Operating Systems (B-KUL-T3WBS2)

4 ECTSEnglish42 First termCannot be taken as part of an examination contract
Lagaisse Bert (coordinator) |  Lagaisse Bert |  N. |  Bruynseels Ludo (cooperator) |  Van Aken Jeroen (cooperator) |  Verbruggen Jonas (cooperator)  | LessMore
OC Elektronica-ICT - Campus Groep T Leuven


  • The student has a thorough knowledge of the inner workings of an operating system, organized into thematic module. The student knows which solutions exist for different parts of the operating system (K1).
  • The student has insight into the advantages and disadvantages of the design decisions made in commodity operating systems w.r.t. process and thread management, synchronization, deadlock, memory management, file systems, and task scheduling (K1, G3).
  • The student knows the possible architectures for virtual machines and hypervisors, and knows what each type of hypervisor is best suited for (K1, G3).
  • The student can apply the gathered knowledge by re-implementing or modifying some of the basic OS algorithms, or by setting up, configuring, and managing commodity operating systems (I1, I2, P1).

The student has basic knowledge of programming and computer architecture.

• Strong (credit approval or tolerance):

Computational Thinking (Leuven - T1ACD1; Brugge - B3074G; Geel - ZA0148; Gent - JPI0UW; De Nayer - YI1376)

• Flexible

Computer Architectures (Leuven - T2VCA1; Brugge - B3075P; Geel - ZA0219; Gent - JPI159; De Nayer - YI1433)

Mixed prerequisite:
You may only take this course if you comply with the prerequisites. Prerequisites can be strict or flexible, or can imply simultaneity. A degree level can be also be a prerequisite.
STRICT: You may only take this course if you have passed or applied tolerance for the courses for which this condition is set.
FLEXIBLE: You may only take this course if you have previously taken the courses for which this condition is set.
SIMULTANEOUS: You may only take this course if you also take the courses for which this condition is set (or have taken them previously).
DEGREE: You may only take this course if you have obtained this degree level.


The codes of the course units mentioned above correspond to the following course descriptions:
T2VPT1 : Programmeertechnieken
T2VPT2 : Programming Techniques
T2VCA1 : Computerarchitecturen
T2VCA2 : Computer Architectures

This course unit is a prerequisite for taking the following course units:
T4YAP2 : Advanced Programming Techniques
T4YDS2 : Distributed Systems

This course is identical to the following courses:
B3074W : Besturingssystemen
ZA0224 : Besturingssystemen
T3WBS1 : Besturingssystemen
JPI27A : Besturingssystemen 1 (schakel) (No longer offered this academic year)
JPI0WO : Besturingssystemen 1
YI1491 : Besturingssystemen 1


3 ects. Operating Systems: Lecture (B-KUL-T3hBS2)

3 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture24 First term
OC Elektronica-ICT - Campus Groep T Leuven

  • Introduction: Definition and roles of an operating system (OS), tasks and types of operating systems, evolution, structure and services, system calls, important hardware features and their use in an operating system.
  • Processes and threads: concepts, creation, management, scheduling, threading models
  • Synchronization, IPC, deadlock
  • Basic scheduling: concepts, algorithms for mono-processor scheduling, trade-offs
  • Memory management: concepts, segmentation, pagination, algorithms, trade-offs
  • I/O management: concepts
  • Virtual machines and cloud: concepts and case studies

Textbook: Modern Operating Systems (Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Herbert Bos), Pearson

Textbook: Silberschatz, Gagne, Galvin: Operating System Concepts, Enhanced eText, 10th Edition - Instructor Companion Site (wiley.com)

1 ects. Operating Systems: Computer Session (B-KUL-T3oBS2)

1 ECTSEnglishFormat: Practical18 First term
N. |  Bruynseels Ludo (cooperator) |  Van Aken Jeroen (cooperator) |  Verbruggen Jonas (cooperator)
OC Elektronica-ICT - Campus Groep T Leuven

  • Applying lessons learnt in the lectures to modern operating systems
  • Simulating concepts from the lectures
  • Programming exercises to apply the concepts

Course material will appear on Toledo.


Evaluation: Operating Systems (B-KUL-T72116)

Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written, Process evaluation
Learning material : None


1. Calculation of the final mark

The final mark of this course is calculated based on the published component marks with the following weighting factors:

Component mark for written exam: 50%
Component mark for practical sessions and project: 50%

The only exception to this rule is described in the complementary regulation of the Faculty of Engineering Technology to article 66 in the Regulations on Education and Examinations (579-rule).

2. Calculation of the published component marks

The component mark for 'written exam' is a whole number between 0 and 20. It is the result of a written exam with open questions and potential multiple choice questions.

The component mark for the 'Project and lab sessions' is a whole number between 0 and 20, based on a project. The students present their work, that includes all features discussed during this course. Details about the needed features will be specified on Toledo.

3. Absences

For absences during the teaching weeks, please contact the education ombuds on the first day of your absence. If you missed one or more obligatory sessions, please contact your professor as soon as possible and certainly within a week. For absences within the exam period, please contact the exam ombuds on the first day of your absence.

4. Partial transfers

Component marks of at least 10/20 published in the academic progress file are transferred to the next examination period within the same academic year and to the following academic years, except for temporary marks and marks for intermittent tests.

When needed, additional information on the evaluation activities is provided during the lessons and/or made available on the toledo pages of the course.

This course unit allows partial mark transfers in case of partial pass mark:

  • T3hBS2 - Operating Systems: Lecture (during and beyond academic year)
  • T3oBS2 - Operating Systems: Computer Session (during and beyond academic year)

Modalities similar to the first examination period.