the modern knowledge and information society.

The Arts profile webpage gives a more detailed overview of the Faculty’s personal development goals.

Educational quality of the study programme

Here you can find an overview of the results of the COBRA internal quality assurance method.

Educational quality at study programme level

Blueprint_MA_European studies.pdf

COBRA 2019-2023
COBRA-report_MA_European Studies.pdf

Educational quality at university level

  • Consult the documents on educational quality available at university level.

More information?
Possibilities to pursue doctoral studies can be discussed on an individual basis.

When allowed:
Access after preparatory, bridging or abridged programme :