International and European Human Rights Law (B-KUL-C00J0B)

Learning goals
This course deals with certain aspects of international and European law of human rights. The aim is to come to a critical reflection on the rights of the individual, in relation to the rights of other persons and the interests of society. Another aim is to demonstrate the importance of fundamental rights for the day-to-day legal practice.
Previous knowledge
Students are required to show a general interest in the features of the rule of law, the place of the individual in society and the influence of international law on national law. For students who come from elsewhere: having at least a general knowledge of constitutional and administrative law and international law is required.
Identical courses
This course is identical to the following courses:
C01M4A : International and European Human Rights Law, Basis (No longer offered this academic year)
C01Y8A : International and European Human Rights Law (for Students working their way through University)
Is included in these courses of study
- Schakelprogramma: Master in de rechten (Leuven) 86 ects.
- Master of Society, Law and Religion (Leuven) 60 ects.
- Bachelor in de rechten (Leuven) 180 ects.
- Bachelor in de rechten (verkort programma) (Leuven) (Algemene optie) 123 ects.
- Voorbereidingsprogramma: Master in de rechten (Leuven) 58 ects.
- Master of Laws (LL.M) (Leuven) 60 ects.
- Master of Laws (LL.M) (Leuven) (International and European Public Law Option) 60 ects.
- Courses for Exchange Students Faculty of Law and Criminology (Leuven)
- Bachelor in de politieke wetenschappen en de sociologie (programma voor studenten gestart in 2022-2023 of later) (Leuven) (Optie rechten) 180 ects.
5 ects. International and European Human Rights Law (B-KUL-C00J0a)
After a short introduction to a few characteristics of fundamental rights, two major themes are dealt with. The first theme concerns international and European law regarding human rights in general. In this respect, the following aspects are discussed, among others: the institutional and normative framework (human rights treaties, with emphasis on international control mechanisms), the nature of obligations of the states (negative and positive), the effects of international human rights law in the domestic legal order. The second theme deals with a number of fundamental rights in particular. The following categories of rights will be examined: civil and political rights; economic, social and cultural rights; the principles of equality and non-discrimination.
I. Introduction
1. Concept of human rights; categories of fundamental rights; rights and duties of the individual; vertical and horizontal application; conflicts between various fundamental rights and between fundamental rights and other interests or rights
II. International law of human rights: general
2. Internationalisation of fundamental rights and national sovereignty; universality of fundamental rights
3. United Nations: Charter based mechanisms (in particular Human Rights Council); treaty based mechanisms (in particular International Covenant on civil and political rights and International Covenant on economic, social and cultural rights)
4. Council of Europe : European Convention on Human Rights (European Court of Human Rights: organisation, jurisdiction, procedure, execution of judgments; Secretary-general of the Council of Europe)
5. Council of Europe : European Convention on Human Rights (European Court of Human Rights: organisation, jurisdiction, procedure, execution of judgments; Secretary-general of the Council of Europe - continued); European Social Charter (Eur. Commitee Soc. Rights); other treaties
6. European Union; Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe; Organization of American States; African Union
7. International human rights law in the domestic legal order: direct effect and primacy of international law; right to an effective remedy in domestic law
8. International human rights law in the domestic legal order: effects of the finding of a violation by an international control organ
9. Negative and positive obligations of states. Limitations of fundamental rights. National margin of appreciation and international supervision
III. Study of some fundamental rights
A. Civil and political rights (selected topics)
10. Right to life
11. Prohibition of torture and inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment
12. Right to respect for private life and family life
13. Freedom of expression
14. Freedom of expression (continued)
15. Right to a fair trial
16. Right to liberty and security; Right of property
B. Economic, social and cultural rights
17. Economic, social and cultural rights – general.
C. Equality and non-discrimination, protection of vulnerable groups
18. Equality and non-discrimination
19. Protection of vulnerable groups
Course material
P. Lemmens and K. Lemmens, International and European Human Rights Law, Cases and Materials(Acco)
P. Lemmena and K. Lemmens, International and European Human Rights Law, Texts (Acco)
Language of instruction: more information
Deze discipline maakt bij uitstek gebruik van Engelstalige bronnen.
Bovendien maakt het opleidingsonderdeel deel uit van het plichtgedeelte in de Engelstalige variant van de opleiding. Tot slot worden studenten aldus beter voorbereid op het functioneren binnen een internationale context, waar bovendien Engels als "lingua franca" beschouwd wordt.
Format: more information
The classes are mainly conceived as lectures, in the sense that there is for each theme first a general examination of the various subjects and then a discussion of concrete cases. There is room for discussion.
Evaluation: International and European Human Rights Law (B-KUL-C20J0b)
Two essay-type questions: a more theoretical one and a more practical one.