Managing Internationalisation (B-KUL-Y02780)

6 ECTSEnglish52 First term
OC Handelswetenschappen FEB Campus Antwerpen

This course evaluates the following learning outcomes:


The student

1.1 (IZ+IB) Analyses strategic international business operational problems and questions taking into account the specific business context.

1.2 (IZ+IB) formulates, based on scientific knowledge on and insight into the international business environment,  a well-founded solution for strategic and operational international business problems and questions and when doing so, takes into account the specific business context.

1.4 (IZ+IB) reflects in a critical spirit about the internal context of the international organisation and about how international strategy and management affects the internal context in such a way as to increase overal efficiency and effectiveness of the organization in a global environment.

2.1 (IZ+IB) analyses strategic international business problems and questions taking into account the specific business context, the stakeholders involved, and the broader international environment in which the company operates.

2.2 (IZ+IB) formulates, based on scientific knowledge on and insight into the international business environment,  a well-founded solution for strategic and operational international business problems and questions and when doing so, takes into account the specific business context.

2.3 (IB) Develops the capacity to formulate an independent view on the ethics of current and new international business practices.

2.3 (IZ) formulates, based on the knowledge and insights into international legal, political and cultural frameworks, rigorous solutions for international strategic problems and questions, while taking into account the specific international business environment, stakeholders and the global context in which the company operates.  

2.4 (IZ) can take a reasoned stance concerning actual societal and global problems as well as the globalisation topic in general, based on scientific knowledge and insights in 'International Business'.

2.5 (IZ) reflects critically on the external international context of organisations and aligns the strategy, management, and organisation of the international company on these reflections in order to improve the functioning of the company and/or the general wellbeing of people in a global market environment.

3.1 (IB) Collects and analyses online data in an efficient and effective way to solve international business problems.  

3.2 (IB) Retrieve online data in such a manner that they can be used for solving international business problems. 

3.3 (IB) Has a profound understanding of cultural and institutional factors and how they impact international business decisions.

3.1 (IZ) plans, organises, evaluates and optimises financial, operational, logistic, strategic, legal, marketing and HR related processes concerning international business while taking into account the specific international / global business context and integration of different processes.

4.1 (IB)  reflects critically on new developments en trends in international business.

4.1 (IZ) reflects critically on the forces playing in the international / global context of organisations that affect the economy. 

4.2 (IZ+IB) interpreteert en analyseert trends op de internationale markt, en kan een kritisch onderbouwd standpunt innemen over maatschappelijke globale thema’s, daarbij rekening houdend met (gevolgen voor) de betrokken internationale stakeholders.

4.3 (IB) Is able to assess the impact of technological and privacy constraints on the quality of international business analyses. 

4.3 (IZ) develops a vision which allows to operate fluently on the global market as well as to show empathy and respect for entrepreneurs and managers from different cultures, with different political, cultural and historical backgrounds. 

4.5 (IZ) has a broad view on the situation of today's world as it evolved and will still evolve in an era of globalisation.

5.1 collects and consults sources and data purposefully and critically, on the basis of a given management problem or social question and takes into account the characteristics of the type of source or data used (popularizing or scientific source, primary or secondary data).

5.6 synthesizes research results acquired on the basis of a critical analysis (and integration) of information from relevant sources and data, and substantiates solutions for a complex management problem or social question.

7.1 takes on a diplomatic and honest position and can reach an agreement that takes into account the interest of all parties involved through negotiation and mediation. 

7.2 discusses the social, ethic and sustainability aspects of management, analyses a policy on the basis of these aspects and formulates suggestions for improvement. 

7.3 takes initiative, is flexible, shows responsibility and can work independently in complex and unpredictable contexts. 

7.4 is able to utilize his/her acquired knowledge and his/her ability to think analytically, synthetically, abstractly and/or creatively in a flexible and authentic way in specific and/or complex situations. 

7.5 is critical and not afraid to question himself/herself and his/her environment. 

8.1 formulates, as a member of a team, the interdisciplinary problem that is at the basis of the project, analyses the content of the project, the circumstances surrounding the project and factors that will influence the course of the project, and uses this information to formulate the (general) goals of the project. 

8.2 organises, as a member of a team, the project and sets up a detailed and realistic plan, taking into account the context of the question, the scope of the project, the conditions, the limitations, the expected quality and the means available. 

8.3 follows, both individually and as a member of a team, the arranged plans and applies time management techniques. 

8.4 takes responsibility for his/her role in the team and carries out his/her part of the project on time. 

8.5 assesses, as a member of a team, the project, monitors the progress of the project, deals with uncertainty, gives feedback and formulates points of action and points of improvement throughout the project.

8.6 participates constructively in meetings with the team and with others who are involved in the project.

8.7 assesses his/her own input critically and evaluates, as a member of a team, the course and the result of the project. 

9.1 informs experts and laymen correctly and structurally on his/her general and/or specialised knowledge, both in speaking and writing.

9.2 chooses and uses the appropriate communication channels and means and adjusts both the communication content and style to the audience and the communication goal. 

9.3 communicates convincingly, shortly and concisely his/her vision and actions in different contexts and accounts for his/her choices, both in speaking and writing. 

9.4 substantiates clearly and convincingly.

9.5 is aware that communication is a two-way street, asks for and anticipates input or feedback of the supervisor(s), listener(s) or reader(s). 

10.1 (IB) Detect and interprets the continuously evolving globalisation forces and how they impact the internationalisation process of firms.

10.1 (IZ) keeps his / her knowledge of international economics and business related themes up-to-date on the basis of practical as well as policy oriented, legal and scientific information. 

10.2 (IZ) can integrate policy-oriented, legal, scientific andf practice-based, hands-on information about specific international themes and can take a solid and fully reasoned position concerning the relevance of the particular theme for the business context.     

10.3 (IZ) reflects critically on how important evolutions and innovations on the international market can be translated into the policy of internationally oriented organisations, thereby taking into account the specific business context.   

11.1 is aware of the rapidly evolving knowledge society that he/she will enter and therefore understands the need for maintenance and improvement of acquired knowledge, skills and competences and acquisition of new knowledge, skills and competences. 


More information

The course prepares students for the kinds of situations and decisions that will be encountered when operating in international markets and when formulating and implementing the internationalisation process. As such, students can properly analyze and understand the international business environment. They know how to make decisions that are critical to the success of international growth initiatives. As part of this, participants in this course are able to analyze, report and present on the various issues that are relevant to companies operating internationally.

At the end of this course, students are able to:

- Understand the motives for internationalisation.

- Apply the theories underpinning the internationalisation process.

- Explain the internationalisation process model and born global concept.

- Develop and apply a market selection process.

- Advise a firm on choosing an appropriate entry mode for internationalisation.

- Manage the different entry modes effectively.


It is recommended that students have had exposure to an international economics and international business course prior to taking this course.  Such a course will provide an important foundation on technical aspects of international trade, foreign direct investment, and multinational enterprises.


6 ects. Managing Internationalisation (B-KUL-Y53000)

6 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture52 First term
OC Handelswetenschappen FEB Campus Antwerpen

There are several decisions that are critical to the success of international growth initiatives. These decisions form the backdrop of this course, in which the options available to a manager of an internationalising firm, -when considering expansion into a new country-, are identified. In addition to the need to be aware of the various options available for international expansion, a manager must contend with several unique management issues, such as entry mode choices, geographic market choices and timing of entry, that arise in an internationalizing firm. The course will also analyze how to manage these issues, which include the concept and driving forces of internationalisation, strategies and business models of market entry and market development, international entrepreneurship, the selection of target markets, the internationalisation process, entry mode strategies, the management of entry modes and also de-internationalisation.

Compulsory Course Material

The course is based on the following compulsory materials:

Lectures will be based on the following textbook (paperback): De Beule, F. (2017) Managing Internationalization, Pearson.

This textbook will be used as the basis for the tests and flipped classroom lectures as well as the case studies.

Lecture notes will be made available through Toledo.

Other readings will also be distributed through Toledo.

The course is composed of a mixture of lectures and case studies.

Students are required to prepare for the lectures by taking the formative tests. Students will sometimes be asked to prepare case studies before the lecture. These tests and case studies will be used in discussing and analyzing the various topics.



Evaluation: Managing Internationalisation (B-KUL-Y72780)

Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written, Paper/Project
Type of questions : Multiple choice, Open questions

Features of the evaluation

This course will be evaluated through a combination of case assignments and a written exam. The case preparation and the exam will each account for 50% of the grade. 

Students have to carry out assignments in preparation for the lectures. The deadline for the case preparation will be communicated through the online platform. Failure to submit the case preparation on time will lead to a score of zero for the assignment.

A written exam is organized during the exam period on the basis of case studies, readings and lecture slides. For multiple-choice questions a correction for incorrect answers is applied.

Determination of final grades

The final grade is a weighted score and consists of the following components:

- 50% on the assignments

- 50% on the written exam.

The grade is calculated and expressed as an integer number on 20.

If the student does not participate in the written exam, the final grade will be NA (not taken) for the whole course.


Second examination opportunity

The evaluation and calculation of the result for the 2nd exam opportunity differ from the 1st exam opportunity.

Features of the evaluation

The assessment in a subsequent exam period will be based on a written exam.

Determination of final grades

The grade is a weighted score which is determined as follows: The written exam is 100% of the score. The grade is calculated and expressed as an integer number on 20. 

Exam contract

Students with an exam contract will be evaluated similarly.

See 'Explanation' under 'Mode of Evaluation' for information on the modalities of the 2nd exam opportunity.