Strategy, Leadership & Human Resources (B-KUL-STLEHU)

Learning outcomes
- to take responsibility in reaching targets
- to learn to do optimal decision-making
- to develop a vision and strategy for a product (USP)
- to search opportunities in an active way
- to apply change management
- to reflect a critical attitude towards the knowledge and the importance of strategy and leadership in solving both business and technology related problems.
- to develop knowledge on the process of developing and tailoring strategy to various company situations.
- to identify managerial keys for successful execution of the chosen strategy with the right leadership in different company situations.
- to have insight in the strategic role of HRM in a company.
- to acquire competencies in the most important HR components: job analysis, recruitment & selection, training & development, performance evaluation, compensation & benefits.
Previous knowledge
No prerequisites are required.
Order of Enrolment
This course unit is a prerequisite for taking the following course units:
I0J13A : New Business Development in the Beer Sector (No longer offered this academic year)
Is included in these courses of study
- Postgraduaat innoverend ondernemen voor ingenieurs - advanced (Leuven e.a.) 60 ects.
- Postgraduaat innoverend ondernemen voor ingenieurs - advanced (Gent e.a.) 60 ects.
- Postgraduaat innoverend ondernemen voor ingenieurs - advanced (Geel e.a.) 60 ects.
- Postgraduaat innoverend ondernemen voor ingenieurs - advanced (Sint-Katelijne-Waver e.a.) 60 ects.
- Postgraduaat innoverend ondernemen voor ingenieurs - advanced (Brugge e.a.) 60 ects.
- Postgraduate Programme in Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Engineering - Advanced (Leuven et al) 60 ects.
- Postgraduate Programme in Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Engineering - Advanced (Ghent et al) 60 ects.
- Postgraduate Programme in Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Engineering - Advanced (Bruges et al) 60 ects.
- Postgraduate Programme in Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Engineering - Advanced (Geel et al) 60 ects.
- Postgraduate Programme in Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Engineering - Advanced (Sint-Katelijne-Waver et al) 60 ects.
- Postgraduaat innoverend ondernemen voor ingenieurs - foundations (Leuven e.a.) 29 ects.
- Postgraduaat innoverend ondernemen voor ingenieurs - foundations (Geel e.a.) 29 ects.
- Postgraduaat innoverend ondernemen voor ingenieurs - foundations (Sint- Katelijne-Waver e.a.) 29 ects.
- Postgraduaat innoverend ondernemen voor ingenieurs - foundations (Gent e.a.) 29 ects.
- Postgraduaat innoverend ondernemen voor ingenieurs - foundations (Brugge e.a.) 29 ects.
- Postgraduate Programme in Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Engineering - Foundations (Leuven et al) 29 ects.
- Postgraduate Programme in Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Engineering - Foundations (Geel et al) 29 ects.
- Postgraduate Programme in Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Engineering - Foundations (Sint-Katelijne-Waver et al) 29 ects.
- Postgraduate Programme in Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Engineering - Foundations (Ghent et al) 29 ects.
- Postgraduate Programme in Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Engineering - Foundations (Bruges et al) 29 ects.
2 ects. Strategy, Leadership & Human Resources: Lectures (B-KUL-hSTLEH)
The strategy part of the course gives an introduction and overview about strategy. The required concepts and analytical tools will be explained for evaluating a given company situation. Finally the methodology of designing and executing strategy will be explained.
The leadership part of the course gives an introduction and overview about leadership. Emphasis is given in developing new perspectives and strategies in bringing health, creativity and energy that suit contemporary organizations and technologies. Topics include: Development of leaders (knowing, doing and being), leadership in a globalizing world, leading for innovation.
The HRM part of the course starts with the strategic role of Human Resource Management. On top of that, the most important components of HRM will be explained: recruitment & placement, training & development, appraising & managing performance, compensation & benefits.
Course material
Class notes.
Slides of professors will be available on Toledo.
Language of instruction: more information
Lectures are presented in English.
Format: more information
Lectures by presentations.
1 ects. Strategy, Leadership & Human Resources: Workshops (B-KUL-wSTLEH)
The seminars on strategy, leadership and HRM focus on the mentioned topics by inviting company leaders to give guest lectures and through assignments on leadership role play game/researching a given strategy and leadership role of a particular organization.
A company visit and guest lecture about HRM will also be foreseen.
Course material
Slides of guest speakers will be available on Toledo.
Language of instruction: more information
Lectures are presented in English.
Format: more information
- Company visits, guest lectures.
- Exercises (cases), role plays based on the theory.
Evaluation: Strategy, Leadership & Human Resources (B-KUL-T71298)
First exam period:
- Written examination, closed book, no calculator/translator.
- 80% of the points for this course are based on the exam.
- 20% of the points are based on assignments and permanent evaluation during the semester.
Third exam period:
- Identical to the evaluation of the first exam period. Yet 20% of the points, based on assignments and permanent evaluation, will be automatically transferred.
When needed, additional information on the evaluation activities is provided during the lessons and/or made available on the Toledo pages of the course.
Information about retaking exams
Identical to the evaluation of the first exam period. Yet 20% of the points, based on assignments and permanent evaluation, will be automatically transferred.