Work and Society (B-KUL-YF0025)
This course aims for an in-depth analysis of current trends and challenges with implications for work in society. The course discusses different views on the role of work in society from a theoretical and empirical angle, thinks critically about how these perspectives are compatible with the United Nations’ sustainable development goals and reflects on the impact for individuals, policy and other stakeholders.
The course aims not only to develop knowledge, but also to develop the ability to critically reflect. The topics will be discussed using literature, audio-visual material, debates, contacts with experts, … Students are expected to assimilate the course material in an independent manner and, in doing so, are stimulated to form their own informed and critical opinions regarding the topics under study.
Learning outcomes:
The student
2.4 takes a substantiated position on current societal issues based on scientific knowledge and understanding of work and organization
2.5 reflects critically on the influence of the external context on the organization, and on how work can aligned to improve the functioning of the organization and/or the well-being of people in the organization or in the labor market.
3.3 Plans, organizes, evaluates and optimizes processes regarding inflow, outflow and internal movement of people, taking into account the broader environment in which the organization operates, and social and technological challenges
4.1 critically reflects on how societal, international, and organizational trends influence the meaning, organization, quality, and distribution of work, considering the (consequences for) involved stakeholders.
4.2 follows the labour market debate, analyses labour market trends, and can take a critically informed position on social work-related issues, taking into account (consequences for) the stakeholders involved..
Previous knowledge
Basic knowledge of work, organizations and human resource management, e.g.:
- Y00928 : Personeel en organisatie
- Y05072 : Personeel en organisatie (S)
- Y00935 : Economische sociologie
- Y05071 : Mens, samenleving & economie (S)
Is included in these courses of study
- Master of Business Administration (Antwerp) 60 ects.
- Master in de handelswetenschappen (Antwerpen) 60 ects.
- Master in de handelswetenschappen (Antwerpen) (Specialisatie: Werk, organisatie en maatschappij) 60 ects.
- Courses for Exchange Students Faculty of Economics and Business (Antwerp)
6 ects. Work and Society (B-KUL-YF3025)
The following topics will be discussed:
1. Labour market trends and challenges
2. Different views on paid and unpaid work in society: Social norms
3. The compatibility of these views with UN's sustainable development goals and the impact on different stakeholders
Course material
Compulsory course material as well as recommended literature will be announced via Toledo.
Format: more information
Discussion - Group assignment - Guest lecture - Presentation
Evaluation: Work and Society (B-KUL-YF7025)
Features of the evaluation:
The evaluation consists of 2 parts:
- (1) group assignment (20%)
- (2) written exam (80%). This exam is partly open book.
The result is calculated and communicated as a whole number on a scale of 20.
The students have to complete all evaluation activities in order to receive a mark on the course activity. Late submissions equal non-submissions. The submission dates for the assignments are announced through Toledo.
Information about retaking exams
Second examination opportunity:
The features of the evaluation and determination of grades are different to those of the first examination opportunity, as described above.
Students who did not pass, have to take an exam that consists of two parts:
- (1) individual assignment (20%)
- (2) written exam (80%). This exam is partly open book.
The result is calculated and communicated as a whole number on a scale of 20.
The students have to complete all evaluation activities in order to receive a mark on the course activity. Late submissions equal non-submissions. The submission dates for the assignments are announced through Toledo.