Macroeconomics (B-KUL-D0N88A)

6 ECTSEnglish45 First termCannot be taken as part of an examination contract
POC zij-instroom Masters FEB

Upon completion of this course, the student is able to:

• describe and explain macroeconomic developments.
• analyse macroeconomic problems within the context of an appropriate model.
• make policy recommendations in response to such problems.
• participate in macroeconomic discussions in a qualified manner.
• handle data sources and manipulate macroeconomic data.
• practise data collection and data manipulation in Excel.
• apply some of the theoretical concepts learned during the ifrst part of the course.

Basic knowledge of economics is required (e.g. S0A25A Economics/D0N62A Economics).


2 ects. Macroeconomics: Data Assignment (B-KUL-D0N88a)

2 ECTSEnglishFormat: Assignment6 First term
POC zij-instroom Masters FEB

Students solve a data assignment.

The data assignment has the following content:
• Using databases to retrieve macroeconomic time series.
• Manipulating these time series.
• Applying certain theoretical concepts discussed in the lecture course.

Learning material on Toledo.

Data assignment.

4 ects. Macroeconomics (B-KUL-D0R71a)

4 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture39 First term
POC zij-instroom Masters FEB


- Basic concepts
- The goods market
- Financial markets
- Goods and financial markets: IS-LM model
- IS-LM model in an open economy
- Output, the interest rate and the real exchange rate


- The labour market
- Putting all markets together: AS-AD model
- The Phillips Curve, the natural rate of unemployment and inflation
- Inflation, money growth and the real rate of interest


- Saving, capital accumulation and output
- Technological progress and growth

EXTENSIONS (time permitting)

- Saving, capital accumulation and output
- Technological progress and growth
- The crisis
- High debt 

Used course material:
- Olivier Blanchard, Francesco Giavazzi, Alessia Amighini, 'Macroeconomics: A European Perspective', Pearson Prentice Hall.
- Additional material via TOLEDO.

Toledo is being used for this learning activity.

Weekly lectures, optional homework assignments and optional mock exam on Toledo.


Evaluation: Macroeconomics (B-KUL-D2N88a)

Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written, Paper/Project
Type of questions : Multiple choice, Closed questions
Learning material : List of formulas

Features of the evaluation

The written exam is closed book: thirty multiple-choice questions (1 point for a correct, - 1/3 point for a wrong and 0 points for a blank answer). Only non graphing calculator allowed,

*The deadline of the Data Assignment will be determined by the lecturer and communicated via Toledo.


Determination of final grades

*The grades are determined by the lecturer as communicated via Toledo and stated in the examination schedule. The result is calculated and communicated as a whole number on a scale of 20.
*The final grade is a weighted score: the Data Assignment counts for 30% of the final grade and the final exam counts for the other 70% of the final grade.
*If the set deadline of the Data Assignment was not respected, the grade for this assignment will be a 0-grade in the weighted score, unless the students asked the lecturer to arrange a new deadline. This request needs to be motivated by grave circumstances.
*If the student does not participate in one (or more) of the partial evaluations, the grades of these partial evaluations will be a 0-grade in the weighted score.


Second examination opportunity

*The features of the evaluation and determination of the grades are similar to those of the first examination period, as described above. The grade attained on Data Assignment at the first examination opportunity  will be transferred to the second examination opportunity.