Master of Physics (Leuven)

CQ Master of Physics (Leuven)


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Master of Physics (Leuven)




1.  to possess thorough knowledge of and insight in the field of modern physics.
2.  to possess advanced knowledge of at least one subdiscipline in the field of physics: nuclear physics, condensed matter physics, or theoretical physics, and has insight in the contemporary research within this subdiscipline.
3.  to be familiar with the most recent developments in the
research area of the master thesis


4.  to have the competences and the insight to take the following steps in their own scientific research to solve advanced physical problems within a research team:
a.  to define a research topic, formulate a research question and adjust it during the research
b.  to constitute a suitable experimental and/or theoretical solution process and plan it
c.  to perform and implement a risk analysis about the planned experiments
d.  to perform a scientific study independently and accurately
e.  to process the acquired data into an illustrative work
f.  and this taking into account the relevant deontological rules of conduct.


5.  to be able to, starting from a research question, consult the relevant discipline-related literature and assess its validity.
6.  to be able to, starting from a research question, process, interpret and comment independently the results of their own research as well as bibliographical study in a critical way.
7.  to be able to critically judge complex scientific and societal and/or ethical issues concerning scientific research in general and physics research in particular and formulate scientifically motivated and ethically sound answers
8.  to be able to place a contemporary discussion on physics research into a historical framework and formulate an own opinion
9.  has insight into the role of physics research in the society of the twenty-first century


10.  to have acquired the necessary attitudes and skills to participate in team in a multidisciplinary and international professional environment
11.  to be able to take a motivated position and defend it orally towards peers and experts as well as communicate in writing for a general audience.
12.  to be able to report, communicate and present written as well as orally, taking into account the relevant deontological rules of conduct.


13.  to be capable of acquiring knowledge, carrying out research and tackling scientific problems in an autonomous way, with attention to originality and creativity
14.  to possess the skills to keep up-to-date with the recent international developments within their discipline and in science in general.
15.  to be able to use the scientific methodology in his/her own learning process while acquiring new concepts inside as well as outside physics. This is a vital skill for lifelong learning.


16. RESEARCH: to possess specialized knowledge and skills in a research domain outside the one in which the master’s thesis is performed
17. PROFESSIONAL: to possess knowledge and skills that are applicable to a professional business-oriented or societal environment.



1. Being willing and capable to be a part of the international scientific community.
2. Being willing and capable to critically participate in the societal discussions regarding sustainability from one’s own expertise in the scientific domain.

Educational quality of the study programme

Here you can find an overview of the results of the COBRA internal quality assurance method.

Educational quality at study programme level

Bestand PDF document Blauwdruk_MA_Fysica_Physics.pdf

COBRA 2019-2023
Bestand PDF document COBRA-fiche_MA_Physics.pdf

COBRA 2015-2019
Bestand PDF document COBRA-report_MA_physics.pdf

Educational quality at university level

  • Consult the documents on educational quality available at university level.

More information?

SC Master of Physics (Leuven)


Students scan spend a part of their programme abroad, with permission of the programme director. The Master of Physics offers various international exchange possibilities with or without pre-defined selection of courses. More information can be found here.


ECTS Strategic IP Management (B-KUL-D0O43A)

3 ECTS English 18 Second termSecond term Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract


Upon completion of this course, the student is able to:

  • Understand and explain different types of IP
  • Formulate closed IP strategies
  • Formulate open IP strategies
  • Build and leverage IP portfolios
  • Perform patent landscaping analyses
  • Build IP strategies for weak IPR environments

Previous knowledge

There is no specific prior knowledge required for this course.

Is included in these courses of study


Strategic IP Management (B-KUL-D0O43a)

3 ECTS : Lecture 18 Second termSecond term


In this course you learn how to develop defensive and offensive intellectual property (IP) strategies that support your business model(s) and competitive strategy. You develop an understanding of the different types of IP (patents, copyright, trademarks, trade secrets), and learn how to formulate closed and open IP strategies. Further, you learn how to build IP portfolios and how to extract value from (unused) IP. Finally, patent landscaping techniques are introduced and you learn how to formulate IP strategies for weak IPR environments.

Course material

Used Course Material
* A reader available through Ekonomika.

* Toledo is being used for this learning activity to share readings, lecture slides, etc.

Format: more information

Students interactively acquire insights of strategic IP Management. Throughout the course the case study method is used complemented by plenary discussions. Students should come to class having individually read the cases mentioned under ‘Class preparation’ for each session. Students can use the preparatory questions to guide their individual reading of the case. No case reports are required.


Evaluation: Strategic IP Management (B-KUL-D2O43a)

Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written, Participation during contact hours
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : None


Features of the evaluation

The evaluation consists of a final exam and class participation.
* The written exam is a closed book exam and consists of open questions.
* The class participation consists of case and plenary discussions.

Determination of final grades

* The grades are determined by the lecturer as communicated via Toledo and stated in the examination schedule. The result is calculated and communicated as a whole number on a scale of 20.
* The final grade is a weighted score and consists of : the written exam which is graded and counts for 100%. The evaluation of class participation will lead to an adjustment varying from 0 to +2 points of the final grade.

Second examination opportunity

* The features of the evaluation and determination of grades are similar to those of the first examination opportunity, as described above.
* Due to the nature of the class participation (i.e. the case and plenary discussions), the grade attained at the first examination opportunity will be transferred to the second examination opportunity.

Information about retaking exams

See explanation for further examination regarding the second examination opportunity.

ECTS Intrapreneurship (B-KUL-D0O44A)

3 ECTS English 18 Second termSecond term Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract


Upon completion of this course, the student is able to:

  • Explain the role and unique nature of intrapreneurship
  • Explain and illustrate a context for intrapreneurship
  • Discuss tools and processes to create and select entrepreneurial ideas
  • Explain and illustrate organizational structures to support intrapreneurship

Previous knowledge

There is no specific prior knowledge required for this course.

Is included in these courses of study


Intrapreneurship (B-KUL-D0O44a)

3 ECTS : Lecture 18 Second termSecond term


This course discusses the importance and unique nature of intrapreneurship. We explain the processes firms use to create and select opportunities for new businesses by leveraging in-house and external ideas. Further we discuss how firms can create a context in which individuals are stimulated to act entrepreneurial. Finally, we explain how firms can design ambidextrous organizations in which entrepreneurial and existing activities coincide and mutually reinforce each other. Special attention is hereby given to the strategic role of corporate venturing.

Course material

Used Course Material
* A reader available through Ekonomika.

* Toledo is being used for this learning activity to share readings, lecture slides, etc.

Format: more information

Students interactively acquire insights in the domain of intrapreneurship. Throughout the course the case study method is used complemented by plenary discussions. Students should come to class having individually read the cases mentioned under ‘Class preparation’ for each session. Students can use the preparatory questions to guide their individual reading of the case. No case reports are required.


Evaluation: Intrapreneurship (B-KUL-D2O44a)

Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written, Participation during contact hours
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : None


Features of the evaluation

The evaluation consists of a final exam and class participation.
* The written exam is a closed book exam and consists of open questions.
* The class participation consists of case and plenary discussions.

Determination of final grades

* The grades are determined by the lecturer as communicated via Toledo and stated in the examination schedule. The result is calculated and communicated as a whole number on a scale of 20.
* The final grade is a weighted score and consists of the: the writen exam which is graded and counts for 100%. The evaluation of class participation will lead to an adjustment varying from 0 to +2 points of the final grade.

Second examination opportunity

* The features of the evaluation and determination of grades are similar to those of the first examination opportunity, as described above.
* Due to the nature of the class participation, the grade attained at the first examination opportunity will be transferred to the second examination opportunity.

Information about retaking exams

See explanation for further information regarding the second examination opportunity.

ECTS Organising for Entrepreneurship (B-KUL-D0O45A)

3 ECTS English 18 First termFirst term Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract


Upon completion of this course, the student is able to:

- Define and evaluate the key strategic and organizational challenges that virtually all entrepreneurs face from founding a venture to managing its growth;
- Illustrate the key concepts and tools required to successfully cope with these challenges;
- Use insights from recent advances in entrepreneurship research to tackle practical challenges presented in the cases;
- Develop skills in analytical thinking and reflective judgement by reading and discussing complex, real-life scenarios.

Previous knowledge

There is no specific preknowledge required for this course.

Is included in these courses of study


Organising for Entrepreneurship (B-KUL-D0O45a)

3 ECTS : Lecture 18 First termFirst term


This course offers an overview of the main strategic decisions and organizational challenges involved in the process of exploiting a new business opportunity, from building to scaling a start-up. Drawing on recent advances in entrepreneurship theory and practice, the course focuses on the key approaches to successfully deal with these challenges.

Topics that will be discussed are, amongst others:

  • Building the Founding Team
  • Implementing the Business Opportunity
  • The Lean Start-up Method
  • Strategies for Growth
  • Organizing for Growth
  • Change Management 

Course material

Used Course Material
A reader with scholarly papers will be provided through Ekonomika.
Case studies.

Toledo is being used for this learning activity.

Format: more information

Throughout the course the case study method is used complemented by plenary discussions and enriched by guest lecturers. Given the documented efficacy of active learning, case-discussion will play an important role in the course. Therefore, students should come to class having individually read the material assigned for each session. A set of learning questions will be provided to guide the individual reading of the case as well as the class discussion.


Evaluation: Organising for Entrepreneurship (B-KUL-D2O45a)

Type : Exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written



  • The evaluation consists of a final exam:
    • The written exam is a closed book exam and consists of open questions.


  • The grades are determined by the lecturer as communicated via Toledo and stated in the examination schedule. The result is calculated and communicated as a number on a scale of 20.
  • The final grade is a weighted score and consists of the following components:
    • 90% on a written, closed book exam
    • 10% on in class permanent evaluation
  • If the student does not participate in the written exam, the final grade of the course will be NA (not taken) for the whole course.                                                                                                                                                              


Information about retaking exams

The features of the evaluation and determination of grades are similar to those of the first examination opportunity.

ECTS Technology Trends and Opportunities (B-KUL-D0S17A)

6 ECTS English 36 Both termsBoth terms Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract


Upon completion of this course, the student is able to:

  • recognise of a number of technology trends (background, constituents and potential applications) situated in a variety of fields (ICT, Materials/Chemicals, Micro/nano-electronics, energy,…) and how they might become economically valuable.
  • define and clarify concepts  and models (rationale/assumptions, ingredients, implications) relevant for assessing the development of technology trends (into entrepreneurial opportunities): technology forecasting, technology foresight and scenario development.
  • apply these models and approaches to model future developments of a technology trend (taking into account uncertainties and contingencies).

Previous knowledge

There is no specific preknowledge required for this course. 

Identical courses

HMI15A: Technology Trends and Opportunities

Is included in these courses of study


Technology Trends and Opportunities (B-KUL-D0S17a)

6 ECTS : Lecture 36 Both termsBoth terms


The lectures aim to let students acquire a profound insight in different models and approaches that aim to assess the future development and diffusion of technology and the translation into market/entrepreneurial opportunities. Both quantitative (forecasting) and qualitative approaches (scenario development) will be introduced and assessed. Specific attention will be paid to the role and modelling of contingencies (e.g. development paths of complementary technologies) and the inclusion of uncertainty/unpredictability.

The course also requires students to participate in a series of workshops and testimonials that highlight and discuss a number of technology trends that might unfold in markets/entrepreneurial opportunities in the foreseeable future. These seminars are given by (entrepreneurial) scientists and industry experts. Students are expected to attend and actively participate in these seminars.

Course material

Used Course Material

  • Articles and literature
  • Syllabus
  • Lecture handouts

All material is made available through Toledo.

Format: more information

  • Lectures introduce theoretical concepts in the assessment of technologies, and allow for hands-on practice of techniques like technology modelling, growth modelling, scenario planning, ecosystem mapping, etc.
  • Testimonial sessions by experts introduce recent technology trends and require the application of the concepts taught in the accompanying lecture.
  • The group assignment (2nd semester) requires to apply the lecture concepts to a chosen technology (and demonstrate this through a report and in a final Q&A session), supported by coaching sessions.


Evaluation: Technology Trends and Opportunities (B-KUL-D2S17a)

Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written, Paper/Project, Participation during contact hours
Type of questions : Multiple choice, Open questions
Learning material : Course material, None



  • The closed book exam at the end of the 1st semester (in the January exam period) assesses the extent to which the student has internalized the insights from the readings and lectures and is able to diagnose the relevancy of different forward-looking approaches (for technological developments); their consequences/limitations and  the implications for enacting entrepreneurial opportunities. The exam contains both open questions (essay questions) and multiple-choice questions (with penalty correction for guessing).
  • The report and the related Q&A session assess the abilities of the students to apply different models and approaches to arrive at an informed ‘prediction’ on the translation of technological opportunities into entrepreneurial opportunities. During the Q&A session each group is invited separately and has to answer questions about their reports. The report and Q&A session are a group assignment, done in teams of +/- 4 students.
    • For the report the requirements and deadline will be determined by the lecturer and communicated via Toledo. The deadline will be situated before the start of the examination period at the end of the second semester.
    • The timing for the final Q&A session will communicated via Toledo and will take place before the start of the examination period at the end of the second semester, typically at the beginning of May.
  • Participation in the lectures is assessed (this may also include the obligation to hand in written summary reports).


  • The grades are determined by the lecturer as communicated via Toledo and stated in the examination schedule. The result is calculated and communicated as a number on a scale of 20.
  • The final grade is a weighted score and consists of the following components: 50% on a written closed book exam, 40% on the report and Q&A-session, and 10% on participation in the lectures.
  • If the student does not participate in the written exam, the final grade of the course will be NA (not taken) for the whole course.
  • If the deadline for the report was not respected, the grade for that respective part will be a 0-grade, unless agreed otherwise by the lecturer. Changes in deadlines can only be considered in case of unexpected, severe, circumstances.
  • If the student did not participate in the elaboration of the report, the grade will be NA (not taken) for the whole course..


    Information about retaking exams


    The features of the evaluation and determination of grades differ between the first and the second examination opportunity.

    The student retakes that part of the evaluation (written closed book exam or report) for which (s)he did not pass. The grade obtained at the first exam opportunity for the part the student did pass, will be transferred to the second exam opportunity.

    If students did not pass for the group assignment (and did not pass overall), an individual trajectory for each student in the group will be determined.

    ECTS Technology Entrepreneurship and New Business Development (B-KUL-D0S18A)

    6 ECTS English 54 Both termsBoth terms Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract


    This course offers a bird's-eye view of the entrepreneurial process, exploring how technological opportunities are transformed into value-creating economic activities. It aims to enhance understanding of the how, where, when, who, and why behind entrepreneurial initiatives.

    Upon completion of this course, the student is able to:

    • Explain and illustrate the unique qualities of the entrepreneurial process;
    • Understand the role that business planning may have on the entrepreneurial process;
    • Understand the significance and dangers of business plan writing;
    • Appreciate the different purposes and audiences for business plans;
    • Evaluate the attractiveness of product and service ideas;
    • Evaluate the feasibility of business models within high-tech industries;
    • Retrieve (sufficiently reliable) primary data as input to a business planning process;
    • Apprehend the essential components of effective business plans;
    • Develop and evaluate a sophisticated business plan for an identified or given opportunity situated within a high-tech industry;
    • Adequately present a business idea.



    Previous knowledge

    This course does not assume that you have taken prior classes on entrepreneurship or business administration. However, it would help if you have a rudimentary understanding of how organizations operate. Actually, students who have already taken management or business courses may come to realize that the entrepreneurial building of new business is quite distinct from more generic business management.

    Is included in these courses of study


    Entrepreneurship: Models and Ingredients (B-KUL-D0O39a)

    2 ECTS : Lecture 36 Both termsBoth terms


    This component is designed to immerse students in the theory of entrepreneurship and new venture creation and address the trepidations of students who may consider becoming entrepreneurs at some point in their career.

    Topics Covered in this Course:

    • Entrepreneurship intro, idea generation;
    • Feasibility study, business plan guidelines;
    • Industry analysis, market analysis;
    • Industry segmentation, target market selection;
    • Marketing plan, business positioning;
    • Team development;
    • Operations, product development plan;
    • Getting funding, financial statements.

    Course material

    Used Course Material:

    • Barringer, B.R. & Ireland, R.D. (2012). Entrepreneurship: Successfully launching new ventures (4th edition). Harlow: Pearson Education Limited;
    • Barringer, B.R. (2008). Preparing effective business plans: An entrepreneurial approach. Upper Saddle River (NJ): Prentice Hall;
    • Jones-Evans, D. & Carter, S. (2012). Enterprise and small business: Principles, practice and policy (3rd edition). Harlow: Pearson Education Limited.

    Recommended Reading:


    • Toledo is being used to share all necessary readings and lecture slides.

    Language of instruction: more information

    This course is taught in English. 

    Format: more information

    Students interactively acquire in-depth and advanced insights into the entrepreneurial process in a course that combines traditional lectures (Models and Ingredients) with a demanding field project (Development of a Business Plan).

    Is also included in other courses

    D0O37A : Entrepreneurship and New Business Development

    Entrepreneurship: Development of a Business Plan for High Tech Industries (B-KUL-D0S18a)

    4 ECTS : Assignment 18 Both termsBoth terms


    For this component, students participate in a group-based business plan writing exercise, accompanied by presentations on their group's progress.

    Topics Covered in this Course:

    • Idea generation and feasibility study;
    • Industry analysis, market analysis;
    • Industry segmentation, target market selection;
    • Marketing plan, business positioning;
    • Team development;
    • Operations, product development plan;
    • Getting funding, financial statements.


    Course material

    Used Course Material:

    • Barringer, B.R. & Ireland, R.D. (2012). Entrepreneurship: Successfully launching new ventures (4th edition). Harlow: Pearson Education Limited;
    • Barringer, B.R. (2008). Preparing effective business plans: An entrepreneurial approach. Upper Saddle River (NJ): Prentice Hall;
    • Jones-Evans, D. & Carter, S. (2012). Enterprise and small business: Principles, practice and policy (3rd edition). Harlow: Pearson Education Limited.


    • Toledo is being used to share all necessary readings, lecture slides, presentation guidelines, submit work, etc.

    Language of instruction: more information

    This course is taught in English. All presentations are delivered in English. 

    Format: more information

    Presentation - Project work

    This course provides you with a profound understanding of the role, analytics, and process of business plan writing. Following the lectures ("Models and Ingredients"), students will engage in a group-based business-planning project and accompanying presentations. You will learn how to rigorously prepare for starting up a new business. As part of a small (approximately 6 students) and diverse team, you will develop an operational business plan aimed at either the creation of a new venture (NVC-track) or the development of new business for an established small to medium-sized firm (NBD-track). In both tracks, projects should pertain to a technology-intensive industry. You will engage in all steps of the entrepreneurial decision-making process (e.g., idea generation, feasibility analysis, industry study, market analysis, marketing plan, production plan, product development, and financial statements). Participants are expected to accumulate entrepreneurial knowledge and behaviors that support creative solutions and new value development.

    The business plan is the most demanding course component. It is in the business plan that you can show what you have learned from the course. It requires extensive field research, creativity, and critical thinking.


    Evaluation: Technology Entrepreneurship and New Business Development (B-KUL-D2S18a)

    Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
    Description of evaluation : Written, Paper/Project, Presentation, Self assessment/Peer assessment
    Type of questions : Multiple choice
    Learning material : None


    Features of the Evaluation:

    • A written exam assesses the extent to which the student has internalized the key insights from the course material that were studied to prepare for the lectures and that will be applied in the business plan. Questions will be in the format of single-answer, multiple-choice, with correction for guessing. Further details about the grading of the multiple-choice questions will be explained during the lectures and can be found on the Toledo page;
    • The course involves the full development of an operational business plan as well as multiple intermediate presentations throughout the year;
    • The business plan and presentations should reflect that you can adequately apply the different entrepreneurial concepts presented in class;
    • Upon completion of the business plan, students have to indicate the extent to which their team members (peers) have contributed to the final result of the manuscript and its presentations (= peer assessment);
    • For the business plan exercise, the terms of delivery and deadlines will be determined by the lecturer (titularis) and communicated via the Toledo page;
    • The date of the (final) business plan presentation(s) will be determined by the lecturer (titularis) and communicated via the Toledo page. The presentations will take place before the examination period.

    Determination of the Final Grades:

    • The grades are determined by the lecturer (titularis) as communicated via the Toledo page and stated in the examination schedule. The final grade is calculated and communicated as an integer on a scale of 20;
    • The final grade is a weighted score and consists of the following components:
      • 30% on a written closed-book exam in the form of multiple-choice questions, organized in the January examination period (with correction for guessing);
      • 50% on the final business plan;
      • 20% on the business plan presentations.
    • Peer evaluation may trigger a correction up to 20% of the grade of the business plan;
    • If the set deadlines for the business plan exercise were not respected, the final grade will be “NA” (not taken) for the whole course;
    • If the student does not participate in the development of the business plan, the final grade will be “NA” (not taken) for the whole course;
    • If the student does not participate in the exam, the final grade will be “NA” (not taken) for the whole course;
    • Student attendance and participation in the business plan presentations are required for successful completion of the whole course.

    Second Examination Opportunity:

    • At the second exam opportunity, the final grade is based on:
      • 30% on a written closed-book exam in the form of multiple-choice questions (with correction for guessing);
      • 50% on an individual assignment (for students who failed the business plan component);
      • 20% on the business plan presentations.
    • Students who passed the exam do not have to retake the exam. The grade obtained at the first exam opportunity will therefore be transferred to the second exam opportunity;
    • Students who have passed the business plan cannot retake that component. For them, the results already obtained at the first exam opportunity will be transferred to the second exam opportunity;
    • Students who failed the business plan, cannot retake the business plan exercise but are required to complete an individual, written assignment;
    • Due to the nature of the business plan presentations, this part of the evaluation cannot be retaken. The grade obtained at the first exam opportunity for this part will therefore be transferred to the second exam opportunity.

    Information about retaking exams

    See ‘Explanation’ for further information regarding the second examination opportunity.

    ECTS Wetenschappen voor een inclusieve samenleving (B-KUL-G00A3A)

    3 studiepunten Nederlands 9 Beide semestersBeide semesters Uitgesloten voor examencontract
    Muchez Philippe (coördinator) |  Ceulemans Griet |  Muchez Philippe |  N.



    -  De studenten doen concrete ervaring op met de problematiek van de diverse maatschappelijke impact van wetenschap en technologie via een dienstverlenend contact.

    - De studenten tonen een geëngageerde inzet en bieden een verantwoordelijke en respectvolle ondersteuning aan mensen die in relatie tot wetenschap en technologie in de maatschappij in een situatie verkeren die varieert van beperkte expertise tot absolute kwetsbaarheid. De studenten tonen dat ze individueel kunnen reflecteren op de wijze waarop ze ondersteuning bieden en dat ze hun eigen perspectief kunnen in vraag stellen.

    - De studenten kunnen vanuit hun concrete ervaring verwoorden hoe ze hiermee als toekomstige wetenschapper rekening zullen houden zodat individuele mensen in een kwetsbare situatie in relatie tot wetenschappelijke en technologische verandering, echt kansen krijgen om daar ook zoveel mogelijk van te genieten en zo weinig mogelijk nadelen te ondervinden.

    - De studenten kunnen vanuit hun concrete ervaring verwoorden hoe ze als toekomstige wetenschapper rekening zullen houden met kwetsbare groepen in relatie tot wetenschap en technologie, zodat de algemeen maatschappelijke, mogelijke negatieve impact van wetenschappelijke en technologische ontwikkelingen weloverwogen en dus verantwoord is, bv door het toepassen van maatschappelijke duurzaamheid als denkkader.

    Deze doelstellingen worden bij de start van de colleges aan de studenten gecommuniceerd.



    De student ontwikkelt empathie, ethiek en een gevoel voor maatschappelijke verantwoordelijkheid binnen zijn professioneel functioneren.
    De student is zich bewust van de maatschappelijke rol van een wetenschapper.

    De student wordt in het algemeen gevormd om

    • de werking van een bepaald luik van de maatschappij te begrijpen en hoe wetenschap en technologie daarin een rol spelen
    • in te zien hoe je met wetenschap (theorie en praktijken) een positief verschil kan maken in de maatschappij
    • in te zien hoe een wetenschappelijke visie en methode de samenleving kan beïnvloeden
    • ervaring (praktijk) vanuit het domein van een beperkte organisatie om te zetten naar een algemener begrip van de maatschappij, hoe ze werkt, met politiek, ongelijkheid, impact van wetenschap, ideeën van duurzaamheid, …


    Plaats in het onderwijsaanbod


    Wetenschappen voor een inclusieve samenleving (B-KUL-G00A3a)

    3 studiepunten : Stage 9 Beide semestersBeide semesters


    Totale belasting van dit opo bedraagt gemiddeld 75 uur.


    Academische component:

    Tijdens een introductie wordt een brainstorm gehouden over de relatie tussen het service learning project en een opleiding Wetenschappen. Tijdens het terugkommoment wordt deze relatie duidelijker geëxpliciteerd aan de hand van de uitwisseling van de persoonlijke ervaringen van de studenten. Door deelname aan het service learning project zal de student het belang van bepaalde theoretische aspecten die in de opleiding aan bod komen, bijvoorbeeld rond duurzaamheid, beter begrijpen door de verankering ervan in de dagelijkse praktijk zelf vast te stellen.

    • De student krijgt tijdens de introductie inleidend inzicht in theoretische kaders omtrent technologie en maatschappij, duurzaamheid en kwetsbaarheid algemeen (vanuit interdisciplinair perspectief).
    • Tijdens de introductie wordt de essentie van ‘reflectie’ onderwezen en geoefend. Een praktijkdagboek wordt opgestart.

    De studenten krijgen ter voorbereiding op het terugkommoment een tekst te lezen en integreren deze tijdens de dialoog van het terugkommoment. Deze tekst handelt over bepaalde visies op wetenschap en maatschappij die oriënterend kunnen zijn voor de keuzes die gemaakt worden, zowel op maatschappelijk vlak als op individueel vlak wat de inzet en het engagement van de wetenschapper betreft (honest broker, ethiek, mensbeeld, human scale development).


    • Kennisname van bestaande organisaties en initiatieven in het veld, gericht op de doelgroepen.
    • (Passieve) observatie ter inleving in de situatie.
    • Actieve, dienstverlenende participatie in de door de student gekozen organisatie, gericht op de met de organisatie afgesproken doelen.


    • De student dient vooraleer het ISP kan worden goedgekeurd, een voorstel van project in bij het docententeam waarbij ook de concrete stageplanning is uitgewerkt (periode, organisatie, tentatieve dienstverlenende doelen en gedetailleerde belasting).
    • Gedurende de activiteiten houdt de student een dagboek bij in het ePF om concrete ervaringen te noteren.
    • Eerste Reflectie in het ePF in samenspraak met de stagebegeleider, via terugkoppeling vanuit observatie naar de leeractiviteiten die zullen nodig zijn om de stage-doelen van de student en de organisatie te realiseren – Deze reflectie krijgt vormende feedback van het docententeam
    • Tweede Reflectie in het ePF: Individuele reflectie via terugkoppeling vanuit de actieve stage naar de theoretische kaders - Deze reflectie krijgt vormende feedback van het docententeam.
    • Terugkommoment - Afsluitende reflectie (deel van eindevaluatie): 10’ presentatie en verdere dialoog met het docententeam, de lokale begeleider en medestudenten over wat de student op welke vlakken heeft ervaren en geleerd, integratie van de aangeleverde visietekst, explicitering van de link tussen de opleiding en service learning.


    Evaluatie: Wetenschappen voor een inclusieve samenleving (B-KUL-G20A3a)

    Type : Permanente evaluatie zonder examen tijdens de examenperiode
    Evaluatievorm : Verslag, Presentatie, Self assessment/Peer assessment, Portfolio, Procesevaluatie


    De evaluatie gebeurt door het docententeam op basis van een gesprek (presentatie) en het ePF dat de student samenstelt. Dit ePF brengt volgende elementen naar voor:

    -het maatschappelijk engagement van de student (dagboek) en de beoordeling door de stagebegeleider in de partnerorganisatie en de begeleidende docent (procesevaluatie - beoordeling omvat volgende criteria: aanwezigheid, tijdigheid, inzet, respectvolle houding, waardevolle inbreng, heldere communicatie)

    -de kwaliteit van reflecties en verslagen (individueel – verslag en self-assessment)


    Bepaling van het eindresultaat

    Het opleidingsonderdeel wordt beoordeeld door het docententeam met inbreng van de partnerorganisatie, zoals meegedeeld via Toledo.

    EEen negatieve beoordeling voor de praktijkcomponent resulteert automatisch in een fail voor het hele opo.

    Het resultaat wordt bekendgemaakt als een pass/fail.


    Toelichting bij herkansen


    Het ePF kan herwerkt worden om kwaliteitsvoller de gevraagde elementen te illustreren.  Na een negatief oordeel voor de praktijkcomponent is geen herkansing mogelijk.





    ECTS Gravitational Waves (B-KUL-G00J3A)

    6 ECTS English 26 Second termSecond term


    Students are introduced to the field of gravitational waves, including theory, sources and detection. In particular, the physics of gravitational waves, the astrophysical sources of gravitational waves, gravitational-wave detectors and data analysis are discussed in detail.

    Previous knowledge

    The student is assumed to have working knowledge of general relativity. Moreover, the student masters the standard tools of linear algebra and calculus, including partial differential equations. Prior knowledge of astrophysics, statistics and optics is useful but not essential.


    Gravitational Waves (B-KUL-G00J3a)

    6 ECTS : Lecture 26 Second termSecond term


    • Brief review of General Relativity

    • Theory of Gravitational Waves

    • Generation of Gravitational Waves

    • Sources of Gravitational Waves

    • Gravitational-wave Detectors

    • Gravitaitonal-wave Data Analysis

    Course material

    • Gravitational-Wave Physics and Astronomy: An Introduction to Theory, Experiment and Data iAnalysis; Jolien D. E. Creighton & Warren G. Anderson; Wiley

    • Gravitational Waves (Vol I & II); Michele Maggiore; Oxford University Press


    Evaluation: Gravitational Waves (B-KUL-G20J3a)

    Type : Exam during the examination period
    Description of evaluation : Oral
    Type of questions : Open questions
    Learning material : Course material, List of formulas, Calculator, Computer, Reference work


    The final project consist of an extended assignment done and presented alone or in groups.

    Information about retaking exams

    The points from the take-home tasks, if any, will be transferred to the second exam period. Only the regular examination can be repeated.

    ECTS Radiation Protection (B-KUL-G0C97B)

    4 ECTS English 18 Both termsBoth terms


    The objective of the first part (a) is to familiarize students with the concepts of radioprotection. The second part should provide insight in the risk communication regarding radioactivity and in the organization and legislation concerning radioprotection in Belgium, in the European Community and the international institutions.

    Previous knowledge

    Basic physics: structure of matter.

    Identical courses

    G0S41A: Stralingsbescherming

    Is included in these courses of study


    Radiation Protection: General Aspects (B-KUL-G0S44a)

    2 ECTS : Lecture 13 Both termsBoth terms


    Chapter 1: Physical base:
    • 1.1 Origin of the radioactivity
    • 1.2 The radioactive source
    • 1.3 The radioactive radiation
    • 14. Other types of nuclear radiation
    • 1.5. Radiation interaction

    Chapter II: Biological base:
    • 2.1 Deterministic effects
    • 2.2 Stochastic effects

    Chapter III: Dosimetric quantities:
    • 3.1 The (absorbed) Dose
    • 3.2 The equivalent dose

    Chapter IV: The icrp, the euratom, the belgian legislation:
    • 4.1 Recommendations of the ICRP
    • 4.2 The EURATOM guidelines
    • 4.3 The Belgian legislation

    Chapter V: Radioprotection with external radiation:
    • 5.1 General principles of dose reduction
    • 5.2 Radioprotection of external radiation with photons
    • 5.3 Radioprotection of external radiation with b-particles
    • 5.4 Radioprotection of external radiation with a-particles

    Chapter VI: Radioprotection of internal infections:
    • 6.1 General principles of dose reduction
    • 6.2 Classes of laboratories
    • 6.3 Precautions
    • 6.4 Policy with contamination within a laboratory
    • 6.5 Monitoring of contamination and personne
    • 6.6 The followdose HT,50
    • 6.7 Determination of the recorded activity

    Course material

    Slides, transparencies, courseware
    Toledo / e-platform
    Articles and literature
    The students also get a task on which they have to report.

    Is also included in other courses

    G0S41A : Stralingsbescherming

    Radiation Protection: Organization, Legislation and Risk Communication (B-KUL-G0S45a)

    2 ECTS : Lecture 5 Second termSecond term


    • Chapter I: International Institutions
    Other international institutions: ICRU, IAEA, IRPA, BVS

    • Appendix:
    Survey of nuclear nuclear tests
    The ICRP lung model and its applications to decay products of radon
    New ICRP model Digestive system

    • Chapter II: European Union
    Guidelines basic standards
    Medical guidelines

    • Chapter III: Organisation and regulation in Belgium
    Administrative organization of radiation protection:
    - Survey of the involved institutions: FANC-Recognized institutions
    - Practical organization of radiation protection: Physical and medical control
    - Regulation: ARBIS
    Exposure to ionizing radiation in Belgium
    Other national institutions:
    - NIRAS
    - Fund for occupational desease
    NNuclear emergency/disaster plan

    • Appendix:
    NORM in the Belgian phosphate industry
    The Chernobyl accident

    Course material

    Slides, transparencies, courseware
    Toledo / e-platform
    Articles and literature


    Evaluation: Radiation Protection (B-KUL-G2C97b)

    Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
    Description of evaluation : Written, Presentation, Oral
    Type of questions : Open questions, Closed questions
    Learning material : Course material


    1st semester: exam of Part A
    2nd semester: exam of Part B

    ECTS Human Anatomy and Histology (B-KUL-G0F70A)

    3 ECTS English 18 Second termSecond term
    N. |  Sagaert Xavier (substitute)


    Acquiring sufficient knowledge on the set-up and structure of the different organs, both macroscopic and microscopic, and on the coherence in systems of the organs of average human beings. Reasons for this are the relations between structure and function. Organs can optimally function when the structure is intact. Good insight into the structure is a necessary starting point in order to better understand functions and disorders. The different forms of treatment may influence the structure of tissue and organs. Medicines are dissolved in the human body by a number of organs.

    Is included in these courses of study


    Human Anatomy and Histology (B-KUL-G0F70a)

    3 ECTS : Lecture 18 Second termSecond term
    N. |  Sagaert Xavier (substitute)


    Theoretical concepts from general histology
    - Anatomy and histology special
    - The 'Musculoskeletal System "
    - Osteology
    - Joints
    - Muscles
    - Angiology - circulatory
    - The blood
    - Splanchnology (digestive, respiratory, kidney, endocrine glands)
    - The Nervous System
    - The propagation
    Practical sessions
    Illustrations of the structures described in the theory on the basis of slides and scale models

    Course material

    Course text
    Presentation software


    Evaluation: Human Anatomy and Histology (B-KUL-G2F70a)

    Type : Exam during the examination period
    Learning material : None

    ECTS Advanced Fluorescence and Fluorescence Microscopy. From Single Molecules to Biological Systems (B-KUL-G0G59A)

    6 ECTS English 52 First termFirst term
    Hofkens Johan (coordinator) |  Hofkens Johan |  Roeffaers Maarten |  N. |  Debroye Elke (substitute)


    Acquire insight in the principles of a modern fluorescence microscope and in its application for detailed studies of molecular localization and interactions in cells and on the level of a single molecule. Relevance of concepts seen to material and other sciences will be pointed out.

    Previous knowledge

    Basic knowledge of physics, optics and biology

    Torough knowledge of basics of fluorescence spectroscopy

    Is included in these courses of study


    Advanced Fluorescence and Fluorescence Microscopy. From Single Molecules to Biological Systems (B-KUL-G0G59a)

    4.4 ECTS : Lecture 26 First termFirst term
    Hofkens Johan |  Roeffaers Maarten |  N. |  Debroye Elke (substitute)


    1. Theory of light, light matter interaction, with an emphasis on fluorescence
    2. The Light Microscope: history and evolution, components of a compound microscope

    Light microscopy
    - The optical components of compound microscope and their functions/operations
    - The physics of light and glass
    - Forming and maintaining optical resolution with these lenses
    - Proper(Kohler) bright field illumination
    - Principles of sample preparation for light microscopy
    - Theory of image formation, diffraction-limited resolution
    - Optical aberrations and their correction
    - Illumination and image forming techniques:
         * Brightfield Optics
         * Oblique Illumination Techniques
         * Imaging of Phase Objects
         * Polarization Optics
         * Fluorescence Microscopy
         * Probes for fluorescence microscopy
         * Confocal Microscopy
         * Single molecule microscopy and applications in biology
         * FCS and applications in biology, FRET and its applications
    -  Labeling and labeling strategies
    -  DNA sequencing with emphasis on single molecule optical approaches
    -  Non-linear microscopy: Multi-photon excitation, Second Harmonic Imaging, different Raman microscopy schemes
      - New microscopies to improve resolution: STED, structured light microscopy, PALM/STORM, SOFI, expansion microscopy and eventual new modalities
    -  Image recording, processing, and analysis

    Light Microscopy selected readings:
    Murphy, D.B., Fundamentals of Light Microscopy and Electronic Imaging. 2001, New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
    Molecular Expressions web site at the Florida State University

    Course material


    Recommended papers, recommended websites


    Format: more information

    Guest lecture - Presentation

    Advanced Fluorescence and Fluorescence Microscopy. From Single Molecules to Biological Systems: Practical Course (B-KUL-G0G60a)

    1.6 ECTS : Practical 26 First termFirst term
    Hofkens Johan |  Roeffaers Maarten |  N. |  Debroye Elke (substitute)


    See content lecture

    Course material

    Announcements and handouts distributed via Toledo

    Format: more information

    • Exercises aiming for deepening insight in the theoretical aspects of the course
    • Hands-on experience with microscopy
    • A presentation and discussion of a recent publication related to microscopy. The students can select the publication from a list provided in Toledo.
    • If, for reasons of force majeure, the faculty decides that the hands-on microcopy sessions cannot be organized, they will be replaced by recorded demonstration sessions (most probably  Blackboard collaborate). The impact of this decision will be explained on Toledo. The assessment of the course will then be based on the remaining components (exam and presentation, respectively 1-16/16 and 1-4/4)



    Evaluation: Advanced Fluorescence and Fluorescence Microscopy. From Single Molecules to Biological Systems (B-KUL-G2G59a)

    Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
    Description of evaluation : Oral, Report, Presentation
    Type of questions : Open questions
    Learning material : Course material, List of formulas, Calculator, Computer, Reference work


    Practical course and presentation together count for 4 out of 20 points. The remaining 16 points can be gained during the exam.

    The course is aiming for insight, not reproducing the course material.

    If, for reasons of force majeure, the faculty decides that the preparation time for an oral exam must be limited to less than an hour, the oral exam will be replaced by a written exam. The impact of this decision will be explained on Toledo.

    Information about retaking exams

    Practicum and presentation can not be retaken and hence points remain identical for practicum and presentation

    ECTS Physical Chemistry and Properties of Polymers (B-KUL-G0I22A)

    6 ECTS English 39 First termFirst term
    Goderis Bart (coordinator) |  Goderis Bart |  N. |  Shi Xin (substitute)


    • The student will acquire advanced knowledge and insight in:
    - Conformations & Thermodynamics of polymer solutions
    - Dynamics of unentangled polymers
    - Dynamics of entangled polymers
    - Thermal Properties of polymers
    - Mechanical Properties of polymers

    • The student is introduced and familiarized to use modern Polymer Science concepts.
    • The aim is also to increase level of self-study, to deal with time management/ meeting deadlines, working in small groups and master new topic (as it is expected from scientists active  in academic or industrial research environments).
    • The knowledge on and insight in the Chain of Knowledge for Polymer Materials is further extended in comparison to the knowledge provided in bachelor and first year master courses such as thought in B-KUL-G0O42A Polymer Materials and  B-KUL-G0G96A Polymer Science: From Synthesis to Polymer Material  at the KU Leuven.

    Previous knowledge

    The student has knowledge about mathematics, general physics and thermodynamics as it is taught in e.g. B-KUL-G0N02A Mathematics I &II, B-KUL-G0N03A General Physics I & II and B-KUL-G0O31A Chemical Thermodynamics at the KU Leuven

    The student has a good background in standard and advanced polymer science concepts as they are taught at the KU Leuven in e.g. B-KUL-G0O48B Polymer Materials and B-KUL-G0G96A Polymer Science: From Synthesis to Polymer Material:

     In particular the student has thorough theoretical understanding of:

    - Chain conformational properties (ideal chain models, worm like chains, excluded volume interactions, excluded volume chains, the equivalent Kuhn chain);
    - Miscibility behaviour of polymer solutions and blends (the Flory Huggins theory, thermodynamic and molecular origins of UCST and LCST, thermodynamic aspects of phase separation mechanisms and resulting morphologies)
    - Glass transition and glassy state (standard models of the glass transition temperature, thermodynamic classification of phase transitions);
    - Melting and crystallization of polymers (thermodynamic and kinetic aspects, influence of chain conformational properties on melting and crystallization, Avrami, Lauritzen-Hoffman theory)
    - Viscoelasticity, viscosity and elasticity of polymers (viscoelastic, viscous and elastic responses of polymers in transient and oscillatory modes, general 1D-continuum mechanics description, entanglements,  ideal rubber elasticity theory; deviations between ideal and real rubbers such as thermoelastic inversion, affine and non-affine deformations, entanglements, fluctuations of X-links)

    When in doubt about the level of required knowledge the student should consult the coordinator of the course.


    Physical Chemistry and Properties of Polymers (B-KUL-G0I22a)

    6 ECTS : Lecture 39 First termFirst term
    Goderis Bart |  N. |  Shi Xin (substitute)


    • Conformations & Thermodynamics of polymers solutions
    • Dynamics of unentangled polymers
    • Dynamics of entangled polymers
    • Thermal Properties of polymers
    • Mechanical Properties of polymers and polymer materials

    Course material

    On Toledo are provided:
    ƒ- Lecture Notes & Presentations
    ƒ- Assignment Notes & Presentations
    ƒ- Literature materials

    Format: more information

    - In a set of short introductory lectures the lecturer provides lecture notes and assignment notes that introduce the topic(s) that you must present/report in subsequent lectures organized by the students. In addition the lecturer provides study material to facilitate your study of the topic (no extra reference material needed, unless you like to check a reference in the references)

    - The student studies the provided materials to get understanding, explain and answer the questions posed in the assignment, creates presentation/report on the knowledge required to explain and understand the assignment (theory, experiments, examples, exercises,…) .

    - The student provides presentations in electronic form and presents (part of) the presentation during presentation sessions. The presentations are discussed with all students following the course. Hence, presence is required during the presentation sessions.


    Evaluation: Physical Chemistry and Properties of Polymers (B-KUL-G2I22a)

    Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
    Description of evaluation : Paper/Project, Report, Take-Home
    Type of questions : Open questions
    Learning material : List of formulas, Calculator, Computer, Course material


    See Toledo for details on the evaluation.

    Information about retaking exams

    see course page on Toledo

    ECTS Relativity (B-KUL-G0I36A)

    6 ECTS English 39 First termFirst term Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract


    The students are introduced to Einstein's theory of gravity. After a short introduction to the basics of differential geometry the Einstein equations are derived and studied. Exact solutions of the Einstein equations and their physical applications are discussed in detail. Various other topics such as black holes, gravitational waves and applications of general relativity to cosmology are also an integral part of this course.

    Previous knowledge

    The student has familiarised him/herself with physics as a whole on a basic level:  Newtonian mechanics,  including gravity,  notions of thermodynamics,  electromagnetism (Maxwell), including special relativity and electrodynamics.
    The student masters the standard tools of linear algebra and calculus, including partial differential equations.
    Prior knowledge of group theory as applied in physics, quantum mechanics, differential geometry or a more advanced course on classical mechanics (including fluid mechanics) is useful but not essential.


    Relativity (B-KUL-G0I36a)

    6 ECTS : Lecture 39 First termFirst term




    A review of special relativistic kinematics is given using time-space diagrams and the principle of stationary action in point mechanics.  Electromagnetic interactions are also considered.
    The mathematical tool that is needed to describe curved spaces (Riemannian geometry) is introduced in terms of concrete surfaces.  The main goal is to express physical laws in terms of tensors.
    Einsteins theory of gravitation is introduced and compared with both non-relativistic theory of gravitation and relativistic electromagnetism.
    The predictions of Einstein's theory that led to its first experimental verifications are given as a first application.  More applications such as black holes and the big bang model are considered.
    Finally,  some time is spent on hot topics such as gravitational waves, or a more extensive treatment of black holes, or cosmology.
    Contact with real life will be made trough a forum and a project.

    Course material

    Handboek: Spacetime and Geometry: An introduction to General
    Relativity, Sean M. Carroll


    Evaluation: Relativity (B-KUL-G2I36a)

    Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
    Description of evaluation : Written
    Learning material : Course material, List of formulas, Calculator, Computer, Reference work, None


    The exam is closed-book, but the students will be provided with a formula-sheet.  A part of the evaluation will also be based on take-home tasks. Students can use course material, references and computer help for the take-home assignments.

    Information about retaking exams

    There is no home-task.

    The grades from the home-task during the year will also be taken into account for the resit.


    ECTS Theory of Nucleosynthesis (B-KUL-G0I38B)

    3 ECTS English 18 Second termSecond term Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract Cannot be taken as part of a credit contract


    This course is taught at the ULB. (Syllabus)

    Is included in these courses of study


    Theory of Nucleosynthesis I (B-KUL-G0J71a)

    3 ECTS : Lecture 18 Second termSecond term


    Evaluation: Theory of Nucleosynthesis (B-KUL-G2I38b)

    Type : Exam during the examination period


    Questions to be answered orally. Preparation allowed. Notes are accepted. Questions cover full chapters of the course. 
    Open book; the student will be evaluated on his/her global understanding of different subjects treated in the course.

    ECTS Physical Modelling of Complex Systems (B-KUL-G0J08A)

    6 ECTS English 36 Second termSecond term


    After having followed this course the student :

    1) Has learnt about the basis techniques used in dynamical systems (bifurcations, linear stability analysis, phase portraits).

    2) Has used this techniques to describe the physical properties of complex interacting systems described by coupled non linear differential equations.

    3) Has learnt about modeling of the dynamics of interacting networks.

    4) Has learnt about several examples of interacting networks from Physics, Chemistry and Biology.

    5) Has learnt to consult the scientific literature and to correctly and critically report about the content of a scientific paper.

    Previous knowledge

    Students are supposed to have a basic knowledge in calculus and ordinary differential equations.



    Physical Modelling of Complex Systems (B-KUL-G0J08a)

    6 ECTS : Lecture 36 Second termSecond term


    - Introduction to basics of non-linear dynamics, fixed point analysis, two dimensional flow.

    - Examples from gene regulatory networks: motifs, negative and positive autoregulation, bistable switch, feed forward loop.

    - Oscillations in non-linear systems: Lotka-Volterra model, Limit cycles, Brusselator, Repressilator, Goodwin oscillator, Models of circadian clocks.

    - Synchronization: Winfree model, Kuramoto model

    - Patterns formation: examples and models from Physics and Biology.

    Course material

    U. Alon, "An introduction to Systems Biology" (Chapman and Hall/CRC, 2007)
    S. Strogatz, "Nonlinear dynamics and chaos" (Perseus Books Group, 2000)
    C. P. Fall et al. (editors) "Computational Cell Biology" (Springer, 2005)
    J. D. Murray, "Mathematical Biology. I: An Introduction" (Springer, 2003)
    J. D. Murray, "Mathematical Biology. II: Spatial Models and Biomedical Applications" (Springer, 2003)


    Evaluation: Physical Modelling of Complex Systems (B-KUL-G2J08a)

    Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
    Description of evaluation : Paper/Project, Presentation

    ECTS Hyperfine Interactions (B-KUL-G0J15A)

    3 ECTS English 18 Second termSecond term Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract


    This course aims to train the students in applying earlier attained knowledge of mathematical methods and physics principles to a new field. Topics such as tensor algebra, spherical harmonics, mechanics, electromagnetism, quantum physics, atomic physics, and solid state physics are crucial elements to understand the theory of hyperfine interactions and the related experimental tools.  Students who finish this course will have obtained sufficient maturity and knowledge to be able to look at new physics problems in an independent way.  Furthermore the student gathers sufficient practical knowledge about different hyperfineinteractionmethods in order to understand the research papers which make use of these methods.

    Previous knowledge

    The student should have a good knowledge of basic and advanced quantum mechanics principles and of basic nuclear physics. Also the basic principles of electromagnetism and mechanics have to be known. To have some knowledge about tensor algebra is an advantage.


    Hyperfine Interactions (B-KUL-G0J15a)

    3 ECTS : Assignment 18 Second termSecond term


    - The multipole expansion in gravitation and in electromagnetism
    - The electric monopole term
    - The magnetic dipole moment and interaction
    - The electric quadrupole moment and interaction 
    - Combined interactions
    - Radiation and spin-orientation
    - Time evolution of a perturbed ensemble of oriented nuclei
    - Experimental methods for measuring magnetic dipole and electrisch quadrupole interactions with applications in nuclear- and solid state physics

    Course material

    Course notes:   "Hyperfine Interactions and their applications in nuclear solid state physics", M. Rots and S. Cottenier

    Papers:  "Nuclear magnetic and quadrupole moments for nuclear structure research on exotic nuclei" (chapters 3,4,5) G. Neyens, Reports on Progress in Physics 66, 633-689 (2003) and erratum p. 1251
                    "Nuclear Moments", R. Neugart and G. Neyens, Lecture Notes in Physics 700, 135-189 (2006)
    Articles on Toledo

    Presentation files.


    Language of instruction: more information

    The language of the lectures is English.  Dutch-speaking students can take the exam in Dutch if preferred.

    Format: more information

    The ex-cathedra lectures are limited on purpose, in orde to have time for explaining the main and known problems.  The emphasize of this course is on an independent study of the course contents, using the available material, and with weekly organized discussion sessions related to well-prepared topics.  After some introduction session(s), in order to set the scene, the weekly lectures start with short presentations by students on a particular chapter (or part of a chapter). Based on this the discussion on difficult aspects is started.  Additional information can also be given, were appropriate.

    Dates, topics and speakers are decided at the start of the semester.

    Part of the evaluation is on these presentations and on the discussion following them (active involvement)


    Evaluation: Hyperfine Interactions (B-KUL-G2J15a)

    Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
    Description of evaluation : Written, Paper/Project, Participation during contact hours
    Type of questions : Open questions
    Learning material : List of formulas, Calculator




    Information about retaking exams

    The second examination chance in August/September is of a similar type as the first one.  Results obtained for evaluations during the semester are transferred.

    ECTS Quantum many-body theory of the solid state (B-KUL-G0J17A)

    6 ECTS English 30 Second termSecond term Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract Cannot be taken as part of a credit contract


    This course is taught at the University of Antwerp. (Syllabus)

    Is included in these courses of study


    Quantum many-body theory of the solid state (B-KUL-G0J17a)

    6 ECTS : Lecture 30 Second termSecond term


    Evaluation: Quantum many-body theory of the solid state (B-KUL-G2J17a)

    ECTS Lasers and Laser Spectroscopy (B-KUL-G0J23A)

    3 ECTS English 26 First termFirst term Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract


    - To gain insight in the quantum mechanical description of the atomic and molecular structure, and of the interactions of atoms and molecules with electromagnetic fields.
    - To know the working principles of a selection of state-of-the-art lasers.
    - To know the basic principles of a selection of optical and other spectroscopies.
    - To gain insight in the working principles and application possibilities of a selection of advanced laser spectroscopic methodologies.

    Previous knowledge

    Knowledge of electromagnetism, quantum theory, solid state physics, nuclear physics and physics of fluids and soft matter.


    Lasers and Laser Spectroscopy (B-KUL-G0J23a)

    3 ECTS : Lecture 26 First termFirst term


    Optional, depending on previous knowledge: Atomic and molecular physics:

    • Quantum mechanical description of atoms and molecules
    • Atoms in magnetic and electric fields

    Spectroscopic techniques

    • Spectroscopy of "inner electrons"
    • Optical spectroscopy
    • Radio frequency spectroscopy


    • Basic principles
    • Coherence
    • Resonators and mode structure
    • Selection of state of the art laser systems: e.g. gas lasers, solid state lasers, tunable lasers, pulsed lasers, high power lasers, free electron lasers
    • Non-linear optical phenomena

    Laser spectroscopy:

    • Basic priciples
    • Doppler-limited techniques
    • High resolution laser spectroscopy
    • Time resolved and ultrafast spectroscopy

    Capita selecta laser spectroscopic applications

    Course material

    • "Laser Physics", S. Hooker and C. Webb, (Oxford)
    • "Laser Spectroscopy", W. Demtröder (various editions)
    • textbooks on atomic and molecular physics
    • selected research papers

    Format: more information

    The lectures include:

    • interactive introductory lectures
    • student presentations
    • group discussions including Q&A on student tasks


    Evaluation: Lasers and Laser Spectroscopy (B-KUL-G2J23a)

    Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
    Description of evaluation : Paper/Project, Presentation, Self assessment/Peer assessment, Participation during contact hours


    The evaluation is based on two assignments: (i) paper describing a laser spectroscopy technique, and (ii) presentation on a recently published laser spectroscopic study. Both assignments are presented during the lectures followed by group session with question and answer. Part of the evaluation is based on peer assessment.

    Information about retaking exams

    Since the teaching style and the evaluation both require active participation of peers (reading papers of fellow students, attending seminars presented by fellow students, Q&A, peer assessment), it is not possible to organize a resit evaluation.

    Only in case of ‘force majeur’, there will be the opportunity to hand in the assignments under a modified form.

    ECTS Theoretical Nuclear Physics (B-KUL-G0J68A)

    6 ECTS English 36 Second termSecond term
    Neyens Gerda (coordinator) |  Neyens Gerda |  N. |  Ryssens Wouter (substitute)


    Introduce the students to the concepts of microscopic nuclear theories and the variety of nuclear models that are nowadays applied to describe the properties of atomic nuclei.

    Previous knowledge

    The students should be familiar with quantum mechanics on an advanced level and have a good notion of nuclear physics


    Effective Interactions and Mean Field Methods in Nuclear Physics (B-KUL-G0J69a)

    3 ECTS : Lecture 18 Second termSecond term
    N. |  Ryssens Wouter (substitute)


    1. Introduction: realistic and effective interactions

    2. Second quantization

    3. Mean field approaches

    4. The BCS method

    5. Beyond mean field techniques: correlations, configuration mixing, density functionals

    6. Pairing

    Course material

    Copies of handbooks, transparencies and notes.

    Shell Model and Geometrical Models (B-KUL-G0J70a)

    3 ECTS : Lecture 18 Second termSecond term


    1. The independent-particle model:

    - the shell model and simple configurations

    - applications of the shell-model e.g. (p,2p) reactions, the structure of 18O, magnetic moments in the extreme single-particle model

    2. A relativistic model of the atomic nucleus

    3. The deformed shell model: the Nilsson model

    Course material

    R. Casten: "Nuclear Models from a Simple Perspective", Oxford University Press
    S.V. Nilsson, I. Ragnarsson: "Shapes and Shells in Nuclear Sructure", Cambridge University Press


    Evaluation: Theoretical Nuclear Physics (B-KUL-G2J68a)

    Type : Exam during the examination period
    Description of evaluation : Written
    Type of questions : Open questions
    Learning material : Course material

    ECTS Capita Selecta in Theoretical Physics (B-KUL-G0R01A)

    6 ECTS English 26 Second termSecond term Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract


    The student is confronted with modern domains in theoretical physics,
    both concerning the most important  themes and techniques.
    Different topics in theoretical physics are treated, varying from year to year:
    see under `Activities’

    Previous knowledge

    The student knows physics on the level of a bachelor.  He masters the techniques of calculus and algebra and partial differential equations.


    Capita Selecta in Theoretical Physics (B-KUL-G0R01a)

    6 ECTS : Lecture 26 Second termSecond term


    A few selected articles in the  recent literature have to be studied.
    Different topics in theoretical physics are treated, varying from year to year:

    Course material

    Articles and literature
    Toledo / e-platform


    Evaluation: Capita Selecta in Theoretical Physics (B-KUL-G2R01a)

    Type : Exam during the examination period
    Description of evaluation : Written, Practical exam, Oral
    Type of questions : Open questions
    Learning material : Course material

    ECTS Mathematical Physics (B-KUL-G0R02A)

    6 ECTS English 36 Second termSecond term


    Knowledge and understanding of precise (i.e. mathematically unambiguous) and abstract formulations of fundamental notions in theoretical physics.

    Examples are:
    1) Gibbs states, ergodicity, mixing, variational principles in statistical mechanics,
    2) Operator theory, perturbation of continuous (scattering theory) and discrete (atomic perturbation theory) spectra in quantum mechanics.

    At the same time, the students gets in touch with modern notions of mathematical quantum mechanics (e.g. Quantum Information Theory, matrix product states)
    The student understands these notions and can recognize and formulate them in the context of new problems.

    Previous knowledge

    A good understanding of statistical mechanics, quantum mechanics and dynamical systems, as in the obligatory courses in our bachelor of phsyics.
    Moreover, a solid background in analysis is needed, including Lesbegue measure and integration, L^2
    spaces. This corresponds to the contents of the courses Analysis I and II (G0N30B and G0N86B) from the bachelor of mathematics (and minor mathematics in the bachelor physics programme).


    Mathematical Physics (B-KUL-G0R02a)

    6 ECTS : Lecture 36 Second termSecond term


    Mathematical development of quantum mechanics and perturbation theory: Operator theory in
    Hilbert spaces, analytic perturbation of isolated spectra, scattering theory for continuous spectra.

    Mathematical foundations of statistical mechanics: probability measures on spin systems, ergodicity,
    mixing, variational principles, Gibbs states and DLR equations.

    Modern topics in quantum statistical mechanics: entanglement, quantum phase transitions, matrix product states.

    Course material

    The books by Reed and Simon on Mathematical Physics will be used as reference works. Additional
    material will be suggested if necessary.


    Evaluation: Mathematical Physics (B-KUL-G2R02a)

    Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
    Description of evaluation : Written, Presentation, Participation during contact hours, Oral
    Type of questions : Multiple choice, Open questions, Closed questions
    Learning material : Course material, Reference work

    Information about retaking exams

    The grade for the permanent evaluation and/or presentation is carried over (there will be no new evaluation for these). For the written and oral exam, there will be a second chance and this will be analogous to the first exam.

    ECTS Quantum Field Theory (B-KUL-G0R14A)

    6 ECTS English 52 First termFirst term Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract Cannot be taken as part of a credit contract


    This course is taught at the VUB. (Syllabus)

    Is included in these courses of study


    Quantum Field Theory (B-KUL-G0R14a)

    6 ECTS 52 First termFirst term


    Evaluation: Quantum Field Theory (B-KUL-G2R14a)

    ECTS Semiconductor Physics (B-KUL-G0R16A)

    3 ECTS English 18 First termFirst term


    At the end of this course, the student has acquired fundamental physics insight on the properties of semiconductors and operation of the basic building blocks of actual semiconductor components. Known principles from condensed matter physics are employed and extended to describe the key elements of semiconductor physics and provide understanding of the current level of knowledge. Device concepts are used to illustrate the impact of semiconductors on sustainable development.

    During this course, the student may practice on insightful combination of a plethora of physical principles and laws from condensed matter physics needed to come to an adequate and correct description of the electrical behaviour and optical response of semiconductors. The provided knowledge should enable the student to enter a professional research team and perform scientific research under guidance of experts. The student can discuss and illustrate applications of semiconductors in the field of sustainable economic, environmental, cultural, and social development.

    Previous knowledge

    Vector calculus, algebra

    Combination and solution of simple differential equations

    Knowledge of general condensed matter physics
    Solid knowledge of solid state band structure
    Basic quantum mechanics

    Identical courses

    G0J54A: Halfgeleiderfysica


    Semiconductor Physics (B-KUL-G0R16a)

    3 ECTS : Lecture 18 First termFirst term


    - Introductory notes
         Classification: elemental, homogenous, and heterogeneous semiconductors; layered structures
    - Material properties; specific preparation and handling methods
    - Band structure of semiconductors
         General aspects; symmetry properties of crystal structures; density of states; tight binding approximation; k.p method
    - Defects and defect states; Homogenous semiconductors
         Classification; doping; electrons and holes; deep defects; degenerate and non-degenerate semiconductors
    - Statistics
         Equilibrium occupation of levels for different parameters
    -  Dynamics of electrons and holes; charge transport
         Effective mass, relaxation time approximation, mobility, conductivity, drift transport, Hall effect, scattering and relaxation, recombination, Boltzmann transport equation
    - Surface phenomena; Fermi level pinning; space charge layer
    - Phonons
         Phonon dispersion relations: oscillation models; electron-phonon interactions
    - Photons
         Photon-induced electron transitions; emission, absorption, scattering
    - Non-homogeneous semiconductors
          Diffusive transport; p-n junction; LED; band diagram
    - Quantum effects
         Quantum dots, tunneling, …
    - Semiconductors as key enabling technology for sustainable development: Economic, ecological, societal and cultural aspects: Power generation (photovoltaics, thermoelectric energy "scavenging"...), optimizatioin of power management, lightening and displays, sensors for industry, envirinnment, and healthcare.

    Course material

    Syllabus lecturer
    Copies of transparencies or presentation software files
    Example material
                 Text book:  P. Y. Yu en M. Cardona, Fundamentals of Semiconductors (Springer, Berlin, 2001), 3rd edition

    Language of instruction: more information

    The course is taught in Dutch, but sufficient attention is paid to the need to acquire the international English terminology related to semiconductors.

    Format: more information

    The course is instructed with continuous attention for stimulating instructor/student interaction through questioning/feed back, with the aim to enhance insight and promote critical analysis.

    Lecturing is accompanied with a selection of practical demonstrations.

    Additional tasks


    Evaluation: Semiconductor Physics (B-KUL-G2R16a)

    Type : Exam during the examination period
    Description of evaluation : Oral
    Type of questions : Closed questions
    Learning material : Course material


    Description of evaluation:

    Typically, the exam is comprised of 3/4 questions, with inclusion of a short problem to be solved.

    Information about retaking exams

    There is the possiblity for another examination during the programmed (August/September) re-examination period.

    ECTS Electroweak and Strong Interactions (B-KUL-G0R20A)

    6 ECTS English 0 Second termSecond term Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract Cannot be taken as part of a credit contract


    This course is taught at the VUB. (Syllabus)

    Is included in these courses of study


    Electroweak and Strong Interactions (B-KUL-G0R20a)

    6 ECTS 0 Second termSecond term


    Evaluation: Electroweak and Strong Interactions (B-KUL-G2R20a)

    ECTS Advanced Field Theory (B-KUL-G0R21A)

    6 ECTS English 36 First termFirst term Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract


    The student get familiar with the present status of the research on fundamental forces and the ideas and methods that are used. He learns how local symmetries determine the actions. In particular, he learns to know the role of supersymmetry and extra dimensions and obtains an overview of the supergravity theories.

    Previous knowledge

    The course is directed to students that have already studied the basis of field theory, electromagnetism and gravitation (relativistic). The course 'Quantum Field Theory' is an appropriate preparation.

    Identical courses

    G0J29A: Gevorderde veldentheorie


    Advanced Field Theory (B-KUL-G0R21a)

    6 ECTS : Lecture 36 First termFirst term


    Scalar field theory and its symmetries
    The Dirac field
    Clifford algebras and spinors
    The Maxwell and Yang-Mills gauge fields
    The free Rarita-Schwinger field
    N=1 global supersymmetry in 4 dimensions
    Differential geometry
    The first and second order formulations of general relativity
    N=1 pure supergravity in 4 dimensions
    D=11 supergravity
    General gauge theory
    Survey of supergravities

    Course material

    "Supergravity", D.Z. Freedman and A. Van Proeyen, Cambridge Univ. Press, 2012, ISBN 978-0-521-19401-3


    Evaluation: Advanced Field Theory (B-KUL-G2R21a)

    Type : Exam during the examination period
    Description of evaluation : Oral
    Type of questions : Open questions
    Learning material : Course material, Reference work


    The students study an article or a text with questions or exercises.
    They provide a text showing that they made calculations, and present
    their work for the other students. The evaluation is made on the basis
    of the text and the presentation.

    ECTS Advanced Quantum Field Theory (B-KUL-G0R22A)

    6 ECTS English 39 Second termSecond term Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract


    The aim of this class is to deepen the knowledge acquired during the introductory QFT class and introduce the
    students to more advanced topics and techniques in QFT.
    Quantum Field Theory (QFT) is a general framework in modern physics which is widely used in diverse areas such
    as particle physics, condensed matter theory, statistical physics, and cosmology.

    Previous knowledge

    An introductory course on quantum field theory should have been followed.

    Order of Enrolment


    G0R14AG0R14A : Quantum Field Theory


    Advanced Quantum Field Theory (B-KUL-G0R22a)

    6 ECTS : Lecture 39 Second termSecond term


    The topics covered in the class will include:
    1. Functional methods and the path integral
    2. Symmetries and Ward identities
    3. Anomalies
    4. Renormalization and renormalization group flow
    5. Non-Abelian gauge fields
    6. Solitons, instantons and kinks
    7. An introduction to supersymmetry
    The class is aimed at advanced Master students with interest in modern theoretical physics.

    Course material

    The instructor will provide lecture notes for the material covered in class. The
    following books may be used as supplementary study and review material

    • Anthony Zee, “Quantum Field Theory in a Nutshell"
    • Mark Srednicki, “Quantum Field Theory"
    • Michael Peskin and Dan Schroeder, “An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory"
    • Sidney Coleman, “Aspects of Symmetry"


    Evaluation: Advanced Quantum Field Theory (B-KUL-G2R22a)

    Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
    Description of evaluation : Oral, Written, Presentation, Participation during contact hours
    Type of questions : Multiple choice, Open questions, Closed questions
    Learning material : Course material, List of formulas, Calculator, Computer, Reference work

    ECTS Master's Thesis (B-KUL-G0R26A)

    30 ECTS English 0 Both termsBoth terms Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract Cannot be taken as part of a credit contract
    Neyens Gerda (coordinator) |  N.


    In the master thesis emphasis lies on the ability of the student to cooperate actively in scientific research.  These are the aims of the master thesis:

    - to formulate research questions with the help of the supervisor, and elaborate the research;
    - acquire information independently and judge it in relevance for answering the research questions.
    - follow up and analyse developments in the chosen area.
    - acquire attitude to work on scientific research in a team.
    - learn to communicate in a scientific language through collaboration with fellow students and researchers.
    - to make contact with the current research in one of the physics areas.
    - use modern experimental or theoretical methods and techniques.
    - analyse the results and their interpretation critically.
    - report and present the original results in an orderly way and place the open questions in the right perspective. Link techniques and results from the literature with research.

    Previous knowledge

    Before starting the master thesis the student must have chosen a few mandatory courses of his/her specialization.  He/she has already acquired basic skills on looking up and assimilate information, report, communicate on scientific findings, etc…  He/she will develop these even more during the master thesis.

    The master’s thesis can only be taken in the academic year that a student can graduate, which means the student has sufficient credits in the isp to graduate.  An exception can be made for students wishing to take the professional internship at the end of the studies. 

    Order of Enrolment


    Identical courses

    G0R15A: Masterproef

    Is included in these courses of study


    Master's Thesis (B-KUL-G0R26a)

    30 ECTS : Master's thesis 0 Both termsBoth terms


    The master thesis consists of research under supervision of a staff member the department, and with help from a research group.  Preferably the subject is connected to the specialties of the department, but other subjects with a physical character outside the department are possible, after agreement from the POC Fysica. Students integrate in their research group of interest for several months (this also counts as the internship in a modern research laboratory) and participate in the research, including seminars, workshops, study work, and, last but not least, execution of specific experiments and/or calculations.  A report (master thesis) has to be written and a presentation has to be held.

    Master's thesis topic: validity period

    If the supervisor, at the end of the 3rd examination period of the second stage, finds that insufficient progress is made, this will be discussed with the student. The chairman of the programme committee will be informed. It may be possible that in that case the choice of the topic lapses and that a new topic must be chosen. Reasons for the cancellation of the topic may be because :

    • during the academic year in which the master's thesis is included in the ISP the student has worked, without legitimate reasons, too limited on the master's thesis research, or practical arrangements or agreements have not been fulfilled, so that the master's thesis could not be completed
    • the supervisor can not offer the topic in a next academic year (eg the research topic is finished / stopped, guidance will no longer be possible in the research team when needed.

    Students need to submit a certificate on Information Literacy in Toledo in order to pass this course. The certificate on Information Literacy can be obtained through the Toledo Community “Scientific Integrity at the Faculty of Science”.

    Course material

    Professional specialized literature and books.


    Evaluation: Master's Thesis (B-KUL-G2R26a)

    Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
    Description of evaluation : Oral, Written, Paper/Project, Report, Presentation, Participation during contact hours
    Type of questions : Open questions
    Learning material : Reference work


    The evaluation consists of the assessment of both process and product (form and content; manuscript and defense). Four quotes are given: one by the promotor, one of each of two readers and one for the defense. The relative weight of these four quotations is 10:3:3:4. Each quotation is determined by means of the facultary assessment roster and appreciation scale. Additional information on the evaluation of the master's thesis is to be found on the faculty website.

    In order to succeed the master’s thesis, the student must obtain a credit for the supervisor apart, the average of the results of the readers taken together (taking into account the rounding rules) and the defence apart. If for one or more of these components this is not the case, the maximum score will be 9/20.

    For passing this course students have to upload an information skills certificate in Toledo. This certificate can be obtained in the Toledo community “Scientific integrity at the Faculty of Science”. Obtaining and submitting the information skills certificate is evaluated by ‘pass/fail’. A student with a ‘fail’ for the certificate, obtains a ‘fail’ for the course, that is converted to a non-tolerable fail. This means that students cannot pass the course and cannot use tolerance credits, if they have not obtained and submitted the certificate.”

    ECTS Research Internship (B-KUL-G0R39A)

    18 ECTS English 0 First termFirst term Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract Cannot be taken as part of a credit contract
    Neyens Gerda (coordinator) |  Bartic Carmen |  Hertog Thomas |  Neyens Gerda |  N. |  Van de Vondel Joris (substitute)  |  Less More


    In this course students acquire advanced research experience by performing an internship in one of the research groups of the department of physics and astronomy, in other departments or in an industrial R&D division. The internship will widen the student’s research portfolio as it must deal with a topic different from the Master thesis subject and be performed in a different research group. The internship will provide the student with a professional research experience and a chance to apply their coursework in an academic or professional setting.

    Is included in these courses of study


    Research Internship (B-KUL-G0R39a)

    18 ECTS : Internship 0 First termFirst term
    Bartic Carmen |  Hertog Thomas |  Neyens Gerda |  N. |  Van de Vondel Joris (substitute)


    The internship must deal with a topic different from the Master thesis subject and be performed in a different research group. During the research internship the student can get acquaintance with different aspects of research: literature study, state-of-the-art experimental and theoretical techniques, writing a research proposal, data analysis and interpretation, reporting. The student will be a full member of the research group and participates as such to the group’s activities (meetings, brainstorming sessions). In this way the students obtain an in-depth research experience that prepares them for a career in a research environment in industry, major research institutes or academia. The students will spend the equivalent of 10 weeks in the laboratory or research unit.

    Only students that have passed all exams of the first year’s Master studies are allowed to take this course. The final approval for starting the internship will be given after the July deliberation in case the student passes all exams or after the September deliberation.

    Application procedure:

    The students will be informed about the ongoing research in the different research teams of the Department of Physics and Astronomy during the first semester of the first master year (similar to the presentation of the Ms thesis subjects). During the second semester they should contact potential internship supervisors to obtain further details. The students have to motivate their choice for a specific internship during/after an interview with the internship supervisor (head or senior member of a research group where the students plan to perform their research internship). Based on the interview, the head of the research group can accept or decline the request. In case of acceptance the head of the research group assigns a project (in most cases this will be ongoing research) and a mentor (day-to-day supervision, in most cases a PhD student or post-doc). In consultation with the internship supervisor, the student fills out the application form that can be obtained from the course coordinator (contact via e-mail) and submits it to the research internship coordinator before May 31. The student can also propose a subject in a research group outside of the department or in an industrial R&D division. In this case a local academic supervisor will be identified to help the student to look for such opportunities and the suggested topic, place and supervisor have to be approved by the research internship coordinator.

    Format: more information

    The student participates in the ongoing research activities of the research team and therefore a full time presence in the team is required. With the research internship supervisor the presence is detailed in the portfolio/logbook, taking into account the other activities of the student (typically up to 12 ECTS) during this semester.
    After obtaining approval from the coordinator and a mutual agreement between the student and internship supervisor, the internship can start during the summer break and lasts for a period of 10 weeks (full-time) or the equivalent spread over more weeks in case of none full-time.
    Students who cannot be present due to illness or other, need to inform their supervisor as well as the research internship coordinator as soon as possible and provide a written proof


    Evaluation: Research Internship (B-KUL-G2R39a)

    Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
    Description of evaluation : Report, Presentation, Self assessment/Peer assessment, Participation during contact hours, Process evaluation


    The internship should finish before the Christmas holiday of master year 2 (end of semester 3).
    An internship report (10 pg max) will be drafted by the trainee and handed in at the latest 3 weeks after the end of the internship to the internship supervisor.
    The internship supervisor and daily supervisor have 1 week time to read the reports and give comments. The final version will be send by the trainee to the internship supervisor, the daily supervisor and the coordinators of the course at least two weeks before the final presentation/exam.
    During the January examination period (end of third semester) a presentation (10 minutes max.) will be given by the candidate in the presence of the course coordinators and possibly the internship supervisor and daily supervisors.
    An evaluation roster will be filled by the internship supervisor, the student and the course coordinators. Based on these rosters a global score will be given by the course coordinators.
    If a student has not been sufficiently participating in the research teams activities a score of NA will be given, as described in the OER (Education and Exam rules).

    Information about retaking exams


    ECTS Research Methods in Condensed Matter Physics (B-KUL-G0R40A)

    6 ECTS English 26 Second termSecond term Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract
    Taurino Irene (coordinator) |  Bartic Carmen |  Glorieux Christ |  Wagner Patrick |  da Costa Pereira Lino |  N. |  Janssens Ewald (substitute) |  Van de Vondel Joris (substitute) |  Taurino Irene (substitute)  |  Less More


    The student gets acquainted with, gains insight in, and acquires experimental skills in a series of important research methods in the framework of current research questions in hard or soft condensed matter physics or biomatter physics.
    The student is introduced into the practical organization and safety aspects of experimental research infrastructure and research laboratories in experimental condensed matter research.
    The student is able to synthesize information from different literature sources and to enrich it with his/her own experimental results.
    The student is able to report in a clear way on the working principle of the selected research methods and obtained results to his/her peers.

    Previous knowledge

    Students have followed a course on advanced solid state physics or a course on advanced soft matter and biophysics

    Order of Enrolment


    G0S90AG0S90A : Advanced Solid State Physics
    G0S92AG0S92A : Advanced Soft and Biomatter Physics


    Research Methods in Condensed Matter Physics (B-KUL-G0R40a)

    6 ECTS : Assignment 26 Second termSecond term
    Bartic Carmen |  Glorieux Christ |  Wagner Patrick |  da Costa Pereira Lino |  N. |  Janssens Ewald (substitute) |  Van de Vondel Joris (substitute) |  Taurino Irene (substitute)  |  Less More


    Research method modules to be selected (will be yearly updated and may depend on availability)
    1) thin film deposition (sputtering, thermal evaporation, molecular beam epitaxy, …)
    2) lithography methods (UV, electron beam, ion beam, x-ray, …)
    3) Rutherford backscattering and ion implantation techniques
    4) diffraction and scattering methods (x-rays, electrons, neutrons)
    5) advanced optical microscopy (fluorescence microscopy, confocal microscopy, ultrahigh resolution
    6) electron microscopy (SEM, TEM)
    7) scanning probe microscopy and spectroscopy techniques
    8) cryogenic techniques (He4, He3-, mixing cryostats, …)
    9) pulsed magnetic fields
    10) magnetometry (SQUID, vibrating sample magnetometry, MOKE, …)
    11) calorimetric methods, thermometry and phase transitions
    12) infrared and Raman spectroscopy
    13) mass spectrometry
    14) XPS (x-ray photoemission spectroscopy) and EDX (energy dispersive x-ray analysis)
    15) dielectric spectroscopy
    16) electron spin resonance and nuclear spin resonance
    17) piezoelectric and thermoelectric effects and their applications (e.g. microgravimetry)
    18) research methods in polymer physics
    19) research methods in liquid crystal physics
    20) electronic and thermal bio-analytical sensors
    21) photothermal methods
    22) photoacoustic methods
    23) acoustical methods
    24) optogenetics

    Course material

    Lecture slides, possible supplementary materials (e.g. video tutorials) and related literature (articles, review papers, selected book chapters), laboratory manuals.

    Format: more information

    During the first week of the semester, the students select 3 modules from the list below under the guidance of the coordinator. Each module corresponds with 2 ECTS. The 12 weeks of the semester are subdivided in 3 sections of 4 weeks during which the students work on a respective module. Students work in teams of two (exceptions are possible).

    Every module consist of the following elements:
    a) introduction lecture to the topic by an expert (5% of time).
    b) self study based on the introductory lecture, appended with 2 to 3 additional sources of information such as selected book chapters, scientific publications or review articles (35% of time).
    c) execution of an experiment closely related to the topic; experimental work using the available
    advanced research infrastructure; data analysis and interpretation (45% of time).
    d) preparation of a presentation on the topic 10% of time.
    e) a presentation session with presentation of the chosen research method and work to fellow students
    (30 minutes including discussion) and obligatory attendance with active participation at the presentation session. 5% of time.


    Evaluation: Research Methods in Condensed Matter Physics (B-KUL-G2R40a)

    Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
    Description of evaluation : Report, Presentation, Participation during contact hours
    Type of questions : Open questions
    Learning material : Course material, Computer, Reference work


    The efforts and attitude of the student during the preparation and practical experiments in the laboratory
    is taken into account for evaluating the score on the presentation/written report.

    Information about retaking exams

    Submission of a written report on the modules for which the performance during the first evaluation was not sufficient.

    ECTS Early Universe Cosmology (B-KUL-G0R42A)

    6 ECTS English 26 Second termSecond term Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract
    Hertog Thomas (coordinator) |  Craps Ben |  Hertog Thomas


    The student becomes acquainted with the general theory of modern, relativistic cosmology and its observational vindication. This includes the thermal and nuclear history of our expanding universe,  the formation of large-scale structures like galaxies from seeds generated in a primordial era of inflation, and models of the origin of inflation. The student learns to appreciate the development of relativistic cosmology in the historical context of 20th century physics.

    Previous knowledge

    The student is familiar with physics as a whole on a bachelor level and he/she masters the standard tools of calculus. In addition, the student is familiar with the basics of general relativity and quantum field theory.

    Order of Enrolment


    G0R14AG0R14A : Quantum Field Theory
    G0Y97AG0Y97A : Introduction to General Relativity
    G0I36AG0I36A : Relativity


    Early Universe Cosmology (B-KUL-G0R42a)

    6 ECTS : Lecture 26 Second termSecond term


    1. The Expanding Universe

    • Kinematics and dynamics of expanding universe (cosmic evolution, Hubble-Lemaître law, Friedmann-Lemaître eqs)
    • Propagation of light and horizons (geodesics, conformal diagrams, luminosity, redshift, distance)
    • composition of the universe, status cosmological observations

    2. The Early Hot Universe

    • Thermal history
    • Cosmological nucleosynthesis

    3. Structure formation

    • Gravitational Instability in Newtonian theory (Jeans theory)
    • Gravitational Instability in General Relativity (cosmological perturbation theory, halo formation,…)

    4. Inflation

    • Three puzzles (flatness, horizon, monopoles)
    • Slow-roll inflation
    • Inflation as origin of cosmological fluctuations

    5. Anisotropies in the Microwave Sky

    • Generalities
    • Temperature fluctuations: scalar and tensor modes
    • Polarization
    • Observations

    6. Quantum cosmology: which universe and why?

    • Hartle-Hawking no boundary wave function of the universe
    • Holographic Cosmology

    7. Stochastic gravitational wave backgrounds of cosmological origin

    Course material

    • Textbook `Modern Cosmology’ (S. Dodelson);
    • lecture notes Daniel Baumann;
    • part of textbook Michele maggiore on Gravitational Waves

    Format: more information

    The lectures will be complemented by excercises on the topics that have been covered in the lectures.


    Evaluation: Early Universe Cosmology (B-KUL-G2R42a)

    Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
    Description of evaluation : Written, Oral, Take-Home
    Type of questions : Open questions
    Learning material : None


    During the semester the students will be evaluated through take-home tasks, for which they can earn points that will be taken into account in the final score.

    Information about retaking exams

    The points from the take-home tasks will be transferred to the second exam period.

    Only the regular examination can be repeated.

    ECTS Science Communication and Outreach (B-KUL-G0R44A)

    6 ECTS English 33 Second termSecond term


    The course wants to stimulate reflection on the social meaning of science and the role of communication, information and popularization. In addition the course offers an
    introduction to the scientific literature and empirical studies on science communication. Finally the concrete process of science communication (communication media,
    typology of communication, communication sociology) is investigated.

    Previous knowledge

    The course does not presuppose specific foreknowledge.

    Identical courses

    G0R76A: Wetenschapscommunicatie en outreach

    Is included in these courses of study


    Science Communication and Outreach (B-KUL-G0R44a)

    6 ECTS : Lecture 33 Second termSecond term


    Science communication aims at making science more accessible to the general public, a.o. by increasing scientific literarcy of citizens. Of crucial importance is the
    creation of a relation of trust among scientists and the public. This requires a clear understanding of the aims of science communication, as well as its channels and
    The course focuses on the gap between science an the public, in particular in relation to the place of science in public media. Different forms of science communication
    are related to different intended target audiences.
    The topics to be treated can be arranged our four general themes.

    1. Science in Public
    This model introduces basic concepts in the understanding of the process of science communication: theories about of definitions and models of science communication,
    the role of the expert, scientific literacy, the image of science in society.

    2. Science and the media
    Media play an important part in science communication, but, as they are working withintheir proper cultural value system and with speficif formats, they may also be seen
    as a potential threat to the reliability and accuracy of scientific messages and of the representation of science. Attention is given to the differences and tensions between
    the cultures of science and journalism. Students will also prepare written expositions on scientific themes.

    3. Controversial science and risk communication
    A special challenge to science communicators is to speak out on themes where no scientific certainty is avalaible, or when the topics are framed in a larger (political)
    debate. To represent scientific views often merges with a taking of sides, which then may threaten the neutrality of science. This form of communication is often preferred
    by audiovisual media. Also science blogs tend in this direction.

    4. Interactive and participative communication
    Science in the public sphere has to be viewed as an interactive process, in which the dominating role of the expert cannot be taken for granted. In this form of
    communication the public takes a central role. This theme focuses on science centres, science cafés, citizen science,... and the approach to disseminate scientific
    information through informal learning, based on psychological models of leanring. The course analyses the use of interactive and participative communication in different settings.

    Course material

    Slides and literature are made available by the lecturer.

    Language of instruction: more information

    Dit opo wordt aangeboden in de doctoraatsopleiding.  Een groot deel van de doctoraatsstudenten zijn niet-Nederlandstalig.


    Evaluation: Science Communication and Outreach (B-KUL-G2R44a)

    Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
    Description of evaluation : Paper/Project
    Learning material : Course material



    Information about retaking exams


    ECTS Internship (B-KUL-G0R47A)

    30 ECTS English 8 First termFirst term Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract Cannot be taken as part of a credit contract
    Van Dorpe Pol |  N.


    - The internship in Belgium or abroad allows the student to familiarize with the professional experiences of a master of physics in an industrial or non-academic research environment. 

    - The student will get experience with company structures and mentality and the different functions a Master of Physics can have in a company on research institution.  This will enlarge his/her scientific knowledge, technical skills, critical and problem solving abilities, ability to work in a team, communications skills, etc..

    - The student will acquire following competences: learn how to make a work plan, how to make appointments and communicate in a team, oral and written reporting on achieved results, legal aspects (e.g. patents) and safety aspects

    Previous knowledge

    The student should have obtained the Bachelor diploma

    Only students who have succeeded all courses after the January/June examen periods are eligible for an internship. Exceptionally, students that have to retake 1 exam in August might take up the internship, provided agreement by the Internship Coordinator and Programme Director

    Identical courses

    G0R46A: Bedrijfsstage

    Is included in these courses of study


    Internship (B-KUL-G0R47a)

    30 ECTS : Internship 8 First termFirst term
    Van Dorpe Pol |  N.


    The company internship is followed by the internship coordinator and a co-promotor from the Department of Physics&Astronomy and at the internship location a local promotor (contact person) and mentor (daily supervisor) are being assigned.

    The internship period is at least 16 weeks and at most 20 weeks.  Students who are interested in an internship should go through the following steps before final approval can be given:

    Search for an internship position in a company (contact companies and have a first intake talk)

    Acceptance of the internship location and subject by the internship coordinator and programme director.

    Prepare the internship in more detail (internship subject, prepare financing, housing, ensurance, transport)  and briefing before leaving.  Final agreement for leaving is given immediately after the June exam period. The internship preferable takes place during 16 consecutive weeks in the period July – December.  Therefore students who have exams in the August-September period are not allowed to leave for an internship.

    The internship itself (with visit of the internship coordinator, an intermediate evaluation, presentation and communication on the results with colleagues and superiors, a written report during the last weeks, and a presentation to the academic and local supervisors in de last week).

    Final part (debriefing with the internship coordinator).


    For this course a 100% presence at the company is mandatory.


    Students who cannot be present (e.g. due to illness) should inform their mentor as soon as possible, and provide a written justification for the unability to be present to the local promotor and the internship coordinator.  The student should take the initiative to contact the local promotor to see if and how to catch up the missed moments.


    Students who are absent with a valid reason for a longer period or regularly cannot be present at the company should contact the exam ombuds as soon as possible.


    More information about the internships (steps to take, deadlines, possible companies, etc…) is available at the website of the Department of Physics and Astronomy, under ‘Education’, “Master programmes’, ‘Master of physics’, Options


    Evaluation: Internship (B-KUL-G2R47a)

    Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
    Description of evaluation : Report, Presentation, Participation during contact hours, Process evaluation

    Information about retaking exams


    ECTS Science and Sustainability: a Socio-Ecological Approach (B-KUL-G0R50A)

    6 ECTS English 39 Both termsBoth terms Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract
    Ceulemans Griet (coordinator) |  Biedenkopf Katja |  Ceulemans Griet |  Craps Marc |  Severijns Nathal |  Smet Mario |  N.  |  Less More


    The student understands the terms sustainability, sustainable development, education for sustainability.

    The student understands certain measures, argued from the diverse academic disciplines, that can be taken in the domain of science to stimulate sustainability, and the impact they (may) have.

    The student understands certain didactical principles that can be used in the context of education for sustainable development.

    The student recognizes the importance of transdisciplinary collaboration in the context of sustainability, sustainable development and education for sustainable development .

    The student dares to take a position in the debate on social themes such as sustainability and sustainable development and dares to take responsibility in this context.

    The student has developed the skills to communicate clearly about scientific subjects and to work in an interdisciplinary team.

    The student is able to apply the three stages of analyzing, problem solving and implementation on a problem of sustainable development.

    The student can implement didactical aspects in the context of education for sustainable development.


    Previous knowledge

    Bachelor’s degree.

    Identical courses

    G0R48A: Wetenschap en duurzaamheid: een socio-ecologische benadering

    Is included in these courses of study


    Science and Sustainability: a Socio-Ecological Approach – Concepts (B-KUL-G0R88a)

    2 ECTS : Lecture 23 First termFirst term


    Scientific knowledge on sustainability and sustainable development is an important part of the OPO science and sustainability. The following subjects will certainly be covered within this course: strong versus weak sustainability, theoretical models, systems thinking, lifecycle analysis, ecological footprint, the importance of transdisciplinary collaboration. The theory needs to be applied in the assignment.

    Course material

    Powerpoint, textbook, online sources.

    Language of instruction: more information

    Students that register for this OPO are mixed with students that take on the Dutch equivalent OPO. Lectures are in English. The greater part of the learning materials is provided in both languages.


    Science and Sustainability: a Socio-Ecological Approach – Assignment (B-KUL-G0R89a)

    1 ECTS : Assignment 1 First termFirst term


    The assignment is the application of the theory on ideas generated from academic literature. A specific article is to be personally chosen.

    Course material

    A personally chosen article of academic level sustainability literature.

    Language of instruction: more information

    The assignment encompasses the writing of an individual report. This might be written in Dutch or English.

    Science and Sustainability: a Socio-Ecological Approach – Project (B-KUL-G0R90a)

    3 ECTS : Assignment 15 Second termSecond term


    The OPO ‘Sustainability as a socio-ecological dynamics’ is to be considered as a broadening course. Via the projects the students get in touch with ecological and social economy, psychological and sociological development and get insight in the power of money and media. The projects fit within the central theme of the year. Early may students present their project. This integrates the workshop lessons and teamwork.

    Course material

    Project-specific material.

    Language of instruction: more information

    Students that register for this OPO are mixed with students that take on the Dutch equivalent OPO. Lectures are in English. The learning materials are provided in both languages whenever possible. However is concerns mostly international literature. There will be both English and Dutch projects.


    Evaluation: Science and Sustainability: a Socio-Ecological Approach (B-KUL-G2R50a)

    Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
    Description of evaluation : Report, Presentation, Self assessment/Peer assessment
    Type of questions : Open questions
    Learning material : Course material


    Throughout the first semester, regularly an open question will be posted for discussing the provided theoretical insights of the classes (digital submission - open book). This should ensure that the theoretical knowledge can be used for teamwork and the final assignment. Through peer evaluation and a random teacher check, you will individually receive a maximum of 3 points out of 20 for your discussion. Teamwork for the workplan is also organized for which you will earn 2 out of 20 points through peer evaluation. Combined, this continuous evaluation during the semester provides 25% of your individual final score.

    Since the project is a group assignment mostly in the second semester, one group score is given, based on the sustainability report and the final presentation during the project day, with equal weight. Subsequently, individual scores are calculated based on peer review within the group. This score counts for 75% in the final score.

    Remark: If serious problems are noticed concerning contribution to the project work, the student can be excluded from the group, based on discussion between all partners (supervisor, coordinator and the members of the team). As a consequence, this student will be graded 0/20 for the project work.

    Information about retaking exams

    Re-examination is possible for the sustainability report, but not for permanent evaluation throughout the first semester, nor for the presentation. If the student fails according to the final score, the sustainability report has to be retaken during the third examination period. The other scores are transferred. After the third exam period, the final score will be recalculated.

    ECTS Science and Sustainability: a Socio-Ecological approach - Project Work (B-KUL-G0R92A)

    4 ECTS English 24 Both termsBoth terms Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract
    Ceulemans Griet (coordinator) |  Biedenkopf Katja |  Ceulemans Griet |  Craps Marc |  Severijns Nathal |  Smet Mario |  N.  |  Less More



    - The student understands the terms sustainability, sustainable development, education for sustainability

    - The student understands certain measures that can be taken to stimulate sustainability, and the impact they (may) have

    - The student understands certain didactical principles that can be used in the context of education for sustainable development

    - The student recognizes the importance of transdisciplinary collaboration in the context of sustainability, sustainable development and education for sustainable development

    - The student feels confident enough to take a position in the debate on social themes such as sustainability and sustainable development and is willing to take responsibility in this context

    - The student has developed the skills to communicate clearly from his/her own expertise and to work in an interdisciplinary team

    - The student is able to apply the three stages of analyzing, problem solving and implementation on a problem of sustainable development

    - The student can implement didactical aspects in the context of education for sustainable development


    Previous knowledge

    Bachelor’s degree

    Order of Enrolment


    G0R94AG0R94A : Science and Sustainability: a Socio-Ecological Approach – Theory

    Identical courses

    G0R91A: Wetenschap en duurzaamheid: een socio-ecologische benadering - projectwerk

    Is included in these courses of study


    Science and Sustainability: a Socio-Ecological Approach – Workplan (B-KUL-G0R92a)

    1 ECTS : Assignment 9 First termFirst term


    The OPO ‘Sustainability as a socio-ecological dynamics - project’ is the concretization of the theoretical OPO. In the first semester we pick up where we left the theoretical course through some smaller assignments. Via the projects the students get in touch with ecological and social economy, psychological and sociological development and get insight in the power of money and media. Thee projects fit within the central theme of the year.

    Course material

    Project-specific material

    Language of instruction: more information

    Students that register for this OPO are mixed with students that take on the Dutch equivalent OPO. Lectures are in English. The learning materials are provided in both languages whenever possible. However is concerns mostly international literature. There will be both English and Dutch projects.

    Science and Sustainability: a Socio-Ecological Approach – Project (B-KUL-G0R90a)

    3 ECTS : Assignment 15 Second termSecond term


    The OPO ‘Sustainability as a socio-ecological dynamics’ is to be considered as a broadening course. Via the projects the students get in touch with ecological and social economy, psychological and sociological development and get insight in the power of money and media. The projects fit within the central theme of the year. Early may students present their project. This integrates the workshop lessons and teamwork.

    Course material

    Project-specific material.

    Language of instruction: more information

    Students that register for this OPO are mixed with students that take on the Dutch equivalent OPO. Lectures are in English. The learning materials are provided in both languages whenever possible. However is concerns mostly international literature. There will be both English and Dutch projects.


    Evaluation: Science and Sustainability: a Socio-Ecological Approach - Project Work (B-KUL-G2R92a)

    Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
    Description of evaluation : Report, Presentation, Self assessment/Peer assessment


    Since the project is a group assignment, one group score is given, based on the scientific report and the final presentation during the project day, with equal weight. Subsequently, individual final scores are calculated based on peer review within the group.

    Remark: If serious problems are noticed concerning contribution to the project work, the student can be excluded from the group, based on discussion between all partners (supervisor, coordinator and the members of the team). As a consequence, this student will be graded 0/20 for the course.


    Information about retaking exams

    Re-examination is possible for the scientific report, but not for the presentation. The score obtained for the presentation remains the same. After the third exam period, the final score will be recalculated.

    ECTS Science and Sustainability: a Socio-Ecological Approach – Theory (B-KUL-G0R94A)

    3 ECTS English 24 First termFirst term Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract


    • The student understands the terms sustainability, sustainable development, education for sustainability
    • The student understands certain measures that are argued from the diverse academic disciplines, that can be taken to stimulate sustainability, and the impact they (may) have
    • The student recognizes the importance of transdisciplinary collaboration in the context of sustainability, sustainable development and education for sustainable development
    • The student feels confident enough to take a position in the debate on social themes such as sustainability and sustainable development and is willing to take responsibility in this context  


    Previous knowledge

    Bachelor’s degree

    Is included in these courses of study


    Science and Sustainability: a Socio-Ecological Approach – Concepts (B-KUL-G0R88a)

    2 ECTS : Lecture 23 First termFirst term


    Scientific knowledge on sustainability and sustainable development is an important part of the OPO science and sustainability. The following subjects will certainly be covered within this course: strong versus weak sustainability, theoretical models, systems thinking, lifecycle analysis, ecological footprint, the importance of transdisciplinary collaboration. The theory needs to be applied in the assignment.

    Course material

    Powerpoint, textbook, online sources.

    Language of instruction: more information

    Students that register for this OPO are mixed with students that take on the Dutch equivalent OPO. Lectures are in English. The greater part of the learning materials is provided in both languages.


    Science and Sustainability: a Socio-Ecological Approach – Assignment (B-KUL-G0R89a)

    1 ECTS : Assignment 1 First termFirst term


    The assignment is the application of the theory on ideas generated from academic literature. A specific article is to be personally chosen.

    Course material

    A personally chosen article of academic level sustainability literature.

    Language of instruction: more information

    The assignment encompasses the writing of an individual report. This might be written in Dutch or English.


    Evaluation: Science and Sustainability: a Socio-Ecological Approach – Theory (B-KUL-G2R94a)

    Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
    Description of evaluation : Report, Skills test
    Type of questions : Open questions
    Learning material : Course material


    Throughout the first semester, regularly an open question will be posted for discussing the provided theoretical insights of the classes (digital submission - open book). This should ensure that the theoretical knowledge can be used for teamwork and the final assignment. Through peer evaluation and a random teacher check, you will individually receive a maximum of 3 points out of 20 for your discussion. Teamwork is also organized for which you will earn 2 out of 20 points through peer evaluation. Combined, this continuous evaluation during the semester provides 25% of your individual final score.The final assignment is scored via a matrix that is made available at the onset of the course. This score counts for 75% in the final score.


    Information about retaking exams

    Re-examination is possible for the final assignment, but not for the continuous evaluation throughout the first semester. If the student fails according to the final score, the final assignment has to be retaken during the third examination period. The other score is transferred. After the third exam period, the final score will be recalculated..

    ECTS Polymer Physics (B-KUL-G0S82A)

    6 ECTS English 36 Second termSecond term


    At the end of this course the student should:
    • Have a deep knowledge of the fundamental physical properties of polymers and biopolymers.
    • Understand the basic laws governing the equilibrium and dynamics of polymers.
    • Be aqcquainted with modern experimental techniques, in particular single molecule techniques, for the study of biopolymers as DNA or proteins.
    • Acquire some knowledge of the recent literature in the field.

    Previous knowledge

    The student should have a basic knowledge of Mechanics, Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics.     


    Polymer Physics (B-KUL-G0S82a)

    6 ECTS : Lecture 36 Second termSecond term


    Ideal polymers, Self-avoidance and the Flory argument, Scaling theory, Polymer Dynamics: the Rouse and Zimm models, DNA as a polymer (stiffness, persistence length), the Poisson-Boltzmann theory, Manning condensation, DNA elasticity and the Worm-like chain, Single molecule experimental techniques: Optical and Magnetic Tweezers, DNA conformational transitions: denaturation and hybridization, DNA topology: twist and writhe, DNA topology.

    Course material

    Handbook: Scaling Concepts in Polymer Physics (PG de Gennes), The theory of Polymer Dynamics (Doi and Edwards). Papers from the recent literature.    


    Evaluation: Polymer Physics (B-KUL-G2S82a)

    Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
    Description of evaluation : Paper/Project, Project/Product, Report, Presentation, Oral
    Type of questions : Open questions
    Learning material : Course material, None

    ECTS Advanced Quantum Mechanics (B-KUL-G0S83A)

    6 ECTS English 39 First termFirst term Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract


    Students acquire a more deeper knowledge on the nature and the power of quantum mechanics.  In particular they know how to apply perturbation theory, to employ scattering theory and to apply symmetry arguments.  Students also get in touch with more modern aspects of quantum mechanics like in questions about entanglement, non-localities and the measurement problem.

    Previous knowledge

    Students have followed courses in General Physics, and they also have successfully finished a basic course in quantum mechanics.

    Identical courses

    G0S84A: Gevorderde kwantummechanica


    Advanced Quantum Mechanics (B-KUL-G0S83a)

    6 ECTS : Lecture 39 First termFirst term


    1. Reminders: quantumformalism for closed systems, two-slit experiment.  Schroedinger equation with spin (Pauli and Dirac equations) - Stern-Gerlach experiment.  Quantumstatistics.
    2. Complements:
    - Time-dependent Hamiltonian, quantum protocol and control;
    - Time-dependent perturbation theory (Dyson method);
    - Scattering theory (Landauer-Buttiker formula);
    - Symmetry considerations (the hydrogen atom revisited);
    -  Approximations (semi-classical analysis, WKBJ-method,  Born-Oppenheimer approximation).
    3.   Modern developments:
    - Open systems, dissipative evolutions, decoherence, Caldeira-Leggett model.  Weak coupling (Fermi-Golden rule), Lindblad equation;
    - Quantum nature: superposition, entanglement, tunneling, nonlocality;
    - Quantum optics. Jaynes-Cummings model, Rabi oscillations, coherent states, squeezing, manipulations of individual atoms;
    - Quantum system theory. Positive-operator valued measure, quantum computing and algorithms, compression and capacity.

    Depending on available time and taking into account the possible overlap with other courses:
    - Introduction to path-integrals (example: Ahoronov-Bohm effect);
    - From Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen experiments to Bell inequalities and the Kochen-Specker No-Go Theorems;
    - Schroedinger’s cat and possible solutions of the measurement problem.

    Course material

    “Quantum Mechanics” by Bransden&Joaquin ;
    "Quantum computing and quantum information" by Nielsen&Chuang;
    “Quantum Mechanics, A Modern Development” by L.E. Ballentine
    And lecture notes.

    Format: more information

    Basic lectures and exercises for optimal interaction.


    Evaluation: Advanced Quantum Mechanics (B-KUL-G2S83a)

    Type : Exam during the examination period
    Description of evaluation : Written
    Type of questions : Multiple choice, Open questions, Closed questions
    Learning material : List of formulas, Calculator

    ECTS Experiments in Modern Physics (B-KUL-G0S85A)

    3 ECTS English 29 Both termsBoth terms Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract


    This course aims to provide an overview of advanced experimental techniques used in contemporary physics research, in typical university-based laboratory context as well as in large research facilities, in Belgium and abroad.  The main goal is to widen the students’ scientific horizon and to provide an overview of the current state-of-the-art, the opportunities and limitations of modern experimental techniques and their areas of application.  Wherever possible the link with recent breakthroughs in physics is made (e.g. via recent Nobel prizes), highlighting the interaction between theoretical and experimental research.  Research laboratories will be visited in the Department of Physics and Astronomy, in imec, within the faculties of Engineering and Bio-engineering, at other Belgian universities, and in industrial laboratories.  The course also comprises a field trip to a number of large international research facilities, among others the center for nuclear and particle research CERN in Geneva, the synchrotron facility ESRF in Grenoble and the neutron facility ILL in Grenoble.  Students will visit a number of experimental setups in which researchers from Leuven are strongly involved and will have a detailed look at particular experimental techniques.  Students are expected to make their own otes during the visit and make and present a synthesis via individualized assignments.

    Previous knowledge

    The student is expected to have had introductory courses at bachelor level in the different areas of physics.  Furthermore the student is expected to have acquired the necessary skills for operating the basic instruments of experimental physics.  Using this basic equipment, the student is expected to be able to carry out experiments and to report correctly about them. This implies the correct and rigorous analysis of the obtained data, the statistical data treatment and error propagation analysis.

    The expected prior knowledge is equivalent with:
    - Experimentele basistechnieken in de Natuurkunde, 2de Bachelor of gelijkwaardige ervaring.
    - Natuurkunde I, II, III
    - Kernfysica, 3de bachelor
    - Fysica van de gecondenseerde materie, 3de bachelor

    Identical courses

    G0S87A: Experimenten in de moderne fysica


    Visits to Research Laboratories in Belgium (B-KUL-G0S86a)

    2 ECTS : Field trip 13 Both termsBoth terms


    During visits to three research laboratories (in small groups of about 6-7 students), local specialists will give an introduction about specific advanced experimental techniques and how these techniques contribute to their ongoing scientific research.  The operation of the experimental setups will be demonstrated and their relevance for research will be highlighted.  After the introductory visit the students will perform additional background literature research and will write a synthetic report.  A session with oral presentations of the reports on the laboratory visits will be organized.  A first draft of the report and/or the presentation will be reviewed by the professor who organizes the visit.  The feedback provided by the professor will be taken into account by the student in order to finalize the report.

    Course material

    Preparatory lectures
    Oral explanation by experts in the labs
    Audio-visual material and data
    Scientific papers and articles from literature

    Visit of ESRF/ILL (B-KUL-G0T90a)

    1 ECTS : Field trip 16 Second termSecond term


    The student group makes a field trip in which three large international research facilities are visited, i.e. the center for nuclear research CERN in Geneva, the synchrotron facility ESRF in Grenoble and the neutron source ILL in Grenoble.  About half a day is spent in each of the facilities.  Every visit starts with a general introduction and a presentation of the facility by a local guide.  After the general presentation the group is split up and representative setups and beamlines are visited in more detail, guided by local scientists.

    Traveling is done with a coach and overnight stays are in local hotels near the highways.  According to the faculty rules a financial contribution is requested from the students.

    After the visit the students will search for additional material and will write a synthesis report about the visit.  The students will also give an oral presentation about these laboratory visits (not for students of G0G99A).  A first version of the report and the presentation is reviewed by the professor in charge of that visit (not for students of G0G99A).  This feedback is then taken into account by the students in order to finalize their report (not for students of G0G99A).

    Course material

    Slides of the relevant colleges.

    Research papers

    Format: more information

    This trip typically takes four days (including two traveling days).  Visits to the three institutes typically take half a day each.


    Evaluation: Experiments in Modern Physics (B-KUL-G2S85a)

    Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
    Description of evaluation : Report, Presentation, Self assessment/Peer assessment, Participation during contact hours

    Information about retaking exams


    ECTS Advanced Solid State Physics (B-KUL-G0S90A)

    6 ECTS English 39 First termFirst term Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract
    Locquet Jean-Pierre (coordinator) |  Kittl Jorge |  N. |  Locquet Jean-Pierre (substitute)


    The objective of the course is to give a broad phenomenological overview and background to cutting-edge topics of modern condensed matter physics, in direct relation to the major experimental methods that are used to investigate hard condensed matter systems.  The emphasis of the course is on phenomena (magnetism, dielectrics and ferroelectrics, optical properties, plasmons, surface and interphase physics, defects) with reference to today’s research.  The many-body physics of selected topics will be worked out. 

    Previous knowledge

    Student should be familiar with a basic/introductory level of
    quantum mechanics  (as in e.g. G0Y20A or equivalent)
    statistical mechanics (as in e.g. G0S00A or equivalent)
    condensed matter physics course (as in e.g. G0Y94A or equivalent)


    Advanced Solid State Physics (B-KUL-G0S90a)

    6 ECTS : Lecture 39 First termFirst term
    Kittl Jorge |  N. |  Locquet Jean-Pierre (substitute)


    The course content follows the book of Kittel starting from Chapter 11

    • Chapter 11: Diamagnetism and paramagnetism
    • Chapter 12: Ferromagnetism and antiferromagnetism 

    • Chapter 13: Magnetic Resonance

    ​• Chapter 14: Plasmons, polaritons and polarons

    ​• Chapter 15: Optical processes and excitons

    • Chapter 16: Dielectrics and Ferroelectrics 

    • Chapter 17: Surface and Interface Physics

    • Chapter 18: Nanostructures 

    • Chapter 19: Noncrystalline solids

    • Chapter 20: Point defects

    • Chapter 21: Dislocations 

    • Chapter 22: Alloys

    Next a series of recent articles from the different fields covered in the course will be selected and presented. 




    Course material

    Charles Kittel, Introduction to Solid State Physics (8th edition 2005)


    Michael P. Marder, Condensed Matter Physics (second edition 2010)
    Course notes (slides)

    Recent publications around the topics covered in the course 




    Format: more information

    The focus during the course is that the students work actively with the course content in terms of presentations and assignements. 


    Evaluation: Advanced Solid State Physics (B-KUL-G2S90a)

    Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
    Description of evaluation : Written, Presentation, Participation during contact hours, Oral
    Type of questions : Open questions, Closed questions
    Learning material : Course material, Calculator, Reference work, None


    The language of the lectures is English.  Dutch-speaking students can take the exam/make the assignments in Dutch if preferred.

    The ex-cathedra lectures are limited on purpose, in order to have time for explaining the main and known problems.  The emphasize of this course is on an independent study of the course contents, using the available material, and with weekly organized discussion sessions related to the chapters of the main book that is followed. After some introduction session(s), in order to set the scene, the twice per weekly lectures start with presentations by students on a particular chapter (or part of a chapter). Based on this, the discussion on the more difficult aspects is expanded.  Additional information will also be given, where appropriate.

    In addition, each student has to prepare and hold a presentation on a recent publication related to the subject of the course. This includes also a written report as an assignment. 

    Dates, topics and speakers are decided at the start of the semester.

    A significant part of the evaluation is on these presentations/assignements and on the discussion following them (active involvement). A final oral exam during the examination period will take place. It wil consist of questions on topics covered by the different presentations related to the book.

    ECTS Advanced Nuclear Physics (B-KUL-G0S91A)

    6 ECTS English 39 First termFirst term Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract


    In this course students acquire more advanced knowledge on selected topics in nuclear physics. These are mainly related to ongoing research in the department and deal with nuclear structure of short-lived isotopes and fundamental properties of the weak interaction.
    At the end of this courses the students
    - should be able to give a review on current state-of-the-art nuclear models and be able to describe in more detail the spherical and deformed shell-model.
    - should understand the role of angular distributions and - correlations in radioactive decay and how these are used in nuclear structure and fundamental interaction research.
    - should know the main properties of nuclear reactions and how these relate to a few key experiments. 

    Previous knowledge

    The course builds further on the introductory “Nuclear Physics” course in 3th year Bachelor Physics and the basics of quantum mechanics have to be known as well.  

    Order of Enrolment


    G0S83AG0S83A : Advanced Quantum Mechanics
    G0S84AG0S84A : Gevorderde kwantummechanica

    Identical courses

    G0J11A: Gevorderde kernfysica


    Advanced Nuclear Physics (B-KUL-G0S91a)

    6 ECTS : Lecture 39 First termFirst term


    1. Nuclear models
    o overview of different types of nuclear models – current status
    o collective excitations in nuclei
    o the spherical and deformed shell model

    2. Angular distributions and correlations.
    o angular distribution of radiation
    o applications to alpha-, beta- and gamma-radiation
    o the weak interaction in beta decay
    o correlations in beta decay and related experiments

    3. Nuclear reactions.
    o generalities
    o formal scattering theory
    o Coulomb scattering and Coulomb excitation
    o resonant scattering
    o the optical model for elastic scattering

    Course material

    Course notes, slides on Toledo, scientific papers.


    Evaluation: Advanced Nuclear Physics (B-KUL-G2S91a)

    Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
    Description of evaluation : Written, Presentation, Oral
    Type of questions : Open questions, Closed questions
    Learning material : None, Course material, Calculator


    For certain parts of the course the lecture notes can be used – see Toledo for details.

    Information about retaking exams

    The results from parts of the evaluation(s) during the semester are transferred to the second exam period, see Toledo for details.

    ECTS Advanced Soft and Biomatter Physics (B-KUL-G0S92A)

    6 ECTS English 39 First termFirst term Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract


    In this course, the students get acquainted with modern research topics and methods as well as their underlying theoretical aspects in the fields of soft condensed matter physics and biophysics. After successfully completing this course, the student should:

    • be familiar with the challenges and approaches used in the field;
    • be able to perform research activities in a professional and multidisciplinary research team under the supervision of experts;
    • be able to independently solve advanced problems in soft matter physics and biophysics by choosing the appropriate experimental and/or theoretical method, apply it and report the findings in a correct way;
    • understand and critically analyze the data presented in relevant scientific literature;
    • present and report insights and results to specialists.


    Previous knowledge

    Knowledge of general physics, statistical physics and thermodynamics. Knowledge from the Bachelor course based on the textbook “Soft Condensed Matter”by Richard Jones. javascript:waitpointer();zHtmlTriggerEvent('ccont','opo_voorlopig_opslaan');

    Identical courses

    G0J30A: Advanced Soft Matter Physics


    Advanced Soft and Biomatter Physics (B-KUL-G0S92a)

    6 ECTS : Lecture 39 First termFirst term


    Soft matter science deals with systems that are easily deformed by thermal and mechanical stresses, with the relevant energy scale comparable with room temperature thermal energy. It is therefore highly relevant for our daily life and forms a link between physics, chemistry and biology. Soft matter science is relevant for a wide range of applications and industries from food and pharmaceuticals to medicine and robotics.

    In this course we will address the following topics:

    1. Colloids and crowding: definitions, crowding and self-assembly on macroscopic and microscopic scales, phase-behavior

    2. Smoluchowski equation and the gas-liquid phase separation: the microscopic approach of spinodal decomposition, experimental examples

    3. Multi-scale methods in soft matter physics: scattering, light microscopy, laser trapping, AFM nanomechanics

    4. Dynamics of colloidal rods: Smoluchowski equation for Brownian rods, hydrodynamic interactions and experiments on colloidal rods

    5. Flow of complex fluids: linear and non-linear rheology

    6. Non-equilibrium aspects in soft matter: non-equilibrium phenomena, steady-state non-equilibrium: molecular motors, driven lattice gasses, driven Brownian motion, active particle systems

    7. Manipulating and probing dynamics and properties of bio(inspired) soft matter: optomechanical manipulation of colloids and living cells, photonic nanosensors and nanoactuators, light-responsive intelligent materials and soft microrobots


    Course material

    -Text books:
    G. Strobl, The physics of polymers, Springer-Verlag (Berlin, 1996);
    P.G. de Gennes and J. Prost, The physics of liquid crystals, Second Edition, Clarendon Press (Oxford, 1993). Dhont, An Introduction to Dynamics of Colloids. (PDF is available).
    -Selected research papers
    -Slides, transparencies, courseware
    -Toledo / e-platform

    Format: more information

    A number of lectures will include laboratory visits and some guided assignments.


    Evaluation: Advanced Soft and Biomatter Physics (B-KUL-G2S92a)

    Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
    Description of evaluation : Oral, Written, Report, Presentation
    Type of questions : Open questions
    Learning material : Calculator, None


    20% of the score is based on semester assignments (paper presentation and discussion, carried out in teams, during the semester).

    80% of the score is based on the individual written exam, during the examination period.

    Information about retaking exams

    Only the exam taken during the examination period can be repeated.  The score of the presentation/report obtained during the semester is retained.

    ECTS Electron Correlations: Superconductivity and Magnetism (B-KUL-G0S93B)

    6 ECTS English 36 Second termSecond term Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract


    To get insight into fundamental properties and into phenomenology of the correlated electrons in solids causing the appearance of magnetism and superconductivity. With this information in hand, the students can apply it in order to understand current research topics, the working principles of modern applications and the societal relevance of superconductivity and magnetism.

    Previous knowledge

    Student should be familiar with a basic/introductory level of:
    - quantum mechanics  (as in e.g. G0Y20A or equivalent)
    - statistical mechanics (as in e.g. G0S00A or equivalent)
    - condensed matter physics (as in e.g. G0Y94A or equivalent)

    Is included in these courses of study


    Electron Correlations: Superconductivity and Magnetism (B-KUL-G0S93a)

    6 ECTS : Lecture 36 Second termSecond term



    Fundamental properties of superconductors
    Vanishing of electrical resistance, Meissner effect, fluxoid quantisation, the London equations, macroscopic quantum phenomenon, quantum interference: the Josephson effect, Quantum interference in a magnetic field (SQUID loop)

    Superconducting Materials
    Conventional and unconventional superconductors; superconducting elements, alloys and compounds; fullerides; superconducting oxides, cuprates, bismuthates, ruthanates; iron pnictates and related compounds; organic superconductors.

    Cooper pairing
    Conventional superconductivity: electron phonon interaction, the superconducting state, quasiparticles and the BCS-theory; experimental confirmation of fundamental concepts the isotope effect and the energy gap

    Thermodynamic properties of the superconducting state
    Specific heat; the Ginzburg Landau theory, characteristic lengths of the Ginzburg Landau theory; Type-I superconductors in a magnetic field, the intermediate state, the wall energy; Type-II superconductors in a magnetic field, magnetization curve and critical fields, the Shubnikov state and flux lines.

    Critical currents in superconductors
    Limit of the supercurrent due to pair breaking; critical current in Type-II superconductors; flux pinning

    Applications of superconductivity

    Research topics on superconducting nanosystems



    Magnetism basic aspects

    • review of basic magnetostatics
    • magnetization and magnetic materials, definitions and units
    • atomic origins of magnetism
    • Diamagnetism
    • Paramagnetism
    • Interactions in ferromagnetic materials
    • Ferromagnetic domains
    • Antiferromagnetism
    • Ferrimagnetism

    Magnetic phenomena

    • Anisotropy
    • Magnetoresistance (AMR, GMR, CMR)
    • Exchange bias
    • Multiferroicity

    Novel magnetic materials

    Research topics on magnetic nanosystems and quantum magnets


    Course material

    -Nicola Spaldin, Magnetic materials, fundamentals and applications (2nd edition, 2010)
    -Reinhold Kleiner and Werner Buckel, Superconductivity, An Introduction (third edition, 2015)
    -Lecture notes and/or slides.


    Evaluation: Electron Correlations: Superconductivity and Magnetism (B-KUL-G2S93b)

    Type : Exam during the examination period
    Description of evaluation : Written, Oral
    Type of questions : Open questions
    Learning material : List of formulas, Calculator


    The exam contains several questions. The final score is the algebraic sum of the results on all questions. There is an equal weight for the questions on the superconductivity part and on the magnetism part. 

    ECTS Advanced Topics in Clusters and Nanoparticles (B-KUL-G0S94B)

    3 ECTS English 18 Second termSecond term Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract
    Janssens Ewald (coordinator) |  Temst Kristiaan |  N. |  Janssens Ewald (substitute)


    The objective of the course is to acquire insight in the theoretical background on clusters and nanoparticles, and knowledge of the major experimental methods that are used to produce and investigate these nano-objects. The students will understand how electron confinement affects the electronic, optical, and chemical properties of small particles.
    The students will also have obtained state-of-the-art knowledge of a selected subtopic of the course and are able to teach about that topic. In addition, they are able to report about a specific research discovery in popularized language for a broad audience.

    Previous knowledge

    Quantum mechanics (as in G0Y20A or equivalent)
    Condensed matter physics (as in G0Y94A or equivalent)


    Advanced Topics in Clusters and Nanoparticles (B-KUL-G0S94a)

    3 ECTS : Lecture 18 Second termSecond term
    Temst Kristiaan |  N. |  Janssens Ewald (substitute)


    Part 1: Properties of nanoscale objects and their assemblies (7 lectures of 1,5 hours)

    • Introduction to nanoscience and nanotechnology
    • Nanoparticles: equilibrium shapes and characteristic quantities
    • Nanoparticles and clusters: Quantum effects
    • Fullerenes and carbon nanotubes
    • Nanoparticles preparation methods
    • Structural characterisation techniques: SAXS, neutron scattering, DLS.

    Part 2: Capita selecta (3 lectures of 1,5 hours)

    • Assignment to prepare in team a course about a particular subject related to nanoparticles or nanoclusters. The course should be presented in class (possible topics: nanoparticle catalysis, nanoparticles for cancer treatment, nanoparticle toxicity, nanoparticles for energy applications, nanoparticle plasmonics,…).
    • Individual assignment to write a press release about a recent research article related to the topics of the course.

    Course material

    • Selected chapters of textbooks on clusters or nanoparticles
    • Review articles
    • Slides
    • Toledo / e-platform

    Format: more information

    10 Lectures of 1,5 hours + individual contacts related to own course and press release


    Evaluation: Advanced Topics in Clusters and Nanoparticles (B-KUL-G2S94b)

    Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
    Description of evaluation : Written, Paper/Project, Presentation, Oral
    Type of questions : Open questions
    Learning material : None


    Final exam (60 %)
    Permanent evaluation:

    • presentation in the form of course on a selected topic related to the course content (20%)
    • press release (20%)

    The final score is obtained by summing the scores of the different parts with a weighting factor as indicated above.

    Information about retaking exams

    Partial mark transfer will be done for assignments (presentation / press release) on which a score of at least 10/20 is obtained. For the presentation an alternative written asignment will be given in case it has to be retaken.


    ECTS Exotic Nuclei: Properties and Interactions (B-KUL-G0S95A)

    6 ECTS English 39 Second termSecond term Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract
    Raabe Riccardo (coordinator) |  Neyens Gerda |  Raabe Riccardo |  Severijns Nathal |  de Groote Ruben |  N. |  Ferrer Garcia Rafael (substitute)  |  Less More


    The student gains insight in the state-of-the art research methods in nuclear physics, with emphasis on which observables can be measured and which methods can be used to investigate the nuclear structure and interactions in the nuclear medium (strong and weak interaction), and in particular for exotic nuclei.

    The student gets familiar with a few specialized research tools and methods in nuclear physics and obtains a practical knowledge on how to interpret experimental results in the context of nuclear models or the standard model for elementary particles.

    Previous knowledge

    Knowledge of nuclear physics on an advanced level.  
    Good knowledge of quantum mechanics, angular momentum algebra and scattering theory.

    Order of Enrolment


    G0S91AG0S91A : Advanced Nuclear Physics


    Exotic Nuclei: Properties and Interactions (B-KUL-G0S95a)

    6 ECTS : Lecture 39 Second termSecond term


    The lectures will include topics on state-of-the art research in nuclear structure and weak interaction physics (test of standard model).  Topics can include:
    1. Nuclear moments, spins and charge radii and their relation to nuclear structure.
    2. Decay-spectroscopy and nuclear structure.
    3. Ion traps for nuclear physics research.
    4. Nuclear reactions and nuclear structure.
    5. Testing the standard model in beta-decay.

    Course material

    Selected Chapters from following text books:
    -“The Euroschool Lectures on Physics with Exotic Beams”, Vol. 1, Springer 2004, Eds. E. Roeckl and J. Al-Khalili
    -“The Euroschool Lectures on Physics with Exotic Beams”, Vol. 2, Springer 2006, Eds. E. Roeckl and J. Al-Khalili

    - Slides on Toledo.
    - Articles from literature.


    Evaluation: Exotic Nuclei: Properties and Interactions (B-KUL-G2S95a)

    Type : Exam during the examination period
    Description of evaluation : Written, Oral
    Type of questions : Open questions
    Learning material : Course material, Calculator

    ECTS Groups and Symmetries (B-KUL-G0S96A)

    6 ECTS English 36 First termFirst term


    The student should get familiar with the concepts of groups, algebras and representations, and have seen them at work in applications in physics. The difference between finite groups and Lie groups will be taught. The student should understand the classification of algebras and representations.

    Previous knowledge

    Basics of quantum mechanics, for example as in G0Y20A Kwantummechanica. Familiarity with matrix calculus, for example as in G0N27A Lineaire Algebra.


    Groups and Symmetries (B-KUL-G0S96a)

    6 ECTS : Lecture 36 First termFirst term


    Symmetries and conservation laws
    Algebras in physics examples
    Lie groups and Lie algebras concepts
    Roots, weights, and the Dynkin diagrams of finite dimensional Lie algebras
    Real forms of Lie algebras
    SU(2) and SO(3)
    Lie groups as groups of matrices
    Compact and non-compact groups and algebras
    Highest weight representations
    Tensor methods
    Clebsch-Gordon coefficients
    Young tableaux


    Course material

    - J. Fuchs and Chr. Schweigert, "Symmetries, Lie algebras and Representations, A graduate course for physicists," Cambridge monographs on mathematical physics.
    - Lecture notes for some parts.


    Evaluation: Groups and Symmetries (B-KUL-G2S96a)

    Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
    Description of evaluation : Written
    Type of questions : Open questions
    Learning material : Course material, Computer, Reference work


    The final grade of the course will be based on

    1) tasks that the students will have to perform during the period of the lectures,

    2) a practical part with exercises for which the students can use the book and notes.

    3) a theoretical part with questions on the concepts of the course for which the students cannot use study material.

    The score will be based on a ratio 20-40-40 over these three parts.

    ECTS Analytical Mechanics (B-KUL-G0S97A)

    6 ECTS English 36 First termFirst term


    Lagrangian and Hamiltonian mechanics must lead the students to more advanced techniques for solving the problem of the movement of a mechanical system with general forms of kinetic and potential energy. It should put the problem of mechanics in a clear mathematical structure. It will include analytic varieties, tangent space, differential forms and symplectic structures as suitable formulations.
    The student learns to create a framework for extensions to mechanics such as quantum mechanics, relativity theory and field theory.

    Previous knowledge

    The course is aimed at students who already know Newton mechanics at the level of the course in General Physics I (required for bachelors in Mathematics and Physics). They learn to work with the concept of power, and how the resulting motion of a system can be deduced. They have studied conservation laws such as momentum, energy and angular momentum.
    They have learned the gravitational force and Kepler's laws. They also have a knowledge of electric and magnetic fields (see General Physics II, also required for bachelors in Mathematics and Physics).
    It is expected that the course "Classical Mechanics" is followed, where elements of Lagrange theory (Euler angles and movement of the toll) and the Kepler problem are discussed.


    Analytical Mechanics (B-KUL-G0S97a)

    6 ECTS : Lecture 36 First termFirst term


    I Newton mechanics / Dynamical systems
    1. General principles of classical mechanics
    - Spacetime and the group of Galilei
    - Repetition of the principle and equation of Newton, momentum and energy
    - The principle of relativity, choice of coordinates
    2. Dynamical systems
    - Phase picture en phase flow
    - Attractors
    - Chaos

    II Lagrangian mechanics
    1. Variational principles and the Lagrange equations
    - Variational principle in generality
    - Principle of the least action and the Lagrange equations
    - Constraints and generalized coordinates
    - Transformation of Legendre
    - Hamilton equations
    - Liouville theorem
    2. Configuration space
    - Configuration space as an analytic manifold, charts
    - Tangent vectors and tangent space
    - Group of coordinate transformations
    - Riemannian space
    3. Use of the Lagrange theory
    - Normal systems, extensions and applications
    - Conserved quantities and Noether theorem
    - Solution of systems with constraints by Lagrange multiplicators
    4. Stability and oscillations
    - Equilibrium positions
    - Stability and asymptotic stability
    - Oscillations

    III Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formalism on manifolds
    1. Lagrange mechanics on manifolds
    - Coordinates and constraints
    - D'Alembert's Principle
    - Analytic manifolds
    - Choice of coordinates, indices and summations
    -Lagrangian dynamics
    2. Differential forms
    - Differential k-forms
    - Integrals and derivatives of differential forms
    - Stokes Formula
    3. Symplectic spaces
    - Symplectic manifold
    - Hamiltonian flow
    - Algebra of vector fields and their Poisson brackets
    4. Canonical transformations
    - Definition of canonical transformations
    - Generating function of a canonical transformation
    - One-parameter group of canonical transformations
    5. Invariants and Hamilton-Jacobi theory
    - The extended phase space
    - Integral invariant of Poincaré
    - Extended coordinate transformations
    - The theory of Hamilton-Jacobi

    Course material

    Lecture notes are distributed using Toledo.

    In the preparation of the course, the following texts have been used
    1. A. Verbeure, Analytische mechanica, course given in Leuven, 1995.
    2. H. Goldstein, Classical Mechanics, Addison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts, third edition, 2002.
    3. V.I. Arnold, Mathematical Methods of Classical Mechanics, Springer-Verlag 1978, second
    edition, 1989.



    Evaluation: Analytical Mechanics (B-KUL-G2S97a)

    Type : Exam during the examination period
    Description of evaluation : Written
    Type of questions : Open questions, Closed questions
    Learning material : Course material, Computer, Reference work


     The student can use lecture notes. Books are not allowed .

    ECTS Advanced Statistical Mechanics (B-KUL-G0S98A)

    6 ECTS English 40 Second termSecond term Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract


    At the end of the Master programme the student:
    * has a broad knowledge of modern physics;
    * has specialized in theoretical physics;
    * is able to independently solve advanced physics problems by choosing the appropriate theoretical method;

    At the end of this course the student has good command of various concepts and methods in equilibrium as well as non-equilibrium statistical mechanics. The student can illustrate how the concepts work in specific model paradigma’s. The student has a basic awareness of how the course material relates to contemporary research themes.

    Previous knowledge

    Thorough knowledge of statistical thermodynamics at the level of course G0P26A is required. This includes knowledge of:
    - Phenomenology of temperature, pressure, density, magnetisation, equilibrium phase diagram and response functions.
    - The first law of thermodynamics, work and heat in thermodynamic processes.
    - Ideal gas: macroscopic descriptions and kinetic gas theory.
    - The second law of thermodynamics: entropy and processes.
    - Thermodynamic potentials.
    - Phase equilibria and transformations: in chemical reactions and mixtures. Phase transitions, critical phenomena.
    - Micro states and their dynamics, statistical distributions.
    - Microscopic definition of entropy

    Basic knowledge of statistical mechanics at the level of course G0S00A is strongly recommended, including knowledge of:
    - the formalism of the Statistical Mechanics of Equilibrium systems (Microcanonical, Canonical and Grand-Canonical Ensembles) for the Classical Mechanics.
    - some fundamental laws of the physics of many particles systems using the formalism of Statistical Mechanics (as for instance the Planck's law, the equipartition principle, specific heats of gases, …)


    Advanced Statistical Mechanics: Lectures (B-KUL-G0S98a)

    3 ECTS : Lecture 20 Second termSecond term


    Advanced statistical mechanics:

    1. Dynamics (non-equilibrium systems)

    - Brownian motion

    - Diffusion

    - Langevin and Fokker-Planck equations

    - Kubo formulae

    - Response functions

    - Fluctuation-dissipation theorems

    - Onsager reciprocity relations


    2. Phase transitions and critical phenomena

    - Ensembles

    - Interaction-free systems

    - Phase transitions and critical phenomena

    - Renormalization Group


    Course material

    The text books for this course are "Statistical Physics of Fields" (Mehran Kardar, Cambridge University Press) and "Stochastic Processes in Physics and Chemistry" (N.G. van Kampen, North-Holland).

    Advanced Statistical Mechanics: Exercises (B-KUL-G0S99a)

    3 ECTS : Practical 20 Second termSecond term


    Through exercises the students get familiarized with the theoretical concepts.

    Course material

    The text books for this course are "Statistical Physics of Fields" (Mehran Kardar, Cambridge University Press) and "Stochastic Processes in Physics and Chemistry" (N.G. van Kampen, North-Holland).


    Evaluation: Advanced Statistical Mechanics (B-KUL-G2S98a)

    Type : Exam during the examination period
    Description of evaluation : Oral
    Type of questions : Open questions
    Learning material : Calculator




    ECTS Computational Physics: Advanced Monte Carlo Methods (B-KUL-G0U08A)

    3 ECTS English 20 First termFirst term Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract


    1) The student learns the basic principles of  Monte Carlo simulations.
    2) The student learns how Monte Carlo simulations are used to study interacting many particle systems.
    3) The student learns several examples of equilibrium systems, both discrete (Ising, Potts) and continuous (Hard Spheres, Lennard-Jones fluids), investigated by Monte Carlo simulations.
    4) The student learns about applications of Monte Carlo methods to describe the dynamics of coupled chemical reactions.
    5) The student learns how to write an own computer code performing a Monte Carlo simulation and to intepret the obtained data.

    Previous knowledge

    Calculus, elementary programming and elementary thermodynamics


    Computational Physics: Advanced Monte Carlo Methods (B-KUL-G0U08a)

    3 ECTS : Lecture 20 First termFirst term


    1) Monte Carlo computation of Integrals and Importance sampling
    2) Markov Chains and Detailed Balance
    3) The Metropolis Algorithm
    4) Critical slowing down
    5) Cluster algorithms
    6) Monte Carlo in continuous time
    7) Kawasaki algorithm: local and non-local
    8) Coupled chemical reactions: the Gillespie algorithm

    Course material

    Lecture Notes (E. Carlon) - Available via Toledo

    M.E.J. Newman and G.T. Barkema, "Monte Carlo Methods in Statistical Physics" (Oxford University Press)
    D. Frenkel and B. Smit, "Understanding molecular simulations", Academic Press (2002)

    Format: more information

    Lectures, discussion sessions, take-home problems


    Evaluation: Computational Physics: Advanced Monte Carlo Methods (B-KUL-G2U08a)

    Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
    Description of evaluation : Report
    Type of questions : Open questions
    Learning material : Reference work


    The exam consists in the discussion of some assignments which the student gets during the course. The assignements involve the development of own computer programs (in a language chosen by the student as for instance C, C++, Fortran, Matlab, Octave...) in order to perform Monte Carlo simulations on some specific physical models. The student should perform the simulations,  analyze the data obtained and collect the results in a written report. The report should be submitted to the instructor a few days before the exam.

    ECTS Computational Physics: Molecular Dynamics Simulations (B-KUL-G0U09A)

    3 ECTS English 20 First termFirst term Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract


    1) The student learns the basic principles of  molecular dynamics simulations.
    2) The student learns how these simulations are used to study interacting many particle systems.
    3) The student learns several examples of systems investigated by molecular dynamics simulations (e.g. polymers, Lennard-Jones fluids).
    4) The student learns to write an own computer code performing a molecular dynamics simulation and to intepret the obtained data.

    Previous knowledge

    Calculus, Mechanics, Thermodynamics, Elementary programming


    Computational Physics: Molecular Dynamics Simulations (B-KUL-G0U09a)

    3 ECTS : Lecture 20 First termFirst term


    1) Verlet and Velocity Verlet algorithms.
    2) Measurements of thermodynamical quantities: Kinetic energy, Total energy, Pressure, Diffusion Coefficient.
    3) Constant temperature ensemble and Thermostats: Andersen, Berendsen and Nose-Hoover thermostats.
    4) Simulations of Langevin dynamics.

    Course material

    Lecture Notes (E. Carlon) - Available via Toledo

    D. Frenkel and B. Smit, "Understanding molecular simulations", Academic Press (2002)

    Format: more information

    Lectures, discusion sessions, take-home problems


    Evaluation: Computational Physics: Molecular Dynamics Simulations (B-KUL-G2U09a)

    Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
    Description of evaluation : Report
    Type of questions : Open questions
    Learning material : Course material, Computer, Reference work


    The exam consists in the discussion of some assignments which the student gets during the course. The assignements involve the development of own computer programs (in a language chosen by the student as for instance C, C++, Fortran, Matlab, Octave...) in order to perform Molecular Dynamics simulations on some specific physical models. The student should perform the simulations,  analyze the data obtained and collect the results in a written report. The report should be submitted to the instructor a few days before the exam.

    ECTS Historical and Social Aspects of Physics (B-KUL-G0U12B)

    3 ECTS English 13 Second termSecond term Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract


    The students develop a well informed view on the role and the position of physics in present-day society. They are able to comment on current debates from a broad, historical perspective. They know how to collect and interpret the necessary arguments in order to formulate their own point of view.

    Previous knowledge

    The students have finished their bachelor curriculum in science.


    Historical and Social Aspects of Physics (B-KUL-G0U12a)

    3 ECTS : Lecture 13 Second termSecond term


    The course focuses on major developments in physics during the first half of the twentieth century. The so-called "revolution in physics" is approached from different angles: the impact of new ideas and discoveries, the emergence of theoretical physics as a new important subdiscipline, the influence of political changes in Europe and World War II, the first debates on science policy and the funding of big science projects.

    Themes to be discussed are:

    -the 'slow' revolution of quantum physics and its relationship to "classical physics"
    -quantum physics and the Weimar Zeitgeist
    -physics, politics and warfare
    -big science, big money
    -the global development of physics

    The course not only provide historical background, but also offers an introduction to some basic ideas of 'science studies'. In particular the social aspects of physics are being discussed, as well as some methdological issues in making historical and social analyses.

    Course material

    All study material is provided on the Toledo platform, and consists mainly of the presentation slides discussed during the course.


    Evaluation: Historical and Social Aspects of Physics (B-KUL-G2U12b)

    Type : Exam during the examination period
    Description of evaluation : Written
    Type of questions : Open questions
    Learning material : None

    ECTS Ionizing Radiation Detection and Nuclear Instrumentation (B-KUL-G0Z55A)

    6 ECTS English 52 Both termsBoth terms


    Get to know the origin of the different types of ionizing radiation and their interaction with matter.
    Understand the properties and different possible applications of detectors for ionizing radiations, and gain insight in the basic principles of the detection of ionizing radiations and in nuclear electronics.

    Get to know the basic properties of accelerators and the production of radioactive isotopes.

    Through practical laboratory projects the students should get practical knowledge on how to operate different types of detectors and the related nuclear instrumentation and measuring techniques. The student should be able to determine independently the research strategy for a posed problem and realize this in practice. 


    Previous knowledge

    Basic concepts of electromagnetism and of nuclear physics.

    Basics of statistics.

    Order of Enrolment


    G0C98AG0C98A : Introductory Nuclear Physics


    Ionizing Radiation Detection and Nuclear Instrumentation: Theory (B-KUL-G0Z55a)

    3 ECTS : Lecture 26 First termFirst term


    1. Introduction: (Special relativity, Atomic and Nuclear Physics, Statistics),

    2. Radiation sources (including basics on accelerators and production of radioisotopes),

    3. Radiation-matter interaction,

    4. General characteristics of detectors,

    5. Gas detectors,

    6. Scintillation detectors. Gamma spectroscopy,

    7. Semiconductor detectors,

    8. Neutron detectors,

    9. Personal dosimetry,

    10. Pulse processing and nuclear electronics


    Course material

    Radiation Detection and Measurement, G.F. Knoll (Wiley, 2010)

    Format: more information

    Theory lectures that are complemented with exercises and initial laboratory projects.

    Ionizing Radiation Detection and Nuclear Instrumentation: Laboratory work and Exercises (B-KUL-G0Z56a)

    3 ECTS : Practical 26 Second termSecond term


    Exercises on the radioactive decay, the properties of ionizing radiation detectors and the operation of nuclear electronics.


    Laboratories (a selection from the following list; not exhaustive):

    1. Geiger-Mueller: Counting statistics.

    2. Introduction to simulation codes SRIM and VGATE, (2 sessions).

    3. Cyclotron: Bragg peak measurement.

    4. NaI, HPGe, CdZnTe: Gamma spectrometry.

    5. Surface Barrier detector: Alpha spectroscopy.

    6. Neutron detection.

    7. Scintillation: SiPMs, PMTs, coincidence techniques.

    8. Proportional counter: X-ray fluorescence.

    9. Angular Correlations with HPGe detectors.

    10. Muon detection: muon lifetime and angular distribution.



    Evaluation: Ionizing Radiation Detection and Nuclear Instrumentation (B-KUL-G2Z55a)

    Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
    Description of evaluation : Oral, Written, Report, Presentation, Participation during contact hours


    Apart from the exam the evaluation includes laboratory reports as well presentations and/or exercises assignments.



    Information about retaking exams

    Report(s) from the project work that would not meet the required standards may be resubmitted after having been upgraded for the second exam opportunity.



    ECTS Fundamentals of Dosimetry (B-KUL-G0Z60A)

    3 ECTS English 20 First termFirst term


    This course is taught at the UCLouvain. (Syllabus)

    This teaching unit consists in acquiring the theoretical principles of radiation dosimetry. The goal is to develop an intuition about dosimetry from basic principles, as a strong foundation before studying the applications of radiation dosimetry in the other courses for radiotherapy, nuclear medicine, and radiology. 

    The course is organized around 7 main themes:

    • The interactions of particles with matter from the point of view of the medical physicist 
    • Field and dosimetric quantities. Concept of charged-particle equilibrium
    • Characterization of radiation quality
    • Cavity theory
    • Radiation detectors from a medical physicist's perspective
    • Introduction to reference dosimetry for kV and MV beams
    • Small field dosimetry

    Previous knowledge

    Basic knowledge of math and modern physics.

    Is included in these courses of study


    Fundamentals of Dosimetry (B-KUL-G0Z60a)

    3 ECTS : Lecture 20 First termFirst term


    1 General introduction

    2 Direct dose deposition

    2.1 Stopping Power - CSDA approximation

    2.1.1 Heavy charged particles

    2.1.2 Electrons and positrons

    2.2 Radiation yield

    2.3 Limited stopping power - LET

    2.4 Range

    2.5 Dose in thin and thick foil

    3 Indirect dose deposition

    3.1 Photon interactions (rep.)

    3.1.1 Transferred energy

    3.1.2 Net transferred energy

    3.1.3 Transmitted energy

    4. Field and dosimetric definitions and units

    4.1 Radiation field quantities and units (particle fluence, flux…)

    4.2 Radiation interaction quantities (cross sections, attenuation coefficients, stopping powers)

    4.3 Dosimetric quantities (exposure, absorbed dose, KERMA)

    4.4 Relations between field and dosimetric quantities

    4.5 Radiation equilibrium

    5 Characterization of beam quality

    5.1 Generalities

    5.2 KV X-rays

    5.3 MV X-rays

    5.4 Electron beam specification

    5.5 Protons and heavier charged particles

    5.6 Energy spectra determination

    6 Cavity theory

    7 Overview of Radiation Detectors and Measurements

    7.1 Generalities

    7.2 Detector response and calibration coefficient

    7.3 Absolute, reference, and relative dosimetry

    7.4 General characteristics and desirable properties of detectors

    7.5 Brief description of various types of detectors from the point-of-view of the medical physicist

    8 Primary radiation standards

    9 Ion chambrer measurements

    9.1 Basic principles

    9.2 Correction for influence quantities: temperature-pressure, polarity, ion recombination

    10 Reference dosimetry

    10.1 For MV beams

    10.2 For kV beams

    11 Small field dosimetry



    Course material

    The course associates regular theoretical lectures and in-class exercises. All theoretical lectures are either pre-recorded or recorded (if pre-record is not available). Therefore, in-class teaching can be adapted depending on the requests of the students present in class. When a pre-record is available, we favor a dynamic teaching with large developments on the black board on specific parts of the course. The students are encouraged to vision the pre-recorded courses before the in-class session so that they can ask specific questions and developments.

    Some exercises will be solved in class, while others should be solved at home. Solutions to the exercises will be provided during the semester. Students who cannot attend physically are strongly encouraged to contact the teacher in case of a difficulty to solve an exercise.

    The introduction to the course (course schedule; presentation of summary and teaching material; evaluation methodology; practical considerations) will be streamed and recorded.

    After the introduction, no streaming is foreseen for the courses when a pre-record is available. This is the default format (no streaming, but a pre-recorded course). In the case a  pre-record is not available, the course will follow a classic format with a power point presentation. In the latter case (no pre-record), and only in that case, the courses will be streamed as well. It will be made clear to all students when a streaming option will be made available. But the students should assume there is no streaming option.  There will be many possibilities for the students having difficutlies to come to the course to ask their questions. Specific (streamed) sessions could be envisaged for answering questions.  

    The contents that will be subject to evaluation are the ones and only the ones available in recorded material (slides and explanations) + the exercises. 

    Teaching material

    • Mandatory
      • Recorded theoretical lectures
      • Course slides
      • Exercises with their solutions
    • Support (optional)
      • Papers
      • “Fundamentals of Ionizing Radiation Dosimetry”, by Andreo, Burns, Nahum, Seuntjens, and Attix (Wiley, 2017)
      • "Handbook of Radiotherapy Physics" (Mayles, Nahum, Rosenwald)



    Evaluation: Fundamentals of Dosimetry (B-KUL-G2Z60a)

    Type : Exam during the examination period
    Description of evaluation : Oral, Written
    Type of questions : Closed questions, Open questions
    Learning material : Course material, Calculator


    The written part amounts for 70% of the mark. The oral part 30% of the mark

    All teaching material is available for the written part and amounts for 70% of the grade (30% theoretical questions; 40% exercises).The openbook format should be seen by the student as a way to improve comfort and avoid memorizing lengthy equations or definitions. However, in order to succeed to the exam, it is expected that the student knows the teaching material. Otherwise, it will take too long to the student to answer the questions of the exam. The questions are asked in a way it is possible to answer them without referring to the course if the latter is well known. 

    The oral part amounts to 30% of the score. Short questions are asked and the student need to make developments on the fly. The teaching material is not available for the oral part




    Information about retaking exams

    In the second session, the exam follows the exact same structure

    ECTS Technology and Techniques in Radiology (B-KUL-G0Z62A)

    3 ECTS English 20 First termFirst term
    Bosmans Hilde (coordinator) |  Bosmans Hilde |  N. |  Aertsen Michael (substitute)


    The course aims at preparing the students for medical physics tasks in the radiology department. Therefore, the basic insights are provided into the technology and techniques being used and newly introduced, as well as how to support clinical studies and perform justification files, personalized patient dosimetry and optimization.


    The specific learning outcomes are:

    • Students understand the legally defined tasks and responsibilities of the medical physicist in the radiology department 
    • Students can explain the different aspects of standard radiological techniques: projection radiography, dynamic investigations (with fluoroscopy and contrast) and CT.
    • Students understand the approaches to patient dose measurements and dose monitoring.
    • Students can develop concepts to work at quality optimization in radiology. This includes studies that use patient data.



    Previous knowledge

    Basic knowledge on physics, mathematics and nuclear physics

    Identical courses

    G0F67A: Technieken in de radiologie

    Is included in these courses of study


    Technology and Techniques in Radiology (B-KUL-G0Z62a)

    3 ECTS : Lecture 20 First termFirst term
    Bosmans Hilde |  N. |  Aertsen Michael (substitute)


    • The legal framework on medical exposures in Belgium (Royal decree of Feb 13, 2020), and the subsequent tasks of the medical physicist in radiology
    • Justification as an important part of the legislation.

                       Exercise: case study. Example: a CT scanner in the surgery room. How to justify this?

    • The basic principles of x-ray imaging devices: an overview
    • X-ray exams in radiology: medical aspects and working practice in x-ray rooms

                       Guided tour of the radiology department with a radiology staff member

    X-ray tubes and the geometry of x-ray devices: working principle, their safe use and optimization

    X-ray spectra: properties, filtering and optimization for specific radiological tasks

                       Exercise: contrast calculations using an x-ray spectrum generating tool

    • X-ray detectors: physical basic principles, different types of detectors, and quality measurements of the detector
    • Image quality measurements using phantoms and basis quality measures
    • Patient dosimetry in radiology

                      Demonstration: Monte Carlo techniques in radiology physics

                      Demonstration of patient dose data collection, reporting and optimization

    • Fluoroscopy systems and radiation protection of patients and personnel
    • CT technology: basic principles and new developments, including dual energy techniques
    • Introduction to QC protocols
    • Get started with supporting clinical studies in radiology: basic techniques, ethical approvals and GDPR rules
    • Phase contrast imaging

                      Visit of the MosaIc and demonstration of phase contrast imaging

    • Non ionizing imaging techniques, with focus on Magnetic Resonance Imaging (basic principles)
    • Research in medical physics in radiology


    Course material


    Several documents such as the Royal Decree of Feb 13, 2020 and Technical documents of the FANC on Quality Control procedures.

    Selected papers to illustrate

    ‘The radiological medical physics handbook’,  by D.R. Dance S. Christofides A.D.A. Maidment I.D. McLean and K.H. Ng, 2014.

    The textbook can be downloaded for free from the IAEA website:



    Evaluation: Technology and Techniques in Radiology (B-KUL-G2Z62a)

    Type : Exam during the examination period
    Description of evaluation : Written


    The exam consists of questions on the theoretical aspects, and case study exercises.

    ECTS Technology, Dosimetry and Treatment Planning in Radiotherapy (B-KUL-G0Z63A)

    3 ECTS English 24 First termFirst term
    Sterpin Edmond (coordinator) |  Sterpin Edmond |  N. |  Crijns Wouter (substitute)


    Acquire practical and theoretical principles of dosimetry, computation methods, and treatment planning in radiotherapy


    The specific learning outcomes are:

    • Students acquire basic knowledge of the clinical background in radiotherapy
    • Students acquire state-of-the-art knowledge of radiotherapy delivery techniques, including proton therapy
    • Students can address dosimetry problems specfic to radiotherapy
    • Students develop computational skills and a critical thinking for addressing dose calculation problems
    • Students master modern treatment planning techniques: probabilistic optimization; artifical-intelligence guided radiotherapy; adaptive radiotherapy

    Previous knowledge

    • Ionizing radiation physics
    • General dosimetry
    • Detectors
    • Numerical methods in medical physics


    Is included in these courses of study


    Technology, Dosimetry and Treatment Planning in Radiotherapy (B-KUL-G0Z63a)

    3 ECTS : Lecture 24 First termFirst term
    Sterpin Edmond |  N. |  Crijns Wouter (substitute)


    Theoretical content

    • Treatment delivery technologies
    • Dose calculation
    • Detector technology spectific to radiotherapy (including arrays, film, EPID, …)
    • Clinical background of radiotherapy: definition of GTV, CTV, and PTV
    • Management of uncertainties in treatment planning (safety margins, probabilistic planning, and robust optimization)
    • Motion management in radiotherapy
    • Modern radiotherapy treatment planning techniques (AI-guided treatment planning; adaptive radiotherapy)

    Practical content

    • Dose calculation lab (the students will have to write down their own code in Python for a pencil beam dose convolution algorithm; and then discuss their strengths and weaknesses; reference Monte Carlo data will be provided)
    • PTV safety margin computation lab

    Course material

    The course associates regular theoretical lectures and practical sessions.  

    All theoretical lectures are either pre-recorded or recorded (if pre-record is not available). Therefore, in-class teaching can be adapted depending on the requests of the students present in class. When a pre-record is available, we favor a dynamic teaching with large developments on the black board on specific parts of the course. The students are encouraged to vision the pre-recorded courses before the in-class session so that they can ask specific questions and developments.

    Physical presence is mandatory for the practical sessions. The schedule will be given during the first course. No streaming nor recording are foreseen for the practical sessions (one session for dose calculation lab; one session for margin lab).

    The introduction to the course (course schedule; presentation of summary and teaching material; evaluation methodology; practical considerations) will be streamed and recorded.

    After the introduction, no streaming is foreseen for the courses when a pre-record is available. This is the default format (no streaming, but a pre-recorded course). In the case a  pre-record is not available, the course will follow a classic format with a power point presentation. In the latter case (no pre-record), and only in that case, the courses will be streamed as well. It will be made clear to all students when a streaming option will be made available. But the students should assume there is no streaming option. There will be many possibilities for the students having difficutlies to come to the course to ask their questions. Specific (streamed) sessions could be envisaged for answering questions.  

    The contents that will be subject to evaluation are the ones and only the ones available in recorded material (slides and explanations).

    Teaching material


    • Recorded theoretical lectures
    • Course slides

    Support (optional)

    • Papers
    • “Fundamentals of Ionizing Radiation Dosimetry”, by Andreo, Burns, Nahum, Seuntjens, and Attix (Wiley, 2017)
    • "Handbook of radiotherapy physics" (Mayles, Nahum, Rosenwald)


    Format: more information

    Computer session - Individual assignment - Practice session

    There will be two "lab" assignments for the students

    • Implementation of a pencil beam dose calculation algorithm:
      • The students will have to solve a dose calculation problem, with a short Python program.

      • The goal is to show the potential and limitations of pencil beam dose convolution. Monte Carlo data is provided for comparison.

      • The code and the report need to be given to the teacher. They will be both graded. Conciseness is encouraged for the report

    • Computation of PTV safety margins

      • The students will be given exercises and also simulation material in order to gain a practical understanding of PTV safety margin recipes

      • A report will be required. Again, conciseness is encouraged. 



    Evaluation: Technology, Dosimetry and Treatment Planning in Radiotherapy (B-KUL-G2Z63a)

    Type : Exam during the examination period
    Description of evaluation : Oral, Written
    Type of questions : Open questions, Closed questions
    Learning material : Course material


    Lab reports amount for 30% of the mark (15% each). This grade is final (no possiblity to change the grade for a second session). 

    The exam amounts for 70% of the mark (40% for the written part; 30% for the oral part)

    All teaching material is available for the written part. This should be seen by the student as a way to improve comfort and avoid memorizing lengthy equations or definitions. However, in order to succeed to the exam, it is expected that the student knows the teaching material. Otherwise, it will take too long to the student to answer the questions of the exam. The questions are asked in a way it is possible to answer them without referring to the course if the latter is well known.

    The oral part amounts to 30% of the score. Short questions are asked and the student need to make developments on the fly. The teaching material is not available for the oral part

    Information about retaking exams

    The exam follows the exact same format.

    However, the grades for the lab reports are final and cannot be changed for the second session (if any). 

    ECTS Technology and Techniques in Nuclear Medicine (B-KUL-G0Z64A)

    3 ECTS English 22 First termFirst term
    Schramm Georg (coordinator) |  Hesse Michel |  N. |  Goffin Karolien (substitute) |  Schramm Georg (substitute)


    The objectives of the course are to gain theoretical knowledge of the techniques and technology used in nuclear medicine, with an introduction to medical principles. To this end the main nuclear imaging procedures in daily clinical routine are discussed. In addition, new developments in the field of nuclear medicine (diagnosis and therapy) are discussed in some detail.

    The specific learning outcomes are:

    • to gain theoretical knowledge of the techniques in nuclear medicine (tomography, image reconstruction, quality control, and dosimetry).
    • acquire knowledge about basic principles of nuclear medicine, the use of radiopharmaceuticals and measuring equipment.
    • obtain basic knowledge about the medical applications in nuclear medicine and be able to apply the theoretical knowledge in these applications.
    • being able to deduce the importance of aspects of 'quality assessment' and 'quality control' in medical applications and to assess and solve potential problems.
    • to acquire knowledge about radiation protection of staff and patients in nuclear medicine.



    Previous knowledge

    Basic background in mathematics and in physics.

    Identical courses

    G0F68B: Technologie en technieken in de nucleaire geneeskunde

    Is included in these courses of study


    Technology and Techniques in Nuclear Medicine (B-KUL-G0Z64a)

    3 ECTS : Lecture 22 First termFirst term
    Hesse Michel |  N. |  Goffin Karolien (substitute) |  Schramm Georg (substitute)


    A. Technical part

    • Brief description of radioactive decay and Poisson noise.
    • Interaction of photons with matter (absorption and scattering of photons).
    • Detection of photons with the gamma camera and the PET camera:
      • a. scintillation crystal, PMT, mechanical and electronic collimation.
      • b. partial volume effect.
      • c. the influence of Compton scattering in SPECT and PET imaging.
      • d. corrections of the raw signal, which are essential in order to obtain a good picture of the radioactive distribution.
    • Imaging:
      • a. planar imaging with the gamma camera.
      • b. tomography SPECT and (TOF-) PET.
    • Transmission Tomography:
      • a. transmission scan with long-lived radioactive source.
      • b. Hybrid PET / CT systems.
    • Quality control of the gamma camera and the PET camera.
    • Well counters, radionuclide calibrators and survey meters.
    • Image analysis:
      • a SUV. standardized uptake value.
      • b. models of tracer kinetics.
      • c. image quality.
    • Dosimetry of radiopharmaceuticals.
    • Radionuclide therapy.

    B. Clinical part
    1. Basics, radiopharmaceuticals, equipment.
    2. Clinical applications of conventional nuclear medicine.

    3. Clinical applications of PET-imaging.
    4. Clinical applications of radionuclide therapy.
    5. Clinical applications of dosimetry and radiation protection.


    Course material

    Course texts


    Evaluation: Technology and Techniques in Nuclear Medicine (B-KUL-G2Z64a)

    Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
    Description of evaluation : Oral, Written, Take-Home
    Type of questions : Open questions


    Closed book exam for the technical part, closed book for the medical part.

    The course will be examined as a whole, not as the mere sum of the results on the technical and medical parts. A minimum score of 8/20 is required for both the technical and the medical part in order to succeed for this course. Otherwise a score of at most 9/20 can be obtained.



    ECTS Condensed matter theory (B-KUL-G0Z97A)

    6 ECTS English 2 Second termSecond term


    Knowledge of basic concepts and models in condensed matter

    Previous knowledge

    Quantum mechanics, statistical mechanics


    Condensed Matter Theory (B-KUL-G0Z97a)

    6 ECTS : Lecture 2 Second termSecond term


    Basic notions of condensed matter theory, including e.g. bosonic gases, Fermi liquid and its instabilities, topological insulators.

    Course material

    Lecture notes will be provided


    Evaluation: Condensed Matter Theory (B-KUL-G2Z97a)

    Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
    Description of evaluation : Oral, Written, Participation during contact hours
    Type of questions : Multiple choice, Open questions, Closed questions
    Learning material : Course material



    During the academic year, students will be encouraged to participate actively in the course by solving exercises and answering conceptual questions. Based on this, a grade G will be given.  Let F be the grade obtained on the exam in the examination period, then the final grade is the maximum of  F and  0.4 G + 0.6 F.  

    Information about retaking exams


    There will be no extra opportunity for continuous assessment within the second exam opportunity. The grade G obtained during the academic year will be transferred and the final grade will be again the maximum of  F and  0.4 G + 0.6 F where F is now the grade scored at the second exam opportunity.

    ECTS Molecular Photonics (B-KUL-G9X25A)

    3 ECTS English 18 First termFirst term


    at the level of the total chemistry program:To make sure that the student realizes how molecular materials with advanced optical properties can perform optical functions that are very similar to electronics or can be integrated with electronics and how current research contributes to photonics as an enabling technology in our aging, energy-greedy information society.
    at the level of this specific course
    The student can scale the concept of X-ray diffraction on semiconductor crystals with an electronic bandgap with or without impurity doping, to opalescence of photonic crystals with an optical stopband with or without defect mode passbands. The student can rationalize the effect of a photonic bandgap on the steady-state and time-resolved emission from a photonic crystal.
    The student understands the molecular and symmetry aspects needed to impart second- and third-order nonlinear optical properties to a molecular material, both at the single molecule and at the ensemble level, and is able to indicate all engineering steps from the molecule to a working electro-optic modulator device for converting electronic digital data to optical pulses for optical long-distance data transfer.
    The student can indicate in a charge-transfer molecule the electron donor and electron acceptor moiety, and relate these to electron transfer and proton transfer properties, and ultimately, to redox and acido-switching of the optical properties.
    The student realizes that the molecular requirements for organic photovoltaics and for organic light emitting diodes are very similar and that conjugated materials can contribute to energy saving.
    The student realizes that the symmetry requirements for second-harmonic generation and for two-photon fluorescence are different and that these complementary nonlinear optical techniques can be used in diagnostic imaging and photodynamic therapy.
    at the generic level:
    The student can find recent research articles on a given topic, study the specific topic in great depth for himself, and indicate the essentials and present these as course material for his fellow students.


    Photonics (B-KUL-G0I15a)

    3 ECTS : Lecture 18 First termFirst term


    Chapter I
    Absorption of light by molecules. Detailed discussion of the factors determining the transition dipole
    Excited states in molecular systems: singlets and triplets, localized (Frenkel excitons) and charge transfer states
    Energy, bond lengths, acidity and dipole moments of excited states
    Excited states in semiconductors (Wannier excitons) (quantum-dots + particle in a box)
    Chapter II
    Fluorescence and phosphorescence
    Thermal decay processes of excited states , Fermi Golden Rule
    Major experimental techniques of stationary and fast spectroscopy for evaluation of kinetics and spectroscopy of excited states
    Generalization of  Woodward Hoffmann rules
    Chapter III
    Formal kinetics of quenching
    Quenching by excitation transfer (Förster and Dexter)
    Quenching by electron transfer
    Quenching by excited state complex formation
    Quenching by heavy atoms and paramagnetic effects
    Chapter IV
    Adiabatic electron transfer
    Non-adiabatic electron transfer
    Solvent reorganization
    Distance dependence of electron transfer (superexchange)
    Electron transfer to metals and semiconductors
    Chapter V
    Exciton Interaction in Dimers
    Exciton Interaction in Large 1- and 2-aggregates
    Mixed dimers
    Also cfr. content of specific educational activities.

    Chapter VI 
    Concerted reactions, correlation diagramma, conical intersections, pericyclic minima

    Chapter VII
    Application of the content of Chapter VI to selected elementary photochemical reactions and related concepts as  biradicals.
    Chapter VIII
    Excitations in semiconductors and metals


    Photonic atoms, photonic crystals, colloidal photonic crystals, two-dimensional defects in three-dimensional artificial opals.
    Fluorescence in photonic crystals, bandgap engineering for modulation of the fluorescence and energy transfer.
    Molecular second- and third-order nonlinear optics, with applications in electro-optic modulation and nonlinear imaging and phototherapy.
    Principles of organic photovoltaics and organic light emitting diodes.


    Evaluation: Molecular Photonics (B-KUL-G2X25a)

    Type : Exam during the examination period
    Description of evaluation : Oral

    ECTS Medical Imaging and Analysis (B-KUL-H03H5A)

    6 ECTS English 56 Second termSecond term


    After succesful completion of this course, the student should understand and be able to explain the physical and mathematical principles of medical imaging and image analysis. The student should have knowledge of and insight in the image data acquisition process of the main imaging modalities (RX, CT, MRI, SPECT/PET, US), the image reconstruction methods, the parameters that influence image quality (resolution, contrast, noise, artefacts), biological safety aspects and the processing and visualization of medical images. The main focus of the course is on the methodological concepts of various imaging and image analysis techniques, while imaging equipment and clinical applications are treated in less detail. 

    After succesful completion of the course, the student should be able to relate the various physical principles underlying different imaging modalities to the complementary information different medical images provide for diagnosis and therapy planning. The student should also be able to appreciate the intrinsic connection between imaging and mathematics and the engineering challenges to bring these concepts into practice. 

    Previous knowledge

    Preliminary terms
    A basic education in engineering, physics or mathematics is required.
    The student must understand and command the basic concepts of digital signals and linear system theory, in particular Fourier theory.

    Preliminary conditions
    Having obtained credits in a course on linear system theory.

    Is included in these courses of study


    Medical Imaging and Analysis: Lecture (B-KUL-H03H5a)

    4.83 ECTS : Lecture 36 Second termSecond term


    The course follows the textbook 'Fundamentals of Medical Imaging" by Prof. em. Paul Suetens. 

    In Chapter 1, an introduction to digital image processing is given. It introduces the terminology used, the aspects defining image quality, and basic image operations to process digital images.

    Chapters 2 - 6 explain how medical images are obtained. The most important imaging modalities today are discussed: radiography (Chapter 2), computed tomography (Chapter 3), magnetic resonance imaging (Chapter 4), nuclear medicine imaging (Chapter 5), and ultrasonic imaging (Chapter 6). Each chapter includes (1) a short history of the imaging modality, (2) the theory about the physics of the signals and their interaction with tissue, (3) the image formation or reconstruction process, (4) a discussion of the image quality, (5) the different types of equipment today, (6) examples of the clinical use of the modality, (7) a brief description of the biologic effects and safety issues, and (8) some future expectations.

    Chapters 7 gives an overview of medical image analysis approaches to extract quantitative information from the images to support diagnosis and therapy planning and presents some model-based strategies to deal with ambiguity in the images.

    Chapter 8 describes 3D visualisation approaches and their use for image-based guidance during treatment and surgical interventions. 


    Course material

    Study cost: More than 100 euros (The information about the study costs as stated here gives an indication and only represents the costs for purchasing new materials. There might be some electronic or second-hand copies available as well. You can use LIMO to check whether the textbook is available in the library. Any potential printing costs and optional course material are not included in this price.)

    Textbook: P. Suetens, Fundamentals of Medical Imaging, 3rd edition, Cambridge University Press, 2017.

    Course material available on Toledo:

    - PDF version of each chapter of the textbook for personal use only

    - Slides and handouts per chapter

    - Course notes with additional explanations

    - Exercises and solutions

    - A list of equations

    - An appendix with basic notions of linear system theory


    Format: more information

    There are +/- 18 lectures of 2h each. The scheme of the lectures is planned as follows:

    Lecture 1: Course organization. 

    Lecture 1-2: Basics of digital image processing

    Lecture 2-3: RX

    Lecture 4-5: CT

    Lecture 6-7-8-9: MRI

    Lecture 10-11: SPECT/PET

    Lecture 12-13: US

    Lecture 14-15-16: Image analysis

    Lecture 17: 3D visualization

    The remaining lecture is used as back-up in case a lecture is cancelled.

    Medical Imaging and Analysis: Exercises and Laboratory Sessions (B-KUL-H03H6a)

    1.17 ECTS : Practical 20 Second termSecond term


    The exercise sessions are intended to foster insight by making the various concepts from the lectures more tangible with numerical examples and by exploring the underlying assumptions, benefits and limitations of specific imaging setups. The exercise sessions are organized in line with the course chapters. A guided tour in the university hospital is also organised as part of the exercise sessions. 

    Session 1: Basic image processing.

    Session 2-7: Imaging modalities: RX, CT, MRI, US, SPECT/PET

    Session 8: Image analysis & Visualization for diagnosis and therapy

    Session 9: Guided tour within the departments of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine of UZ Gasthuisberg, Leuven.


    Course material

    A list of exercises per chapter and their solutions are provided on Toledo.


    Evaluation: Medical Imaging and Analysis (B-KUL-H23H5a)

    Type : Exam during the examination period
    Description of evaluation : Written
    Type of questions : Open questions
    Learning material : List of formulas

    ECTS Human System Physiology (B-KUL-H03I4B)

    5 ECTS English 30 Second termSecond term
    Bultynck Geert (coordinator) |  Bultynck Geert |  Vennekens Rudi


    The student must be able to calculate the equilibrium potential of ions and the membrane potential and to understand how the membrane potential is influenced by the activity of ion channels.
    The student must know the main transport systems operative in cells, including diffusion, osmosis, ion channels, carriers and pumps.
    The student must be able to explain the electrochemical and/or mechanical properties of neuronal and (skeletal, heart and smooth) muscle cells, underlying the function of physiological systems.
    The student must be able to provide an integrated overview of the major control systems in the human body, including the nervous systems and endocrine systems.
    The student must be able to explain the properties and regulation of the major physiological systems in the human body, ranging from the molecular level to the system level.
    The student should be able to specify the major physiological signaling molecules and their physiological roles and effects in the human body.
    The student must be able to explain how dysfunction of physiological systems at the molecular/cellular level can lead to disease conditions in the human body.
    In the context of the heart, the student should understand the principles of the electrocardiogram and its value for the monitoring of cardiac function. The student should be able to present (technical) solutions for major cardiac problems by exploiting his/her insights in the electrical control of cardiac contractions.

    Previous knowledge

    Students should have a thorough understanding in basic sciences, including biology, chemistry and physics and in cell biology. In particular, before attending this course, the student should have a thorough knowledge of the structure and function of DNA, mRNA and proteins and thus transcription, translation and post-translational modifications (e.g. phosphorylation, glycosylation,…) and of the different signaling pathways operative in human cells.

    Identical courses

    H03I4C: Fysiologie van de menselijke systemen
    H03I4D: Human System Physiology

    Is included in these courses of study


    Physiology of the Heart (B-KUL-H00T8a)

    0.15 ECTS : Practical 2 Second termSecond term


    To introduce students to heart activity and how it can be influenced by physiological signaling molecules and pharmacological tools:
    – Myogenic heart activity
    – Ions important for contraction of the heart
    – Chronotropic and inotropic effect
    – Effects of neurotransmitters (adrenaline and acetylcholine)
    – Effect of propanolol, verapamil and G-stropanthin on heart contraction.

    Course material

    Manual available on Toledo + computer programme.

    Format: more information

    Using a computer/simulation-based approach, students will be able to monitor, analyze and discuss the properties of the heart and its regulation by physiological signaling molecules and by pharmacological agents. The insights and knowledge obtained from the lectures will be applied by the students.

    Human System Physiology (B-KUL-H03I4a)

    4.85 ECTS : Lecture 28 Second termSecond term


    In the first part of the course, an overview of the most important concepts of general cellular physiology is given: membrane potential, receptors, hormones, etc. These concepts will then be used in discussion of neurophysiology and the endocrine system. These will be discussed thoroughly: chemical and electrical signal transmission in the nervous system and the relation with receptor cells for light (visual system), sound (hearing), balance, smell and general sensory observation. Molecular aspects of muscle contraction (smooth and skeletal muscles) and neural control and regulation of muscle contraction will be dealt with in detail. Finally, a reasonable part of the course will be dedicated to the special physiology of the heart, kidneys and the respiratory and digestive system.
    Schematically, the course is subdivided into the following subjects:
    Cellular physiology;
    Cellular communication (electrical and chemical);
    Introduction into neurophysiology;
    Signal transmission in the nervous system;
    Physiology of smooth and skeletal muscles;
    Observation of light, sound, smell and balance;
    Motoric system;
    Endocrine functions;
    Cardiovascular system: the heart and blood circulation
    Kidney function;

    Course material

    Study cost: 51-75 euros (The information about the study costs as stated here gives an indication and only represents the costs for purchasing new materials. There might be some electronic or second-hand copies available as well. You can use LIMO to check whether the textbook is available in the library. Any potential printing costs and optional course material are not included in this price.)

    Lecture notes on Human Physiology;
    Edited by: Ole H Petersen
    Published by Blackwell Science Ltd;
    Reference: ISBN-13: 978-1-4051-3651-8    ISBN-10: 1-4051-3651-0


    Evaluation: Human System Physiology (B-KUL-H23I4b)

    Type : Exam during the examination period
    Description of evaluation : Written
    Type of questions : Open questions
    Learning material : None


    The exam consists of open questions of which a number of larger questions and a number of shorter focussed questions. The questions are of the following types: "explain"/"interpret"/"analyse"/"calculate"/"make an integrated figure/scheme...". The aim of these questions is to assess the understanding of essential key concepts and principles in human physiology. The exam gauges to the knowledge obtained during the lectures and the practical courses.

    ECTS Project Management (B-KUL-H04X2A)

    3 ECTS English 20 Second termSecond term Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract
    Duflou Joost (coordinator) |  Duflou Joost |  Joubert Johan


    The aim of this course is to provide the student with an overview of techniques and means that are available for the start up, execution, follow up and adjustment of large projects. By means of examples and case studies insight is created  supporting recognition of typical patterns, analysis of situations and identification of  suitable methods and/or techniques recommendable for effectively steering projects, with well-optimized chances to reach the  preset project deliverables. 

    Previous knowledge

    This course is not connected to a specific graduation programme. Therefore, the contents of the assignments can be altered to suit the graduation programme of the student. Still, it is recommended to plan this course in a later stage of the master programme to ensure that any lack of technical background will be not be a hindrance in working on specific cases or assignments. Access to a familiar project case (e.g. thesis project) is required in view of the evaluation format which is based on a case study. A possible course on business administration in the curriculum can best be scheduled before attending this course.

    Is included in these courses of study


    Project Management (B-KUL-H04X2a)

    3 ECTS : Lecture 20 Second termSecond term



    • What is project management?
    • Situation within the general planning problem
    • Characteristics of projects
    • Project manager
    • Components, concepts and terminology
    • Life cycle of a project: strategical and tactical considerations
    • Factors responsible for the success of a projectOrganisational structures and task allocation
    • Organisational structures
    • Staff management
    • Concurrent engineering
    • Assessment and selection
    • Division of a project
    • Outsourcing or internal work?
    • Conflict evaluation:  within the organisation, environmental effects, othersProject planning
    • Introduction
    • Duration of project activities
    • Learning effects
    • Precedence relations
    • Gantt-representation
    • Arrow network for critical path mathematics
    • Block network for critical path mathematics
    • LP formulation
    • Aggregation of activities
    • Dealing with uncertainty
    • Analysis of PERT and CPM presuppositions
    • Conflicts in planningProject budget
    • Introduction
    • Project budget and company goals
    • Drawing up a budget
    • Budget management
    • FinancingManagement of resources
    • Influence of resource limitations on the project
    • Classification of resources
    • Planning of resources and project with time as a limiting factor
    • Planning of resources and project with resources as a limiting factor
    • Priority rules for the allocation of resources
    • Subcontracting/assessing suppliers
    • Executing projects in parallelProject control
    • Introduction
    • Control systems
    • Following up and controling timewise planning and costs
    • Reporting
    • Updating cost and planning parameters
    • Technological controlComputer support for project management
    • Introduction
    • Use of computers
    • Criteria for software selection
    • Software implementation
    • Data management and knowledge managementProject termination
    • Introduction
    • When to finalise a project?
    • Final steps in the termination of a projectCase studies

    Course material

    Handbook, presentations (on Toledo).

    Format: more information



    Evaluation: Project Management (B-KUL-H24X2a)

    Type : Exam during the examination period
    Description of evaluation : Oral
    Type of questions : Open questions, Closed questions
    Learning material : None


    Assignment per two students with presentation and defense (oral exam) during exam session. Exam timing is coordinated per team of students.

    ECTS Computational Methods in Solid State Physics (B-KUL-H06A8A)

    3 ECTS English 28 First termFirst term Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract


    To become acquainted with the modern computational approaches to solid-state physics, based on the many-body Schrödinger equation (so-called ab-initio or first-principles methods). To understand the concepts underlying the principal methods, based on density functional theory (DFT), and grasp their limitations and applicability. To be able to compute the stuctural and electronic properties of solids, using DFT software packages.

    Previous knowledge

    The student has a knowledge of quantum mechanical concepts (wave mechanics), such as wavefunction, angular momentum, spin and the Schrödinger equation. He or she can solve this equation for the case of simple systems (square well, harmonic oscillator, hydrogen atom), and can interpret the solutions. In addition the student has basic knowledge of solid state physics (band structures, reciprocal space, Brillouin zone, density of states,...).
    Necessary basis to disciplines as offered in the introductory courses H06E2A Quantum physics; H06F2A Semiconductor physics; H06O1A Atoomtheorie, chemische periodiciteit en chemische binding

    Is included in these courses of study


    Computational Methods in Solid State Physics (B-KUL-H06A8a)

    2 ECTS : Lecture 18 First termFirst term


    Introduction to ab-initio materials modelling

    Many body Schrödinger equation and approximations

    Density functional theory and its application to solids

    Computation of equilibrium structures

    Computation of the vibrational properties of solids 

    Computation of band structures

    Spin-polarized DFT and magnetic properties of solids

    DFT beyond LDA and GGA: hybrid functionals, LDA+U, van der Waals functionals,...

    First-principles molecular dynamics

    Course material

    Main book:

    F. Giustino, Materials modelling using density functional theory (Oxford University Press, 2014)

    Complementary books:

    R.M. Martin, Electronic structure - Basic theory and practical methods (Cambridge University Press, 2004)

    D. Sholl and J. Steckel, Density functional theory - A practical introduction (Wiley, 2009) 

    Computational Methods in Solid State Physics: Exercises and Labs (B-KUL-H06A9a)

    1 ECTS : Practical 10 First termFirst term


    Computer exercise sessions, using a DFT software package. The structural and electronic properties of different materials are computed.

    Format: more information

    The students perform calculations with a DFT simulation package, and prepare a detailed report on their calculations. 




    Evaluation: Computational Methods in Solid State Physics (B-KUL-H26A8a)

    Type : Exam during the examination period
    Description of evaluation : Written, Oral
    Type of questions : Open questions


    Part of the evaluation is based on the report from the computer exercice sessions.

    ECTS Scanning Probe Microscopy (B-KUL-H06E8A)

    3 ECTS English 28 Second termSecond term Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract
    N. |  Van de Vondel Joris (substitute)


    Starting from practical applications and demo’s the students will acquire a deeper knowledge on the physical principles that underly the various forms of scanning probe microscopy. Moreover, the students will get insights into the possibilities as well as the limitations to scan surfaces with nanometer resolution, and to transform the obtained physical information into digital pictures. Finally, the students acquire the needed background to critically assess novel scanning probe methods used in contemporary nanoscience research.

    Previous knowledge

    The student has sufficient general knowledge of physics and quantum physics. In addition the student has a basic knowledge of chemistry and the chemical bond.
    (Ma Nanoscience: Necessary basis to disciplines as offered in the introductory courses H06E2A Quantum physics; H06O1A Atoomtheorie, chemische periodiciteit en chemische binding)


    Scanning Probe Microscopy (B-KUL-H06E8a)

    2 ECTS : Lecture 18 Second termSecond term
    N. |  Van de Vondel Joris (substitute)


    -Historical introduction to scanning probe microscopy.

    -Introduction to the basic principles of scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and tunneling spectroscopy.
    -Study of various physical properties using STM.
    ·        Surface reconstruction and growth of thin films
    ·        Individual doping centers in semiconductors
    ·        Electronic, magnetic and superconducting properties of different materials
    -Introduction to the basic principles of atomic force microscopy (AFM), and of local force spectroscopy.
    -Study of physical properties with force microscopy.
    ·        -Sensing atoms, detection of individual chemical bonds
    ·        -Determination of local mechanical properties 
    ·        -Thermal microscopy
    ·        -Electric Force Microscopy (EFM)
    -Introduction to scanning probe microscopy based on magnetic interactions.

    ·        -Magnetic force microscopy (MFM)
    ·        -Force microscopy using local magnetic resonance (MRFM)
    ·        -Scanning Hall probe microscopy (SHPM)

    -Introduction, by the students, of a particular set of novel scanning probe technique and or methods.

    Course material

    Copies of PowerPoint presentations (available via Toledo)

    Copies of relevant articles (available via Toledo)


    Scanning Probe Microscopy: Exercises and Labs (B-KUL-H06E9a)

    1 ECTS : Practical 10 Second termSecond term
    N. |  Van de Vondel Joris (substitute)


    -Practical demonstration of scanning tunneling microscopy and atomic force microscopy.

    -Lab visit to show real examples of the techniques discussed during the classes.

    -Students will get a final assignment, in a team, in which they perform an in-depth investigation of a recent scanning probe technique and present it in class.

    Course material

    Copies of PowerPoint presentations (available via Toledo)

    Copies of relevant articles (available via Toledo)



    Evaluation: Scanning Probe Microscopy (B-KUL-H26E8a)

    Type : Exam during the examination period
    Description of evaluation : Oral, Written
    Type of questions : Open questions
    Learning material : Course material

    ECTS Biosensors and Bioelectronics (B-KUL-H06F4A)

    3 ECTS English 36 Second termSecond term


    The student will learn the basic principles and development of bio-analytical systems and biosensors with a special emphasis on different transduction technologies, biorecognition layers, biomolecular detection assays and the coupling of the biorecognition elements on the transduction system to obtain a functional bio-analytical device. The student learns to critically interprete and to communicate about literature in the field.

    Previous knowledge

    - Principles of biochemistry (undergraduate level)
    - Principles of electronics (undergraduate level)

    Is included in these courses of study


    Biosensors and Bioelectronics: Exercises (B-KUL-H06F5a)

    1 ECTS : Assignment 10 Second termSecond term


    The student chooses an international journal paper -  in interaction with the lecturer - related to a topic taught in the course, critically reviews this paper and presents this paper and related work described in literature to his fellow students by means of a powerpoint/ flash poster presentation.

    Format: more information

    The students read a paper and prepare a presentation about the topic

    Biosensor Technology and Bio-electronics, Part I: Lectures (B-KUL-I0P09a)

    2 ECTS : Lecture 26 Second termSecond term


    •            Course information
    •            Introduction to biosensors and bio-electronics
    Biological recognition elements 
    •            Enzymatic recognition elements   
    •            Non-enzymatic recognition elements
    •            Immobilisation of biological recognition elements            
    Transduction mechanisms
    •            Electrochemical transducers
    •            Optical transducers
    •           Thermal and mass-sensitive transducers

    Biosensing applications 
    •            Examples of integrated biosensors


    Course material

    Hand-outs, papers, chapters in books available on toledo.

    Format: more information

    Interactive lectures.

    Is also included in other courses

    I0P09B : Biosensor Technology and Bio-electronics


    Evaluation: Biosensors and Bioelectronics (B-KUL-H26F4a)

    Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
    Description of evaluation : Written, Presentation
    Type of questions : Open questions
    Learning material : None


    Written examination: 17/20
    Poster presentation on a selected paper: 3/20
    The duration of the written exam is 3 hours.


    Information about retaking exams

    The grades of the presentation are automatically transferred to the second examination.

    ECTS Applied Rheology (B-KUL-H09F5B)

    3 ECTS English 20 First termFirst term


    Applied Rheology (B-KUL-H09F6a)

    3 ECTS : Assignment 20 First termFirst term


    This course treats the flow properties of non-Newtonian fluids. In a first part, the physical phenomena causing Newton's law to be replaced by other models are discussed for an entire series of relevant fluids (polymer melts, ceramics and other suspensions, sludge, crudeoil, blood, …). The mathematical structure of the non-Newtonian equations of state is developed. This includes a description of linear and non-linear viscoelastic phenomena.
    In the second part rheometry, the experimental observation of non-Newtonian flow aspects, is discussed. The different measuring geometries are compared and the governing equations deducted.
    The third part is dedicated to the relationship between rheological properties and the aspects of some of the fluid classes, namely polymers and colloidal suspensions.

    Course material

    Course notes : slides
    Recommended book:"Rheology: Principles, Measurements and Applications", C. W. Macosko, Wiley-VCH (1994)  

    Format: more information

    Besides the lectures, it is asked to characterize a specific product, to measure and model its rheological behavior, and to partially apply reverse engineering.

    Is also included in other courses

    H0E81A : Applied Rheology


    Evaluation: Applied Rheology (B-KUL-H29F5b)

    Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
    Description of evaluation : Paper/Project, Presentation
    Type of questions : Open questions
    Learning material : Course material


    Assignment with closing report and presentation.

    Information about retaking exams

    Re-examination is not possible.

    ECTS Engineering & Entrepreneurship (B-KUL-H09P4A)

    6 ECTS English 69 Second termSecond term Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract


    The course explains and illustrates the role of leadership and technology in the entrepreneurial process.

    • The student can explain the key role of technology and engineering in entrepreneurship
    • The student is able to take advantage of market opportunities by planning, organizing, and employing several types of resources.
    • The student is able to clarify the role of and generate a business plan for an existing as well as a new to start-up company.
    • The student can clarify how different units within the company interact and how the company should position itself within a given market, based on the participation during the business games and the testimonies by the entrepreneurs to.
    • The student can explicate the product development cycle and more specifically the creative phase following the need recognition and problem formulation stages. In this phase design concepts need to be conceived and assessed.
    • The student can indicate the techniques of Business Strategic Dialogues and the role of leadership in this.

    Previous knowledge

    Students are not allowed to follow the course H09Q1A ‘Leadership and Strategic Management’ (3 ECTS) nor H04V2A ‘Ontwerpmethodologieën’ (6 ECTS) when they subscribe this course.

    Is included in these courses of study


    Business Simulations (B-KUL-H09P5a)

    1.5 ECTS : Assignment 30 Second termSecond term


    The ola consists of two games:


    • concurrent engineering game: this business simulation game makes students familiar with the important influence of organizational structures on the performance of project teams with parallel, interacting task responsibilities. The exercise consists of a 4 hours competitive product development effort set in a real life production facility.
    • business game: during this three day business game students have to organize themselves in teams or companies. They create a vision, set goals for their company, translate them in the normal activities of a company: hiring people, buying raw material, investing in machines, price setting, marketing, selling and delivering the products, production planning, etc. At the end of the game during a formal session what they hoped to reach and what has been reached is discussed.

    Course material

    Handouts made available to the students  before the start of the games.

    Format: more information

    Interactive business simulation games: presence is obligatory.

    Is also included in other courses

    H09Q1A : Leadership and Strategic Management

    Strategic Management (B-KUL-H09P8a)

    1.5 ECTS : Lecture 15 Second termSecond term


    1. Leadership:How to define,types of profiles(inspirational,organisational),style
    2. Strategic Dialogues: Vision and Strategy as a tool to aline teams and lead the team to common goals.Technique of defining actual situation against strategic desired position (Ist/Soll) and definition of action programs to get there.
    3. What to do in global crises: short time survival to reach long term objectives (use of operational KPI's)
    4. Culture of enterpreneurship and commitment
    5. Why?(reason to exist),how?(values),what?(action plans)
    6. How evaluate (choose) the team and reward it?
    7. Priority setting (people,profit,planet?)
    8. Translation and communication of vision/strategy to affiliates and workfloor
    9. Role of innovation10. Case study of a company in Belgium

    Course material

    Handbook, texts and presentations

    Format: more information

    Mixture of classes and seminars

    Is also included in other courses

    H09Q1A : Leadership and Strategic Management

    Creativity and Decision Making for Product Development (B-KUL-H0T37a)

    2 ECTS : Lecture 12 Second termSecond term


    1. Characteristics of design activities and systematic design procedures

    2. Creativity methods: including

    • Lateral thinking
    • Brainstorming
    • Synectics
    • Biomimicry, biologically inspired design
    • Combinatorial concept generation
    • Morphological analysis

          and creativity quantification

    3.   Design by Analogy and Systematic biologically inspired design

    4.  Theory of Inventive Problem Solving :TIPS / TRIZ

    5.  Open innovation and lead users

    6.  Design evaluation methods and decision theory

    • Design axioms
    • Decision matrices
    • Decision theory
    • Multi-criteria decision making

    Course material

    Handouts and selected articles

    Technology & Entrepreneurship: Case Studies (B-KUL-H0T38a)

    1 ECTS : Lecture 12 Second termSecond term


    Testimonies on the role of engineering and technology in the start-up of technology spin-offs. Leading entrepreneurs of technology spin-off companies will be invited to contribute to this seminar lectures.

    Course material

    Byers, T.H. Dorf, R.C., & Nelson, A.J. (2010). Technology ventures: From idea to enterprise (3rd ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.

    Handouts of the presentations.


    Evaluation: Engineering & Entrepreneurship (B-KUL-H29P4a)

    Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
    Description of evaluation : Written, Paper/Project, Presentation, Participation during contact hours
    Type of questions : Open questions



    • ‘Business Simulations’: continuous assessment based on participation
    • ‘Strategic Management’ and ‘Creativity and decision making for product development’: written exam during the exam session, open questions
    • ‘Technology & Entrepreneurship: case studies’: short paper on a case study
    • One of the business game takes place during three consecutive days during the Easter holidays, this game is graded based on participation.

    Not participating in one of the diffferent parts results in failing this course. There is no possibility to take a second exam session for the games in September.

    If the faculty decides that the business games cannot go ahead in their current form, compulsory attendance will be waived. The business games will then not be included in the assessment of this course.




    Information about retaking exams

    You cannot retake the business games in the September exam session, since they exist of continuous assessment. However, you can retake the course modules ‘Strategic Management’, ‘Creativity and Decision Making for Product Development’ and ‘Technology & Entrepreneurship’.

    ECTS Optical Properties of Solids (B-KUL-H0G02A)

    3 ECTS English 20 First termFirst term Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract


    After the course, the students should be able 

    - To get an understanding of the optical properties of a variety of classical materials based on the microscopic mechanisms

    - To explain and calculate the optical properties in terms of Lorentz/Drude oscillators

    - To get an insight in the optical properties of recently developed nanomaterials, based on their classical and quantum-mechanical properties

    - To be aware of the recent developments in the materials used and the applications emerging in nanophotonics

    Previous knowledge

    Basics of solid state physics and quantum physics

    Is included in these courses of study


    Optical Properties of Solids (B-KUL-H0G02a)

    3 ECTS : Lecture 20 First termFirst term


    1)       Introduction

    2)       Maxwell equations

    3)       Wave propagation in dispersive media

    4)      The Lorentz and Drude model

    5)      Optical properties of bulk semiconductors   

    6)      Optical properties of nanostructured semiconductors

    7)      Optical gain and (semiconductor) lasers

    8)      Optical properties of nanostructured metals

    9)      Molecular spectroscopy: fluorescence, Raman and surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy

    10)    Integrated optics: waveguides and resonators

    11)   Non-linear optics

    Course material

    Slides and the book  "Optical Properties of Solids" (Mark Fox)


    Evaluation: Optical Properties of Solids (B-KUL-H2G02a)

    Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
    Description of evaluation : Written, Presentation, Oral
    Type of questions : Open questions
    Learning material : List of formulas, Calculator

    ECTS Electronic Transport in Solids and Nanostructures (B-KUL-H0G03A)

    3 ECTS English 20 First termFirst term


    The aim of the course is to provide a general survey of the electronic transport properties of bulk solids and nanostructures. The students will learn the methods and models used to describe the electronic transport properties of metals, semiconductors, and their heterostructures. The students will also become familiar with the transport processes occuring in materials and devices with reduced dimensions: tunneling and resonant-tunneling effect, ballistic transport, quantum Hall effect, Aharonov-Bohm effect.

    Is included in these courses of study


    Electronic Transport in Solids and Nanostructures (B-KUL-H0G03a)

    3 ECTS : Lecture 20 First termFirst term


    • Part I: Transport in (bulk) solids
      1. Introduction – classical theory of transport in solids
      2. The Boltzmann transport equation
      3. The relaxation time approximation
      4. Electronic transport in metals and semiconductors
      5. Effect of an external magnetic field – Hall effect and magnetoresistance
      6. Localization and metal-insulator transition in disordered solids
    • Part II: Transport in nanostructures
      7. Ballistic regime - transport in 2DEG
      8. Landauer approach
      9. The NEGF method – application to ballistic and quasi-ballistic transport
      10. Tunneling and resonant tunneling effect in heterostructures
      11. Aharonov-Bohm effect in mesoscopic rings
      12. Quantum Hall effect in 2DEG
      13. Electronic properties of graphene – half-integer quantum Hall effect

    Course material

    Mark Lundstrom, "Fundamentals of Carrier Transport" (Cambridge University Press)

    David Ferry, "Transport in Semiconductor Mesoscopic Devices" (IOP Publishing)


    Evaluation: Electronic Transport in Solids and Nanostructures (B-KUL-H2G03a)

    Type : Exam during the examination period
    Description of evaluation : Oral
    Type of questions : Closed questions
    Learning material : List of formulas

    ECTS Physics of Beam-Solid Interactions (B-KUL-H0G10C)

    6 ECTS English 52 First termFirst term Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract


    This course deals with the fundamental physics underlying the interaction between solid matter and particle beams (of ions, electrons and photons) and its application to surface analysis techniques.

    Surfaces and thin films play an important role in the evolution of modern technologies (such as post-Silicon electronics) and of their application in research (such as particle detectors in high energy-physics). Analytical techniques are continuously developed to meet the requirements of new technologies and fundamental research, and all are based on a few processes that govern the interactions of particles and radiation with matter. Thin films are deposited from a variety of sources. Ion implantation and pulsed electron beams and lasers are used to modify composition and structure. Oxidation and catalytic reactions are studied under controlled conditions. The key to these methods has been the widespread availability of analytical techniques that are sensitive to the composition and structure of solids at the nanometer scale. 

    This course deals with the physics underlying the techniques used to analyze the surface region of materials (from few Angstrom to micron), by addressing the fundamentals of these processes. From an understanding of processes that determine the energies and intensities of the emitted energetic particles, the application to materials analysis follows directly.

    Previous knowledge

    - Elementary quantum mechanics

    - Elementary condensed matter physics

    Identical courses

    H0G10A: Physics of Beam-Solid Interactions


    Physics of Beam-Solid Interactions (B-KUL-H0G10a)

    6 ECTS : Lecture 52 First termFirst term


    1) Ion-solid interactions: 

    Kinematics and cross-section of elastic scattering, inelastic scattering, nuclear and electronic stopping power, straggling, Rutherford backscattering spectrometry, channeling. 

    2) Electron-solid interactions: 

    Electron-electron interactions, impact ionization, Auger processes, electron induced atomic transitions, radiative and non-radiative processes. 

    3) Photon-solid interactions: 

    Interaction between high- and low-energy photon beams and solids; photoelectrons, X-rays, synchroton radiation; photoelectron spectroscopy, extended X-ray absorption fine structure.

    Course material

    Alford, Terry L, Leonard C Feldman, and James W Mayer. Fundamentals Of Nanoscale Film Analysis. (New York, Springer, 2007)

    (e-book available for download via the Springer website for KU Leuven students)


    Evaluation: Physics of Beam-Solid Interactions (B-KUL-H2G10c)

    Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
    Description of evaluation : Written, Paper/Project
    Type of questions : Open questions
    Learning material : Course material, Calculator

    Information about retaking exams

    Each student can choose to carry the score of the assignment to the second evaluation period (September) or to submit a new assignment for evaluation. 

    ECTS Philosophy of Science / Natural Philosophy: Advanced Course (B-KUL-W0Q19A)

    6 ECTS English 39 First termFirst term Cannot be taken as part of an examination contract


    The aim of the course is twofold:

    - In-depth study of topics in philosophy of science. In particular: making students familiar with recent literature related to a well-defined theme of philosophy of science (annual theme). Learning how to develop and evaluate arguments.
    - Introducing students to knowledge from the natural sciences that is relevant for debates in philosophy (annual theme). In particular: giving insight into the history, the processes, and the results of the modern natural sciences. Learning how to analyze and critically evaluate texts on these topics.

    At the end of the course the student should be able to:

    - define and explain basic concepts related to the annual theme;
    - deal with primary texts of philosophy of science according to academic standards;
    - understand and critically assess viewpoints regarding the philosophical implications of the modern natural sciences;
    - situate the discussed problem(s) in a broader context;
    - distinguish and explain the various positions in a debate on philosophy of science;
    - explain, compare, and relate ideas and arguments in discussed texts;
    - develop arguments related to the assigned topics;
    - propose and defend connections, insights, and analyses in a discussion;
    - write down one's own insights and those of others in a well-structured and well-argued text.

    Previous knowledge

    Participants in this course are expected to have the knowledge and skills of someone who has completed (1) a Bachelor's programme of philosophy OR (2) a Bachelor's programme of science (including an introductory course in philosophy).

    • Participants belonging to group (1) should have followed an introductory course on philosophy of science; for instance, Philosophy of Science (W0EA4A) or Wetenschapsfilosofie (W0AB7A). Furthermore, they should be familiar with the history of philosophy and have basic knowledge of the various sub-domains of philosophy.
    • Participants belonging to group (2) should have followed a general introductory course on philosophy; for instance, for the Faculty of Science, Wijsbegeerte (G0Q80A). Furthermore, they should be familiar with the basic concepts of their own discipline. They should also be experienced in reading scientific texts and be motivated to get acquainted with philosophical texts.

    A good working knowledge of English is required of all students, because the lectures are in English and the majority of recent articles in philosophy of science and natural philosophy are only available in English.

    Is included in these courses of study


    Philosophy of Science / Natural Philosophy: Advanced Course (B-KUL-W0Q19a)

    6 ECTS : Lecture 39 First termFirst term


    This course is not organized in 2024–2025, but the counterpart in Dutch is.

    The annual theme for 2025–2026 will be announced later.

    (The theme for 2023–2024 was the laws of chance. The first part covered the road from mechanics to thermodynamics: laws of mechanics and their reversibility; chaos and the emergence of chance; the scope of thermodynamics and entropy; temperature, pressure, and thermodynamic laws; and collective phenomena (phase transitions). The second part covered the philosophy of probability: the history of the concept, the mathematical foundations (axioms), various interpretations from objective to subjective, and psychological aspects of probability.)

    Course material

    All course materials will be made available via Toledo.

    Format: more information

    Lectures with discussions.

    Before certain lectures, there will be reading assignments (for instance, an article or a book chapter). Students have to formulate questions or comments related to the reading material: this serves as input for the discussions during the contact hours.

    Hence, attendance and participation are mandatory for this course. (In case of absence, contact the ombudsperson.)


    Evaluation: Philosophy of Science / Natural Philosophy: Advanced Course (B-KUL-W2Q19a)

    Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
    Description of evaluation : Oral, Paper/Project, Participation during contact hours
    Type of questions : Open questions
    Learning material : Course material


    The evaluation is based on three elements: the participation in discussions during all sessions, the paper, and the oral examination.

    • Written preparation for and participation in the discussion counts towards 10% of the evaluation.
                  Remark: this part is mandatory to be allowed to participate in the oral exam and cannot be retaken.
    • The paper between 2500 and 3000 words (philosophy of science) counts towards 45% of the evaluation.
    • The oral examination (natural philosophy) counts towards 45% of the evaluation

    Students are expected to inform themselves about the faculty guidelines for papers and bibliographical referencing and about the faculty guidelines with regard to plagiarism.

    Information about retaking exams

    The second examination attempt is limited to (re)submitting the paper and (re)taking the oral exam. Participation and discussion cannot be retaken. The student who in the course of the academic year did not participate in the discussion as required will again receive the result ‘NA’.