Research Integrity for Starting PhD Researchers (B-KUL-C00K2A)

3 ECTSEnglish3 Both termsCannot be taken as part of an examination contract
Geeraerd Ameryckx Annemie (coordinator) |  Dierickx Kris |  Geeraerd Ameryckx Annemie |  Storms Gert |  N. |  Vandorpe Katelijn (substitute) |  Van Calster Ben (substitute) |  Lanslots Inge (substitute) |  Vanherpe Jozefien (substitute)  | LessMore
Doctoraatscommissie Bio-ingenieurswetenschappen

By the end of the course, the PhD students should be able to:
- know, understand and explain the key responsibilities they have as a researcher
- define the principles of scientific integrity such as proper data management, integrity of authorship, correct referring and citing of peers
- have developed a high level of self-awareness on scientific integrity, so that they are conscious of their own perspective and the implications of their actions
- recognize the kind of situations and pressures that can lead to lapses in research integrity
- identify scientific misconduct and act in the right way when they suspect misconduct in their own research environment


3 ects. Research Integrity for Starting PhD Researchers (B-KUL-C00K2a)

3 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture3 Both terms
Dierickx Kris |  Geeraerd Ameryckx Annemie |  Storms Gert |  N. |  Vandorpe Katelijn (substitute) |  Van Calster Ben (substitute) |  Lanslots Inge (substitute) |  Vanherpe Jozefien (substitute)  | LessMore
Doctoraatscommissie Bio-ingenieurswetenschappen

This 4-hour course will cover topics ranging from conduct and misconduct in science, good research practices, responsible authorship, how to deal with integrity issues, etc. In addition, a discipline-specific follow-up of this introductory course will be organised at the level of the Doctoral Schools.

- Powerpoint presentation of the didactical team
- LIRIcs (Leuven Institutional Research Integrity – culture and self-reflection) is a training tool developed by professional experts (Epigeum). This online tool is accessible through Toledo.

It exists of a lecture and an online learning tool. In addition, a discipline-specific follow-up of this introductory course will be organised at the level of the Doctoral Schools.


Evaluation: Research Integrity for Starting PhD Researchers (B-KUL-C20K2a)

Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Self assessment/Peer assessment, Take-Home
Learning material : Course material, Computer

The grading scale of this course unit is pass/fail.

No 2nd examination opportunity.