Professional and Cross-Cultural Skills in Engineering (B-KUL-PRCSEN)

6 ECTSEnglish42 First termCannot be taken as part of an examination contract
Van Petegem Wim (coordinator) |  Van Petegem Wim
OC Innoverend ondernemen voor Ingenieurs

Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:

  • Demonstrate a proficiency in team-building, leadership, and service in the context of cross-cultural engineering teams.
  • Construct creative solutions to engineering issues incorporating cultural differences among team members and external stakeholders.
  • Critically analyze personal and team-member competencies and biases.
  • Formulate and apply strategies to improve engineering team dynamics.
  • Provide effective feedback, recognition, motivation, and corrective guidance for international/intercultural team members.
  • Evaluate strategies for the diffusion of ideas within international and cross-cultural markets.
  • Examine moral, ethical, and legal dilemmas in cross-cultural engineering environments.

No specific prior knowledge required.


6 ects. Professional and Cross-Cultural Skills in Engineering (B-KUL-prcsen)

6 ECTSEnglishFormat: Practical42 First term
OC Innoverend ondernemen voor Ingenieurs

This course focuses on the primary knowledge areas and essential competencies required for successful engineers to live and work in today’s global marketplace. The course will examine individual and cultural differences and how they impact communication and team dynamics. These topics are central to international and multicultural engineering teams. Students that complete the course will be able to understand sources of conflict that can arise in multicultural teams and effectively use the tools and resources learned in class to manage individual and team motivation and minimize or effectively deal with conflict, while harvesting the benefits of diversity as they work on a real world virtual team project, producing effective solutions to challenging engineering problems.

  • Hofstede, G., Hofstede, G. J., & Minkov, M. (2010) Cultures and Organizations, Software of the Mind, 3rd Edition. McGraw Hill. ISBN-13: 9780071664189
  • ‘Introduction to Conflict and Teams’, booklet by Thomas and Thomas (2007). 

This course is taught in English, together with instructors and students from Penn State University.

Blended learning - Flipped classroom - Group assignment - Presentation - Project work

A mix of different formats is used. This will be explained in the first lecture, and supported by the learning environment kindly offered by Penn State University.


Evaluation: Professional and Cross-Cultural Skills in Engineering (B-KUL-T71455)

Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : Course material

The evaluation is based on different assignments students have to submit during the course, i.e. journal entries, quizzes, individual assignments, individual news presentations, individual discussion leads, individual participation in class discussions, and team project work. Details are given in the learning environment of Penn State University. 

All (individual and team) assignments are to be reconsidered: the student has to make an appointment with the course instructor on each aspect of the evaluation.