Short Mobility: Summer School (B-KUL-W0AK3A)

4 ECTSDutchSecond termCannot be taken as part of an examination contract
POC Philosophy (internationaal)

This course offers students the possibility to valorize a short mobility initiative (e.g. a summer school) within their ISP. First of all this course wants to promote short (international) student mobility, complementary to student mobility programmes like Erasmus+. Second, it encourages motivated students to increase their knowledge in a specific area. They can either deepen their philosophical knowledge or broaden their horizon by the (sometimes interdisciplinary) study of related subjects.

At the end of the course students

  • have acquired knowledge and insight in a specific topic within philosophy or relevant to philosophical studies by means of participation in a short mobility initiative (e.g. a summer school);
  • have successfully applied to participate in the mobility initiative and can demonstrate that they have met all the requirements and received a positive evaluation (at least ‘pass’);
  • can evaluate to what extent and how the mobility initiative adds to their philosophical education and can report on this in a short written document.

Students should have completed at least 90 credits at university level before the start of the mobility.


4 ects. Short Mobility: Summer School (B-KUL-W0AK3a)

4 ECTSDutchFormat: AssignmentSecond term
POC Philosophy (internationaal)

The valorization of summer schools in this course unit and in the ISP is subject to certain conditions:

  • Summer schools can only be valorized in the ISP after successful completion. This means that they can only be included in the ISP of the following academic year (e.g. a summer school in July 2024 cannot be recognized in the 2023-2024 ISP; it can be valorized in the 2024-2025 ISP).
  • Only summer schools with an attested number of credits can be valorized.
  • Only summer schools with a final assignment or exam which is evaluated by the didactic team of the summer school can be valorized.
  • Valorization in the ISP requires approval from the programme director. The programme director takes a decision after completion of the summer school; recognition of the credits earned in the ISP cannot be guaranteed in advance.
  • Students can valorize max. 6 credits for summer schools in BA3, MA or ReMA. They can only valorize summer schools within the electives part of the programme. Both students from the Dutch-language and students from the English language programme can valorize summer schools. Students who got credits for a summer school in the BA can once again take up a summer school in the MA and valorize yet another summer school in the ReMA.
  • Students have to submit a complete portfolio, in time. See under ‘evaluation’ for more information..

KU Leuven provides financial support to students spending a short mobility period at a partner university. Students are encouraged to apply for these scholarships: Applications should be submitted prior to the deadline and prior to the start of the mobility!

More information on finding a summer school may be found here:   

The study material relates to the topic of the mobility initiative and was selected by the host institution.


Evaluation: Short Mobility: Summer School (B-KUL-W2AK3a)

Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Portfolio

The grading scale of this course unit is pass/fail.

The evaluation of this course is based on the evaluation of the student’s performance by the host institution and on the portfolio submitted by the student to the Institute of Philosophy.

The portfolio should contain the following:

  • A description (max. 2 pages) of the short mobility programme (e.g. summer school): topic, programme (overview of seminars, readings, assignments…), number of credits, institution (name, location), dates, web link…
  • An official attestation issued by the organizing institution that confirms that the student has participated in the summer school and completed all the requirements and thus earned the credits
  • A short report (max. 1 page) in which the student evaluates the programme and reflects on the relevance of the programme for the student's own philosophical studies and the contribution within the mobility programme

The portfolio should be submitted to Institute of Philosophy (to the course holder) before the ISP deadline. Only when the student has submitted the portfolio the course will be included in the ISP. If the student cannot submit the portfolio before the 1st semester ISP deadline, the course can still be added to the ISP at the beginning of the second semester. After the 2nd semester ISP deadline the course can no longer be included in the ISP.

No 2nd examination opportunity.