Argumentation Theory (B-KUL-F0AB1A)

4 ECTSEnglish26 Second term
POC Taal- en letterkunde

Familiarising the students with the main forms of argumentation and with a number of theoretical insights from contemporary argumentation theory. The aim is not only to acquire insight into what counts as a decent argumentation or explanation, but also to be able to apply that insight in the practical analysis of argumentations.

The expected background knowledge of someone who has passed the first bachelor year.


4 ects. Argumentation Theory (B-KUL-F0AB1a)

4 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture26 Second term
POC Taal- en letterkunde

The following key topics from argumentation theory will be dealt with:

  • The difference between arguing and explaining. This includes an overview of the most important types of explanations: causal, functional, historical and structural. The deductive-nomological model of explanantion and hidden/implicit premises.
  • The argumentation structure of a text, i.e. the ordering of the arguments and subarguments
  • The argumentation scheme, i.e. the way in which the connection between premises and conclusion is explained in an argumentation. The difference between deductive and non-deductive (i.e. inductive and abductive) argumentation schemes.
  • Deductive argumentation schemes in propositional logic.
  • The most important non-deductive argumentation schemes, including the treatment of the most important (so-called) fallacies.

The different topics are illustrated by means of examples of argumentative and explanatory texts.

syllabus: H. Smessaert, Introduction to Argumentation Theory. ACCO, 2025.


The course mainly consists of lectures. The students are expected to prepare analysis exercices from time to time. An active participation and collaboration is expected from the students.


Evaluation: Argumentation Theory (B-KUL-F2AB1a)

Type : Exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : None

The written exam consists partly of the analysis of pieces of argumentation and partly of theoretical questions. Model exam questions will be provided on Toledo.