Foundations of Chemistry (B-KUL-X0C33C)

This is a translated version. Original version in Dutch.
9 ECTSDutch84 First termCannot be taken as part of an examination contract
Van Cleuvenbergen Stijn |  Ghesquiere Melina (cooperator) |  Sinnesael Arne (cooperator)
Facultaire POC Wetenschappen

Students can rationale the structure and properties of matter from the smallest (electrons, nuclear particles) to the largest scale (dust properties, states of aggregation). They start from the electrostatic interactions that occur between the particles.

Students can explain the different atomic models and their evolution and explain why the quantum mechanical model is the current standard model, starting from experimental observations.


On the basis of the quantum mechanical atomic model, students can argue and predict periodic relationships in Mendeliev's table.

Students know and understand the different models that exist to describe chemical bonding and can apply them to concrete examples. They can assess the strengths and imperfections of the different models.


Based on the concepts provided on chemical bonding and intermolecular interactions, students can determine substance properties such as aggregation state, boiling point, hardness,... compare for different substances. adhv provided procedures/step-by-step plan


Students can derive, reason and apply the principles provided around the transposition of the material to new examples.

Students can predict heat exchange with the environment during chemical reactions based on thermodynamic quantities and principles such as the law of Hess

Students can explain the spontaneity of physical processes and chemical reactions on the basis of statistical principles. They can calculate and predict the direction of reactions, the location of equilibriums and the efficiency of chemical reactions based on the thermodynamic laws provided.

Students can apply and reason the principle of Le Châtelier

Students can apply the acquired insights on equilibrium to acid/base, redox and precipitation fractions.

Students can indicate the speed of chemical reactions and the factors influencing the reaction rate and apply them to concrete examples.

Students can use experimental kinetic data to predict reaction mechanisms.

Students can:

Explain and apply all learned principles (see content) in a structured way, including figures, derivations, calculations.

make connections between the seen chapters/parts of the course, including figures, derivations and calculations.

Perform combined calculations using all the principles taught, using units correctly.

In principle, no prior chemical knowledge is required.

The course starts from the basics.

This course unit is a prerequisite for taking the following course units:
I0O07A : Catalysis
I0O10A : Food Chemistry and Technology
I0N30A : Geology and Soil Science
I0N34A : Thermodynamics
I0N45A : Environmental Chemistry
K03B9A : Pharmaceutical Excipients
K05B0A : Biopharmaceutical Research: Exercises II (No longer offered this academic year)
K05B8A : Principles of Pathofysiology (No longer offered this academic year)
I0T52A : Instrumental Analytical Chemistry
X0C51C : Laboratory Sessions: Synthesis and Characterisation
K0B03A : Organic Chemistry I
K0B05A : Introduction to Drug Analysis
X0E39B : Bio-organic Chemistry
X9X03B : Bio-organic Chemistry
X0E98A : Introduction to Analytical Chemistry
X0F05A : Introduction to drug analysis
X0F10A : Introduction to analytical chemistry
X0F20A : Organic chemistry

This course is identical to the following courses:
X0E41A : Foundations of Chemistry
G0N01C : Fundamentals for Chemistry


4 ects. Foundations of chemistry: Theory (B-KUL-X0C33a)

4 ECTSDutchFormat: Lecture33 First term
Facultaire POC Wetenschappen

I Basic concepts   

II Main rules of nomenclature in inorganic chemistry

III Chemical reactions and reaction equations

IV The atomic structure 

V The periodic table of elements 

VI Chemical bonding I : Binding types, Lewis model and molecular geometry    

VII Chemical bonding II: Hybridisation and molecular-orbital theory    

VIII Intermolecular forces    

IX Gases    

X Heat and the first main law of thermodynamics    

XI Thermodynamics: second and third main laws    

XII Chemical equilibrium    

XIII Physical properties of solutions    

XIV Acids and bases    

XV Solubility of salts    

XVI Redox reactions and electrochemistry

XVII Chemical kinetics

Course, slides on Toledo

2 ects. Foundations of Chemistry: Practical Sessions (B-KUL-X0B48a)

2 ECTSDutchFormat: Practical27 First term
Van Cleuvenbergen Stijn |  Ghesquiere Melina (cooperator) |  Sinnesael Arne (cooperator)
Facultaire POC Wetenschappen

Practical. 1: Introduction to glassware and laboratory safety + Creating solutions and dilutions

Pract.2: Calcium determination

Practical.3: Colorimetric determination of the Kc of an acid-base indicator

Practical. 4: Acid-Base Titration

Practical. 5: Concentration determination by titration of acetic acid in household vinegar and mass percentage fosforic acid in Coca Cola

Practical. 6: Precipitation reactions, Ks

Practical. 7: Determination of Ferrum in iron sandstone in m%

Practical. 8: Galvanic cells

Practical. 9: Thermodynamics

labbook  "Grondslagen van de chemie: Practicumhandleiding" and Assignments, online preparation via presentations, videos, quizzes on Toledo

2 ects. Foundations of chemistry: Exercises 1 (B-KUL-X0B47a)

2 ECTSDutchFormat: Practical17 First term
Van Cleuvenbergen Stijn |  Ghesquiere Melina (cooperator) |  Sinnesael Arne (cooperator)
Facultaire POC Wetenschappen

8 theoretical exercise sessions are organised:

WZ 1: Conversion of concentrations + stoechiometry

WZ 2: Chemical equilibrium of gases

WZ 3: Atomic construction

WZ 4: Acids, bases, buffers and pH

WZ 5: Calculating acid-base titration curves

WZ 6: Sparingly soluble electrolytes/precipitation

WZ 7a: Redox part 1 

WZ 8a: Thermodynamics


exercises, online preparation via presentations, videos, quizzes

Practice session

1 ects. Foundations of chemistry: Exercises 2 (B-KUL-X0E35a)

1 ECTSDutchFormat: Practical7 First term
Facultaire POC Wetenschappen

WZ 7b: Redox part 2
WZ 8b: Thermodynamics part 2
WZ 9: Combined exercises and repetition

exercises, online preparation via presentations, videos, quizzes

online preparation combined with discussion during lesson time


Evaluation: Foundations of Chemistry (B-KUL-X2C33c)

Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
Type of questions : Multiple choice, Closed questions, Open questions
Learning material : Calculator

Theory & Exercises:

Type : Exam during the examination period

Description of evaluation : Oral, Written

Type of questions : Open questions

Learning material : Formularium


Practical Exercises:

Type : Permanent Evaluation without Exam during the examination period

Description of evaluation : Report, cooperation during contactmoments, skilltest.

Type of questions : Open questions

Learning material : Course material, calculator