Modern Japanese III: Proficiency (B-KUL-F0TF3B)

This is a translated version. Original version in Dutch.
15 ECTSJapanese78 Both termsCannot be taken as part of an examination contract
Carbonnet Adrien (coordinator) |  Carbonnet Adrien |  Takeyama Ena (substitute) |  Verplancke Ingeborg (substitute) |  Belmans Klara (substitute) |  Sakurai Naoko |  Takeyama Ena  | LessMore
POC Taal- en regiostudies

The student can apply the knowledge of Taalkunde III to discuss about social themes and to form one’s own opinion about it.

Students who begin Modern Japans III must
-have a daily knowledge of the Japanese intermediate grammar which was taught in Modern Japanese II
-have a vocabulary of 2500 words and master approximately 500 kanji
-be confident with de basic rules of the honorific language and the social language register, and apply them properly in daily life.

Ter referentie:
Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (Council of Europe) niveau B1.

This course unit is a prerequisite for taking the following course units:
F0TF9A : Grammar of classical Japanese


7 ects. Modern Japanese III: Proficiency, Part 1 (B-KUL-F0TF4a)

7 ECTSJapaneseFormat: Lecture39 First term
Carbonnet Adrien |  Takeyama Ena (substitute) |  Verplancke Ingeborg (substitute) |  Belmans Klara (substitute) |  Sakurai Naoko |  Takeyama Ena  | LessMore
POC Taal- en regiostudies

Syllabi made by the lecturers, Toledo and multimedia.

Interactive lecture with a variety of exercises.

8 ects. Modern Japanese III: Proficiency, Part 2 (B-KUL-F0TF5a)

8 ECTSJapaneseFormat: Lecture39 Second term
POC Taal- en regiostudies

Syllabi made by the lecturers, Toledo and multimedia.

Interactive lecture with a variety of exercises.


Evaluation: Modern Japanese III: Proficiency (B-KUL-F2TF3b)

Type : Exam outside of the normal examination period
Description of evaluation : Oral, Written

Some exams fall within the exam period.

The course components are: speaking (oral exam), Japanese texts and newspaper Japanese (written exams). Each of these components count for 1/3 of the grades.


For the second exam opportunity, the subject matter of both semesters is tested.