Basic Analytical Techniques (B-KUL-X0E52A)

This is a translated version. Original version in Dutch.
6 ECTSDutch71 First term

-  Principle concepts of analytical chemistry, i.e. matrix, interferents, selective and specific methods, miscellaneous units of concentration.
- recognition of the general structure of any analytical procedure by identifying the different steps.
- To identify the different types of errors as they occur in analytical processes.
- Being able to describe the origin and consequences of indeterminate errors. Learnig to correctly apply different statistical methods to treat experimental data (evaluation and reporting) in an analytical chemistry context.
- Concentration calculations of complex equilibrium of aqueous solutions: awareness of the limitations and applicability of the obtained results.
- Ionic strength: origin and practical calculation of activities.
- Differences and similarities between different types of discussed titrations.
- Titration curves of complex systems: qualitative and quantitative derivation. Recognition of the different areas of the titration curves and identifying the dominant species.
- Applicability of a titration in relation to the concentration of the analyte and the relevant thermodynamical data.
- Principles of various kinds of chemical indicators and other instrumental techniques to determine the equivalence points. Ability to choose the appropriate method for specific circumstances. 
- Being able to describe the physical and chemical principles of the discussed instrumental methods.
- Ability to describe the various components of a specific apparatus concerning its construction, functionality, advantages and limitations.
- for the discussed analytical techniques being able to describe the most relevant applications, advantages and disadvantages compared to other techniques with the purpose to choose the most appropriate technique for a particular analysis.
- Being able to develop and justify a chromatographic analysis on the basis of a demand for analysis of a particular component in a given matrix for a particular purpose. This implies among other things being able to describe and compare the various chromatographic techniques, explain their physical and chemical principles, know the conditions under which a certain chromatographic technique can be applied, know the limitations of the various chromatographic techniques, select the necessary components for performing the various chromatographic techniques

Application of stoichiometry on chemical reactions.
Knowledge of the principles of aqueous solutions as a basis for a more elaborate treatment.
Limited practical experience about simple analysis.
Being able to apply elementary concepts of thermodynamics, equilibrium constants, Nernst equation, entropy, free energy, etc.
Basic knowledge of organic chemistry, i.e. function groups, reaction types

This course unit is a prerequisite for taking the following course units:
X0B43B : Laboratory Sessions
I0U12A : Analytical Organic Chemistry
X0D05B : Project Work Bioscience Engineering
X0B43C : Laboratory Sessions
X0C51C : Laboratory Sessions: Synthesis and Characterisation
X0B43D : Laboratory Sessions

This course is identical to the following courses:
I0T52A : Instrumental Analytical Chemistry
X0D00A : Basic Analytical Techniques


4 ects. Lectures and Integrated Exercises I: Analytical Base Technics (B-KUL-X0D00a)

4 ECTSDutchFormat: Lecture38 First term

Chapter 1: Analysis strategy

Chapter 2: Errors in chemical analyses

Chapter 3: Sampling and sample preparation

Chapter 4: Complex chemical equilibria 

Chapter 5: Acid-base titrations 

Chapter 6: Electrochemical methods

Chapter 7: Complexometric titrations 

Chapter 8: Spectroscopic methods: basic principles, instrumentation, molecular absorption, fluorescence, atomic spectroscopy

Chapter 9: Gravimetric methods



textbook and corresponding exercise platform and slides

1.2 ects. Lectures and Integrated Exercises: Chromatography (B-KUL-X0D01a)

1.2 ECTSDutchFormat: Lecture13 First term

- Principle of chromatography

- Column Theory

- Gas chromatography: basic principles and specific properties, theoretical considerations, mobile phase, injectors, detectors, stationary phases, qualitative and quantitative analysis

- HPLC: basic principles and specific properties, theoretical considerations, injectors, detectors, stationary and mobile phase

- Ion chromatography: ion exchange chromatography, ion-pair chromatography, ion suppression chromatography

- exclusion chromatography

ppt slides

0.8 ects. Laboratory Sessions Analytical Base Technics (B-KUL-X0D02a)

0.8 ECTSDutchFormat: Practical20 First term

- Determination of the fatty acid profile of margarine

- Soxhlet extraction of methylxanthines from different teas followed by quantitation by ion chromatography

- Determination of vitamin C in fruit (juice) on the basis of a redox titration

- Determination of manganese in a metal alloy by spectrophotometry




Evaluation: Basic Analytical Techniques (B-KUL-X2E52a)

Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Oral, Written, Report, Participation during contact hours
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : Calculator, List of formulas