German for Reading Knowledge: Beginner's Level (B-KUL-W0EA0A)

6 ECTSEnglish52 Both termsCannot be taken as part of an examination contract
De Wachter Lieve (coordinator) |  N. |  Van Aken Stef (cooperator)
POC Philosophy (internationaal)

At the end of the course, students

  • will have acquired elementary language skills in German, which allow them to respond to questions on basic vocabulary and grammar;
  • will be able to read and understand short (magazine) texts on literary/philosophical topics in German (level B1 of the CEFR for reading).

The course focuses exclusively on receptive skills of written German (no training for listening, speaking or writing).

Some basic knowledge of German is recommended, but not required. The course is designed for beginners or students at A1 level, not above.


6 ects. German for Reading Knowledge: Beginner’s Level (B-KUL-W0EA0a)

6 ECTSEnglishFormat: Practical52 Both terms
N. |  Van Aken Stef (cooperator)
POC Philosophy (internationaal)

The big motto is "German is the language of the stories". One small letter sometimes gives a totally different meaning to a sentence. Therefore, grammar and the mysterious German language system are not a burden but an exciting challenge.

During the classes, basic grammatical patterns and basic vocabulary will be observed to create a useful framework for the approach of different kinds of small texts (from magazines, literature, …)  Students should study grammar (nouns, verbs, articles, pronouns, … functioning within the context of the German as an SVO-language with four cases) and vocabulary (words on themes like “greeting”, “personal relationships”, “Himmel und Erde”, …) on a very regular basis. Furthermore, students must read text fragments at home in order to be able to comment on them during the class.

Course book (syllabus) that consists of two parts (Wintersemester and Sommersemester)
The syllabus can be bought at the ILT copy service after the first class. Additional material will be available on Toledo.

Useful grammar books:
M. Durell, K. Kohl, G. Loftus, Essential German Grammar
Wilson, April, German quickly: A grammar for Reading German

Interactive classes to learn basic grammar

Exercises + homework assignments to practise the instructed grammar and vocabulary

Reading, translating and discussing texts (mainly in the second semester), in the first place from a purely linguistic point of view (questions on grammar and vocabulary patterns) and gradually also from the point of view of reading comprehension (questions on content). Text fragments are to be prepared at home. The final reading test is based on the same kind of texts / reading activities.

Attendance and active participation are required for this course.


Evaluation: German for Reading Knowledge: Beginner's Level (B-KUL-W2EA0a)

Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Participation during contact hours, Skills test, Take-Home
Type of questions : Multiple choice, Open questions, Closed questions
Learning material : Course material

During the academic year:

  • One online homework assignment in November on vocabulary/grammar/translation: to be prepared at home (2 points);
  • Two tests on vocabulary/grammar/translation (in December and March, 4 points each);
  • During the last class in May: final grammar/vocabulary and reading test to prove the ability of reading and understanding a German text (10 points).

In function of the text(s) on the test, the teacher decides what kind of help is allowed.
The vocabulary/grammar test mainly consists of closed questions. 
The reading test consists of closed and open questions.

The exact dates are published on Toledo just before the start of the first semester.

If students did not attend the course as required ( = absence from more than 3 classes in one semester), they will not be allowed to take tests and they will receive the result 'not taken' (NA).

In case students cannot, for well-founded reasons, attend class as required, they need to inform the teacher of the course without undue delay. In case students cannot, for serious reasons and regularly or for a long period of time, attend class as required, they need to inform the examination ombudsperson without undue delay.

Student are allowed to retake a test (20 points) that covers the subject matter of the two semesters, provided they attended the class sessions as required. Students who during the course of the academic year did not attend class as required will again receive the NA result.