Human Management (USL) (B-KUL-HBH85E)

The student...
- Analyses the environment in which an organisation is active and estimates the influence of environmental factors on the functioning of the organization (1.a)
- Uses the analysis of a (business) economic problem to develop and propose a solution in line with the organisational strategy (1.c)
- Understands basic theories, basic terms, and basic concepts of each management domain, in particular with respect to the financial, operational, commercial and organisational activities, and applies them when solving (business) economics problems (2.a)
- Distinguishes and clarifies the different ways in which activities and processes in organisations are organised, structured and managed (2.b)
- Understands and substantiates the critical importance of each management domain for a successful organisation and the coherence with other management domains (2.c)
- Within the different management domains, develops proposals for the implementation of a certain organisational strategy, critically analyses the consequences of them and, based on this analysis, formulates proposals to adjust the organisational strategy (2.d)
- Explains HR processes and tools for the flow of personnel in, through and out of organisations and explains the relationship between them(2.n)
- Shows how HR tools and processes act on the functioning of an individual, group or organization (2.o)
- Analyses issues in different management domains on the basis of appropriate theories, concepts and models and proposes a scientifically sound solution (2.t)
- Uses disciplinary scientific knowledge to solve (business) economic problems (4.d)
- Critically assesses (scientific) information, data and structures, and processes all this in line with solving (business) economics problem with practical relevance (7.d)
- Sets forth a logical and coherent argumentation to support choices made when solving a (business) economic problem with practical relevance (8.d)
- Connects the psycho-social and ethical insights with the (business) economic reality in a reasoned way (12.b)
- Integrates sustainability values in the analysis of topical (business) economic problems and proposes solutions that take into account these values (12d)
More information
Throughout the course students gain a clear understanding of organisations and the functioning of employees within organisations. The course aims to develop knowledge and insight in a) organizational behaviour, b) strategic human resource management and c) operational human resource management. The course focusses on three levels: (1) the individual in the organisation, (2) groups and teams in the organization and (3) the system of the organisation. Theoretical concepts and models (e.g. about motivation) are applied the work context and are used to make deliberate and grounded choices about the basic HR functions (selection, appraisal, rewards and development). Students’ insights in how organisations can influence employees’ behavior to achieve both organisational effectiveness and employees’ well-being and development will be developed.
At the end of this course the student is able to:
- describe the importance of employees, employees’ attitudes and behavior, personnel practices, leadership and organisational structure for an organisation;
- describe what the various employees’ attitudes and behavior, personnel practices, leadership styles and organisational structures include;
- understand the relationships between personnel practices, leadership and organisational structure;
- understand how personnel practices, leadership and organisational structure influence the functioning of employees and the organisation;
- to identify, explain and integrate theoretical concepts and conclusions from scientific research on employees, employees’ attitudes and behavior, personnel practices, leadership and organisational structure;
- to analyze a practical problem regarding personnel practices, leadership and/or organisational structure in a critical and systematic way and to formulate a proposal for resolution;
- reflect critically on the themes that will be discussed during the lectures.
Previous knowledge
If you want to follow this course, it is advisable to have completed the following courses first: Psychologie and Bedrijfsmanagement.
Is included in these courses of study
5 ects. Human Management (USL) (B-KUL-HBH85e)

1 ects. Human Management 2 (B-KUL-HBH85a)

KU Leuven students act as mentors for the incoming USL students. KU Leuven students also inform the students of the first bachelor's stage about the USL-trajectory in the programme.
Language of instruction: more information
In the context of the course Management humain, the assignment is accomplished in French.
Evaluation: Human Management (B-KUL-H74993)
OLA Management humain (USL) (5SP): evaluation caracteristics: see ECTS-sheet USL
OLA Management humain 2 (1SP): Pass/Fail for the assignment and presentation.
2nd exam opportunity: identical to the first exam opportunity
Please, contact the coordinator of this course: Tom Verbeke