Research Master of Philosophy (Leuven)

Master of Arts

What can you find on this webpage?

Our (future) students can find the official study programme and other useful info here.

You can find information about admission requirements, further studies and more practical info such as ECTS sheets, or a weekly timetable of the current academic year.

Are you a future student?

Be sure to first take a look at the page about the Research Master of Philosophy.

There you can find more info on:

- What’s the programme about?

- Starting profile

- Admission and application

- Future possibilities

- Why KU Leuven

- Contact

- ...

At the end of the Research Master of Philosophy, the student should:

1. Specialised philosophical knowledge in context
Have a profound knowledge of the recent, "state of the art" research work in her/his chosen field of research
Be able to engage at the highest level with the key texts in her/his chosen subdomain
Have genuine insight into the ongoing research of other philosophical domains
Be able to situate her/his own research within a much larger philosophical framework and be able to explain its significance within this framework

2. Research skills
Be able to formulate independently a well-defined and original research question
Be able to independently develop a well-defined research approach appropriate to the topic of study
Be able to independently conduct the research necessary for adequately addressing the research question through close reading of primary sources (preferably in the original language) and critical use of a wide range of secondary sources

3. Philosophical skills
On the basis of independent research in the student's philosophical subdomain be able to develop a personal philosophical standpoint and defend it in debate

4. Writing skills
Be able to clearly present the results of the student's research in written form in both shorter papers and a master's thesis, all displaying signs of professional philosophical standards

5. Presentation skills
Be able to clearly present and defend orally the results of the student's research

6. Intellectual maturity
Possess sufficient intellectual maturity to proceed to doctoral studies
Be able to take initiative and use creativity in the pursuit of high level research
Be able to efficiently organise her/his research work

7. Professional skills
Be able to present a paper at a professional philosophical meeting, be able to write an article that meets professional standards, be able to compose a grant application in a professional manner, be able to write an application to PhD programmes, be familiar with the publication process
Be able to communicate effectively both in research and more general professional contexts

Educational quality of the study programme

Here you can find an overview of the results of the COBRA internal quality assurance method.

Educational quality at study programme level

Bestand PDF document Blauwdruk_BA_MA_RMA_Wijsbegeerte_Philosophy_2022-23.pdf

COBRA 2019-2023
Bestand PDF document COBRA-fiche_ReMA_Philosophy.pdf

COBRA 2015-2019
Bestand PDF document COBRA_fiche_RMA_Philosophy.pdf

Educational quality at university level

  • Consult the documents on educational quality available at university level.

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