Architecture and Modelling of Management Information Systems (B-KUL-D0I71A)

6 ECTSEnglish39 Second termCannot be taken as part of an examination contract
Snoeck Monique |  Bogdanova Daria (substitute)
OC Handelsingenieur en Handelsingenieur in de beleidsinformatica FEB Campus Leuven

The goal of this course is to familiarise the students with modern methods and techniques of software engineering for Business Information Systems, to let them understand the relation between an information system and the organisational aspects of an enterprise, and to let them acquire sufficient skills to enable them developing an enterprise model as basis of a business information systems.

Upon completion of this course, the student:

• understands the role of RE in the software development process
• is capable of organising requirements in a layered architecture
• is capable of performing a requirements analysis to create an enterprise model
• is able to evaluate alternative enterprise models against their impact on the (work) organisation and their impact on information system services
• is able to create a high level view of information system services
• is able to relate the enterprise model and the information system services to a business process model.
• knows about modern software development techniques to transform analysis models into working code.

At the beginning of this course the following previous knowledge is useful but not required:
• Basic knowledge of Requirements Engineering (the software development process, different types of requirements, basics of software testing) as seen in the course Requirements Engineering or in the following book "K. Pohl (2010) Requirements Engineering: Fundamentals Principles and Techniques, Springer".

• Basic knowledge of what modelling is about (e.g. basic knowledge of UML class diagram or ER-modelling as seen in an introductory course to information systems (which includes a chapter on data modelling) or an introduction to database management. Short weblectures and a self-test are provided to catch up missing basic knowledge in this area.

• Basic knowledge of object oriented concepts/programming. You will NOT be requested to program (we'll use a code generator), but if you ever programmed before, this helps. Nevertheless, to be able to use the code-generator, the student is expected to have basic end-user knowledge of computers and for example be proficient in using files and folders, and to be able to perform basic file manipulations such as unzipping files.


6 ects. Architecture and Modelling of Management Information Systems (B-KUL-D0I71a)

6 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture39 Second term
Snoeck Monique |  Bogdanova Daria (substitute)
OC Handelsingenieur en Handelsingenieur in de beleidsinformatica FEB Campus Leuven

Basic principles of  Systems Development and Enterprise Architecture (Part 1)

  • Role of Enterprise Architecture in Systems Development
  • The role of enterprise modelling in business information systems engineering
  • Layered architecture of Business Information Systems
  • Quality of conceptual models: consistency & completeness

Theory and practice of Enterprise Modelling (Part 2)

  • Creating Enteprise Models with UML (Class diagramming, Finite state machines, Object Interaction, Inheritance)

Domain Modelling patterns & Generic Domain Models (Part 3)

Information System modeling (Part 4)

Interaction with Business Processes (Part 5)

Model-Driven Engineering (Part 6)

  • Principles of model-driven software development
  • Practical experiences with an MDA-environment
  • Examples of transformations from model to code for different types of environments and architectures.

Used Course Material

*Mandatory reading: Enterprise Information System Engineering: the MERODE approach, Springer
* Toledo + + for course roadmap, slides, additional texts

Recommended Reading
* MDA Explained, The model-driven architecture, Anneke Kleppe, Jos Warmer, Wim Bast, Addison Wesley 

* Toledo is being used for this learning activity.

Next to regular lectures, the course makes use of Flipped Classroom: students study the theory on their own. For 8 weeks, contact hours are devoted to exercises in the PC-labs.


Evaluation: Architecture and Modelling of Management Information Systems (B-KUL-D2I71a)

Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written, Project/Product, Report, Presentation
Type of questions : Multiple choice, Open questions, Closed questions

Features of the evaluation

* During the semester students solve a larger case-study in group.
* The final exam is a written exam and consists of smaller exercises, theoretical questions, and questions related to the group case-study. 
* Instructions and deadlines for group work are communicated by means of Toledo.

Determination of final grades
* The grades are determined by the lecturer as communicated via Toledo and stated in the examination schedule. The result is calculated and communicated as a number on a scale of 20.
* The final grade is a weighted score.
* The group paper counts for 4 out of 20, the final exam (written) counts for 16 out of 20.
* If the student does not participate in the group work, this will result in a 0 for the group work (=0/4 in total).
* If the set deadlines are not respected for the assignment, the grade for the assignment will be a 0 grade for all parts in the final grade (0/4) for all group members, unless the group of students asked the lecturer to arrange a new deadline. This request needs to be filed in time (as soon as possible but at the latest two weeks before the deadline has passed) and motivated by grave circumstances.
* The group paper cannot be used to compensate serious deficiencies on the final exam. If the score on the final written exam does not surpass 6.8/16 (without rounding), the assignment will not count and the score on the exam will be rescaled to a score out of 20.
* All further details are communicated during class and via Toledo.

Second examination opportunity

* The features of the evaluation differ between the first and second examination opportunity.
* Due to the nature of the group work, the grade attained at the first examination opportunity will be transferred to the second examination opportunity (i.e. this part cannot be retaken).
* The final (written) exam can always be retaken. The format of the written examination is similar to that of the first examination opportunity, as described above.
* The determination of grades is similar to that of the first examination opportunity, as described above.

See 'Explanation' for further information regarding the second examination opportunity.