Risk and Data Analytics (B-KUL-YF0020)

(ARC) analyses operational accounting related problems, taking into account the particular organizational context.
(ARC) formulates a well-motivated solution for operational issues related to accounting based on scientific knowledge and insights into accounting, hereby taking into account the specific organizational context.
1.5 (ARC) reflects critically on the internal context of the organization and about how internal control can influence the internal context and make sure the organization functions in a better way.
2.2 (ARC) formulates, based on scientific insights about accounting, a well-motivated solution for strategic issues of an accounting character, taking into account the particular organizational context, the stakeholders, and the wider environment in which the organization operates.
2.4 (ARC) takes, based on scientific knowledge and insights into accounting, a well-motivated standpoint about actual societal problems and legislative initiatives related to the domain.
2.5 (ARC) reflects critically about the external context of the organization and its interaction with the accounting decisions the organization takes.
2.6 (ARC) takes into account the international context of accounting.
3.1 (ARC) plans, organizes and evaluates processes related to internal and external reporting in organizations, taking into account the specific organizational context.
4.2 (ARC) follows actual developments related to accounting.
10.3 (ARC) reflects critically on the influence of recent evolutions and innovations on accounting on the policy in an organization, taking into account the particular corporate context.
11.1 is aware of the rapidly evolving knowledge society that he/she will enter and therefore understands the need for maintenance and improvement of acquired knowledge, skills and competences and acquisition of new knowledge, skills and competences.
11.2 is willing to improve his/her knowledge, skills and competences in order to shape his/her life professionally, personally, socially and civilly.
11.3 actively looks for opportunities to broaden and deepen his/her knowledge, skills and competences, in order to anticipate the (evolving) requirements of the work environment.
Identical courses
This course is identical to the following courses:
Y00657 : Accounting informatiesystemen en interne controle (No longer offered this academic year)
Is included in these courses of study
- Master of Business Administration (Antwerp) 60 ects.
- Master in de handelswetenschappen (Antwerpen) 60 ects.
- Master in de handelswetenschappen (Antwerpen) (Specialisatie: Accountancy en fiscaliteit) 60 ects.
- Master in de handelswetenschappen (Antwerpen) (Specialisatie: Accounting, risico en controle) 60 ects.
- Courses for Exchange Students Faculty of Economics and Business (Antwerp)
6 ects. Risk and Data Analytics (B-KUL-YF3020)

- A comprehension of the concepts of risk management and internal control, especially concerning systems, information, good governance, decision-making in organizations, and information technology;
- An introduction to the wide range of system analysis and design techniques (COSO model), with particular emphasis on system flowcharts, data flow diagrams, and data models;
- An application of these analysis techniques in solving case studies of information systems and a practical study of a business process.
Data analytics:
- Understand different approaches to organizing enterprise data and common data models
- Understand and apply different types of data analytics techniques
- Apply various data visualization techniques to communicate your results effectively
- Define, describe and apply analytic techniques used in Risk Management
- Understand how to address and refine results to arrive at useful information provided to management and other decision makers
Course material
- Compulsory course material
- The material provided on Toledo (slides, articles, exercises) is the principal study material, as well as the notes taken during the lectures.
Evaluation: Risk and Data Analytics (B-KUL-YF7020)
Features of the evaluation:
- The evaluation consists of a final exam and take-home exercises. The take-home exercises can be completed in groups of 2-5 students or individually.
Determination of final grades:
- The result is calculated and expressed as an integer out of 20.
The final grade is a weighted score that is determined as follows:
- If a student obtains a grade of less than 10/20 in the final exam, the final grade of that student is their score in the final exam.
- If a student obtains a grade equal or higher than 10/20 in the final exam, the final grade of that student is a weighted combination of the score in the exam (70%) and the average score in their assignments (30%). If the student does not participate in one of the partial evaluations, the final grade of the course will be NA (not attended) for the whole course.
Information about retaking exams
Second examination opportunity:
The features of the evaluation and/or the determination of grades are the same between the first and second examination opportunity. A score of 10/20 or more for the assignments can be transferred to the third exam period. If the student does not obtain a minimum score of 10/20 for the assignments the student can submit a reworked assignment (see Toledo for the practicalities).