Master of Mathematics (Leuven)

CQ Master of Mathematics (Leuven)


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Master of Mathematics (Leuven)


1. The graduate has thorough knowledge of and insight into different subfields of pure or applied mathematics. 2. The graduate has in-depth knowledge of at least one subfield of mathematics and has insight into contemporary research in this field.
3. The graduate has the skills and insight to take the following steps in their own scientific research:
a. Defining a research topic, posing a research question and adjusting it during the research,
b. reflecting on and planning an appropriate solution procedure,
c. carrying out a scientific study independently and accurately,
d.discussing the results in a scientifically sound report,
e. and all this taking into account the appropriate deontological rules of conduct.

4. The graduate can, in the context of a research question, look up relevant professional literature and can assess its validity.
5. The graduate can independently process the results of both their own research and the literature review, and critically interpret and discuss these results in the context of a specific research question.

6. The graduate is able to communicate about and present scientific research in writing and orally to peers and experts. 7. The graduate is able to report, communicate and present in both Dutch and English, in writing and orally, taking into account the ethical rules of conduct.

8. The graduate is able to independently acquire knowledge, conduct research and tackle scientific problems, while paying attention to originality and creativity.

9. EDUCATION: The graduate has didactic knowledge, insights and skills needed to support the teaching and learning process within a powerful learning environment in mathematics. 10. RESEARCH: The graduate has in-depth / broadening knowledge and skills that apply to discipline-specific research. 11. PROFESSIONAL: The graduate has in-depth / broadening knowledge and skills that apply to professional contexts.


1. The graduate is able to think systematically, abstractly and structurally.  

2. The graduate has acquired the necessary attitudes and skills to participate in a team in a multidisciplinary and international professional environment.

3. The graduate has the skills to be able to keep themselves up to date on recent international developments in the disciplinary field and science in general.

4. The graduate is prepared and able to be part of the international scientific community.

Educational quality of the study programme

Here you can find an overview of the results of the COBRA internal quality assurance method.

Educational quality at study programme level

Bestand PDF document Blauwdruk_MA_Mathematics.pdf

COBRA 2019-2023
Bestand PDF document COBRA-fiche_MA_Mathematics.pdf

Educational quality at university level

  • Consult the documents on educational quality available at university level.

More information?

SC Master of Mathematics (Leuven)



ECTS Statistical Modelling (B-KUL-D0N23B)

6 ECTS English 39 Second termSecond term


Upon completion of this course, the student should:

  • be familiar with different models and model classes
  • be able to explain and use the appropriate model selection methods
  • be able to select and apply the appropriate type of model
  • be able to understand and fit different types of models using the statistical software R, and to interpret the results
  • be able to explain and use order selection tests
  • understand the need for post-selection inference and be able to apply the methods
  • be able to use correct statistical notation for reporting about the models and inference.

Previous knowledge

Basic knowledge of statistics and mathematics, basic knowledge of matrix algebra, knowledge of statistical techniques, including the linear regression model in matrix notation, construction of confidence intervals, hypothesis tests, maximum likelihood estimation.

Is included in these courses of study


Statistical Modelling (B-KUL-D0N53a)

6 ECTS : Lecture 39 Second termSecond term


- Different types of model families (such as the linear model, generalised linear model, non-linear model).  Estimation and inference inside such models.
- Application of model selection methods (forward, backward selection, Cp, AIC, BIC,  FIC, …)
- Aspects of goodness-of-fit testing (Neyman smooth test, order selection test, …)
- Models with random effects (in linear, non-linear, generalised linear models)
- Smoothing methods (penalized spline estimators in additive models, partially linear models)
- Models and methods for high-dimensional data (lasso, penalisation approaches, shrinkage estimation, …)

Course material

Used course materials:  "Statistical Modelling" (G. Claeskens, Acco course notes).

Possible extra material such as data sets will be made available via Toledo.

Format: more information

The student is expected to actively participate to the course. It is expected that the student learns the methodology and applies it using the statistical software package R to, for example, obtain estimators, conduct inference, construct graphs. Students are expected to solve exercises.


Evaluation: Statistical Modelling (B-KUL-D2N23b)

Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written, Take-Home
Type of questions : Multiple choice, Open questions
Learning material : Calculator, Course material, Computer



The exam of 'Statistical Modelling' consists of two parts: the first part is a take-home project, which contains practical or theoretical questions and might require data analysis (for which the software package R is used) related to the course topics. The second part is a written exam during the exam period.

The deadline for the take-home project will be determined by the lecturer and communicated via TOLEDO.The set deadline is strict and cannot be changed. For the take-home part of the exam a computer and the course notes may be used. The take-home project cannot be retaken for the third exam period. For the on campus written exam during the exam period a calculator may be used, but no computer and no course notes.


The grades are determined by the lecturer as communicated via TOLEDO and stated in the examination schedule. The result is calculated and communicated as a number on a scale of 20.
The take-home project counts for 5 points (out of 20) of the final grade. The on campus written exam counts for 15 points (out of 20) of the final grade. The take-home project is part of the final exam and its grade will not be communicated separately.

If the student does not participate in the take-home project or when the set deadline was not respected, the final grade of the course will be NA (not taken) for the whole course.



Information about retaking exams

The grade obtained for the take-home project carries over to the third exam period.The take-home project cannot be retaken in the third exam period. The set deadline cannot be changed.

The features of the evaluation and determination of grades for the written exam are similar to those of the first examination opportunity, as described above.

The result is calculated and communicated as a number on a scale of 20.
The take-home project counts for 5 points (out of 20) of the final grade. The on campus written exam counts for 15 points (out of 20) of the final grade.

If the student does not participate in the take-home project or when the set deadline was not respected, the final grade of the course will be NA (not taken) for the whole course in the third examination period.

ECTS Advanced Analytics in a Big Data World (B-KUL-D0S06B)

6 ECTS English 36 Second termSecond term Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract


At the end of the course students will:


  • have insight in issues related to the storage and processing of large datasets
  • be able to indicate which technologies and approaches are applicable for different types of datasets (including Mapreduce, Hadoop, stream processing, etc)
  • have insight in how advanced analytics can be used to optimize business decisions in e.g. marketing, finance, logistics, HR, etc.

Previous knowledge

Programming in Java, Python or R; Basic Operating Systems skills in Windows or Unix; Basic Knowledge of statistics and analytics

Identical courses

D0S06Z: Advanced Analytics in a Big Data World (BL)

Is included in these courses of study


Big Data Platforms & Technologies (B-KUL-D0S06a)

3 ECTS : Lecture 18 Second termSecond term


  • storage and processing of large datasets
  • big data platforms such as Hadoop and Spark
  • streaming and unstructured data techniques
  • using predictive models in a big data context
  • working with graph data

Course material

Lecture slides, additional background reading

Advanced Analytics in Business (B-KUL-D0S07a)

3 ECTS : Lecture 18 Second termSecond term


  • data science process
  • supervised and unsupervised methods
  • anomaly detection
  • ensemble methods
  • data science tools
  • deep learning
  • text mining
  • graph analytics

Course material

Lecture slides, additional background reading


Evaluation: Advanced Analytics in a Big Data World (B-KUL-D2S06b)

Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Paper/Project
Type of questions : Multiple choice, Open questions
Learning material : Course material, Computer



  • The evaluation consists of a discussion paper (50% of the marks) and a closed-book written exam with both multiple-choice and open questions (50% of the marks).
  • If the student does not participate in one of the partial evaluations, the final grade of the course will be NA (not attended) for the whole course.



  • The grades are determined by the lecturer as communicated via Toledo and stated in the examination schedule. The result is calculated and communicated as a whole number on a scale of 20.



  • The features of the evaluation and determination of grades are identical to those of the first examination opportunity, as described above.
  • At the second examination opportunity, assignments are no longer part of the evaluation.



Information about retaking exams

The features of the evaluation and determination of grades are identical to those of the first examination opportunity, as described in the tab 'Explanation'.

ECTS Wetenschappen voor een inclusieve samenleving (B-KUL-G00A3A)

3 studiepunten Nederlands 9 Beide semestersBeide semesters Uitgesloten voor examencontract
Muchez Philippe (coördinator) |  Ceulemans Griet |  Muchez Philippe |  N.



-  De studenten doen concrete ervaring op met de problematiek van de diverse maatschappelijke impact van wetenschap en technologie via een dienstverlenend contact.

- De studenten tonen een geëngageerde inzet en bieden een verantwoordelijke en respectvolle ondersteuning aan mensen die in relatie tot wetenschap en technologie in de maatschappij in een situatie verkeren die varieert van beperkte expertise tot absolute kwetsbaarheid. De studenten tonen dat ze individueel kunnen reflecteren op de wijze waarop ze ondersteuning bieden en dat ze hun eigen perspectief kunnen in vraag stellen.

- De studenten kunnen vanuit hun concrete ervaring verwoorden hoe ze hiermee als toekomstige wetenschapper rekening zullen houden zodat individuele mensen in een kwetsbare situatie in relatie tot wetenschappelijke en technologische verandering, echt kansen krijgen om daar ook zoveel mogelijk van te genieten en zo weinig mogelijk nadelen te ondervinden.

- De studenten kunnen vanuit hun concrete ervaring verwoorden hoe ze als toekomstige wetenschapper rekening zullen houden met kwetsbare groepen in relatie tot wetenschap en technologie, zodat de algemeen maatschappelijke, mogelijke negatieve impact van wetenschappelijke en technologische ontwikkelingen weloverwogen en dus verantwoord is, bv door het toepassen van maatschappelijke duurzaamheid als denkkader.

Deze doelstellingen worden bij de start van de colleges aan de studenten gecommuniceerd.



De student ontwikkelt empathie, ethiek en een gevoel voor maatschappelijke verantwoordelijkheid binnen zijn professioneel functioneren.
De student is zich bewust van de maatschappelijke rol van een wetenschapper.

De student wordt in het algemeen gevormd om

  • de werking van een bepaald luik van de maatschappij te begrijpen en hoe wetenschap en technologie daarin een rol spelen
  • in te zien hoe je met wetenschap (theorie en praktijken) een positief verschil kan maken in de maatschappij
  • in te zien hoe een wetenschappelijke visie en methode de samenleving kan beïnvloeden
  • ervaring (praktijk) vanuit het domein van een beperkte organisatie om te zetten naar een algemener begrip van de maatschappij, hoe ze werkt, met politiek, ongelijkheid, impact van wetenschap, ideeën van duurzaamheid, …


Plaats in het onderwijsaanbod


Wetenschappen voor een inclusieve samenleving (B-KUL-G00A3a)

3 studiepunten : Stage 9 Beide semestersBeide semesters


Totale belasting van dit opo bedraagt gemiddeld 75 uur.


Academische component:

Tijdens een introductie wordt een brainstorm gehouden over de relatie tussen het service learning project en een opleiding Wetenschappen. Tijdens het terugkommoment wordt deze relatie duidelijker geëxpliciteerd aan de hand van de uitwisseling van de persoonlijke ervaringen van de studenten. Door deelname aan het service learning project zal de student het belang van bepaalde theoretische aspecten die in de opleiding aan bod komen, bijvoorbeeld rond duurzaamheid, beter begrijpen door de verankering ervan in de dagelijkse praktijk zelf vast te stellen.

  • De student krijgt tijdens de introductie inleidend inzicht in theoretische kaders omtrent technologie en maatschappij, duurzaamheid en kwetsbaarheid algemeen (vanuit interdisciplinair perspectief).
  • Tijdens de introductie wordt de essentie van ‘reflectie’ onderwezen en geoefend. Een praktijkdagboek wordt opgestart.

De studenten krijgen ter voorbereiding op het terugkommoment een tekst te lezen en integreren deze tijdens de dialoog van het terugkommoment. Deze tekst handelt over bepaalde visies op wetenschap en maatschappij die oriënterend kunnen zijn voor de keuzes die gemaakt worden, zowel op maatschappelijk vlak als op individueel vlak wat de inzet en het engagement van de wetenschapper betreft (honest broker, ethiek, mensbeeld, human scale development).


  • Kennisname van bestaande organisaties en initiatieven in het veld, gericht op de doelgroepen.
  • (Passieve) observatie ter inleving in de situatie.
  • Actieve, dienstverlenende participatie in de door de student gekozen organisatie, gericht op de met de organisatie afgesproken doelen.


  • De student dient vooraleer het ISP kan worden goedgekeurd, een voorstel van project in bij het docententeam waarbij ook de concrete stageplanning is uitgewerkt (periode, organisatie, tentatieve dienstverlenende doelen en gedetailleerde belasting).
  • Gedurende de activiteiten houdt de student een dagboek bij in het ePF om concrete ervaringen te noteren.
  • Eerste Reflectie in het ePF in samenspraak met de stagebegeleider, via terugkoppeling vanuit observatie naar de leeractiviteiten die zullen nodig zijn om de stage-doelen van de student en de organisatie te realiseren – Deze reflectie krijgt vormende feedback van het docententeam
  • Tweede Reflectie in het ePF: Individuele reflectie via terugkoppeling vanuit de actieve stage naar de theoretische kaders - Deze reflectie krijgt vormende feedback van het docententeam.
  • Terugkommoment - Afsluitende reflectie (deel van eindevaluatie): 10’ presentatie en verdere dialoog met het docententeam, de lokale begeleider en medestudenten over wat de student op welke vlakken heeft ervaren en geleerd, integratie van de aangeleverde visietekst, explicitering van de link tussen de opleiding en service learning.


Evaluatie: Wetenschappen voor een inclusieve samenleving (B-KUL-G20A3a)

Type : Permanente evaluatie zonder examen tijdens de examenperiode
Evaluatievorm : Verslag, Presentatie, Self assessment/Peer assessment, Portfolio, Procesevaluatie


De evaluatie gebeurt door het docententeam op basis van een gesprek (presentatie) en het ePF dat de student samenstelt. Dit ePF brengt volgende elementen naar voor:

-het maatschappelijk engagement van de student (dagboek) en de beoordeling door de stagebegeleider in de partnerorganisatie en de begeleidende docent (procesevaluatie - beoordeling omvat volgende criteria: aanwezigheid, tijdigheid, inzet, respectvolle houding, waardevolle inbreng, heldere communicatie)

-de kwaliteit van reflecties en verslagen (individueel – verslag en self-assessment)


Bepaling van het eindresultaat

Het opleidingsonderdeel wordt beoordeeld door het docententeam met inbreng van de partnerorganisatie, zoals meegedeeld via Toledo.

EEen negatieve beoordeling voor de praktijkcomponent resulteert automatisch in een fail voor het hele opo.

Het resultaat wordt bekendgemaakt als een pass/fail.


Toelichting bij herkansen


Het ePF kan herwerkt worden om kwaliteitsvoller de gevraagde elementen te illustreren.  Na een negatief oordeel voor de praktijkcomponent is geen herkansing mogelijk.





ECTS Generalized Linear Models (B-KUL-G0A18A)

6 ECTS English 26 Second termSecond term Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract


The course will cover a very important family of models in statistics, the so-called, Generalized Linear Models (GLM). These models play a very important role in many scientific fields like epidemiology, biostatistics, economics, etc. Several topics like model inference, model diagnostics, model construction and selection, among others, will be studied in detail. Some concrete goals are:

  • To extend the linear regression model to models that can handle a binary, count and a non-Gaussian response.
  • To deal with over-dispersion in the data.
  • To implement all analyzes with the R software. R programs are provided in the slides.


Previous knowledge

- Knowledge of  basic  matrix algebra and calculus 
- Good knowledge of oral and written English language
- The students are assumed to have a basic knowledge of the general linear model  (regression, anova)

Identical courses

G0A18B: Generalized Linear Models

Is included in these courses of study


Generalized Linear Models (B-KUL-G0A18a)

6 ECTS : Lecture 26 Second termSecond term


In this course an overview of the generalized linear model is presented as the unifying framework for many commonly used statistical models. The emphasis is on the methods in categorical data analysis, model building and interpretation. We start with a recapitulation on previous knowledge on statistical inference and linear regression. The generalized linear model framework is presented.  Examples are the Poisson model for counts and the logitic model for binary outcome variables. Overdispersion is discussed in the Poisson and logistic model. Topics like quasi-likelihood, complete and semi-separation, the information-theoretic approach to model selection are discussed. The methods are illustrated with many practical examples in R.

Is also included in other courses

G0A18B : Generalized Linear Models


Evaluation: Generalized Linear Models (B-KUL-G2A18a)

Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Oral, Written, Paper/Project
Learning material : Course material


  • The students will have to do a project divided in tutorial groups. Each tutorial group has to write a report with a detailed discussion of the analysis. A report should contain no more than 3 sheets in total, including the title page, i.e., if you print your report it should not exceed 3 sheets two sided. Every page should only have one column of text.  Please use an A4 page format, a times new roman 12 font and a 1.2 spacing between lines. The title page of the report should contain the number of the group and a list with the names and student numbers of all the members of the group. Please note that these reports are part of your evaluation, thus follow these instructions very carefully. The project will account for 5 points and the exam for 15 points.
  • Students enrolled in the on-campus program will have a written multiple-choice exam worth 15 out of 20 points. This exam will include a correction for guessing. If students cannot attend the regular exam for a justified reason, they will be given an oral exam at a time specified by the professor.
  • The project is a compulsory task and an integral part of the exam. Students who do not complete or contribute to the project with their group will receive an NA for both the regular and second-chance exams. If a group does not complete the project task or fails to submit it on time, all members of the group will receive an NA for both the regular and second-chance exams.



Information about retaking exams

If a student has to do a second chance exam then the grade of the project will still be considered for the final grade in the second chance exam as well.

ECTS Advanced Nonparametric Statistics and Smoothing (B-KUL-G0A23A)

6 ECTS English 39 First termFirst term Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract


This course presents to the students an overview of  recent nonparametric techniques in statistical analysis and the use of these techniques in a variety of disciplines. The discussed techniques form the basis of  modern nonparametric or so-called smoothing procedures. The idea of this course is to get the students acquainted with the fundamentals, basic properties and use of  the most important recent nonparametric techniques. One of these techniques will be explored in more detail.  A second aim is to get students acquainted to research questions in this domain. As such the students will be exposed to get insights in the usefulness of nonparametric techniques and to formulate questions related to these.

Previous knowledge

Students have good knowledge about the basic principles of Probability Theory and Statistics, and are acquainted with these principles. They are familiar with, among others: concepts of r.v. and r. Vector and their basic characteristics (joint, marginal and conditional distrubutions and expectations), estimators and their properties (bias, variance, consistency, ...), (exact and asymptotic) distribution of an estimator or random quantity, (asymptotic) normality, law of large numbers and central limit theorem and the use of these results, maximum likelihood methods. Furthermore, they have the necessary mathematical knowledge about, among others, functions and their properties, limits and series, differentials and integrals, Taylor expansion, function spaces.
Beginning conditions: Students have had a solid course in probability theory and statistics and have as well had a basic analysis course which has covered the topics mentioned above.

Is included in these courses of study


Advanced Nonparametric Statistics and Smoothing (B-KUL-G0A23a)

6 ECTS : Lecture 39 First termFirst term


The course will treat fundamentals, basic properties and use of modern nonparametric techniques:
Kernel estimators, local polynomial estimators, penalized likelihood techniques, spline approximations and spline smoothing, orthogonal series and wavelet techniques, among others.
These so-called smoothing techniques are applied in a variety of application areas in medicine (e.g. in nonparametric estimation of the hazard or survival function), in engineering (kernel estimators, neural networks, classification and pattern recognition, unsupervised learning, image analysis,...), in econometrics and economics (e.g. nonparametric estimation of a trend or volatility, moving averages), in social sciences (e.g. non- and semiparametric models to describe heterogeneity).
A table of content for the course can read as follows:
1. overview of nonparametric methods for estimating a density: kernel estimation methods, nearest-neighbour methods, maximum-likelihood-based methods, orthogonal series method, wavelets, ...
2. kernel estimators of densities: basic properties (bias, variance, mean squared error), asymptotic properties, asymptotic normality, rates of convergence (and their meaning/interpretation), selection of smoothing parameters (via cross-validation, plug-in, bootstrap or resampling procedures, ...).
3. nonparametric estimation of a regression function: the  cases of fixed and random design, homoscedasticity and heteroscedasticity, Nadaraya-Watson estimator, Gasser-Müller estimator, weighted least-squares methods, local polynomial fitting, splines, P-splines, wavelets, ... The impact and choices of parameters in each of these techniques will be discussed.
4. nonparametric estimation of hazard functions and applications (e.g. in survival analysis).
5. multivariate regression models: additive modelling and backfitting algorithms, dimension reduction techniques.
6. nonparametric smoothing and deconvolution problems (e.g. measurement errors).
7. nonparametric estimation of boundaries and frontiers with applications in image analysis and econometrics (for example).
8. modelling dependencies and nonparametric techniques, for example, use of nonparametric techniques in time series context.
9. other applications of nonparametric techniques: classification techniques, neural networks, statistical learning and data mining, modelling dependencies, ....
Parts 1---3 are basic items and will  be treated each year.  A further selection of minimal 2 items from items 4—9 will be made and this selection can possibly alter from year to year.

Format: more information

The contents of the three basic items will be presented to the students. A selection  from the set Items 4---9 will be covered.
Since this course is preparing the students to a research-oriented direction, it is also required that the students get acquainted to the literature in this domain.  As such each student will be asked to give a presentation (seminar) during the semester. The topic of this presentation must be linked to the use of nonparametric methods (discussed in the course) in an specific problem or area of application. The topic, possibly proposed by the student, has to be discussed and approuved by the instructor. 
Students will also be asked to use available statistical software on modern nonparametric techniques (software available as packages of statistical software, e.g. R) to get acquainted with the discussed methods.  A possibility is to do this as part of the presentation.


Evaluation: Advanced Nonparametric Statistics and Smoothing (B-KUL-G2A23a)

Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period

ECTS Algebraic Geometry I (B-KUL-G0A80A)

6 ECTS English 35 First termFirst term


The course offers an introduction to the classical geometry of solution sets of systems of polynomial equations in several variables (affine and projective varieties). We will explain and illustrate some of the fundamental interactions between algebra and geometry using techniques from algebra and topology.

By the end of the course, the student should have a thorough understanding of the basic objects and techniques in classical algebraic geometry. The student should be able to translate geometric problems into algebraic terms and vice versa, apply algebraic methods to analyze the local and global structure of algebraic varieties.

Previous knowledge

The student needs a good knowledge of algebraic structures as treated in Algebra I (G0N88A). Helpful would be some basic geometry as treated in Meetkunde I (G0N31B) and Meetkunde II (G0N92B).


Algebraic Geometry I (B-KUL-G0A80a)

5 ECTS : Lecture 26 First termFirst term


- Basic Concepts from algebra and topology: finitely generated algebras, dimension theory of rings and topological spaces, Zariski topology, relation with quotients and localization, algebraic versus topological dimension, basic examples.

- Affine varieties: algebraic sets, morphisms of algebraic sets, Hilbert's Nullstellensatz, dimension of an affine variety.

- Quasi-projective varieties: raded rings, projective, quasi-projective and quasi-affine varieties, morphisms and regular functions, rational maps, blowing-ups, the local ring of a variety at a point, singular and regular points.

- Intersection theory in projective spaces: Bézout theorem and generalizations, Bertini theorem.

Course material

Course notes + Toledo

Format: more information

Lectures with assignments during the lecture.

Algebraic Geometry I: Exercises (B-KUL-G0A81a)

1 ECTS : Practical 9 First termFirst term


- Basic Concepts from algebra and topology: finitely generated algebras, dimension theory of rings and topological spaces, Zariski topology, relation with quotients and localization, algebraic versus topological dimension, basic examples.

- Affine varieties: algebraic sets, morphisms of algebraic sets, Hilbert's Nullstellensatz, dimension of an affine variety.

- Quasi-projective varieties: graded rings, projective, quasi-projective and quasi-affine varieties, morphisms and regular functions, rational maps, blowing-ups, the local ring of a variety at a point, singular and regular points.

- Intersection theory in projective spaces: Bézout theorem and generalizations, Bertini theorem.

Course material

Course notes + Toledo


Evaluation: Algebraic Geometry I (B-KUL-G2A80a)

Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written, Paper/Project, Take-Home
Learning material : Course material


There will be one take-home exam during the semester.

The final exam is also take-home and consists either of classical exam questions or of submission of a short expository paper on a topic of own choice related to the course and agreed upon by the instructor. This paper has to contain, beside some clear introductory theory, non-trivial explicit examples, agreed upon by the instructor, worked out to illustrate the theory.


In order to pass, the student must obtain at least the score 10/20. The take-home exam during the semester will count 5 points, the final exam will count 15 points. If the student has failed to pass, for the second-chance examination no points will be carried forward from the take-home exam or the final exam. The student will be given the chance to pass the course via, again, a package consisting of a new take-home exam and a new final exam, with the same format and score share.


ECTS Commutative Algebra (B-KUL-G0A82A)

6 ECTS English 36 First termFirst term
N. |  Blanco Guillem (substitute)


The course offers an introduction to basic notions and results in commutative algebra, being essentially the study of commutative rings and modules over them.
By the end of the course, the student should have a thorough understanding of basic notions, results and techniques in commutative algebra, as well as a basic knowledge of category theory.  He/she should have enough algebraic background for courses in algebraic geometry, algebraic number theory, homological algebra and higher level commutative algebra.

Previous knowledge

The student needs a good kowledge of linear algebra, as treated for example in the course "Lineaire Algebra" (B-KUL-G0N27A) and of the theory of algebraic structures (groups, rings) as treated for example in "Algebra I (B-KUL-G0N88B)".


Commutative Algebra (B-KUL-G0A82a)

5 ECTS : Lecture 26 First termFirst term
N. |  Blanco Guillem (substitute)


- Modules over general rings
- Free modules, projective and injective modules, torsion
- Noetherian rings and modules
- Modules over Principal Ideal Domains and applications in advanced linear algebra
- Rings and modules of fractions, localizations
- Tensor product
- Exact sequences
- Introduction to categories and functors

Commutative Algebra: Exercises (B-KUL-G0A83a)

1 ECTS : Practical 10 First termFirst term
N. |  Blanco Guillem (substitute)


See G0A82a.

Format: more information

Throughout the semester, there will be several take home assignments, for which you will have to hand in an individual report.
Each of these will consist of one or two broad exercises and will be marked.


Evaluation: Commutative Algebra (B-KUL-G2A82a)

Type : Exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : Course material


Throughout the semester, there will be several take home assignments, for which you will have to hand in an individual report. Each of these will consist of one or two broad exercises and will be marked.  This results in a mark H for the homework assignments out of 20 points.
The actual exam will consist of theory and exercises. You can use all the material from the course and the exercise sessions during the exam. At least one exam question will build on the material which appeared in the take home assignments. This results in a mark E for the exam out of 20 points.
Your final score will be max{E, (3E + H)/4}.

ECTS Algebraic Topology (B-KUL-G0A84A)

6 ECTS English 26 First termFirst term


The basic idea of algebraic topology is the following: it is possible to establish a correspondence between certain topological spaces and certain algebraic structures (often groups) in such a way that when there is a topological connection between between two spaces (i.e. a continuous map), then there is also an algebraic connection (i.e. a morphism) between the associated algebraic structures.
In some cases it is possible to translate topological problems into algebraic problems and to solve the latter ones.
The aim of this course is to illustrate this basic idea, by introducing some of these algebraic invariants.

After following this course
- the student  unterstands how these algebraic invariants are constructed and understand the main properties (also the proofs) of them,
- the student is able to compute these invariants and apply them to solve some some topological problems


Previous knowledge

The student should have a basic knowledge of some of the most important topological concepts (like topological spaces and continuous maps, open and closed sets and compact spaces). It is useful if the student has followed a course on point set topology. However, it is also possible to follow this course, with only some basic background in topology (e.g. knowledge of metric topology), provided a more general course in topology is followed simultaneously with this course.


Algebraic Topology (B-KUL-G0A84a)

6 ECTS : Lecture 26 First termFirst term


In this course, we treat two basic algebraic invariants of a topological space and show some applications.

The fundamental group of a topological space.
• Homotopy and the definition of the fundamental group
• Retractions and deformation retracts
• Applications to fixed points (Brouwer fixed point theorem)
• The Seifert – van Kampen Theorem
• Borsuk – Ulam Theorem
• Covering spaces and the connection with the fundamental group:
  - lifting of paths and maps
  - equivalence of covering spaces
  - covering transformations and group actions

The singular homology groups of a topological space
• definition of the singular homology groups Hn(X) of a space
• meaning of H0(X) and H1(X)
• induced morphisms
• The Mayer – Vietoris exact sequence in homology
• Applications towards spheres (degree of a map, vector fields on spheres)

Course material

Study cost: 1-10 euros (The information about the study costs as stated here gives an indication and only represents the costs for purchasing new materials. There might be some electronic or second-hand copies available as well. You can use LIMO to check whether the textbook is available in the library. Any potential printing costs and optional course material are not included in this price.)

For part I on the fundamental group, the book Topology of James R. Munkres (Pearson Education International) is used. Copies of this book are available through the students association

Part II on singular homology a text is made available via Toledo and copies can aslo be obtained through the students association


Evaluation: Algebraic Topology (B-KUL-G2A84a)

Type : Exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : Course material


The exam is an open book exam.


ECTS Group Theory (B-KUL-G0A85A)

6 ECTS English 39 First termFirst term


This course offers a deepening knowledge of the theory of discrete groups, in particular the nilpotent, solvable en polycyclic groups. Also an introduction to homological algebra is provided.
By introducing these concepts, properties and many examples, the students learn how to reason within the language of groups and homological algebra and their intuition gets stimulated.

Previous knowledge

The student needs a good kowledge of linear algebra, as treated for example in the course "G0N27A lineaire algebra" and of the theory of algebraic structures (groups, rings) as treated for example in "G0N88A Algebra I"


Group Theory (B-KUL-G0A85a)

5 ECTS : Lecture 26 First termFirst term


Introduction to representation theory of finite groups:

- Definition and examples
- Irreducible representations and complete reducibility
- Lemma of Schur
- Characters: definition and properties

Nilpotent, Solvable and Polycyclic Groups

• Nilpotent groups:
- Upper and lower central sequence
- Definition of nilpotent group and examples
- Finite nilpotent groups
- Finitely generated (torsion free) nilpotent groupsSolvable groups

• Polycyclic and polycyclic-by-finite groups:
- Definition of poly-P and P-by-Q groups
- Nilpotent groups are polycyclic
- Hirsch length
- The max-condition
- Fitting subgroup

An introduction to homological algebra

• Homological algebra
- Exact sequences
- (Co)chain complexes and their (co)homology
- Ext and Tor

• Application: an introduction to the cohomology of groups
- Extn and the definition of the cohomology of groups.
- Fixed points and the zeroth cohomology group
- Semi-direct product and the first cohomology group
Example: the group of isometries of an Euclidian space
- Group extensions and the second cohomology group,
with an application to crystallographic groups.

Course material

Study cost: 1-10 euros (The information about the study costs as stated here gives an indication and only represents the costs for purchasing new materials. There might be some electronic or second-hand copies available as well. You can use LIMO to check whether the textbook is available in the library. Any potential printing costs and optional course material are not included in this price.)

Course notes are available via the students association 

Group Theory: Exercises (B-KUL-G0R67a)

1 ECTS : Practical 13 First termFirst term


See G0A85a.

Course material

Study cost: Not applicable (The information about the study costs as stated here gives an indication and only represents the costs for purchasing new materials. There might be some electronic or second-hand copies available as well. You can use LIMO to check whether the textbook is available in the library. Any potential printing costs and optional course material are not included in this price.)

Course notes + Toledo


Evaluation: Group Theory (B-KUL-G2A85a)

Type : Exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written


The exam is an open book exam.


ECTS Algebraic Number Theory (B-KUL-G0A99A)

6 ECTS English 36 Second termSecond term


This course introduces the basic concepts of algebraic number theory, which were developed at the turn of the nineteenth century in order to attack certain diophantine problems (i.e. to find the sets of integer or rational solutions to certain polynomial equations). The most celebrated success of this theory is Kummer's proof of Fermat's Last Theorem for regular exponents. Kummer's proof serves as a red line throughout the course, although various other types of diophantine problems are addressed:

  • A classification of all prime numbers p that can be written as x2 + ny2 (for certain given values of n).
  • Lagrange's theorem that every positive integer can be written as a sum of four squares.
  • ...

Next, algebraic number theory has paved the road for many new branches of mathematics (such as class field theory, and even modern algebraic geometry) that surpass the original diophantine motivation by far. A secondary aim is to lift some tips of the veil here.

By the end of the course, the student should be able to attack various kinds of diophantine problems using the techniques of algebraic number theory. He / she should have a thorough understanding of the underlying theory, and of its range of applicability (e.g. why does Kummer's proof fail for non-regular exponents?).

Previous knowledge

Knowledge of algebra, as for example provided in the courses Algebra I (G0N88B) and Algebra II (G0P53A), is necessary. Students taking Algebra II and Algebraic Number Theory in the same semester will have to read on Galois Theory in the course notes of Algebra II before it is treated in class.

Basic knowledge of number theory, as for example provided in the course Number Theory (G0P61B), is recommended.

Knowledge of commutative algebra, as for example provided in the course Commutative Algebra (G0A82A), can be helpful, but is not essential.


Algebraic Number Theory (B-KUL-G0A99a)

5 ECTS : Lecture 26 Second termSecond term


Cultural background: history of Fermat's Last Theorem, Fermat's proof of the case n = 4, Lamé's erroneous proof

Update on commutative algebra: norms, traces, discriminants, Dedekind domains, unique ideal factorization, class groups and class numbers

Number fields and rings of integers: quadratic numbers fields, integral bases, ramification indices and degrees, norms of ideals

Geometric representation: Minkowski's lemma + applications, geometric representations, logarithmic representations 

- Finiteness theorems: finiteness of the class number, Dirichlet's unit theorem, Dedekind's theorem on ramification, Hermite's theorem 

Connections with Galois theory: Frobenius elements, decomposition and intertia groups, Chebotarev's density theorem (without proof) + applications

Cyclotomic fields: cyclotomic polynomials, primes in arithmetic progressions, Fermat's Last Theorem for regular exponents 

Course material

Course notes + Toledo.

Algebraic Number Theory: Exercises (B-KUL-G0B02a)

1 ECTS : Practical 10 Second termSecond term


See G0A99a.

Course material

Exercise sets + Toledo.


Evaluation: Algebraic Number Theory (B-KUL-G2A99a)

Type : Exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : Course material

ECTS Functional Analysis (B-KUL-G0B03A)

6 ECTS English 36 First termFirst term
N. |  Christensen Johannes (substitute)


Functional analysis is the branch of mathematics dealing with vector spaces equipped with certain topologies and linear maps between them. It is a very important part of modern analysis. This course is a master level introduction to this area of mathematics.

Historically, the field of functional analysis arose from the study of spaces of functions, which still serve as motivating examples. The course includes an introduction to spectral theory for Hilbert space operators. The abstract results on topological vector spaces, Banach spaces and Hilbert spaces will be illustrated with examples and applications coming from different areas of mathematics. Apart from being an important area of theoretical mathematics, functional analysis provides mathematical background for e.g. theoretical physics, partial differential equations and optimization, but these topics will not be covered in the course.

After following this course, the student

  • is able to independently give proofs of results related to the course material,
  • is able to apply the course material in different areas of mathematics,
  • is able to learn himself/herself a new concept in functional analysis,
  • is able to study advanced texts in functional analysis.

Previous knowledge

The student should be familiar with advanced and rigorous analysis (as covered, for example, in Analyse II
(B-KUL-G0N86B)), including Lebesgue integration for functions of one and several variables and the notion of Hilbert space. Prior knowledge on abstract measure theory is not necessary. Students should be familiar with general topology. The course Topologie 
(B-KUL-G0P55B) definitely suffices.



Functional Analysis (B-KUL-G0B03a)

5 ECTS : Lecture 26 First termFirst term
N. |  Christensen Johannes (substitute)


Hilbert spaces and Banach spaces

  • Reminders on Hilbert spaces, orthogonal projections and orthonormal bases
  • Definitions, examples and basic properties of Banach spaces

Baire category and its consequences

  • Baire category theorem
  • Boundedness and continuity of linear maps
  • Open mapping theorem
  • Closed graph theorem
  • Principle of uniform boundedness

Bounded operators on a Hilbert space

  • Hermitian adjoint
  • Compact operators
  • Invertible operators, spectrum of an operator
  • Spectral theory of compact selfadjoint operators
  • Spectral theory of arbitrary selfadjoint operators

Weak topologies and locally convex vector spaces

  • Dual Banach space
  • Hahn-Banach extension theorem
  • Topological vector spaces, seminormed spaces
  • Weak topologies
  • Hahn-Banach separation theorem
  • Banach-Alaoglu theorem
  • Krein-Milman theorem
  • Markov-Kakutani fixed point theorem

Amenability of groups

  • Invariant means on groups
  • Examples and counterexamples to amenability
  • Various characterizations of amenability
  • Abelian groups are amenable

Course material

Lecture notes.
Book: G.K. Pedersen, Analysis Now. Graduate Texts in Mathematics, Volume 118. Corrected second printing. Springer-Verlag, New York, 1995.

Format: more information

There will be a two-hour lecture each week, in which new concepts will be introduced and several results will be proved. Additionally, there will be an exercise session each week, in which the students further develop the topics of the course and apply the material in different situations.

Functional Analysis: Exercises (B-KUL-G0B04a)

1 ECTS : Practical 10 First termFirst term
N. |  Christensen Johannes (substitute)


Exercises and problem assignments related to the different topics of the course.


Course material

Lecture notes.
Book: G.K. Pedersen, Analysis Now. Graduate Texts in Mathematics, Volume 118. Corrected second printing. Springer-Verlag, New York, 1995.


Evaluation: Functional Analysis (B-KUL-G2B03a)

Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written, Take-Home
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : Course material


Detailed information will be provided via Toledo.

Information about retaking exams

For the second exam opportunity the grades on the take-home assignments are transferred. There is no possibility to have a new take-home assignment.



ECTS Riemann Surfaces (B-KUL-G0B05A)

6 ECTS English 32 Second termSecond term


A Riemann surface is a surface on which one can do complex analysis. The study of Riemann surfaces combines techniques from analysis, differential geometry and algebra.

After following this course, the student is familiar with the notion of a Riemann surface, and its connection with algebraic curves. The student is able to learn a new topic  by himself and give an exposition about it.

Previous knowledge

Good knowledge of complex analysis in one variable as treated for example in Complexe Analyse (G0O03A).


Riemann Surfaces (B-KUL-G0B05a)

5 ECTS : Lecture 26 Second termSecond term


Basic theory of Riemann surfaces.
(1) Definitions and examples of Riemann surfaces.
(2) Functions on a Riemann surface. Local and global properties.
(3) Integration on a Riemann surface. Holomorphic and meromorphic 1-forms. Residue theorem. Surface integrals and Stokes theorem.
(4) Divisors and meromorphic functions.
(5) Jacobi variety and Abel's theorem.
(6) Riemann-Roch theorem.

Introduction to one advanced topic. Possible topics are:
(7) Jacobi inversion theorem.
(8) Theta functions.
(9) Sheaves and Cech cohomology.

Course material

- Recommended literature: Wilhelm Schlag, A Course in Complex Analysis and Riemann Surfaces, American Mathematical Society, 2014
- Course notes
- Toledo

Riemann Surfaces: Exercises (B-KUL-G0B06a)

1 ECTS : Practical 6 Second termSecond term


Basic theory of Riemann surfaces.
(1) Definitions and examples of Riemann surfaces.
(2) Functions on a Riemann surface. Local and global properties.
(3) Integration on a Riemann surface. Holomorphic and meromorphic 1-forms. Residue theorem. Surface integrals and Stokes theorem.
(4) Divisors and meromorphic functions.
(5) Jacobi variety and Abel's theorem.
(6) Riemann-Roch theorem.

Introduction to one advanced topic. Possible topics are:
(7) Jacobi inversion theorem.
(8) Theta functions.
(9) Sheaves and Cech cohomology.

Course material

- Recommended literature: Rick Miranda, Algebraic Curves and Riemann Surfaces, Graduate Studies in Mathematics, Vol 5., American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI, 1995.
- Course notes
- Toledo


Evaluation: Riemann Surfaces (B-KUL-G2B05a)

Type : Exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Oral, Written
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : Course material

ECTS Operator Algebras (B-KUL-G0B07A)

6 ECTS English 40 Second termSecond term


After following this course, the student

(1) knows the notion of spectrum in several contexts; in simple cases, he/she can compute the spectrum,

(2) has acquired insight in the elementary theory of operator algebras, in particular C*-algebras and von Neumann algebras,

(3) can deal with functions of operators,

(4) can illustrate the various concepts and results treated in this course with relevant examples,

(5) has gained intuition about linear mappings between infinite-dimensional Hilbert spaces and is able to verify intuitive conjectures by giving either rigorous proofs or counterexamples,

(6) is able to explore some problems, examples, applications or extensions related to the course, independently using the literature.

Previous knowledge

The student should be fully familiar with (rigorous) analysis and linear algebra on bachelor level. More specifically, concepts as norm, scalar product, Hilbert space, analytic function, matrices, linear mapping, eigenvalues, ... should be very well understood. Basic knowledge of topology is needed. The course G0P55A Topologie amply provides that basic knowledge. But notions from (metric) topology, for example treated in bachelor courses G0N30A Analyse I and G0N86A Analyse II, can suffice initially, provided the student has the maturity to brush up his/her knowledge of topology independently. Previous knowledge of some measure theory is definitely useful. A course such as G0P63B Probability and Measure certainly gives sufficient measure theoretical background. But one can also manage with the basic measure theoretical notions and results as treated in the bachelor course G0N86A Analyse II. It is strongly recommended to have followed G0B03A Functional Analysis. Indeed, some fundamental theorems of Functional Analysis are invoked at times. Whoever hasn't studied the relevant concepts and results will have to acquire independently the insight to understand and use them at least at the level of a "black box".


Operator Algebras: Exercises (B-KUL-G00J6a)

2 ECTS : Practical 20 Second termSecond term


see G0B07a

Format: more information


Weekly exercise sessions integrated with the lectures, in which the students further develop the topics of the course and apply the material in different situations.

Operator Algebras (B-KUL-G0B07a)

4 ECTS : Lecture 20 Second termSecond term


Below a general overview of possible themes and subjects is described. According to the specific background and interests of the students, emphasis can be modulated and possibly extra topics or applications might be covered.


Spectral theory in Banach algebras

  • Banach algebras: definition, examples, basic properties
  • The spectrum of an element in a unital Banach algebra: definition, examples, general properties of the spectrum, spectral radius

Gelfand's theory of commutative Banach algebras and C*-algebras

  • The Gelfand transform for commutative Banach algebras
  • C*-algebras: definition, examples, special elements (unitary, self-adjoint, normal) and their spectrum
  • The continuous functional calculus for normal elements in a C*-algebra
  • Gelfand-Naimark theorem


  • Positivity for elements and functionals
  • Non-unital C*-algebras; approximate units
  • Universal C*-algebras from generators and relations
  • States and representations; GNS construction
  • Pure states and irreducible representations
  • Construction and study of special C*-algebras (e.g. group C*-algebra, irrational rotation algebra)
  • Inductive limits

von Neumann algebras

  • the weak, s−weak, strong and s−strong topologies on the bounded operators on a Hilbert space
  • Defintion of von Neumann algebras, elementary examples
  • Bicommutant theorem
  • Kaplansky density theorem
  • enveloping von Neumann algebras
  • Borel functional calculus
  • Construction and study of special examples (e.g. group von Neumann algebra)

Course material

Concise lecture notes are provided by the lecturer. Those notes have to be elaborated by the student using the literature.


Evaluation: Operator Algebras (B-KUL-G2B07a)

Type : Exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : Course material

ECTS Differential Geometry (B-KUL-G0B08A)

6 ECTS English 39 First termFirst term


This course provides the fundamental notions of differential geometry, and presents some applications related to topology and group theory. The central notion is the one of differentiable manifold, that is, the general notion of "space" in modern differential geometry. The students learn how to work at the infinitesimal level (tangent spaces) as well as globally, and learn how to use coordinates to study the geometry locally. They get acquainted with vector fields and differential forms, and learn to operate with them. They compute certain invariants (de Rham cohomology), thereby learning to appreciate the interplay between geometry and topology. They learn about symmetries, both in the form of Lie group actions and foliations.

Previous knowledge

  • Analysis: real functions of several variables, inverse function theorem, implicit function theorem, basics of integration
  • Linear Algebra: vector spaces, (bi)linear maps, dual vector spaces,…
  • Elementary knowledge of Euclidean geometry: knowledge of the theory of curves and surfaces in Euclidean space is useful
  • Elementary knowledge of topology: metric topology on Euclidean space, continuous mappings, homeomorphisms, compactness,...


Differential Geometry (B-KUL-G0B08a)

5 ECTS : Lecture 26 First termFirst term


  • Differentiable manifolds
  • Tangent vectors and vector fields
  • Bundles
  • Differential forms and integration
  • The exterior derivative and Stokes' theorem
  • de Rham cohomology
  • Lie groups
  • Foliations

Course material

1. Tu, Loring. An introduction to  Manifolds. Universitext, 2010 (Second edition).
2. Lee, John. Introduction to Smooth Manifolds, Springer Graduate Texts in Mathematics 218 (Second edition).




Language of instruction: more information

The course will be taught in English

Differential Geometry: Exercises (B-KUL-G0B09a)

1 ECTS : Practical 13 First termFirst term


The exercise sessions will be devoted to solving and discussing problems proposed by the instructor. The students will be asked to work on certain problems before the exercise session.

See G0B08a for more details.


Course material

See G0B08a


Evaluation: Differential Geometry (B-KUL-G2B08a)

Type : Exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : None


There will be Take Home Tasks along the course, each consisting of exercises/problems related to certain parts of the course. The student will write solutions (in English) of the Take Home Tasks, and the solutions will be graded. For the solutions it is allowed to use notes of the lecture and of the exercise sessions, and the portion of the recommended literature corresponding to the material treated in class. Students are allowed to discuss the problems with each other, but are supposed to write up their solutions individually. Solutions that are literally copied from peers will not be tolerated and every reference that is used should be quoted.

30% of the final grade will be based on the take home tasks, and 70% on the final exam. In particular, a student who does not take the final exam can obtain at most 6/20 as grade for the course.

The final grade is meant to reflect  to what extent the student assimilated the basic notions of differential geometry, and is  able to work with them and apply them in concrete situations.

ECTS Riemannian Geometry (B-KUL-G0B10A)

6 ECTS English 26 Second termSecond term


 Riemannian geometry and introduction to the study of submanifolds

Previous knowledge

Mandatory: analysis of functions of multiple variables, in particular the inverse and implicit function theorems, as treated for instance in 'Analyse II' (G0N86A),
Recommended: elementary notions of the study of surfaces or differentiable manifolds, as treated for instance in 'Meetkunde II' (G0N92A) or 'Differential Geometry' (G0B10A).


Riemannian Geometry (B-KUL-G0B10a)

6 ECTS : Lecture 26 Second termSecond term


Riemannian and pseudo-Riemannian geometry
- metrics,
- connection theory (Levi-Cevita),
- geodesics and complete spaces
- curvature theory (Riemann-Christoffel tensor, sectional curvature, Ricci-curvature, scalar curvature),
- tensors
- Jacobi vector fields.
Global and local isometries
- space forms,
- symmetric spaces.

Immersions (and introduction to submanifold theory)

Submersions (and the Riemannian structure of the complex projective space)
Selected topics of differential geometry
classification of real space forms, Hadamard's theorem and variational calculus on Riemannian manifolds

Course material

  • Wolfgang Kühnel : Differential Geometry : Curves - Surfaces - Manifolds, Student Mathematical Library, volume 16. American Mathematical Society, 2002
  • M.P. do Carmo, Riemannian Geometry, Birkhäuser, 1992
  • Barrett O'Neill, Semi-Riemannian geometry. With applications to relativity, Academic press (1983)


Evaluation: Riemannian Geometry (B-KUL-G2B10a)

Type : Exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written, Oral
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : Course material


The exam is written and consists of several exercises.

ECTS Symplectic Geometry (B-KUL-G0B11A)

6 ECTS English 26 Second termSecond term


The aim of the course is to give a introduction to the field of symplectic geometry. Symplectic geometry arose as the mathematical framework to  describe classical mechanics, and nowaways is a rich subject which bears connections with other fields, including Riemannian geometry, complex geometry, and  Lie group theory. A symplectic structure is given by a suitable differential form. In many ways it behaves differently from Riemannian geometry: symplectic manifolds have no local invariants such as curvature, hence the global geometry is more interesting than the local one, and there are topological obstructions to the existence of symplectic structures on given manifold. Further, Lie algebras play a fundamental role in the study of symplectic geometry.The students will get familiarized with all the above mentioned features of symplectic geometry.

The course will have an emphasis on  symmetries - i.e. group actions - in symplectic geometry. They are described by so-called moment maps, which possess surprisingly nice global geometric properties that  the students will learn both at the conceptual level and studying examples.

Previous knowledge

Some basic knowledge of differential geometry, in particular the notion of differential manifold and tangent bundle, as well as the notion of Lie group, is required. Familiarity with differential forms is recommended.



Symplectic Geometry (B-KUL-G0B11a)

6 ECTS : Lecture 26 Second termSecond term



  • Symplectic linear algebra.
  • Symplectic manifolds. The physical motivation of symplectic geometry: classical mechanics.
  • Lagrangian submanifolds, coisotropic submanifolds. Normal form theorems: Darboux's, Weinstein's and Gotay's theorems.


  • Lie algebra cohomology and representations.
  • Hamiltonian actions and moment maps. Existence and uniqueness theorems.
  • The Marsden-Weinstein symplectic reduction theorem. The convexity theorem of Atiyah and Guillemin-Sternberg.

Course material

  •  Ana Cannas da Silva, "Lectures on symplectic geometry", Springer Verlag. Available at
  •  Eckhart Meinrenken, "Symplectic geometry", lecture notes available from

Language of instruction: more information

The course will be held in English


Evaluation: Symplectic Geometry (B-KUL-G2B11a)

Type : Exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : None


There will be Take Home Tasks during the course, each consisting of exercises/problems related to certain parts of the course. The student will write solutions (in English) of the Take Home Tasks, and the solutions will be graded. For the solutions it is allowed to use notes of the lecture and of the exercise sessions, and the portion of the recommended literature corresponding to the material treated in class. Students are allowed to discuss the problems with each other, but are supposed to write their solutions individually. Solutions that are literally copied from peers will not be tolerated and every reference that is used should be quoted.

30% of the final grade will be based on the take home tasks, and 70% on the final exam (January exam or September exam). 
In particular, a student who does not take the final exam can obtain at most 6/20 as grade for the course. 

The final grade is meant to reflect  to what extent the student assimilated the basic notions of symplectic geometry, and is  able to work with them and apply them in concrete situations.

ECTS Advanced Statistical Methods (B-KUL-G0B13A)

6 ECTS English 39 First termFirst term Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract


This course aims at acquiring knowledge and insight in concepts of advanced statistical inference. In the course theoretical foundations of the methods will be treated, their statistical properties will be studied and practical aspects for data analysis will be discussed (including the use of statistical software such as R).

Upon completion of this course the student

  • Understands the definitions, the theoretical properties and the proofs that were given for the studied methodologies
  • Is able to apply the general concepts and methodology to particular situations (e.g. investigate a new general concept for a particular estimator)   
  • Is able to practically apply the methods and techniques in R and can understand and interpret the output to draw the correct conclusions
  • Can adapt and apply the general statistical methodology in the course to statistical frameworks and models not explicitly studied in the course
  • Is able to understand a scientific article (or chapter from a scientific book) that uses methodology similar to what is studied in the course; can explain the most important results (in group); is able to implement and illustrate part of the studied methodology and/or application in the article with R (in group)

Previous knowledge

Students should have followed  (or should follow simultaneously) courses with the same scope as "Statistical Inference and Data Analysis” from the bachelor of Mathematics or “Fundamental Concepts of Statistics” for the master of Statistics (Leuven) or "Wiskundige statistiek" from the bachelor of Mathematics (Kortrijk).


Advanced Statistical Methods (B-KUL-G0B13a)

4 ECTS : Lecture 26 First termFirst term


The goal of this course is to introduce concepts and statistical procedures for advanced contemporary data-analysis. Classical statistical techniques such as maximum likelihood and least squares estimation make strong assumptions that need to be satisfied by the data. However, in practical applications these assumptions are often violated. Modern statistical procedures aim to relax these stringent assumptions to obtain more reliable statistical inference. Moreover, standard statistical models are unrealistic or too restrictive for many of the complex types of data encountered in practice, such that more advanced models are needed to fit these data. :  In this course modern statistical methods and procedures are introduced, such as advanced resampling techniques (based on bootstrap or subsampling), robust statistical inference, methods for high-dimensional  data (screening, sparsity) and functional data, for instance. The practical use of these methods will be discussed as well.

Course material

Course notes

Advanced Statistical Methods: Exercises (B-KUL-G0B14a)

1 ECTS : Practical 6 First termFirst term


During the exercise and computer sessions the material exposed during the lectures will be further illustrated and used in various contexts, and the application of the methods to real data will be discussed.

Course material

Course notes and datasets

Advanced Statistical Methods: Project (B-KUL-G0B15a)

1 ECTS : Assignment 7 First termFirst term


A project will be made in small groups (usually 2 or 3 students). In the project the students explain and illustrate a statistical method or procedure based on a scientific article or book chapter.

Course material

Course notes, scientific article or book chapter.


Evaluation: Advanced Statistical Methods (B-KUL-G2B13a)

Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written, Paper/Project, Oral
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : None


A project will be made in small groups (usually 2 or 3 students). The evalation of the project takes place in the last week(s) of the semester and involves an oral presentation if permitted by the circumstances.

The written exam consists of open questions and is closed book. 

Project part and exam each count for 50% of the total course mark.



Information about retaking exams

For the second chance exam, the total score for the course mark consists of 50% project work, and 50 % open questions during the exam. This modality is the same for first and second exam chances.

Students that passed  the project work at the first exam chance can keep their score on this part for the second chance evaluation. Students that failed  the project work at the first exam chance will get a new project assignment for the second exam chance.



ECTS Robust Statistics (B-KUL-G0B16A)

6 ECTS English 43 Second termSecond term
Hubert Mia (coordinator) |  Hubert Mia |  Van Aelst Stefan


The course offers an introduction to the field of robust statistics, which comprises the study of statistical methods that are more resistant to outlying observations than classical methods. It introduces the most basic robust methods such as M-estimators and trimmed estimators in several statistical models. Their main properties (such as breakdown value and influence function) are discussed, as well as their computation. Students are also introduced to recent scientific papers and research results.

By the end of the course, the student
- should have acquired knowledge and insight in the most important robust statistical methods for univariate and multivariate models, such as location, scale, covariance, regression, and principal components.
- should be able to apply those methods to real data, using statistical software such as R or Matlab, and to interpret the results.
- should be able to present their findings in a written report.

Previous knowledge

The student should be familiar with
- basic statistical methods (confidence intervals, hypothesis tests)
- notions of mathematical statistics (maximum likelihood, efficiency, ranks)
- notions of multivariate statistical methods (location and covariance estimation, multiple regression analysis, principal component analysis).
Moreover it is recommended that the student is familiar with the freeware statistical package R and/or Matlab.

Is included in these courses of study


Robust Statistics (B-KUL-G0B16a)

4 ECTS : Lecture 26 Second termSecond term


The goal of robust statistics is to develop and study techniques for data analysis that are resistant to outlying observations, and are also able to detect these outliers.

In this course we introduce notions of robustness such as the breakdown value and the influence function. We study several robust estimators of univariate location and scale, multivariate location and covariance, linear regression, and principal component analysis.

Course material

Course text and slides.


Format: more information

The course consists of lectures and some computer sessions in which the methods will be applied to real data.

Robust Statistics: Exercises (B-KUL-G0B17a)

1 ECTS : Practical 10 Second termSecond term


In computer sessions, robust methods will be applied to real data sets and the results will be interpreted. Some properties of the estimators will be verified empirically, for instance by Monte Carlo simulation.

Format: more information

The exercises will take place in computer classes.

Robust Statistics: Project (B-KUL-G0B18a)

1 ECTS : Assignment 7 Second termSecond term


The students make a project in which they study the behavior and/or performance of certain robust methods on real and simulated data sets.


Evaluation: Robust Statistics (B-KUL-G2B16a)

Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Oral, Written, Take-Home
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : None


The evaluation consists of a project and an examination. The specific form of the exam and the grading will be explained in class and on Toledo.

Information about retaking exams

If you received a passing mark for the project, this score can be retained.

ECTS Waves and Instabilities (B-KUL-G0B26A)

6 ECTS English 36 Second termSecond term


The student comes into contact with the mathematical description of waves and instabilities. Examples from various domains are studied. Analytical and asymptotic methods are emphasized. The student understands the importance of resonant and non-linear behaviour in diverse dynamical systems. He/she is able to analyse resonant and/or non-linear behaviour using analytical and asymptotic techniques. The student can recognize waves and instabilities in various continuous systems and can determine solutions analytically or asymptotically.

Previous knowledge

Mathematical modelling with differential equations and a basic knowledge of fluid dynamics. Prior knowledge of plasma dynamics (G0P71B Introduction to Plasma Dynamics) is handy but not indispensable.


Waves and Instabilities (B-KUL-G0B26a)

5 ECTS : Lecture 26 Second termSecond term


1. Linear waves and instabilities in fluids
-      Recapitulation: surface and internal gravity waves, Rayleigh-Taylor instability, classic Kelvin-Helmholtz instability, acoustic waves
-      Hyperbolic waves, dispersive and anisotropic waves
-      Linear surface water waves generated by a moving source
-      Linear shallow water theory: reflection, amplification, refraction
-      Thermal instability: the Bénard problem
-      Waves and instability of continuously stratified parallel flows: Rayleigh’s equation, Taylor-Goldstein equation, Orr-Sommerfeld equation.
-      Critical layer behaviour
-      Transient growth due to non-normality
2. Nonlinear waves in fluids
-   Traffic waves: advection equation, kinematic waves, advectiondiffusion equation, Burgers equation, Cole-Hopf transformation
-   One-dimensional gas dynamics (characteristics and Riemann invariants)
-   Shallow water theory (characteristics and Riemann invariants)
-   Multi-valued solutions
-   Shock waves in 1-D gas dynamics (Rankine-Hugoniot conditions)
-   Shocks in shallow water (Rankine-Hugoniot conditions, hydraulic jumps and bores)
-   2-D steady shocks (flow past a wedge)
-   Nonlinearity versus dispersion: KdV equation
3. Linear MHD waves in plasmas
-   Recapitulation (Alfvén waves and slow and fast magnetosonic waves in uniform plasmas of infinite extent in ideal MHD)
-   Damping of Alfvén waves in resistive uniform plasmas
-   MHD waves of uniform cylindrical plasmas
-   Nonuniformity and resonant waves
-   Equilibrium flows and resonant overstabilities

Waves and Instabilities: Exercises (B-KUL-G0B27a)

1 ECTS : Assignment 10 Second termSecond term


1. Linear waves and instabilities in fluids
-      Recapitulation: surface and internal gravity waves, Rayleigh-Taylor instability, classic Kelvin-Helmholtz instability, acoustic waves
-      Hyperbolic waves, dispersive and anisotropic waves
-      Linear surface water waves generated by a moving source
-      Linear shallow water theory: reflection, amplification, refraction
-      Thermal instability: the Bénard problem
-      Waves and instability of continuously stratified parallel flows: Rayleigh’s equation, Taylor-Goldstein equation, Orr-Sommerfeld equation.
-      Critical layer behaviour
-      Transient growth due to non-normality
2. Nonlinear waves in fluids
-   Traffic waves: advection equation, kinematic waves, advectiondiffusion equation, Burgers equation, Cole-Hopf transformation
-   One-dimensional gas dynamics (characteristics and Riemann invariants)
-   Shallow water theory (characteristics and Riemann invariants)
-   Multi-valued solutions
-   Shock waves in 1-D gas dynamics (Rankine-Hugoniot conditions)
-   Shocks in shallow water (Rankine-Hugoniot conditions, hydraulic jumps and bores)
-   2-D steady shocks (flow past a wedge)
-   Nonlinearity versus dispersion: KdV equation
3. Linear MHD waves in plasmas
-   Recapitulation (Alfvén waves and slow and fast magnetosonic waves in uniform plasmas of infinite extent in ideal MHD)
-   Damping of Alfvén waves in resistive uniform plasmas
-   MHD waves of uniform cylindrical plasmas
-   Nonuniformity and resonant waves
-   Equilibrium flows and resonant overstabilities


Evaluation: Waves and Instabilities (B-KUL-G2B26a)

Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Oral
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : Course material


An oral exam is organised where open questions are discussed. Part of the score is also earned during the year in a permanent evaluation system. 

ECTS Plasma Physics of the Sun (B-KUL-G0B28A)

6 ECTS English 39 First termFirst term


The students are being introduced to a few concrete applications of the plasma-astrophysics in the most nearby star: the sun.  The students learn that the sun plays a key-roll in our insight in the physics of starts and other astrophyisical and laboratorium plasma.  Magnetohydrodynamics as a mathematical model will be used to describe magnetical appearances in the outer layers of the sun and in the atmosphere of the sun.   The students are presented with the possibility to apply a number of mathematical techniques in particular situations: eg; solve normal and partial hyperbolic differential equations, solve non-linear elliptic  differential equations, complexe analysis, disruption analysis, …

Previous knowledge

Vector calculations and calculus of real functions, differential equations, liquid dynamics.  Previous knowledge of complexe analysis, plasma dynamics, waves and instabilities comes in handy, but is not required.

differential equations, mathematical introduction into fluid dynamics


Plasma Physics of the Sun (B-KUL-G0B28a)

4 ECTS : Lecture 26 First termFirst term


1. General description: the Sun, observations in different wavelengths, Sunspots, the solar cycle, the solar magnetic field, the coronal

heating problem, actives regions, solar flares, coronal loops, the solar wind, coronal mass ejections, space weather.

2. Elements of plasma physics: motion of charged particles, gyration, the E×B drift, the ∇B drift, gravitational drift, magnetic mirrors.

3. Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD): one-fluid and two-fluid MHD, Hall MHD, the plasma β, the Alfvén Mach number, magnetic flux tubes,

conservation of magnetic flux, the frozen-in theorem, quasi neutrality in plasmas, magnetic pressure and tension, conductivity in a plasma,

the displacement current, field aligned currents, MHD waves, shocks and discontinuities, Alfvén and fast waves, the Rankine-Hugoniot


4. Coronal and solar wind plasma: macroscopic or fluid models (the Parker model, the Weber-Davis model, force free magnetic field models,

magnetic field reconstruction techniques), microscopic or kinetic models (collisional, collisionless, homogeneous or inhomogeneous).


5. Kinetic modeling: particle velocity distributions, observations, Vlasov-Boltzman formalism of plasma waves, wave-particle interaction, anisotropic

Distributions (temperature anisotropy in the solar wind, beams in the fast wind, counterstreams in coronal mass ejections and shocks).


6. Spectral theory: motivation for collisionless and collision-poor plasma models, plasma waves and characteristics (collisionless dissipation, Landau, cyclotron,

high and low-frequency waves, MHD waves), instabilities and enhanced fluctuations in plasmas with free energy: kinetic anisotropy,  inhomogeneities, etc.

applications in the corona, solar wind and planetary magnetospheres.

Plasma Physics of the Sun: Assignments (B-KUL-G0B29a)

2 ECTS : Assignment 13 First termFirst term


Two assignments are given during the semester. The subjects of these assignments depends and can vary form coronale heating, over sunspots to coronal seismology.

Course material

Recent papers on solar physics are provided, depending on the assignment.

Format: more information

Two assignments are given during the semester. A report has to be handed in for both of these. Each report is marked on 4 points, i.e. 20% of the total end score.


Evaluation: Plasma Physics of the Sun (B-KUL-G2B28a)

Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written, Paper/Project, Oral
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : Reference work, Course material


Closed book exam with about 5-open questions about the treated material.

The reports of the two tasks that are given during the semester are marked on 4 points each. The weigth of the exam thus amounts to 12 points.

In case of a re-sitis the points on the report are transferred. So it is not possible to make new tasks in that case.


ECTS Computational Methods for Astrophysical Applications (B-KUL-G0B30A)

6 ECTS English 39 First termFirst term
Keppens Rony (coordinator) |  Keppens Rony |  Sundqvist Jon


The course starts with an introduction to common spatial and temporal discretization techniques to numerically solve sets of partial differential equations. Further on, the course treats various state-of-the-art numerical methods used in astrophysical computations. This encompasses basic shock-capturing schemes as employed in modern Computational Fluid Dynamics, common approaches for handling Radiative Transfer, and concrete gas dynamical applications with astrophysical counterparts. The main aim is to give insight in the advantages and disadvantages of the employed numerical techniques. The course will illustrate their typical use with examples which concentrate on stellar out-flows where the role and numerical treatment of radiative losses will be illustrated, but also touch on studies from solar physics, stellar atmospheres, astrophysical accretion disks and jets, pulsar winds, planetary nebulae, interacting stellar winds, supernovae . . . . The students will experiment with existing and/or self-written software, and gain hands-on insight in algorithms, their convergence rates, time step limitations, stability, .... The students will in the end be able to apply some of the schemes to selected test problems.

Previous knowledge

No other previous knowlegde is needed than that allowing to attend master level courses.  More specifically, students should have a basic knowledge of calculus, differential equations and general physics, as is provided in any bachelor programme in mathematics or physics.

Although there is no specific requirement on prior knowledge, it is certainly worthwhile to combine this master course with one of Plasma Physics of the Sun, Introduction to Plasma Dynamics, Space Weather, Radiative Processes, Waves and Instabilities, Stellar Atmospheres. A related, more analytically oriented, Bachelor course is ‘Mathematical introduction to Fluid Dynamics’.


Computational Methods for Astrophysical Applications (B-KUL-G0B30a)

4 ECTS : Lecture 26 First termFirst term


The course is organized in modules. The basic modules consist of lectures combined with (home assignment and group)  worksessions, and will cover:
1. Introduction
a. Developing numerical codes
   – Computer code development, programming techniques, code maintenance, optimization
   – Concepts of verification, validation, sensitivity analysis, error and uncertainty quantification
 b. Spatial and temporal discretization techniques.
   – Spatial discretizations: Basic concepts for discrete representations. Finite difference, finite element, and spectral methods. An application: solving a Sturm-Liouville model problem and handling boundary conditions (eigenoscillations of a planar stellar atmosphere).
   – Temporal discretizations: Explicit versus implicit time integration strategies. Semi-discretization, predictor-corrector and Runge-Kutta schemes.
2. Towards computational gas dynamics.
• The advection equation and handling discontinuous solutions numerically. Stability, diffusion, dispersion, and order of accuracy, demonstrated with linear advection problems. Extension to linear hyperbolic systems and solution of the Riemann problem. Nonlinear scalar equations and shocks: solving Burgers equation. Non-conservative versus conservative schemes.
• Isothermal hydrodynamics and basic stellar wind models. Governing equations, Rankine-Hugoniot conditions, Prandtl-Meyer shock relation. Rarefactions, integral curves and Riemann invariants. Application to transonic stellar winds: Parker solar wind solution, isothermal rotating transonic winds, shocked accretion flows.
3. Compressible gas dynamics and multi-dimensional applications.
• The Euler equations and finite volume methods. Conservative form, Rankine-Hugoniot shock relations, exact solution of the Riemann problem, Riemann invariants. Basic shock-capturing discretization methods: finite volume methods and the TVDLF algorithm.
Possible advanced topic: Roe solver. Godunov scheme for Euler equations, Approximate Riemann solver, Roe scheme, numerical tests.
• Extensions to multi-dimensional algorithms and example multi-dimensional stellar wind models. Example 2D Euler simulations, emphasizing stellar wind models for various evolutionary phases, for cool to massive stars. Extension to interacting wind models using optically thin radiative losses. Attention to failures of modern schemes that still plague 1D and multi-D Euler simulations.
4. Numerical radiative transfer.
• Basic radiative transfer. The governing equations of radiative transfer and the rate equations. Discretization, treatment of angle dependence (with angle quadrature), handling of frequencies and optical depths.
• Specific numerical treatments. Feautrier method, Lambda iteration, Multi-level iteration. Application to stellar winds which are dust or radiative driven.
5. Intro to Computational Magneto-Hydro-Dynamics.
• Introduction: the MHD model. Applicability, use in astrophysical context.
• Transmagnetosonic stellar winds and 1D MHD simulations. Weber-Davis MHD wind model, numerical simulations for solar and stellar rotating, magnetized winds, consequences for stellar rotational evolution. MHD shocks, Riemann problem tests.
A final module can be chosen depending on the interest of the students, linking to current research trends.

Course material

The lecture sheets are made available through Toledo. Additional course notes are provided online as well. Reference books are (students will not be required to purchase these, no book covers all topics):

  • Numerical Methods in astrophysics, Taylor & Francis 2007, Bodenheimer et al.
  • Advanced Magnetohydrodynamics, Cambridge University Press 2010, Goedbloed, Keppens, Poedts

Format: more information

Next to the lectures, students will either individually or in pair work out computerassignments, directly related to the topics covered. This will encompass both self-coding for a relevant toy problem and using advanced state-of-the-art software in a modern application. Part of these will be organized in joint computerclass sessions.

Computational Methods for Astrophysical Applications: Computerlab (B-KUL-G0B31a)

2 ECTS : Assignment 13 First termFirst term


Using a combination of self-written and available software to solve selected astrophysical toy problems numerically. The idea is to gain insight in method limitations, as well as get acquainted with its inherent possibilities.

In a first part, the students will be asked to program their own solver.

In a second part, the students perform selected hydrodynamic simulations, and learn how to interpret and visualize their computational data.

Course material

During the second assigment, we make use of opensource modern computational codes, specifically the MPI-AMRVAC code, widely used in astrophysical applications.

Format: more information

Assignments will be formulated and presented in teams, and we foresee access to supercomputer platforms.


Evaluation: Computational Methods for Astrophysical Applications (B-KUL-G2B30a)

Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Report, Presentation, Participation during contact hours, Take-Home
Learning material : Course material, Computer


Permanent assessment, working out project assignments. At least one project will be handed in as a written report, along with the self-written computercode. The team assignment lets the students perform modern computational research, to be reported in a team presentation.

Information about retaking exams

The second exam will be formulated as an extensive take-home computerassignment, where the student ultimately reports on the numerical strategy, (astro)physical application and makes contact with relevant modern literature.

ECTS Space Weather (B-KUL-G0B32A)

6 ECTS English 39 Second termSecond term Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract


  • To provide an overview of the current observational data and known effects of the space weather;
  • To provide insight in the basic physics of the solar drivers of space weather;
  • To provide an overview of the current state of the art modeling and forecasting activities for some aspects of space
  • weather, e.g. CME initiation and IP CME evolution, gradual SPE events, etc.
  • To explore the effects of space weather on humans and on technology in space and on the ground.


To provide hands on experience on space weather predictions and on aspects of space science.

Previous knowledge

Basic knowledge of physics and mathematics


Space Weather Sciences (B-KUL-G0B32a)

4 ECTS : Lecture 26 Second termSecond term


Introduction and motivation
    * Definition of space weather
    * Space weather effects
    * Space weather components
    * Predictions and forecasts
A tour of the Solar System
    * Sun
    * Solar corona
    * Interplanetary space
    * Planetary magnetosphere
The Earth Environment
    * Magnetosphere
    * Magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling
    * Magnetosphere-thermosphere coupling
Solar energetic particles
    * Generation of high-energy particles in space weather events
    * Transport of high-energy particles in the solar system
    * Radiation belts
Models of space weather
    * fluid modeling
    * kinetic effects
Following a typical space weather storm
    * Coronal Mass Ejections (CME): initiation
    * CME: Inter−planetary evolution
    * Impact on the Earth environement
    * Geo−effectivity of magnetic storms
    * Ground and space based solar observations
    * Radio observations
    * In situ measurements (e.g. ACE, CLUSTER)
    * Unsolved problems
Resources and Forecast
    * Web-based services from NOAA and ESA
    * Simulation: NASA's community coordinated modeling center (CCMC)
    * Soteria and the SSA.

Course material

G. Lapenta, Lecture notes.

A. Hanslmeier, The Sun and Space Weather (Springer, 2008)
M. Kallenrode, Space Physics (Springer, 2004)

Format: more information

Lessons from the teaching team, including distinguished experts from space agencies and industry.

Is also included in other courses

G0B32B : Space Weather

Space Weather Projects (B-KUL-G0B38a)

2 ECTS : Practical 13 Second termSecond term


Introduction and motivation
The students use online web site and computer codes to build experience on space weather. For example:
* Use of the CCMC web site to simulate space weather
* Study of the astrophysics of the Sun and of the Solar System
* Computer simulation of spacecrafts immersed in the environment near the Earth
*  Space weather between the Earth and the Moon
* A trip to Mars: consequences of radiation and particles

Course material

A. Hanslmeier, The Sun and Space Weather (Springer, 2008)
M. Kallenrode, Space Physics (Springer, 2004)

Format: more information

Student projects guided by experts in the field.


Evaluation: Space Weather (B-KUL-G2B32a)

Type : Exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Oral, Practical exam
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : Course material


The exam is composed of differnt parts:

oral presentation on the project: 30%
report on the project: 40%
practical work done at  home and due before the exam: 30%


ECTS Selected Topics in Mathematics I (B-KUL-G0B63A)

6 ECTS English 26 Second termSecond term Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract


Offer the student an advanced course in a variety of research domains within pure and applied mathematics, that is not available in the fixed curriculum of the master programme.
Different topics are treated, varying from year to year.



Previous knowledge

The student knows mathematics on the level of a bachelor.  Depending on the topic, more advanced knowledge may be required.

Is included in these courses of study


Selected Topics in Mathematics I (B-KUL-G0B63a)

6 ECTS : Lecture 26 Second termSecond term


For the content in the current academic year, see

Course material

See Toledo


Evaluation: Selected Topics in Mathematics I (B-KUL-G2B63a)

Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written
Type of questions : Open questions

ECTS Algebraic Geometry II (B-KUL-G0D17A)

6 ECTS English 36 Second termSecond term Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract


The course builds on the knowledge accumulated in a course on classical algebraic geometry to introduce modern techniques in algebraic geometry. The course deepens the understanding of the fundamental relations between algebra, geometry, and number theory. The course focuses on the geometry of solution sets of systems of polynomial equations in several variables from the modern point of view of schemes and cohomology of schemes.


By the end of the course, the student should have a thorough understanding of the basic objects and techniques in modern algebraic geometry. The student should be able to translate geometric and arithmetic problems into algebraic terms and vice versa and apply algebraic methods to analyze the local and global structure of algebraic varieties and schemes.

Previous knowledge

The student needs a good knowledge of classical algebraic geometry as treated in Algebraic Geometry I (G0A80A) and  commutative algebra as in Commutative Algebra (G0A82A).


Algebraic Geometry II (B-KUL-G0D17a)

5 ECTS : Lecture 26 Second termSecond term


- Schemes: spectrum of a ring, sheaves, schemes and their relation with classical varieties, local and global properties of schemes.

- Coherent sheaves: locally free sheaves, vector bundles, divisors,  projective morphisms, differentials.

- Cohomology: derived functors, Cech cohomology, Serre Duality, Grothendieck-Riemann-Roch theorem, Semicontinuity theorem.

- Curves and Surfaces: basic classification results in complex and arithmetic algebraic geometry.

- The Weil Conjectures: zta functions of varieties, Deligne’s theorem.

Course material

Course notes + Toledo

Algebraic Geometry II: Exercises (B-KUL-G0D18a)

1 ECTS : Practical 10 Second termSecond term


- Schemes: spectrum of a ring, sheaves, schemes and their relation with classical varieties, local and global properties of schemes.

- Coherent sheaves: locally free sheaves, vector bundles, divisors,  projective morphisms, differentials.

- Cohomology: derived functors, Cech cohomology, Serre Duality, Grothendieck-Riemann-Roch theorem, Semicontinuity theorem.

- Curves and Surfaces: basic classification results in complex and arithmetic algebraic geometry.

- The Weil Conjectures: zeta functions of varieties, Deligne’s theorem.

Course material

Course notes + Toledo


Evaluation: Algebraic Geometry II (B-KUL-G2D17a)

Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written, Paper/Project, Take-Home
Learning material : Course material


There will be two take-home exams during the semester.

The final exam is also take-home and consists either of classical exam questions or of submission of a short expository paper on a topic of own choice related to the course and agreed upon by the instructor. This paper has to contain, beside some clear introductory theory, non-trivial explicit examples, agreed upon by the instructor, worked out to illustrate the theory.


In order to pass, the student must obtain at least the score 10/20. The take-home exams during the semester will count 5 points each, the final exam will count 10 points. If the student has failed to pass, for the second-chance examination no points will be carried forward from any of the take-home exams or the final exam. The student will be given the chance to pass the course via, again, a package consisting of two new take-home exams and a new final exam, with the same format and score share.


ECTS Master's Thesis (B-KUL-G0K97A)

30 ECTS English 0 Both termsBoth terms Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract Cannot be taken as part of a credit contract
Budur Nero (coordinator) |  N.


The competences of the student to contribute actively to scientific research are at the core of the master thesis. More specifically, the following goals are pursued:
-  to formulate research problems and to plan a reseach project (under supervison of a senior researcher);
-  to collect information autonomously and to evaluate its relevance with respect to the research problem;
-  to follow up and to analyse new developments;
-  to acquire the attitudes to work in a (research) team;
-  to communicate in scientifically correct language while collaborating with fellow students and researchers;
-  to be come into contact with contemporary research in some specific domain of mathematics;
-  to use modern theoretical techniques and methods;
-  to analyse critically the obtained results and their interpretation;
-  to report and to present the obtained results coherently and to put open question in the proper perspective. Making the connection with techniques and results from the literature and with contemporary research constitutes an essential part of this aspect.

Previous knowledge

At the start of the master thesis the student is supposed to have a solid basic knowledge of the research domain. During the second year he/she will gain specialisation in that domain by following deepening and advanced courses and by studying the literature in the context of the thesis work. The supervisor of the thesis will advice the student which courses to take.
In addition the student possesses already from the start the basic skills to collect and process new information, to formulate research problems, to report and to communicate scientifically, etc. These skills will be further developed during the thesis work.

The master’s thesis can only be taken in the academic year that a student can graduate, which means the student has sufficient credits in the isp to graduate.  An exception can be made for students wishing to take the professional internship at the end of the studies. 

Order of Enrolment


Identical courses

G0B33A: Masterproef

Is included in these courses of study


Master's Thesis (B-KUL-G0K97a)

30 ECTS : Master's thesis 0 Both termsBoth terms


The master thesis comprises the research work including the written report, the thesis, under the guidance of a supervisor from the Department of Mathematics and of his/her research group. In principle, theses are made in one of the domains belonging to the research expertise of the Department, but domains which are closely related to mathematics, are possible as well (e.g. theoretical physics, computer science).
Students are expected to become integrated during some months in the research group. They have to get involved in the current research by following seminars, participating in discussions, studying and, last but not least, by carrying out the specific activities (computations, simulations, exploration and/or construction of proofs, etc.) leading to the solution of the posed research problem. The results have to be reported in a scientific text and have to be presented and defended in front of the fellow students and the staff of the Department.

Master's thesis topic: validity period

If the supervisor, at the end of the 3rd examination period of the second stage, finds that insufficient progress is made, this will be discussed with the student. The chairman of the programme committee will be informed. It may be possible that in that case the choice of the topic lapses and that a new topic must be chosen. Reasons for the cancellation of the topic may be because:

  • during the academic year in which the master's thesis is included in the ISP the student has worked, without legitimate reasons, too limited on the master's thesis research, or practical arrangements or agreements have not been fulfilled, so that the master's thesis could not be completed
  • the supervisor can not offer the topic in a next academic year (eg the research topic is finished/stopped, guidance will no longer be possible in the research team when needed)

Course material

Depends on the research subject.


Evaluation: Master's Thesis (B-KUL-G2K97a)

Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Paper/Project, Presentation


The evaluation consists of the assessment of both process and product (form and content; manuscript and defense). Four quotes are given: one by the promotor, one of each of the two readers and one for the defense. The relative weight of these four quotations is 10:3:3:4. Each quotation is determined by means of the facultary assessment roster and appreciation scale. Additional informtion on the evaluation of the master's thesis is to be found on the faculty website. Complementary regulations for a master's thesis in Mathematics are to be found on the webpages of the Department of Mathematics.

In order to succeed the master’s thesis, the student must obtain a credit for the supervisor apart, the average of the results of the readers taken together (taking into account the rounding rules) and the defence apart. If for one or more of these components this is not the case, the maximum score will be 9/20.

There is no resit for the intermediate presentation (in January) and the seminar for the research group (in April/May), as outlined in the regulations for a master's thesis in Mathematics.

For passing this course students have to upload an information skills certificate in Toledo. This certificate can be obtained in the Toledo community “Scientific integrity at the Faculty of Science”. Obtaining and submitting the information skills certificate is evaluated by ‘pass/fail’. A student with a ‘fail’ for the certificate, obtains a ‘fail’ for the course, that is converted to a non-tolerable fail. This means that students cannot pass the course and cannot use tolerance credits, if they have not obtained and submitted the certificate.

This course can not be tolerated.

Information about retaking exams

see explanation

ECTS Selected Topics in Mathematics II (B-KUL-G0L86A)

6 ECTS English 26 Second termSecond term Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract


Offer the student an advanced course in a variety of research domains within pure and applied mathematics, that is not available in the fixed curriculum of the master programme.
Different topics are treated, varying from year to year.

Previous knowledge

The student knows mathematics on the level of a bachelor.  Depending on the topic, more advanced knowledge may be required.

Is included in these courses of study


Selected Topics in Mathematics II (B-KUL-G0L86a)

6 ECTS : Lecture 26 Second termSecond term


For the contents in the current academic year, see

Course material

See Toledo


Evaluation: Selected Topics in Mathematics II (B-KUL-G2L86a)

Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written
Type of questions : Open questions

ECTS Statistical Data Analysis (B-KUL-G0O00A)

6 ECTS English 26 Second termSecond term Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract


This course covers multivariate statistical methods for data analysis. The focus is on the practical use of these methods on real data, by means of the freeware statistical software R. The students will make a project where concrete data are given which are to be analysed by appropriate techniques, followed by interpretation and formulation of the results.

Upon completion of this course the student should

  • Know the main multivariate statistical techniques such as dimension reduction, clustering, regression, and classification;  
  • Know the strengths and weaknesses of these methods, and in which situations their use is appropriate;   
  • Have a critical attitude about each statistical method, know its underlying assumptions and how to verify them;
  • Be able to carry out these methods by means of the R software;
  • Be familiar with the resulting model diagnostics such as residuals and graphical displays;
  • Be able to interpret the results of the analysis and to report them in a scientific fashion.    

Previous knowledge

The students should have a good knowledge of basic mathematics as treated in “Lineaire algebra” and “Calculus I” in the bachelor of Mathematics (or similar courses). Moreover they should have followed at least one course in probability and statistics.

Is included in these courses of study


Statistical Data Analysis (B-KUL-G0O00a)

3 ECTS : Lecture 12 Second termSecond term


  • Multivariate data, covariance, checking normality assumption;
  • Transformation to normality by the Box-Cox transform;
  • Dimension reduction methods;
  • Cluster analysis: hierarchical and partitioning, graphical displays;
  • Topics in regression analysis: interactions, categorical predictors, heteroskedasticity, variable selection criteria, multicollinearity, ridge regression, outliers and leverage points, prediction models
  • Classification techniques: evaluation measures, misclassification rate, k-nearest neighbor classification, logistic regression, modern classification techniques

Course material

Course notes

Statistical Data Analysis: Exercises (B-KUL-G0O01a)

2 ECTS : Practical 12 Second termSecond term


Weekly organised exercise sessions in the PC lab where the new methods (see OLA G0O00a) are illustrated and practised by means of the statistical software R. Some homework assignments need to be made as well.

Course material

Course notes and datasets

Statistical Data Analysis: Project (B-KUL-G0O02a)

1 ECTS : Assignment 2 Second termSecond term


The projects consist of a thorough statistical analysis of real data. The results need to be presented in a written report.

Course material

Course notes and excercise material


Evaluation: Statistical Data Analysis (B-KUL-G2O00a)

Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written, Report, Skills test
Type of questions : Open questions


The evaluation consists of two projects and an examination.  The projects involve data analysis tasks. For each project an individual written report is handed in with the analysis results presented in a scientific manner and an appendix describing the complete workflow. The written examination consists of a closed book part with open questions and an open book part on the computer which involves the analysis of a dataset.

The project part and exam part each count for 50% of the total course mark. Students should pass both parts to get a pass mark for the course.

Information about retaking exams

For the second chance exam, the project part and exam part again each count for 50% of the total course mark. This modality is the same for first and second exam chances.

Students that passed  the project work at the first exam chance can keep their score on this part for the second chance evaluation. Students that failed  the project work at the first exam chance will get a new project assignment for the second exam chance.

ECTS Algebra II (B-KUL-G0P53B)

6 studiepunten Nederlands 41 Tweede semesterTweede semester


De cursus geeft een inleiding tot de theorie van de algebraïsche vergelijkingen in één variabele, gebruik makend van algebra en groepentheorie. Algebraïsche vergelijkingen in één variabele over willekeurige velden worden bestudeerd in de Galoistheorie, die groepen gebruikt om velduitbreidingen te classificeren. Op deze manier wordt aangetoond dat er geen algemene formule in radicalen bestaat voor de wortels van een vijfdegraadsvergelijking. We gaan ook in op enkele basisresultaten uit de groepentheorie, zoals de stellingen van Sylow. Galoistheorie en Sylowtheorie worden gecombineerd in het elegante bewijs van E. Artin voor de hoofdstelling van de algebra (het veld van complexe getallen is algebraïsch gesloten).

Aan het einde van de cursus is de student in staat om de wisselwerking tussen algebra, getaltheorie en groepentheorie in detail uit te leggen en te illustreren. Hij kan technieken uit groepentheorie en algebra toepassen op de studie van getaltheoretische problemen.


Vakken Lineaire Algebra, Algebraïsche Structuren en Algebra I.

Identieke opleidingsonderdelen

X0D40A: Algebra II


Algebra II (B-KUL-G0P53a)

3.9 studiepunten : College 26 Tweede semesterTweede semester


- Herhaling over velduitbreidingen
- Ontbindingsvelden en primitieve elementen
- Galoisuitbreidingen
- De Galoisgroep en de Galoiscorrespondentie
- Galoisgroep van een vergelijking met graad n en verband met oplosbaarheid door middel van radicalen (stelling van Galois)
- Onoplosbaarheid van de algemene vergelijking van de 5-de graad

- Stellingen van Sylow
- Toepassing: de hoofdstelling van de algebra
- Presentaties van groepen; direct en vrij product


Cursustekst + Toledo.

Toelichting werkvorm

Hoorcollege met opdrachten tijdens de les

Algebra II: oefeningen (B-KUL-G0P54a)

1.1 studiepunten : Practicum 13 Tweede semesterTweede semester


Zie G0P53a 


Idem Hoorcollege + Toledo.

Toelichting werkvorm


Algebra II: opdracht (B-KUL-G0S28a)

1 studiepunten : Opdracht 2 Tweede semesterTweede semester


De studenten maken in de loop van het semester een schriftelijk werkstuk in groepen van twee of drie personen. Het kan gaan om het oplossen van een reeks oefeningen, het uitwerken van een bijkomend stuk theorie of een soortgelijke opdracht. De studenten zullen tijdens de hoorcolleges feedback ontvangen op het ingediende werkstuk.


Evaluatie: Algebra II (B-KUL-G2P53b)

Type : Partiële of permanente evaluatie met examen tijdens de examenperiode
Evaluatievorm : Schriftelijk, Paper/Werkstuk
Vraagvormen : Open vragen
Leermateriaal : Cursusmateriaal


Schriftelijk open boek examen in de examenperiode. De opdracht telt mee voor 5 van de 20 punten. De score voor de opdracht wordt overgedragen naar de tweede zittijd.

ECTS Geschiedenis van de wiskunde (B-KUL-G0P59B)

6 studiepunten Nederlands 26 Tweede semesterTweede semester


  • De studenten vertrouwd maken met de geschiedenis van de wiskunde en de hedendaagse historische literatuur.
  • De historische ontwikkeling van de wiskunde begrijpen vanuit zowel interne als externe omstandigheden.
  • De verschillende vormen van het wiskundige denken, die zich historisch hebben voorgedaan, kunnen herkennen en duiden.


De cursus onderstelt een basiskennis wiskunde, hoewel geen technische vaardigheden worden vereist.


Geschiedenis van de wiskunde (B-KUL-G0P59a)

6 studiepunten : College 26 Tweede semesterTweede semester


De cursus overloopt de chronologische ontwikkeling van de wiskunde, maar met speciale aandacht voor historiografische discussies en terugkerende thema's. Zo wordt de vraag naar transformatie en revolutie binnen het wiskundig denken aan de orde gesteld, alsook de veranderende positie van de wiskunde in de tijds- en plaatsgebonden culturele context. Ook komen institutionele factoren (onderwijs, professionalisering, gemeenschapsvorming) aan bod. Voor elke periode wordt een algemene karakterisering gegeven die de oriëntatie van het wiskundig denken in die periode verheldert.

  • Wiskunde in de Oudheid (de opvattingen van Pythagoras en Plato, de kenmerken van de Griekse wiskunde, belangrijke wiskundigen: Eudoxus, Euclides, Archimedes, Apollonius, Pappus)
  • Wiskunde in de Europese Middeleeuwen (Boethius, Leonardo Fibonacci, introductie van Arabische wetenschap, universiteiten)
  • De Renaissance van de wiskunde (ontwikkeling van algebra, trigonometrie, invloed van humanisme en de herontdekking van de Griekse wiskunde, wiskundige elementen in kunst en techniek)
  • De ontwikkeling van de infinitesimaalrekening (Descartes, Fermat, Newton, Leibniz)
  • Het oplossen van wiskundige problemen in de achttiende eeuw (Bernoulli’s, d’Alembert, Euler)
  • Verdieping in de negentiende eeuw: het streven naar strengheid en het zoeken naar onderliggende structuren in algebra en meetkunde (Gauss, Cauchy, Abel, Galois, Riemann, Plücker, Klein, Weierstrass,…)
  • De ontwikkeling van de statistiek (Pascal, Huygens, Bernoulli, De Moivre, Bayes, Laplace, Quetelet, Poisson, Galton, Pearson)
  • De grondslagen van de wiskunde. Arithmetisering (Cantor, Dedekind) en axiomatisering (Frege, Peano, Russell).
  • Recente ontwikkelingen: topics uit de wiskunde van de 20ste eeuw.


Het studiemateriaal wordt via Toledo beschikbaar gesteld en bestaat uit

  • slides die tijdens de lessen besproken worden;
  • teksten uit handboeken en artikels;
  • oefeningen
  • ...


Evaluatie: Geschiedenis van de wiskunde (B-KUL-G2P59b)

Type : Examen tijdens de examenperiode
Evaluatievorm : Schriftelijk
Vraagvormen : Open vragen
Leermateriaal : Geen

ECTS Number Theory (B-KUL-G0P61B)

6 ECTS English 46 Second termSecond term


Introducing the basic results and methods from elementary number theory. Applications and computational aspects are extensively discussed.

Previous knowledge

Courses G0N27A Lineaire Algebra, G0T45A Algebraïsche Structuren and G0N88A Algebra I.


Number Theory (B-KUL-G0P61a)

4 ECTS : Lecture 26 Second termSecond term


Review of basic arithmetics: Euler function, congruences of Euler and Wilson, Chinese Remainder Theorem.
Structure of the unit group of Zn.
Solubility of congruences: Lemma Hensel-Rychlik.
Quadratic reciprocity laws of Gauss and Jacobi.
Fast algorithms for congruences and primality testing.
The field of p-adic numbers.
p-adic numbers and the Hilbert symbol.
Rational points on a conic. The Hasse principle.
Quadratic rings.
Whole points on conic sections.
Applications in cryptography.
Prime numbers and the Riemann zeta function (introductory).
Elliptic curves

Course material


Format: more information


Number Theory: Exercises (B-KUL-G0P62a)

2 ECTS : Practical 20 Second termSecond term


Same as lectures.

Course material

Same as lectures + Toledo.

Format: more information



Evaluation: Number Theory (B-KUL-G2P61b)

Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written, Take-Home


The evaluation consists of:

- a written exam during the examination period (with grade E).
- 3 (non-obligatory) assignments during the semester (with grade T).

The final grade is calculated according to the formule max{E,(3E+T)/4}.

It is not possible to retake the assignments for the second examination attempt, but the previously submitted assignments do count for the final grade.

ECTS Probability and Measure (B-KUL-G0P63B)

6 ECTS English 39 First termFirst term
N. |  Wennman Aron (substitute)


After following this course:
(1) the student is able to outline Lebesgue's theory of integration in the general context of an arbitrary measure space,
(2) the student is able to state the measure theoretical foundations of probability theory, and is able to illustrate them at the level of examples,
(3) the student is able to identify the classical theorems of measure theory and he/she recognizes situations in analysis and probability theory where those results can be applied,
(4) the student is familiar with some classical techniques from measure theory and theoretical probability theory, and he/she is able to apply these techniques to relatively new situations,
(5) the student has further developed his/her sense of generality and abstraction,
(6) the student has further sharpend his/her abiltity to construct proofs,
(7) the student has further developed his/her (self-)critical sense of accuracy and clarity of formulation.

Previous knowledge

The students should already have followed a basic training in analysis (e.g. as provided in the courses Analyse I (B-KUL-G0N30B) and Analyse II (B-KUL-G0N86B). In particular, this course elaborates Lebesgue's integration theory which is intiated in Analyse II. Moreover, it can be helpful if the student is familiar wth the basic concepts and results from probability theory as treated in, e.g., Kansrekenen en statistiek I (B-KUL-G0Z26A) and Kansrekenen en statistiek II (B-KUL-G0N96B).

Identical courses

G0P63C: Probability and Measure Online


Probability and Measure (B-KUL-G0P63a)

4 ECTS : Lecture 26 First termFirst term
N. |  Wennman Aron (substitute)


In this course, measure theory is developed as a general, conceptually elegant and technically efficient integration theory. It is shown how measure theory provides the tools and part of the language for Kolmogorov's formalism for rigorous probability theory. Moreover the measure theoretical language is extended with typical probabilistic concepts (such as independence) and results. Below a general overview of possible themes and subjects is described.

The need for measure theory from integration theory and probabilty theory:
The incompleteness of the Riemann integral, Lebesgue's idea. Kolmogorov's formalism for probability theory

The general Lebesgue integration theory:
Measure spaces. Integration of measurable functions. Convergence theorems (monotone, dominated, Fatou's lemma)

Construction of measure spaces:
Outer measures and Carathéodory's construction. Lebesgue measure, Lebesgue-Stieltjes measures, distribution functions. Comparison between the Lebesgue integral and the Riemann integral.

Kolmogorov's formalism for probability:
Probability spaces. Random variables (distribution, distribution function, expected value). Indepence (for events, random variables and sigma-algebras). Borel-Cantelli lemmas. Tail-sigma-algebras and Kolmogorov's 0-1-law.

Product measure spaces:
Construction (including infinite products of probabilty spaces). Fubini's theorem. Convolutions. Independence and product constructions.

Absolute continuity and singularity:
Radon-Nikodym-derivative (density functions). Lebesgue's decomposition theorem. Conditional expectations.

Lp spaces:
Completeness, Hölder and Minkowski inequalities. Duality.

Convergence of sequences of measures and random variables:
Weak convergence, convergence in distribution, convergence in probabilty, Helly’s selection theorem.

Course material

Lecture notes.

Format: more information

Lectures are integrated with exercise sessions.

Is also included in other courses

G0P63C : Probability and Measure Online

Probability and Measure: Exercises (B-KUL-G0P64a)

2 ECTS : Practical 13 First termFirst term
N. |  Wennman Aron (substitute)


see G0P63a.

Course material

see G0P63a

Format: more information

Exercise sessions are integrated with the lectures. 

Is also included in other courses

G0P63C : Probability and Measure Online


Evaluation: Probability and Measure (B-KUL-G2P63b)

Type : Exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : Course material


More information will be announced on Toledo.

Information about retaking exams

More information will be announced on Toledo.

ECTS Stochastic Models (B-KUL-G0P65C)

6 ECTS English 39 Second termSecond term


Becoming familiar with stochastic modelling of dependent stochastic variables, practicing practice examples of stochastic models.

Previous knowledge

A basic knowledge of probability theory and statistics is required. Furthermore, the students has to have the necessary basic calculus background to apply the basic knowledge to real cases and examples.


Stochastic Models (Part 1) (B-KUL-G0P66a)

4 ECTS : Lecture 26 Second termSecond term


After a number of introductory examples, we recall basic concepts of probability theory and statistics.
This will be followed by an extensive study of Poisson processes with their generalizations like the compound
Poisson process. Applications are given in the context of credit risk and actuarial sciences.
Next, discrete and continuous Markov chains are discussed.
Examples of population problems, waiting line theory, towards insurance and financial engineering are given.

Is also included in other courses

G0P65B : Stochastic Models

Stochastic Models (Part 2) (B-KUL-G0T68a)

2 ECTS : Lecture 13 Second termSecond term


Brownian motion is introduced. Theoretical properties and applications are discussed. Attention is given to the Black-Scholes model for asset price dynamics in which the Brownian motion plays a prominent role.
Further, Lévy processes are described and applied in an insurance and financial context.
Students learn how to perform Monte-Carlo simulations of the above classes of processes. Attention is paid to Brownian bridges and Stochastic Differential Equations.


Evaluation: Stochastic Models (B-KUL-G2P65c)

Type : Exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written


Written exam

Evaluation type: Open book


Information about retaking exams

Written exam

Evaluation type: Open book

ECTS Introduction to Plasma Dynamics (B-KUL-G0P71B)

6 ECTS English 39 First termFirst term
Bacchini Fabio (coordinator) |  Keppens Rony |  N. |  Bacchini Fabio (substitute)


The goal is to provide the basic information and the basic theoretical approach to plasma physics. The vast majority of the universe is in a plasma state. Plasmas are systems of interacting charged particles where the bond between electrons and ions in atoms is broken and the system acts as a collective of very large numbers of particles. Plasmas have many applications in laboratory, industry, space and astrophysics. But besides the plasmas themselves, the models used to study them are of vast applicability in many areas of science and engineering. Learning plasma physics is doubly productive: it teached how plasmas work and it teaches how to study other many body systems with collective interactions (from the nanoscales all the way to the universe itself).

The course follows three converging patterns:
1) A theoretical approach where two fundamental mathematical-physics approaches are introduced: kinetic and fluid. These models are described for plasmas (systems of particles interacting via electromagnetic fields) but are basic tools for analyzing many areas of science and engineering.
2) A computer experiment approach where the student experiments plasma behavior conducting computer simulations and interpreting the observed behavior using the theoretical tools learned during the course.
3) A phenomenological approach where observed processes in laboratory and astrophysical plasmas are discussed and their explanation is obtained based on the plasma physics and mathematical modeling learned during the class.  This approach is the focus of the elective parts.
Central to the class is learning that a system where different time and length scales are present can be modelled with different mathematical models depending on the phenomena one wants to analyse: fluid models at macroscopic scales and kinetic models at microscopic scales.
After a common part followed by all students, three elective parts are available and each student can choose one of the three: space plasmas, relativistic plasmas or quantum plasmas. One project relative to the selected part is then assigned to each student and is developed during the semester.

Previous knowledge

Basic physics and basic calculus.


Introduction to Plasma Dynamics (B-KUL-G0P71a)

5 ECTS : Lecture 26 First termFirst term
Keppens Rony |  N. |  Bacchini Fabio (substitute)



Common trunk – For all students

Plasma Basics
Plasma state, plasmas in nature, plasma experiments, plasma in industry
Field equations; particle motion in electromagnetic fields

Plasma Kinetic Theory
Boltzmann equation,
Vlasov solution: 2 stream instability
Landau solution: Fourier and Laplace transformation, integrals in phase space.
Landau damping, waves and instabilities
Computer simulations of plasma physics: the particle-particle and particle-mesh methods and their application

Plasma Fluid Theory
Moments and derivation of fluid models, MHD
Equilibrium and Stability
Principles of computer simulation of fluid models

Elective choices – Each student chooses one of the three items below

1. Space and Laboratory Plasmas
Forzen-in condition and Ohm's law.
Reconnection and energy conversion.  Particle acceleration. Shocks and Discontinuities
Example: Solar and Earth environment, Magnetic Fusion experiments

2. Relativistic Astrophysical Plasmas
Relativistic formulation, transformation properties
Radiation field and its interaction with a plasma
Examples: Astrophysical applications, Laser-plasma experiments

3. Quantum Plasmas
Strongly coupled and quantum degenerate plasmas
High energy density physics, warm dense matter
Examples: White dwarfs, Nanostructures


Introduction to Plasma Dynamics: Exercises (B-KUL-G0P72a)

1 ECTS : Assignment 13 First termFirst term
Keppens Rony |  N. |  Bacchini Fabio (substitute)




Take Home Exercise: Exercises will be assigned for each part of the lecture series. The exercises can be done at home but will be evaluated for the exam. The exercises will be done for a specific natural or man made plasma, chosen by the students from a list provided. The idea is to apply what we learn in class to a specific plasma of interest to the student.


Plasma Project: Each student will select from a list one project relative to the elective part chosen. The work will be in teams of 2-3. The specific project will be chosen based on the previous personal curriculum and on the interests of the students. A mixed theoretical, computational and phenomenological approach is encouraged but the students can choose the emphasis of the project. The assignment can include laboratory, industrial and astrophysical plasma applications, as well as mathematical derivations and theoretical investigations. The project will be developed during the semester and will be presented at the exam.

Format: more information

Homework: Exercises will be assigned during the semester on an approximately bi-weekly cadence for the topics of the common trunk. The examples will include theoretical derivations of specific processes and applicative exercises to put the theory into action in realistic applications.

Assignment: Each student will receive one project relative to the elective part chosen. The specific project will be chosen based on the previous personal curriculum and on the interests of the student. A mixed theoretical, computational and phenomenological approach is encouraged but the students can choose the emphasis of the project. The assignment can include laboratory, industrial and astrophysical plasma applications, as well as mathematical derivations and theoretical investigations. The project will be developed during the semester and will be presented at the exam.


Evaluation: Introduction to Plasma Dynamics (B-KUL-G2P71b)

Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Project/Product, Report, Presentation, Oral, Take-Home
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : Course material


The exam is composed of differnt parts:

  • oral presentation on the project: 30%
  • report on the project: 30%
  • take home exam part 1 - exercises: 20%
  • take home exam part 2 - computer experiment: 20%

ECTS Fundamentals of Financial Mathematics (B-KUL-G0Q20A)

6 ECTS English 39 First termFirst term Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract


The aim of the course is to give a rigorous yet accessible introduction to the modern theory of financial mathematics.

Previous knowledge

- Sound mathematics, statistics and probability theory knowledge

Is included in these courses of study


Fundamentals of Financial Mathematics (B-KUL-G0Q20a)

4 ECTS : Lecture 26 First termFirst term


The aim of the course is to give a rigorous yet accessible introduction to the modern theory of financial mathematics. The student should already be comfortable with calculus and probability theory. Prior knowledge of basic notions of finance is useful.
We start with providing some background on the financial markets and the instruments traded. We will look at different kinds of derivative securities, the main group of underlying assets, the markets where derivative securities are traded and the financial agents involved in these activities. The fundamental problem in the mathematics of financial derivatives is that of pricing and hedging. The pricing is based on the no-arbitrage assumptions. We start by discussing option pricing in the simplest idealised case: the Single-Period Market. Next, we turn to Binomial tree models. Under these models we price European and American options and discuss pricing methods for the more involved exotic options. Monte-Carlo issues come into play here.
Next, we set up general discrete-time models and look in detail at the mathematical counterpart of the economic principle of no-arbitrage: the existence of equivalent martingale measures. We look when the models are complete, i.e. claims can be hedged perfectly. We discuss the Fundamental theorem of asset pricing in a discrete setting.
To conclude the course, we make a bridge to continuous-time models. We introduce and study the Black-Scholes model in detail.

Is also included in other courses

G0Q20C : Fundamentals of Financial Mathematics

Fundamentals of Financial Mathematics: Exercises (B-KUL-G0Q21a)

2 ECTS : Practical 13 First termFirst term


Evaluation: Fundamentals of Financial Mathematics (B-KUL-G2Q20a)

Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written, Paper/Project
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : Course material


Features of the evaluation

* The evaluation consists of:

  • an assignment (25%)
  • an written exam (75 %)

* The deadline for the assignment will be determined by the lecturer and communicated via Toledo.

Determination of the final grade

* The grades are determined by the lecturer as communicated via Toledo and stated in the examination schedule. The result is calculated and communicated as a whole number on a scale of 20.

* The final grade is a weighted score and consists of:

  • the assignment: 25% of the final grade
  • the exam: 75% of the final grade

* If the student does not participate in the assignment and/or the exam, the grades for that part of the evaluation will be a 0-grade within the calculations of the final grade.

*If the set deadline for the assignment was not respected, the grade for that respective part will be a 0-grade in the final grade, unless the student asked the lecturer to arrange a new deadline. This request needs to be motivated by grave circumstances.

Second examination opportunity

* The features of the evaluation and determination of grades are similar to those of the first examination opportunity, as described above.

Information about retaking exams

* The features of the evaluation and determination of grades are similar to those of the first examination opportunity

ECTS Financial Engineering (B-KUL-G0Q22A)

6 ECTS English 39 Second termSecond term
Schoutens Wim (coordinator) |  Leoni Peter |  Schoutens Wim


The objectives of this course  are to develop a solid understanding of the current framework for pricing equity derivatives, and to give the mathematical and practical background necessary to apply the various pricing methodologies on the market.

Previous knowledge

Fundamentals of Financial Mathematics probability theory, stochastic processes, statistics.


Financial Engineering (B-KUL-G0Q22a)

5 ECTS : Lecture 26 Second termSecond term


The objectives of this course  are to develop a solid understanding of the current framework for pricing equity derivatives, and to give the mathematical and practical background necessary to apply the various pricing methodologies on the market.
Prior knowledge of notions concerning discrete and continuous stochastic processes, probability theory and statistics will be useful.
·         Basic Equity Models: This section overviews the Binomial and Black-Scholes model for the pricing of financial derivatives in an equity setting.
·         Shortfalls of the Black-Scholes Model : Problems with the Normal Distribution, the need for stochastic volatility, implied volatility, stylized features of financial returns.
·         An Introduction to Lévy Processes: Definitions, Lévy-Kinthchin representation, properties, examples.
·         Jump Models: Lévy models, Variance Gamma model, risk-neutral modeling - equivalent martingale measures, extensions of the VG model.
·         Stochastic Volatility: Stylized features of volatility, Heston model, Heston with jumps, Lévy models with stochastic volatility.
·         Pricing European Options using Characteristic Functions : characteristic functions, Carr-Madan formula for European options, FFT techniques, characteristic function technique for other payoffs.
·         Basic concepts of calibration, search algorithm, choosing starting values, examples.
·         Monte-Carlo Simulations: Theory, Standard sampling of Heston paths, standard sampling VG paths, advanced sampling methods: Milstein's scheme, series representations, sampling Lévy processes with stochastic volatility paths.
·         Exotic Option Pricing: Pricing European options using Monte-Carlo simulation, variance reduction techniques, pricing American and barrier options by solving PDEs and PIDEs.
·         Miscellaneous: credit risk and interest rate modeling

Course material

References articles and literature:
Bingham, N.H. and Kiesel, R. (1998) Risk-Neutral Valuation. Springer.
Hull, J.C. (2000) Options, Futures and Other Derivatives. Prentice-Hall.
Schoutens, W. (2003) Lévy processes in finance. Wiley.

Financial Engineering: Exercises (B-KUL-G0Q23a)

1 ECTS : Practical 13 Second termSecond term


Evaluation: Financial Engineering (B-KUL-G2Q22a)

Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written, Paper/Project
Type of questions : Multiple choice, Open questions
Learning material : Course material


Features of the evaluation

* The evaluation consists of:

  • an assignment 
  • an written exam

* The deadline for the assignment will be determined by the lecturer and communicated via Toledo.

Determination of the final grade

* The grades are determined by the lecturer as communicated via Toledo and stated in the examination schedule. The result is calculated and communicated as a whole number on a scale of 20.

* The final grade is a weighted score and consists of:

  • the assignment : 50% of the final grade
  • the exam: 50% of the final grade

* If the student does not participate in the assignment and/or the exam, the grades for that part of the evaluation will be a 0-grade within the calculations of the final grade.

*If the set deadline for the assignment was not respected, the grade for that respective part will be a 0-grade in the final grade, unless the student asked the lecturer to arrange a new deadline. This request needs to be motivated by grave circumstances.

Second examination opportunity

* The features of the evaluation and determination of grades are similar to those of the first examination opportunity, as described above.

Information about retaking exams

* The features of the evaluation and determination of grades are similar to those of the first examination opportunity

ECTS Statistical Tools for Quantitative Risk Management (B-KUL-G0Q24A)

6 ECTS English 39 First termFirst term Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract
N. |  Smits Bert (substitute)


The objectives of this course are to study some selected topics from finance and insurance that cover a variety of (advanced) statistical techniques. 

Upon completion of this course the student

  • understands the definitions, the theoretical properties and the proofs that were given for the studied methodologies
  • is able to give a proof or a counterexample for a newly stated (similar) hypothesis
  • is able to apply the definitions and properties of the studied methodologies in practical situations (exercises, examples) and to draw conclusions about the obtained results
  • is able to understand and to interpet R code and output and to draw the correct conclusions
  • is able to understand a scientific article (or chapter from a scientific book) and to explain the most important results (in group); is able to implement and illustrate part of the studied methodology and/or application in the article with R (in group).

Previous knowledge

The prerequisites are basic calculus, basic concepts of probability and statistics, matrices and linear algebra.



Statistical Tools for Quantitative Risk Management (B-KUL-G0Q24a)

6 ECTS : Lecture 39 First termFirst term
N. |  Smits Bert (substitute)


The following topics will be studied

  • Multivariate Statistical Methods and Exploratory Data Analysis
  • Returns and Portfolio Selection
  • Copulas
  • Extreme Value Analysis
  • Time Series Models

Course material

Used course material consists of slides (available on Toledo)

Background information (recommended reading) can be found in several chapters of the following books

  • D. Ruppert (2011). Statistics and Data Analysis for Financial Engineering. Springer Texts in Statistics.
  • R.S. Tsay (2002) Analysis of Financial Time Series.Wiley series in Probability and Statistics.
  • J. Beirlant, Y. Goegebeur, J. Segers and J. Teugels (2003) Extreme Value modelling.  Wiley series in Probability and Statistics.

and in some scientific articles (also available on Toledo).

Format: more information

Formal lectures with interaction and discussions. (teaching conversation).

Teaching will be done by giving spoken explanations of the subject that is to be learned (accompanied by visual aids) and/or through examples or applications. The students will have to solve exercises (individually and in group) during the lectures, often with aid of statistical software. The students (divided in groups) will also teach to each other (one hour presentation) and will evaluate each other’s work.


Evaluation: Statistical Tools for Quantitative Risk Management (B-KUL-G2Q24a)

Type : Exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written
Type of questions : Multiple choice, Open questions
Learning material : Course material, Calculator


Features of the evaluation

*The evalution consists of a single final exam

* The final exam is a written exam. During the exam a summary of the course notes (this summary can be downloaded from Toledo) can be consulted. It is not allowed to make notes on the material that can be used during the exam.

Determination of final grades

*The grades are determined by the lecturer as communicated via Toledo and stated in the examination schedule. The result is calculated and communicated as a whole number on a scale of 20.

ECTS Science Communication and Outreach (B-KUL-G0R44A)

6 ECTS English 33 Second termSecond term


The course wants to stimulate reflection on the social meaning of science and the role of communication, information and popularization. In addition the course offers an
introduction to the scientific literature and empirical studies on science communication. Finally the concrete process of science communication (communication media,
typology of communication, communication sociology) is investigated.

Previous knowledge

The course does not presuppose specific foreknowledge.

Identical courses

G0R76A: Wetenschapscommunicatie en outreach

Is included in these courses of study


Science Communication and Outreach (B-KUL-G0R44a)

6 ECTS : Lecture 33 Second termSecond term


Science communication aims at making science more accessible to the general public, a.o. by increasing scientific literarcy of citizens. Of crucial importance is the
creation of a relation of trust among scientists and the public. This requires a clear understanding of the aims of science communication, as well as its channels and
The course focuses on the gap between science an the public, in particular in relation to the place of science in public media. Different forms of science communication
are related to different intended target audiences.
The topics to be treated can be arranged our four general themes.

1. Science in Public
This model introduces basic concepts in the understanding of the process of science communication: theories about of definitions and models of science communication,
the role of the expert, scientific literacy, the image of science in society.

2. Science and the media
Media play an important part in science communication, but, as they are working withintheir proper cultural value system and with speficif formats, they may also be seen
as a potential threat to the reliability and accuracy of scientific messages and of the representation of science. Attention is given to the differences and tensions between
the cultures of science and journalism. Students will also prepare written expositions on scientific themes.

3. Controversial science and risk communication
A special challenge to science communicators is to speak out on themes where no scientific certainty is avalaible, or when the topics are framed in a larger (political)
debate. To represent scientific views often merges with a taking of sides, which then may threaten the neutrality of science. This form of communication is often preferred
by audiovisual media. Also science blogs tend in this direction.

4. Interactive and participative communication
Science in the public sphere has to be viewed as an interactive process, in which the dominating role of the expert cannot be taken for granted. In this form of
communication the public takes a central role. This theme focuses on science centres, science cafés, citizen science,... and the approach to disseminate scientific
information through informal learning, based on psychological models of leanring. The course analyses the use of interactive and participative communication in different settings.

Course material

Slides and literature are made available by the lecturer.

Language of instruction: more information

Dit opo wordt aangeboden in de doctoraatsopleiding.  Een groot deel van de doctoraatsstudenten zijn niet-Nederlandstalig.


Evaluation: Science Communication and Outreach (B-KUL-G2R44a)

Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Paper/Project
Learning material : Course material



Information about retaking exams


ECTS Science and Sustainability: a Socio-Ecological Approach (B-KUL-G0R50A)

6 ECTS English 39 Both termsBoth terms Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract
Ceulemans Griet (coordinator) |  Biedenkopf Katja |  Ceulemans Griet |  Craps Marc |  Severijns Nathal |  Smet Mario |  N.  |  Less More


The student understands the terms sustainability, sustainable development, education for sustainability.

The student understands certain measures, argued from the diverse academic disciplines, that can be taken in the domain of science to stimulate sustainability, and the impact they (may) have.

The student understands certain didactical principles that can be used in the context of education for sustainable development.

The student recognizes the importance of transdisciplinary collaboration in the context of sustainability, sustainable development and education for sustainable development .

The student dares to take a position in the debate on social themes such as sustainability and sustainable development and dares to take responsibility in this context.

The student has developed the skills to communicate clearly about scientific subjects and to work in an interdisciplinary team.

The student is able to apply the three stages of analyzing, problem solving and implementation on a problem of sustainable development.

The student can implement didactical aspects in the context of education for sustainable development.


Previous knowledge

Bachelor’s degree.

Identical courses

G0R48A: Wetenschap en duurzaamheid: een socio-ecologische benadering

Is included in these courses of study


Science and Sustainability: a Socio-Ecological Approach – Concepts (B-KUL-G0R88a)

2 ECTS : Lecture 23 First termFirst term


Scientific knowledge on sustainability and sustainable development is an important part of the OPO science and sustainability. The following subjects will certainly be covered within this course: strong versus weak sustainability, theoretical models, systems thinking, lifecycle analysis, ecological footprint, the importance of transdisciplinary collaboration. The theory needs to be applied in the assignment.

Course material

Powerpoint, textbook, online sources.

Language of instruction: more information

Students that register for this OPO are mixed with students that take on the Dutch equivalent OPO. Lectures are in English. The greater part of the learning materials is provided in both languages.


Science and Sustainability: a Socio-Ecological Approach – Assignment (B-KUL-G0R89a)

1 ECTS : Assignment 1 First termFirst term


The assignment is the application of the theory on ideas generated from academic literature. A specific article is to be personally chosen.

Course material

A personally chosen article of academic level sustainability literature.

Language of instruction: more information

The assignment encompasses the writing of an individual report. This might be written in Dutch or English.

Science and Sustainability: a Socio-Ecological Approach – Project (B-KUL-G0R90a)

3 ECTS : Assignment 15 Second termSecond term


The OPO ‘Sustainability as a socio-ecological dynamics’ is to be considered as a broadening course. Via the projects the students get in touch with ecological and social economy, psychological and sociological development and get insight in the power of money and media. The projects fit within the central theme of the year. Early may students present their project. This integrates the workshop lessons and teamwork.

Course material

Project-specific material.

Language of instruction: more information

Students that register for this OPO are mixed with students that take on the Dutch equivalent OPO. Lectures are in English. The learning materials are provided in both languages whenever possible. However is concerns mostly international literature. There will be both English and Dutch projects.


Evaluation: Science and Sustainability: a Socio-Ecological Approach (B-KUL-G2R50a)

Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Report, Presentation, Self assessment/Peer assessment
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : Course material


Throughout the first semester, regularly an open question will be posted for discussing the provided theoretical insights of the classes (digital submission - open book). This should ensure that the theoretical knowledge can be used for teamwork and the final assignment. Through peer evaluation and a random teacher check, you will individually receive a maximum of 3 points out of 20 for your discussion. Teamwork for the workplan is also organized for which you will earn 2 out of 20 points through peer evaluation. Combined, this continuous evaluation during the semester provides 25% of your individual final score.

Since the project is a group assignment mostly in the second semester, one group score is given, based on the sustainability report and the final presentation during the project day, with equal weight. Subsequently, individual scores are calculated based on peer review within the group. This score counts for 75% in the final score.

Remark: If serious problems are noticed concerning contribution to the project work, the student can be excluded from the group, based on discussion between all partners (supervisor, coordinator and the members of the team). As a consequence, this student will be graded 0/20 for the project work.

Information about retaking exams

Re-examination is possible for the sustainability report, but not for permanent evaluation throughout the first semester, nor for the presentation. If the student fails according to the final score, the sustainability report has to be retaken during the third examination period. The other scores are transferred. After the third exam period, the final score will be recalculated.

ECTS Mathematics of the 21st Century (B-KUL-G0S01A)

6 ECTS English 26 Both termsBoth terms Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract


To bring the student in contact with recent developments in mathematics, especially those that did not get attention in other courses.
The student should be capable to understand the main elements of contemporary research and should be able to explain this to a larger audience.
There will be a balance between pure mathematics (algebra, analysis, geometry) and applied mathematics (statistics and probability, numerical mathematics, plasma astrophysics).

Previous knowledge

The student is supposed to have the mathematical expertise of a bachelor in mathematics. He/she should have completed succesfully a bachelor project.


Mathematics of the 21st Century: Lectures (B-KUL-G0S01a)

3 ECTS : Lecture 14 First termFirst term


A total of 7 lectures of two hours (14 hours) during the first term.
1. Introduction:
    -  Hilbert's 23 problems for the 20th century;
    -  The Fields medal and the Abel prize;
    -  The seven millennium problems of the Clay Mathematics Institute;
2. The most recent Abel prize or one of the millenium problems of the Clay Mathematics Institute;
3. A recent development in pure mathematics;
4. A recent development in statistics;
5. A recent development in numerical mathematics;
6. A recent development in applied mathematics/physics;
7. Mathematics in business.

Each of the lectures gives a description of the problem, the state of the art of the problem and its (potential) impact. It is not the intention to give detailed proofs since the lectures will be attended by all the students (pure andapplied mathematics) and they do not have the same background knowledge. The required background will be part of the lecture.

Course material

There is a short description of the seven millennium problems on the website of the Clay Mathematics Institute ( and there are videos available of lectures. There is also a book [1] and an elementary description in Dutch [2].There is a book with more information about the Fields medallists up tot 2002 [3].All the lectures and the presentations will be made available on Toledo.

[1] J. Carlson, A. Jaffe, A. Wiles (Eds.), The Millennium Prize Problems, The Clay Mathematics Institute, American Mathematical Society, Providence RI, 2006.

[2] A. van den Brandhof, R. van der Veen, J. van de Craats, B. Koren: De zeven grootste raadsels van de wiskunde, Uitgeverij Bert Bakker, 2012.

[3] Michael Atiyah, Daniel Iagolnitzer: Fields Medallists' Lectures, World Scientific Series in 20th Century Mathematics: Volume 9, World Scientific, Singapore, 2nd edition, 2003.

Mathematics of the 21st Century: Presentations (B-KUL-G0S02a)

3 ECTS : Assignment 12 Second termSecond term


A total of 8 presentations of one hour followed by 1/2 hour of questions (12 hours), during the second term. The students will be organized in little teams of 2-3 students and each team gives a presentation of one hour about a subject from a list of subjects: a recent break-through, one of the recent Fields medals, the Crafoord prize in mathematics, the Wolf prize in mathematics, the Carl Friedrich Gauss prize, the Rolf Nevanlinna prize, the Chern medal, possibly a Nobel prize (physics, economics) or the Kavli prize in astrophysics, etc. All the students are present during the presentations and participate in the question time after the presentation. The student presentations are with beamer and in English. Each presentation contains a description of the problem, a number of mathematical aspects and the impact for other sciences and (possibly) for society.

Course material

Same as OLA 1.


Evaluation: Mathematics of the 21st Century (B-KUL-G2S01a)

Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Report, Presentation


The evaluation consists of two parts. The students prepare an individual report of one of the lectures of the first term. Which lecture will be announced at the end of the term so that students need to take notes of all the lectures. The report should also contain additional material which was not given during the lecture. This report is 50% of the total score.
The student presentations will be evaluated by the teaching team (and partly by the students) and is also 50% of the total score. Attendance and participation (questions and discussion) are taken into account in the score. It is not possible to have an exam in August/September.

Information about retaking exams


ECTS Orthogonal Polynomials and Random Matrices (B-KUL-G0U68A)

6 ECTS English 26 Second termSecond term
N. |  Wennman Aron (substitute)


After following this course the student

 (1) knows the basic concepts around orthogonal polynomials and is familiar with a number of examples,

(2) is familiar with some of the models of random matrix theory and knows how they are analyzed with orthogonal polynomials,

(3) masters the technique of asymptotic analysis in order to compute the limiting behavior of orthogonal polynomials and eigenvalues of random matrices,

(4) is able to analyze a model of random permutations.

Previous knowledge

Linear algebra and complex analysis, notions of measure theory and probability. Probability and Measure (G0P63B) is recommended.


Orthogonal Polynomials and Random Matrices (B-KUL-G0U68a)

6 ECTS : Lecture 26 Second termSecond term
N. |  Wennman Aron (substitute)


The course gives an introduction to orthogonal polynomials and their connections to the theory of random matrices. The emphasis is on techniques from real and complex analysis. Notions from probability and combinatorics are used in the course.

Orthogonal polynomials

  • Definitions and examples, properties of zeros, recurrence relation, Riemann Hilbert problem

Random matrices

  • Gaussian Unitary Ensemble and extensions, Ginibre ensemble, eigenvalue distributions, determinantal point processes

Potential theory in the complex plane

  • Equilibrium measures, semi-circle law, notions of subharmonic functions, Cauchy transforms

Asymptotic analysis

  • Laplace's method, steepest descent analysis of integrals and of Riemann-Hilbert problems

Universal limit laws for eigenvalues of random matrices

  • Eigenvalue spacings, sine kernel, Airy kernel, Tracy-Widom distribution 

Additional topics may include

  • Random permutations, Tiling models, Non-intersecting Brownian Paths, Zeros of random polynomials

Course material

Toledo and Course notes

Additional reading:

  • Topics in Random Matrix Theory by Terence Tao, American Mathematical Society, Graduate Studies in Mathematics, 132, 2012
  • Orthogonal Polynomials and Random Matrices: A Riemann-Hilbert Approach by Percy Deift, American Mathematical Society, Courant Lecture Notes in Mathematics 3, 1999




Evaluation: Orthogonal Polynomials and Random Matrices (B-KUL-G2U68a)

Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Oral, Take-Home
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : Course material


Assignments: The student submits solutions to a number of homework problems during the semester.

Oral exam: oral exam with written preparation, with questions selected from the exercises and homeworks.

ECTS Student Seminar in Mathematics (B-KUL-G0U69A)

6 ECTS English 26 Both termsBoth terms Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract
Vaes Stefaan (coordinator) |  Keppens Rony |  Vaes Stefaan


Students learn about recent research developments in pure and/or applied mathematics by active participation in seminar series and/or PhD Colloquia organized by the Department of Mathematics. Students are stimulated to ask questions during seminars, acquiring a knowledge driven attitude. The students will also learn how to present research work to other researchers. To this end, they will synthesize the results of a selected research project or article in a seminar talk to fellow students as well as more advanced researchers (PhDs, postdocs, staff members). This research connects to a pure or an applied math research topic, depending on the student master track profile.

Previous knowledge

The student has a solid background in mathematics at the master level, and has passed several of the core courses in the pure or applied profile.

Identical courses

G0V69A: Student Seminar in Pure Mathematics
G0V74A: Student Seminar in Applied Mathematics

Is included in these courses of study


Student Seminar in Mathematics (B-KUL-G0U69a)

6 ECTS : Assignment 26 Both termsBoth terms


The student will attend various seminars and will have the opportunity to ask questions during and at the end of each seminar. The students can choose from seminars according to their master track orientation. Specifically:


  • For Pure mathematics: the Department of Mathematics organizes every semester three PhD colloquia where a PhD student explains a mathematical concept that relates to his/her own research to a broad mathematical audience. The students can attend up to all 6 of these PhD colloquia and learn in this way what the current topics are in the research groups of algebra (Leuven and Kortrijk), analysis and geometry.
  • For Applied mathematics: here the students can attend a selection of the (typically weekly) seminars organized  by the divisions of statistics and plasma astrophysics. These provide an opportunity to learn about ongoing applied math research by PhDs, postdocs or visiting scientists.


Active participation in these seminar series will be stimulated and monitored.

Besides participating in seminars (PhD colloquia and/or divisional research seminars), a separate Research Seminar for and by the master students will be organized. At the beginning of the semester, each student chooses a topic for his/her Research seminar from a list provided by the organizers of the course. This can be a recent research article or a small research project, different from the student’s master thesis topic. We expect each student to attend all Research Seminars given by fellow math students from the same (pure/applied) profile, and a fair selection of those from the profile other than their own (e.g. a pure math student attends all pure math student research seminars, and a few of the applied math students, and vice-versa).

The list of Research seminars (and other seminars) to be followed will be fixed for each student at the startup meeting of the student seminar.

Course material

Will be provided, as linked to the chosen seminar topic. Typically from contemporary scientific research literature or in (recent) books.


Evaluation: Student Seminar in Mathematics (B-KUL-G2U69a)

Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Presentation, Participation during contact hours
Learning material : None


A student can only pass this course if (s)he attends a substantial amount of seminars. At the start of each academic year, the minimal number of seminars to attend will be fixed and announced on Toledo.

Active attendance and participation in the different seminars is monitored and evaluated. This counts for 4 out of 20 points.

The preparation of the student's own seminar is done under the supervision of an active researcher from one of the research groups in mathematics (Leuven and Kortrijk). The student's own seminar is evaluated by a committee of researchers from these research groups and counts for the remaining 16 out of 20 points.




Information about retaking exams

A student who did not attend a substantial amount of seminars has no 2nd exam opportunity.

The student's own seminar, again evaluated by a committee of researchers from the research groups in mathematics (Leuven and Kortrijk), can be done again and still counts for 16 out of 20 points.

The points obtained for active seminar participation carry over to 2nd exam opportunity.

ECTS Advanced Reading Course in Mathematics (B-KUL-G0V75A)

6 ECTS English 26 Both termsBoth terms
Zambon Marco (coordinator) |  Van Aelst Stefan |  Zambon Marco


The student learns the state-of-the-art of the research in one of the research groups in pure or applied mathematics. By making a thorough study of part of the literature the student will be prepared to start active research in pure or applied mathematics.

Previous knowledge

Depend on the chosen area. This course should be taken in the second phase of the master program.

Is included in these courses of study


Advanced Reading Course in Mathematics (B-KUL-G0V75a)

6 ECTS : Assignment 26 Both termsBoth terms


Members of the research groups in pure mathematics (Leuven and Kortrijk) and applied mathematics propose tailor-made subjects in accordance with the student's research ambitions. Typically the student studies part of the literature (indicatively, 2 or 3 research papers) guided by a ZAP or post-doc. The content of the course is very flexible. Sometimes the student will have the opportunity to attend a summer school or similar activity and learn in this way the state-of-the-art in his research area.  

Course material

To be determined with the supervisor.

Format: more information

To be determined by the supervisor.


Evaluation: Advanced Reading Course in Mathematics (B-KUL-G2V75a)

Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
Learning material : None


The evaluation will be based on a written synthesis of what has been learned, an exam, or a combination of both. The student may be asked to give an oral presentation on his work.

ECTS Numerieke benadering met toepassing in datawetenschappen (B-KUL-H01P3A)

6 studiepunten Nederlands 54 Tweede semesterTweede semester Uitgesloten voor examencontract
Michiels Wim (coördinator) |  Michiels Wim |  Samaey Giovanni


De benadering van functionele verbanden tussen grootheden en de interpretatie van data zijn universele problemen in de (ingenieurs-)wetenschappen met vele toepassingen, onder meer in de datawetenschappen en in machine learning. Deze cursus behandelt een aantal belangrijke numerieke methoden en algoritmen voor het benaderen van een gekende functie door een combinatie van eenvoudigere functies, het bepalen van een ongekende functie op basis van mogelijk grote hoeveelheden (gemeten) data, en voor de analyse van datasets en grafen. Daarbij wordt aandacht besteed aan de kwaliteit van de bekomen oplossingen, de rekencomplexiteit en numerieke eigenschappen van de algoritmes om die oplossingen te berekenen, en de brede  toepasbaarheid van de aangereikte theorie en algoritmes. In de cursus komen zowel eendimensionale als meerdimensionale benaderingsproblemen aan bod. 


Na deze cursus zal de student in staat zijn om: 

  • standaard benaderingstechnieken te beschrijven en hun eigenschappen (complexiteit, nauwkeurigheid, betrouwbaarheid) kritisch te bespreken; 
  • een gefundeerde keuze te maken voor specifieke benaderingstechnieken, afhankelijk van de context en de probleemstelling; 
  • benaderingsalgoritmes te implementeren en de bekomen numerieke resultaten te interpreteren in functie van de eigenschappen van de methodes; 
  • specifieke problemen in datawetenschappen te formuleren als een benaderingsprobleem, numeriek op te lossen en het oplossingsproces helder schriftelijk te rapporteren. 


Deze cursus steunt op cursussen analyse, lineaire algebra en numerieke wiskunde zoals die bijvoorbeeld aangeboden worden in de eerste 3 semesters van bachelor ingenieurswetenschappen, en veronderstelt een vertrouwdheid met 
toepassingsdomeinen zoals systeemtheorie, informatie-overdracht, mechanica/natuurkunde. 

Plaats in het onderwijsaanbod


Numerieke benadering met toepassing in datawetenschappen: hoorcollege (B-KUL-H01P3a)

4 studiepunten : College 34 Tweede semesterTweede semester


Deel 1 Inleiding   

  • Data en model: Wat is een benaderingsprobleem; Van data naar functiebenadering 
  • Beste benadering: Definitie van een optimalisatieprobleem; Regularisatie; Lineaire vs. niet-lineaire benadering in de parameters 


Deel 2 Lineaire benaderingsproblemen 

  • Beste benadering van vectoren in een lineaire deelruimte: Scheve en orthogonale basis in Rn; Orthogonalisatieprocedures; Beste benadering van vectoren 
  • Benadering van functies in deelruimtes: Metrische ruimte en afstand; Genormeerde ruimte en lengte; Unitaire ruimte en orthogonaliteit; Benadering in Euclidische ruimten 
  • Veeltermbenadering: Kleinste-kwadratenbenadering met veeltermen: Orthogonale veeltermen; Continue kleinste-kwadratenbenadering  
  • Benaderingen door middel van splines: Definitie en eigenschappen; B-spline basis; Bewerkingen op splines 
  • Discrete benadering op basis van meetdata: Opstellen van de benadering; Ruis en overfitting 


Deel 3 Data, grafen en eigenwaarden 

  • Grafen en eigenwaardenproblemen in data science: PageRank; Meest centrale knoop; Spectrale clustering; Partitionering van een graaf 
  • Numerieke methodes voor eigenwaardeproblemen: Methode van de machten; deelruimte-iteratie; QR-algoritme zonder en met shifts; Krylov methodes 


Deel 4 Niet-lineaire benadering 

  • Niet-lineaire benaderingsproblemen in de praktijk: Functies met niet-lineaire parameterafhankelijkheid; Diepe neurale netwerken 
  • Optimalisatiemethodes: Gradient descent method and stochastic gradient descent; Conjugate gradient method; Gauss-Newton methode; Leren uit data 
  • IJle representatie en benaderingen: Singuliere waardenontbinding: definitie en eigenschappen; algoritmes; Reductie van datasets en Principal Component-Analysis; Lagerangbenaderingen 


Studiekost: 51-75 euro (De informatie over studiekosten zoals hier opgenomen is indicatief en geeft enkel de prijs weer bij aankoop van nieuw materiaal. Er zijn mogelijk ook e- en tweedehandskopijen beschikbaar. Op LIMO kan je nagaan of het handboek beschikbaar is in de bibliotheek. Eventuele printkosten en optioneel studiemateriaal zijn niet in deze prijs vervat.)


Numerieke benadering met toepassing in datawetenschappen: oefeningen (B-KUL-H01P4a)

1.2 studiepunten : Practicum 20 Tweede semesterTweede semester


De oefenzittingen zijn programmeerzittingen in Matlab op basis van opgaven die verband houden met de inhoud van het hoorcollege. 


Opdrachten gegeven tijdens de oefenzittingen.

Numerieke benadering met toepassing in datawetenschappen: practica (B-KUL-H01Z3a)

0.8 studiepunten : Opdracht 0 Tweede semesterTweede semester


Twee opdrachten, uit te voeren in Matlab en schriftelijk te rapporteren, waarbij een deelaspect uit de inhoud van het hoorcollege verder uitgediept wordt.   

Algemene doelstellingen: 

  • dieper inzicht in theorie verwerven 
  • ontwikkeling van een efficiënte Matlab implementatie 
  • ontwerp van nieuwe, gelijkaardige numerieke algoritmen aan deze gezien in de hoorcolleges 
  • schrijven van wetenschappelijk verslag 


Opdracht verspreid via Toledo.

Toelichting werkvorm

De practica worden alleen of met 2 gemaakt. Bij elk practicum moet er een verslag geschreven worden. De beoordeling van de practica gebeurt op basis van dit verslag. 


Evaluatie: Numerieke benadering met toepassing in datawetenschappen (B-KUL-H21P3a)

Type : Partiële of permanente evaluatie met examen tijdens de examenperiode
Evaluatievorm : Schriftelijk, Verslag


De evaluatie voor dit vak bestaat enerzijds uit de kwotering voor de practica en anderzijds uit de kwotering voor het examen.
Een student moet slagen op elk van deze twee onderdelen (practica, eindexamen) om in totaal te kunnen slagen. 


Toelichting bij herkansen

De evaluatie voor dit vak bestaat enerzijds uit de kwotering voor de practica en anderzijds uit de kwotering voor het examen. Een student moet slagen op elk van deze twee onderdelen (practica, eindexamen) om in totaal te kunnen slagen.

Bij niet slagen voor de practica in de juni-zittijd wordt een extra opgave voorzien.  Bij het slagen voor de practica in de juni-zittijd moet voor de herkansing van het vak geen nieuwe opgave gemaakt worden.

Bij het niet slagen voor het vak in de juni-zittijd moet het examen steeds opnieuw afgelegd worden.

ECTS Optimization (B-KUL-H03E3A)

6 ECTS English 50 First termFirst term Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract


The course gives insight into the mathematical formulation of optimization problems and deals with advanced methods and algorithms to solve these problems. The knowledge of the possibilities and shortcomings of these algorithms should lead to a beter understanding of their applicability in solving concrete engineering problems. In the course, an overview of existing software for optimization will also be given, this software will be used in the practical exercise sessions. The student learns to select the appropriate solving methods and software for a wide range of optimization problems and learns to correctly interpret the results.

The following knowledge and skills will be acquired during this course:

  • The student will be able to formulate a mathematical optimization problem starting from a concrete engineering problem.
  • The student will be able to classify optimization problems into appropriate categories (e.g., convex vs. non-convex problems).
  • The student will be familiar with different optimization strategies and their properties, and will hence be able to decide which strategy to use for a given optimization problem.
  • The student will be able to formulate the optimality conditions for a given optimization problem.
  • The student will have a profound understanding of a wide variety of optimization algorithms and their properties, and will be able to apply the appropriate algorithms for a given optimization problem.
  • The student will be familiar with state-of-the-art optimization software packages, and will be able to use these in an efficient manner.

Previous knowledge

Skills: the student should be able to analyze, synthesize and interpret.
Knowledge: Analysis, Numerical mathematics, Numerical linear algebra.

Identical courses

H0S15A: Optimalisatie

Is included in these courses of study


Optimization: Lecture (B-KUL-H03E3a)

4 ECTS : Lecture 30 First termFirst term


1. Introduction
- a number of motivating examples (control, fitting, planning)
- mathematical modelling of optimization problems
- the importance of convexity
- classification of optimization problems
2. Algorithms for continuous optimization without constraints
- the two basic strategies: line search or trust region techniques
- gradient-based techniques: the steepest gradient and the added gradient method
- Newton and quasi-Newton techniques
- special methods for non-linea least square problems
3. Algorithms for continuous optimization with constraints
- the KKT-optimization conditions
- algorithms for linear problems: simplex-method and primal-dual interior point method
- algorithms for quadratic problems: active-set technique and interior point method
- convex optimization: formulation, the concept duality, algorithms
- general non-linear optimization (penalizing and barrier techniques, connection to interior point algorithms)

4. Introduction to global optimization methods
- deterministic methods (branch and bound, ...)
- stochastic and heuristic methods (Monte Carlo methods, simulated annealing, evolutionary algorithms, swarm-based algorithms,...)

5. Software
- discussion of the possibilities of the most current optimization software-packages
- sources on the internet: the Network Enabled Optimization Server

Course material

Study cost: 1-10 euros (The information about the study costs as stated here gives an indication and only represents the costs for purchasing new materials. There might be some electronic or second-hand copies available as well. You can use LIMO to check whether the textbook is available in the library. Any potential printing costs and optional course material are not included in this price.)

- Numerical Optimization, J. Nocedal and S. Wright, Springer, New York, 1999.
- Optimization Software Guide, J. Moré and S. Wright, SIAM, Philadelphia, 1993.

Is also included in other courses

H04U1C : Optimization of Mechatronic Systems

Optimization: Exercises and Laboratory Sessions (B-KUL-H03E4a)

2 ECTS : Practical 20 First termFirst term


Exercises and lab sessions with the course Optimisation


Evaluation: Optimization (B-KUL-H23E3a)

Type : Exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written
Type of questions : Open questions


- part I, theory (closed-book with use of formulary) 
- part II, exercises (Open-book on computer; example programs are available)

ECTS Parallel Computing (B-KUL-H03F9A)

4 ECTS English 33 First termFirst term Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract
Meerbergen Karl (coordinator) |  Diehl Martin |  Meerbergen Karl


The aim of the course is to provide insight into the key issues of parallel high performance computing and into the design and performance analysis of parallel algorithms.
The students should be able to design and analyse parallel algorithms with simple data dependencies, both in the shared memory programming model, available on multicore systems, as well as in the distributed memory programming model, available on HPC clusters.

Previous knowledge

Skills: the student must be able to analyze, synthesize and interpret scientific texts and results at master program level.
Knowledge: programming in Java or C/C++, algorithms for basic numerical and non-numerical tasks (matrix operations, sorting, ...).


Parallel Computing: Lecture (B-KUL-H03F9a)

3 ECTS : Lecture 20 First termFirst term


This course deals with the design, implementation and performance analysis of parallel algorithms. First, the architecture of parallel computers (multicore systems, HPC clusters) is briefly reviewed. Several programming models (shared address space, message passing, ...) are described. The main part of the course deals with parallel algorithms for a number of model problems, including matrix operations, sorting, operations on graphs. Some papers on more advanced topics (e.g. load balancing) are studied.

  • Standard concepts of parallel algorithms: speed-up, law of Amdahl, scalability, pipelining, classification (SISD, SIMD, MIMD), levels of parallelism
  • Organisation of computer hardware: memory hierarchy, multicore machine, arithmetic intensity, temporal and spatial locality, interconnects, programming models
  • Distributed memory and message passing: point to point communication, collective operations, MPI, communication hiding and avoidance
  • Shared memory and multithreading: threads, OpenMP
  • Parallel matrix vector product: partitioning, complexity for dense, tridiagonal, banded and sparse matrices
  • Sorting: bubblesort and quicksort
  • Communication avoidance, commication hiding
  • Other topics: MapReduce, BDMPI

Course material

Study cost: 1-10 euros (The information about the study costs as stated here gives an indication and only represents the costs for purchasing new materials. There might be some electronic or second-hand copies available as well. You can use LIMO to check whether the textbook is available in the library. Any potential printing costs and optional course material are not included in this price.)

- Textbook

- extra material (slides, papers) made available on Toledo

Parallel Computing: Exercises and Laboratory Sessions (B-KUL-H03G0a)

1 ECTS : Practical 13 First termFirst term


Exercises and practical sessions related to the lectures Algorithms for parallel computers.

Course material

- Textbook

- extra material made available on Toledo 

Format: more information

2 or 3 sessions are exercise sessions without access to computers; 2 or 3 sessions are hands-on sessions with access to a multicore system and to a HPC cluster.  The latter sessions are obligatory.


Evaluation: Parallel Computing (B-KUL-H23F9a)

Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written, Paper/Project, Report
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : Course material


The evaluation consists of the written exam in January, the results of an assignment during the exercise sessions and a summary of a scientific paper.

ECTS Numerical Linear Algebra (B-KUL-H03G1A)

6 ECTS English 61 First termFirst term Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract
Vandebril Raf (coordinator) |  Meerbergen Karl |  Rinelli Michele (substitute) |  Vandebril Raf |  Rinelli Michele (substitute) |  Vannieuwenhoven Nick  |  Less More


Besides the analytical and experimental approach to solve scientific and/or engineering problems, numerical simulation, has become very popular in the last decade. In simulation methods, linear algebra components are quite often the most time and memory consuming parts. In the analysis of large amounts of data and large networks, linear algebra is also playing an increasingly important role, e.g., PCA analysis, and PageRank. The aim of this course is to give the student insight and knowledge related to advanced solution techniques from numerical linear algebra, enabling him or her to make a well-founded decision when selecting the best suited method, taking into account accuracy, reliability and efficiency. The student gained practical experience by implementing and testing some of these algorithms. Moreover, the student is confronted with contemporary research questions within numerical linear algebra by digesting and understanding recent well-chosen research articles.

Previous knowledge

Skills: The student must be able to analyse, synthesize and interpret, and should understand numerical algorithms. Also basic implementation skills are compulsory.

Knowledge: Introductory course(s) on Numerical Methods and Numerical Linear Algebra on Bachelor level.


Numerical Linear Algebra: Lecture (B-KUL-H03G1a)

3 ECTS : Lecture 36 First termFirst term
Meerbergen Karl |  Rinelli Michele (substitute) |  Vandebril Raf |  Rinelli Michele (substitute) |  Vannieuwenhoven Nick


Each year the content of the course is adapted taking into consideration the interests of the students. Frequently recurring subjects are:

  • Sparse matrices
  • Direct methods for sparse linear systems
  • Krylov methods and preconditioning for sparse linear systems
  • Domain Decomposition, Multigrid
  • Methods for solving eigenvalue problems
  • Model order reduction of dynamical systems
  • Pseudospectra and applications
  • Regularization methods

Each year 1 or 2 lectures are presented by external experts, e.g. tensor computations, matrix functions, and matrix manifold optimization.

Course material

Lecture notes, chapters from books, articles, transparancies, toledo.

Format: more information

Because the number of students is not large, the lectures are presented in an interactive fashion, and active cooperation of the students is strongly encouraged. Together with the lecturer, students examine and learn the theory by many practical demonstrations, in which the algorithms are tested explicitly and examined in a critical way.

Numerical Linear Algebra: Exercises and Laboratory Sessions (B-KUL-H03G2a)

1 ECTS : Practical 25 First termFirst term


Through exercise and laboratory sessions the students are becoming familiar with the concepts and methods from the lectures. The Matlab programming environment is used. The students experiment with Matlab-code, make changes to it and critically analyse the results. In this way, they built up practical experience in solving different problems from numerical linear algebra.

Course material

The problems for the exercise and laboratory sessions are made available in Toledo.

Numerical Linear Algebra: Project (B-KUL-H09N2a)

2 ECTS : Assignment 0 First termFirst term


Besides the homeworks, the students choose a recent scientific paper depending on their interests. This paper is read and analysed on an individual basis or in a group of two students.

The students give a presentation of this paper while the other students and the complete educational team are listening. After the presentation a critical discussion on the paper and the topic follows. Finally, feedback is given on the content as well as on the way of presenting the material.

Course material

The topics of the homeworks as well as a list with interesting papers is made available through Toledo.


Evaluation: Numerical Linear Algebra (B-KUL-H23G1a)

Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written, Report
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : Course material, Calculator


Partial continuous evaluation through reports on the homeworks.

ECTS Numerical Simulation of Differential Equations (B-KUL-H0M80A)

6 ECTS English 32 First termFirst term Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract
Samaey Giovanni (coordinator) |  Feppon Florian


Due to their complexity, the differential equations that engineers and scientists are confronted with usually do not allow for an exact analytical solution. One is then obliged to compute approximate numeral solutions. Via some characteristic model problems, the students in this course learn how to transform a differential equation into a discrete numerical problem that can be solved on a computer.  After this course, the student will be able to:
- describe standard discretisation techniques for ordinary differential equations (linear multistep methods, Runge-Kutta methods) and partial differential equations (finite differences,finite elements and finite volumes)
- analyse the convergence properties of these methods (consistency, stability, convergence, accuracy) and variants
- explain how different properties of the method affect computational cost (implicit vs. explicit methods, solution of nonlinear systems)
- discuss the suitability of these methods for specific types of problems (stiff or geometric ordinary differential equations; parabolic, hyperbolic and elliptic partial differential equations)
- implement these methods for a concrete application, and compare and explain their behaviour in terms of the properties of the method and the problem under study.

Previous knowledge

The student should have a basic knowledge of calculus, including differential equations, and numerical mathematics.

Identical courses

H03D7A: Numerieke simulatie van differentiaalvergelijkingen


Numerical Simulation of Differential Equations: Lecture (B-KUL-H0M80a)

4.5 ECTS : Lecture 24 First termFirst term


Part I:  Ordinary differential equations

  • Forward and backward Euler method, trapezoidal rul
  • Order of a method / consistency / convergence
  • Stiffness, stability
  • Geometric integration
  • Higher-order methods: linear multistep methods and Runge-Kuttamethods
  • Splitting methods

Part II: Elliptic partial differential equations

  • Finite differences: order and convergence
  • Finite elements
  • Spectral methods

Part III: Parabolic partial differential equations

  • Finite differences for the one-dimensional heat equation
  • Finite differences for higher-dimensional parabolic problems
  • Finite elements and spectral methods for parabolic problems

Part IV: Hyperbolic partial differential equations

  • Finite difference for the linear advection equation
  • Non-linear hyperbolic conservation laws and finite volume methods

Course material

Study cost: 1-10 euros (The information about the study costs as stated here gives an indication and only represents the costs for purchasing new materials. There might be some electronic or second-hand copies available as well. You can use LIMO to check whether the textbook is available in the library. Any potential printing costs and optional course material are not included in this price.)

Own course material, distributed via Toledo.

Format: more information

Lectures, exercise sessions and practical assignments are integrated in 20 contact moments of 2h. 

These contact moments are prepared by the students via short implementation assignments and numerical experiments.  These assignments are the starting point for the instruction of new material.


Numerical Simulation of Differential Equations: Exercise Sessions and Projects (B-KUL-H0M81a)

1.5 ECTS : Practical 8 First termFirst term


Lectures, exercise sessions and practical assignments are integrated in 20 contact moments of 2h. 

These contact moments are prepared by the students via short implementation assignments and numerical experiments.  These assignments are the starting point for the instruction of new material.


Course material

Handbook/articles and literature/Toledo.


Evaluation: Numerical Simulation of Differential Equations (B-KUL-H2M80a)

Type : Exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : Course material


For more information on question types and grading, see Toledo/

Information about retaking exams

If the student failed the practicals, he/she will get a new assignment.

ECTS Philosophy of Science / Natural Philosophy: Advanced Course (B-KUL-W0Q19A)

6 ECTS English 39 First termFirst term Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract


The aim of the course is twofold:

- In-depth study of topics in philosophy of science. In particular: making students familiar with recent literature related to a well-defined theme of philosophy of science (annual theme). Learning how to develop and evaluate arguments.
- Introducing students to knowledge from the natural sciences that is relevant for debates in philosophy (annual theme). In particular: giving insight into the history, the processes, and the results of the modern natural sciences. Learning how to analyze and critically evaluate texts on these topics.

At the end of the course the student should be able to:

- define and explain basic concepts related to the annual theme;
- deal with primary texts of philosophy of science according to academic standards;
- understand and critically assess viewpoints regarding the philosophical implications of the modern natural sciences;
- situate the discussed problem(s) in a broader context;
- distinguish and explain the various positions in a debate on philosophy of science;
- explain, compare, and relate ideas and arguments in discussed texts;
- develop arguments related to the assigned topics;
- propose and defend connections, insights, and analyses in a discussion;
- write down one's own insights and those of others in a well-structured and well-argued text.

Previous knowledge

Participants in this course are expected to have the knowledge and skills of someone who has completed (1) a Bachelor's programme of philosophy OR (2) a Bachelor's programme of science (including an introductory course in philosophy).

  • Participants belonging to group (1) should have followed an introductory course on philosophy of science; for instance, Philosophy of Science (W0EA4A) or Wetenschapsfilosofie (W0AB7A). Furthermore, they should be familiar with the history of philosophy and have basic knowledge of the various sub-domains of philosophy.
  • Participants belonging to group (2) should have followed a general introductory course on philosophy; for instance, for the Faculty of Science, Wijsbegeerte (G0Q80A). Furthermore, they should be familiar with the basic concepts of their own discipline. They should also be experienced in reading scientific texts and be motivated to get acquainted with philosophical texts.

A good working knowledge of English is required of all students, because the lectures are in English and the majority of recent articles in philosophy of science and natural philosophy are only available in English.

Is included in these courses of study


Philosophy of Science / Natural Philosophy: Advanced Course (B-KUL-W0Q19a)

6 ECTS : Lecture 39 First termFirst term


This course is not organized in 2024–2025, but the counterpart in Dutch is.

The annual theme for 2025–2026 will be announced later.

(The theme for 2023–2024 was the laws of chance. The first part covered the road from mechanics to thermodynamics: laws of mechanics and their reversibility; chaos and the emergence of chance; the scope of thermodynamics and entropy; temperature, pressure, and thermodynamic laws; and collective phenomena (phase transitions). The second part covered the philosophy of probability: the history of the concept, the mathematical foundations (axioms), various interpretations from objective to subjective, and psychological aspects of probability.)

Course material

All course materials will be made available via Toledo.

Format: more information

Lectures with discussions.

Before certain lectures, there will be reading assignments (for instance, an article or a book chapter). Students have to formulate questions or comments related to the reading material: this serves as input for the discussions during the contact hours.

Hence, attendance and participation are mandatory for this course. (In case of absence, contact the ombudsperson.)


Evaluation: Philosophy of Science / Natural Philosophy: Advanced Course (B-KUL-W2Q19a)

Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Oral, Paper/Project, Participation during contact hours
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : Course material


The evaluation is based on three elements: the participation in discussions during all sessions, the paper, and the oral examination.

  • Written preparation for and participation in the discussion counts towards 10% of the evaluation.
                Remark: this part is mandatory to be allowed to participate in the oral exam and cannot be retaken.
  • The paper between 2500 and 3000 words (philosophy of science) counts towards 45% of the evaluation.
  • The oral examination (natural philosophy) counts towards 45% of the evaluation

Students are expected to inform themselves about the faculty guidelines for papers and bibliographical referencing and about the faculty guidelines with regard to plagiarism.

Information about retaking exams

The second examination attempt is limited to (re)submitting the paper and (re)taking the oral exam. Participation and discussion cannot be retaken. The student who in the course of the academic year did not participate in the discussion as required will again receive the result ‘NA’.