EU-US Relations (B-KUL-N0A77A)

4 ECTSEnglish26 First term
OC Master European Studies – Letteren

At the end of this course, the student:

  • has acquired a solid general knowledge and insight regarding transatlantic relationships between the US and the EU;
  • has a sharpened ability for critical thinking about diplomacy, policy, negotiations, and domains of cooperation between the EU and the US;
  • has  the ability and the reflex to better identify similarities and differences between the US and the EU.

A basic knowledge and familiarity with European and American Institutions would help students interested to take this course.


4 ects. EU-US Relations (B-KUL-N0A77a)

4 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture26 First term
OC Master European Studies – Letteren


Classes 1-2-3-4
1.    General presentation of the US and the EU
2.    Broad historic overview of the EU-US relationship, its post war foundations and later evolution.
3.    Trouble in the relationship during the last US Administration (2017-2021) ,attempts for a reset under the current US Administration (2021-2025) and expectations for the Transatlantic Relationship under a next US Administration (2025-2029)
4.    Resilience in the Transatlantic Relationship 
Classes 5-6
1.    Establishment of diplomatic relations between the EU and the US.
2.    Institutional ties between the EU and the US and other linkages.
3.    Bandwidth of the EU-US relationship: overview of fields of cooperation.
Class 7
1.    Economic and trade relations: hard core of the EU-US relationship.
Class 8
1.    Security and defense policies in the European Union and in NATO 
Classes 9-10
1.    Foreign Policy: hard US Foreign Policy versus soft EU external relations? 
2.    What a practitioner must know in Washington DC and in Brussels.
Classes 11-12-13
1.    Similarities and differences in EU and US approaches to China
2.    Similarities and differences in EU and US approaches to Russia.
3.    The War in Ukraine   
1.    Field study to the European External Action Service or another Institution in Brussels


Monday 23 September 2024
Monday 30 September 2024
Monday 7 October 2024
Monday 14 October 2024
Monday 21 October 2024
Monday 28  October 2024
Monday 4 November 2024 
Monday 11 November 2024
Monday 18 November 2024
Monday 25 November 2024 (not available)
Monday 2 December 2024 (not available)
Monday 9 December 2024
Monday 16  December 2024
Ambassador Wouters will not be available on 25 November 2024 nor on 2 December 2024.
Classes on these two dates will be replaced by guest lectures, by a class on a different date, an event organized by the America Europe Fund or by the visit to an European Institution. Students will be informed accordingly trough Toledo.

Students will receive reading materials via Toledo. They are expected to take notes.

Traditional lectures will take the form of maximum 10 classes combined with discussion (Q&A). At least 3 high level guest lectures by invited practitioners will be part of this new course, as well as (possibly) one field trip to the European External Action Service or to another European Institution in Brussels, in full respect of faculty guidance.

Attendance is required. 


Evaluation: EU-US Relations (B-KUL-N2A77a)

Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Oral, Paper/Project, Participation during contact hours
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : None

The evaluation of this course consists of three parts: 
1.    Paper to be submitted by December 31st and to be discussed at the oral exam, representing 50% of the end score.
2.    Oral exam on the content of the course, representing 50% of the end score.
3.    Pass/Fail for attendance. Physical presence is required for but Students can be absent for 4 classes. Absence for 5 or more classes results automatically in a fail for the course.

Students need to pass for both components of the oral exam separately (i.e. obtain min. 50% for the paper and obtain min. 50% for the oral exam on the content of the course). If the student has taken all components of the exam but achieves a partial mark below 50%, the end result is the weighed total of the partial marks or a maximum of 9/20. 

Information about the retake modalities will be shared by the instructor via Toledo and in class.