Expology: Contemporary Perspectives (B-KUL-F0BD1A)

6 ECTSEnglish39 Second term
This course is not taught this academic year, but will be taught next year. This course is not taught this academic year, but will be taught next year.
POC Archeologie, Kunstwetenschappen en Musicologie (AKM)

Students can


  • assess current exhibitions and make choices regarding the selection of exhibitions they visit;
  • familiarise themselves with the discourse that exists on the subject (including publications and digital platforms).


Students know


  • the different exhibition contexts as well as the related artistic, public or private initiatives (e.g. foundations);
  • the current historical and theoretical discourse on exhibition making.
  • what the phenomenon of exhibition making entails, including biennials and other temporary exhibitions.

  • interested in current exhibitions and in visiting various expositions
  • a visual attitude and willing to refine it
  • passive knowledge of Dutch and French is recommended


6 ects. Expology: Contemporary Perspectives (B-KUL-F0BD1a)

6 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture39 Second term
POC Archeologie, Kunstwetenschappen en Musicologie (AKM)

The 'Expology: Contemporary Perspectives' course initiates students in the various aspects of contemporary exhibitions and responds to current events. It highlights a range of exhibition contexts, ranging from temporary exhibitions in museums or art halls to exhibitions related to artists' initiatives or foundations. The course pays specific attention to how exhibition practice has changed since the emergence of the phenomenon of biennials. It offers students a brief introduction to the most recent exhibition history and also addresses the theoretical discourse on exhibition making. Publication and dissemination practices that accompany the creation of exhibitions (both in paper and digital form) are also addressed.


Although the course does not offer practical training, at least one excursion to an exhibition is planned, in which there is contact with the curator(s). Through one or more guest lectures by active exhibition makers, students can get involved in the curatorial debate.

  • PowerPoints with images on Toledo
  • reader on Toledo

This course is taught on a weekly basis. Minor deviations from this schedule are possible, depending on current events or an excursion.

Students are expected to actively attend classes and take notes.


Evaluation: Expology: Contemporary Perspectives (B-KUL-F2BD1a)

Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written, Paper/Project
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : Course material

The evaluation consists of a paper (6/20) and an exam (14/20).

The assignment for the paper will be given during the semester and entails a visit to an exhibition, which the students must write a report about. This report is handed in during the exam.


The exam consists of two questions:

  • the first question is punctual and can either be about the paper or about a different subject (4/20)
  • the second question is on a broader subject (10/20)

The students are permitted to use the reader and their paper during the exam, but not their notes.

The modalities are identical in the third exam period.


Students who have at least 50% for their paper can carry this grade over to the third exam period, unless they ask the professor for permission to redo the paper as well. In that case, the highest achieved grade will count towards the end total.