Strategic HRM (B-KUL-Y00955)
This course evaluates the following learning outcomes:
The student
1.4 (HRM) reflects critically on the internal context of the organization and on how HRM can influence the internal context to make the organization function better and / or to increase the general welfare of the employees.
2.1 (HRM) analyzes HR-related strategic problems and questions taking into account the specific business context, the stakeholders involved (managers, employees, trade unions, advisors, policy, ...) and the wider environment in which the organization operates.
2.2 (HRM) formulates a substantiated solution for strategic HR problems and questions based on scientific knowledge and insight into HRM, and takes this into account with the specific business context, the stakeholders involved and the wider environment in which the organization operates.
2.4 (HRM) takes - based on scientific knowledge and insight into HRM - a well-founded view on current social HR problems.
2.5 (HRM) reflects critically about the external context of the organization and how HRM can be geared to this in order to make the organization function better and / or to increase the general well-being of people on the labor market.
3.1 (HRM) plans, organizes, evaluates and optimizes processes related to intake (job performance, personnel planning, recruitment, selection), development (training, assessment, remuneration) and outflow (dismissal, outplacement) of staff and involves planning, organization and evaluation of the business processes regarding inflow, transfer and outflow of personnel take into account the specific business context and the integration of the different processes.
4.1 (HRM) reflects critically on how social, international and organizational trends influence the labor market and the HR policy in the organization, taking into account (consequences for) the stakeholders involved.
7.2 Discusses the social, ethic and sustainability aspects of management, analyses a policy on the basis of these aspects and formulates suggestions for improvement.
9.2 Chooses and uses the appropriate communication channels and means and adjusts both the communication content and style to the audience and the communication goal.
10.3 (HRM) reflects critically on how important evolutions and innovations in HRM can be translated into the HR policy in the organization, taking into account the specific business context.
More information
The course aims not only to develop knowledge, but also to apply the accumulated knowledge.
At the end of this course the student is able to understand and critically reflect on:
1. HRM in context
2. The added value of HRM to the success of the organization
3. Different interests of employer and employee
4. Strategic design, implementation and use of HR practices
Previous knowledge
Basic knowledge of human resource management
Is included in these courses of study
- Master of Business Administration (Antwerp) (Track: Strategic Business Management) 60 ects.
- Master in de handelswetenschappen (Antwerpen) (Specialisatie: Human resources management) 60 ects.
6 ects. Strategic HRM (B-KUL-Y50738)
The following topics will be discussed
* Strategic HRM in the 21st Century
* Strategic HRM and Context
* HRM and Performance
* HR Metrics and Measurements
* Mutual gains
* High Performance Work Systems
* HR practices from a strategic perspective (selective recruitment and selection, performance management, compensation, talent management, employee participation, ...)
Course material
Compulsory course material
Boselie, P. (2014). Strategic Human Resource Management. A balanced Approach. McGraw Hill Education.
Recommended course material
Recommended literature is announced via Toledo.
Format: more information
Since this course will only be offered for one year for students who need to retake this course, it will be self-study with the possibility to ask questions to the lecturer.
Evaluation: Strategic HRM (B-KUL-Y70955)
Features of the evaluation and determination of final grades
100% written exam. The grade is calculated and expressed as an integer number on 20.
Second exam opportunity
100% written exam. The grade is calculated and expressed as an integer number on 20.
Information about retaking exams
See 'Explanation' for further information regarding the second examination opportunity.