Internationalisation @Home (B-KUL-U05E7B)

3 ECTSEnglish18 Both termsCannot be taken as part of an examination contract
Onderwijscommissie Bachelor Biomedische Wetenschappen Kulak

This course consists of a series of six English seminars, given by international speakers on the campus. These seminars aim to give students a first introduction to scientific lectures in international research, to give an idea regarding the versatility of scientific biomedical research and to teach them in a guided and independent way to acquire knowledge from scientific lectures.

No specific prerequisites

This course is identical to the following courses:
U05E7A : Internationalisation @Home


3 ects. Internationalisation @Home (B-KUL-U00L1a)

3 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture18 Both terms
Onderwijscommissie Bachelor Biomedische Wetenschappen Kulak

In this course, the students follow six lectures of three hours each that are given by international researchers in a biomedical domain. The topic of the lectures varies widely (from tissue engineering to bleeding disorders, from foot anatomy to drug development, ...) and is renewed frequently. Each lecture consists of an elaborate introduction followed by an in-depth overview of the recent research within the domain.


Seminar slides (are made available by lecturer a few days before the seminar)
Personal notes


Evaluation: Internationalisation @Home (B-KUL-U25E7b)

Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Report, Presentation, Portfolio
Learning material : Course material

The evaluation consists out of three parts. First, a portfolio has to be written in which a short summary of each seminar is given as well as the answer to some questions. These questions are asked to invite the student to think further on the topic and its possibilities. The portfolio is scored on 6 points (out of 20). Second, a paper has to be written per team of two to three students. The topic of the paper has to be based on one of the lectures given and should give a literature review on the state-of-the-art within a certain research domain, together with the necessary introduction to understand the rest of the paper. To be able to write this paper, the students have to read five to ten recent scientific papers on the chosen topic. The paper is scored on 7 points (out of 20). Third and finally, a presentation based on the aforementioned paper has to be given for fellow students and one or two professors with knowledge within the domain. A score of 7 points (out of 20) is given on the scientific quality of the presentation and the answers asked and given during the discussion sessions after each presentation.

A new paper has to be presented in written form only.