Keywords in Social and Cultural Anthropology (B-KUL-S0J99A)

6 ECTSEnglish39 Second term
POC Antropologie

Upon completion of this course, students are able to actively use several keywords of the discipline; they can identify the genealogies of the keywords; and the various ways in which scholars have used these keywords to understand social and cultural processes. These aims will be communicated to the students at the start of the course.

Students have basic knowledge of social sciences.

This course unit is a prerequisite for taking the following course units:
S0K23A : Etnografisch ontwerp: het plannen en ontwerpen van een veldwerkproject
S0K34A : Ethnographic Design: Planning and Modelling a Fieldwork Project


6 ects. Keywords in Social and Cultural Anthropology (B-KUL-S0J99a)

6 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture39 Second term
POC Antropologie

This course introduces students to a set of key words in the discipline of social and cultural ethnography. Lecturers will situate these within the history of our discipline and will illustrate their analytical relevance via ethnographic texts.

PPT, articles and books

The sessions are given by 5 lecturers. Each one will introduce one or more keywords.


Evaluation: Keywords in Social and Cultural Anthropology (B-KUL-S2J99a)

Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Paper/Project

Evaluation characteristics

Students are expected to submit a paper of approx. 4.000 words (bibliography excluded) by the exam sessions in June. They select two (or more) key words and write a reflection paper based on one or more texts provided by the lecturers, with some additional readings they have selected themselves. The paper should consist of a reflection of the ways in which the selected key words inform us about social and cultural processes in one or more ethnographic cases. Students are also expected to provide attention to the theoretical underpinnings of the chosen key words.

Papers submitted after the deadline will result in a 'NA'-score (not attended) and will be considered for the next examination period. Deadlines for the final paper are not negotiable. In case of exceptional, individual circumstances, students can contact the ombuds concerning the deadline.

*Students are fully responsible for submitting papers and assignments free of fraud and plagiarism ( and are requested to observe the Faculty’s relevant regulations.  Plagiarism will be sanctioned with the sanctions mentioned in the University’s Regulations on Education and Examinations (

Determination of the final result

The course is evaluated by the teacher, as announced via Toledo and the examination regulations. The result is calculated and expressed as an integer out of 20.

Second examination opportunity

Students can retake the essay. 

Second examination opportunity

The same as the first examination opportunity