Leadership and People Management (B-KUL-YF0028)

6 ECTSEnglish39 Second termCannot be taken as part of an examination contract
OC Handelswetenschappen FEB Campus Antwerpen

The objective of this course is to provide students with a thorough understanding of leadership questions, especially around the notion of managing people in a sustainable way. Through pre-class videos, in-class lectures with constructive discussion, groupwork with presentations, and individual reflections, we will discuss a vast amount of state-of-the-art research with a particular emphasis on knowledge acquisition, critical thinking, and personal development. Our goal will be to translate a body of scientific knowledge into a concrete and applicable leadership toolbox relevant for future leadership contributors.


Learning outcomes:

The student

1.1 analyses work-related operational problems and questions, taking into account the specific business context.

1.2 formulates a reasoned solution to work-related operational problems and questions based on scientific knowledge and understanding of work, leadership and organisations, taking into account the specific business context.

1.3 reflects critically on the role managers have in influencing the internal business context, and on how they can contribute to a better performing organization and/or higher employees' well-being.

4.1 interprets and analyses current trends and developments in leadership theory and practice.

4.2 reflects critically on the way social and international developments affects effective leadership styles and behaviors.

10.1 Identify emerging leadership theories and concepts, recognize new societal trends, and is able to critically analyze their relevance for a specific business context.

10.2 Assess the effect of leadership innovations on organizational performance, evaluates the potential benefits and drawbacks of adopting innovative leadership practices, and considers how they can positively influence the business context.

10.5 keeps his/her knowledge on work, leadership, and technology related topics up to date, and this based on practical, policy-oriented, legal, and scientific information.

10.6 Integrates policy-oriented, legal, scientific, and practice-oriented information on work, leadership, or technology related topics, and takes an informed position on the relevance of the specific topic for the organisation.

11.1 Is aware of the rapidly evolving knowledge society that they will enter and therefore understands the need for maintenance and improvement of acquired knowledge, skills and competences and acquisition of new knowledge, skills, and competences.

Students need to have basic knowledge regarding leadership and organizational behaviour theories.

Students need to have basic communication skills in English.


6 ects. Leadership and People Management (B-KUL-YF3028)

6 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture39 Second term
OC Handelswetenschappen FEB Campus Antwerpen

The following topics will be discussed:

- Leading as a social influence process

- Context theories of leadership

- Charismatic leadership

- Followership

- Power

- Shared and collective approaches to leadership

- Team leadership

- Values-based approaches to leadership

- Future of leadership

Compulsory course material as well as recommended literature will be announced via Toledo.

Discussion - Interactive lecture - Presentation

The course is made of lectures, groupworks, and in-class discussions. Students need to follow the class onsite.


Evaluation: Leadership and People Management (B-KUL-YF7028)

Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Paper/Project, Report, Presentation

Features of the evaluation and determination of final grades

The evaluation consists of three parts:

(1) Individual reflection papers (20%): Students will reflect on how the class material applies to their leadership and people management. This will take the form of two individual reflection papers written throughout the semester.

(2) Group presentations (40%): Students will be expected to lead discussion sessions and group discussion throughout the semester. This is a group assignment, but individual scores of students can be adapted based on the peer evaluation and students' attendance during the semester.

(3) Individual final report (40%): Students will write a leadership development plan that covers the course material, discuss the applicability of theories, and reflect on their own leadership development.


Information on the individual reflection papers, group presentations, and individual final report is given during the first course and via Toledo.

Late submissions will be penalized by a deduction of 1 point for each day late. All assessment activities need to be taken to receive a score. No submission is equal to 'not taken' (NA).

The grade is calculated and expressed as an integer number on 20.

The evaluation consists of three parts:

(1) Individual reflection papers (20%): a grade of 10/20 or more in the second exam period is transferred to the third exam period.

(2) Presentation (40%): a grade of 10/20 or more in the second exam period is transferred to the third exam period.

(3) Individual final report (40%): a grade of 10/20 or more in the second exam period is transferred to the third exam period.


Students receive additional information about the retake of the different parts by contacting the course lecturer.

Late submissions will be penalized by a deduction of 1 point for each day late. All assessment activities need to be taken to receive a score. No submission is equal to 'not taken' (NA).

The grade is calculated and expressed as an integer number on 20.