Applications of Statistics (B-KUL-D0O70A)
Upon completion of this course, the student gained insight in a number of statistical methods and their applications in daily business. In particular, the student will be able to
- See the relevance of the statistical methods for business and economics
- Explain the different statistical models and methods
- Show that the methods are well understood
- Identify the most appropriate statistical method for a given problem
- Correctly use the statistical models and methods
- Write a software program to read and manipulate data
- Write a software program to analyze data correctly
- Interpret the results of a statistical analysis and related software output
Previous knowledge
The course assumes students have attended a course in business statistics with an introduction in econometrics (as supplied in Statistics for Data science in 2nd Bachelor Business Engineer).
More specifically the mathematical and statistical concepts that are assumed to be known are: basic mathematics; basic functions (exponential, logarithmic, polynomial); basic mathematical notation (sum sign, product sign, Greek symbols,…); vector and matrix operations (addition, multiplication,…); solving a system of linear equations; inverse of a matrix; eigenvectors and eigenvalues; probability; conditional probability; rule of Bayes; random variables; continuous and discrete random variables; density function and cumulative distribution function; continuous distributions (uniform, normal, exponential,…); discrete distributions (binomial); random sample from a population; graphical data representation (histogram, frequency tables, … ); sample mean, sample variance; expectations; sampling distribution (central limit theorem); construction of confidence intervals; testing hypotheses and type I and type II error; general understanding of a p-value; linear regression.
Identical courses
This course is identical to the following courses:
HMI31A : Applications of Statistics
D0I90A : Toepassingen van statistiek
Is included in these courses of study
- Master of Business Engineering (Leuven) 120 ects.
- Master of Business Engineering: Double Degree UCLouvain (incoming) (Leuven et al) 126 ects.
- Master of Business Engineering: Double Degree UCLouvain (outgoing) (Leuven et al) 127 ects.
- Master of Business and Information Systems Engineering (Leuven) 120 ects.
- Master of Business and Information Systems Engineering: Double Degree UNamur (outgoing) (Leuven) 120 ects.
- Courses for Exchange Students Faculty of Economics and Business (Leuven)
6 ects. Applications of Statistics (B-KUL-D0O70a)

- Introduction
- Regression
- Analysis of variance
- Econometrics
- Logistic regression
- Duration analysis
- Principal component analysis
- Exploratory factor analysis
- Discriminant analysis
- Cluster analysis
Course material
Slides will be made available for the students
Free software
Format: more information
Lectures or weblectures with theory and examples
Weblectures on how to use the software for data manipulation and analysis
A number of individual tasks in which data have to be analyzed on the computer and for which the program and/or the results have to be uploaded in Toledo (for each task, more detailed instructions will be given on Toledo)
Evaluation: Applications of Statistics (B-KUL-D2O70a)
Evaluation characteristics
The continuous assessment consists of 4 tasks, each graded on 1 point. For each assignment, data must be analyzed and a number of closed questions must be answered online, based on the results obtained. The individualized data and related questions are made available for a short period on TOLEDO and the answers must be submitted before the deadline. The deadline is set by the teacher and communicated via TOLEDO. Each assignment is automatically graded on 1 point. If the specified deadline has not been respected, the result for that task is 0.
The written open book exam during the exam period is graded on 16 points. This exam can contain open, closed and multiple choice questions and a calculator can be used. A correction for guessing is applied when assessing multiple choice questions.
Determination of the end result: the end result is the maximum of
- the sum of the points obtained on the continuous assessment and on the written open book exam.
- the points on the written open book exam, reweighted on 20.
Information about retaking exams
Evaluation characteristics
At the exam during the exam period in the PC room, a data set has to be analyzed and some closed questions must be answered based on the results obtained. This part is graded on 4 points.
The written open book exam (which takes place on the same day as the exam in the PC room) is graded on 16 points. This exam can contain open, closed and multiple choice questions and a calculator can be used. A correction for guessing is applied when assessing multiple choice questions.
Determination of the end result: the end result is the sum of the points obtained on the exam in the PC room and on the written open book exam