Sport Economics (B-KUL-L05E0B)
After following this course the student is able to:
- Perform and evaluate the measurement of the economic impact of events and infrastructure.
- Understand the economic relevance of the sports industry and certain of its aspects.
- Understand chosen economic aspects of professional sport leagues and competitions.
- Formulate an opinion on the question: why/when should a government invest money into (professional) sport or related infrastructure and not into other projects?
This course contributes to the students
- knowledge on economic perspectives on how to organize competitive (professional) sport,
insight into the specifics of the product and players market in the sector of professional team sports.
Previous knowledge
Previous knowledge:
The participants should be acquainted with basic principles of economics / management sciences.
Prerequisites credit contract:
The student has one of the following qualifications:
- Bachelor of physical education and movement sciences
- Bachelor in Science in Rehabilitation Sciences and Physiotherapy
- Bachelor of political and social sciences
- Bachelor of political sciences
- Bachelor of administration and public management
- Bachelor of laws
- Bachelor of economics
- Bachelor of business economics
- Bachelor of social sciences
- Bachelor of communication sciences
- Bachelor of communication management
- Bachelor of business management
AND has followed this course:
Introduction to Economics (e.g. L01B9A)
Prerequisites for students who are not registered for the programs bachelor of Physical Education and Movement Sciences/Master of Movement and Sports Sciences, but wish to include the course as a component of choice in their programme: These students should contact the coordinator of the course. On the basis of prior knowledge and motivation, the coordinator will determine whether or not the student can be admitted to the course.(Note: this regulation does not apply to students from the Master in Public Management and Policy. These students follow the instruction of their degree program)
Order of Enrolment
This course unit is a prerequisite for taking the following course units:
L08I2B : Stage in sportbeleid en sportmanagement m.i.v. practicum en seminarie
L09L3B : Ondernemen en innoveren in sport en fysieke activiteit m.i.v. practicum en seminaries
Identical courses
This course is identical to the following courses:
L05E0A : Sports Economics (No longer offered this academic year)
Is included in these courses of study
- Courses for Exchange Students Faculty of Movement and Rehabilitation Sciences (Leuven)
- Master in de bewegings- en sportwetenschappen (Leuven) (Major binnen de afstudeerrichting Sportbeleid en sportmanagement) 120 ects.
6 ects. Sport Economics (B-KUL-L05E1a)
The following topics will be covered during the course:
I. economic aspects of (professional) sport in general;
II. macroeconomic significance of the sports industry and certain of its aspects;
III. economic impact of sports events and sport(-related) infrastructure mainly for mega sport events and professional sport;
IV. selected aspects of the economics of professional (team) sports
Course material
Information on course material will be provided throughout the course.
Format: more information
Besides and during the regular lecture, reading assignments and exercises are provided. These serve to prepare and/or follow up and/or supplement the lecture and are mandatory knowledge for the final exam. Generally, all participants are expected to always bring a calculator and writing material to be able to actively participate and take notes during the lecture.
Evaluation: Sport Economics (B-KUL-L25E0b)
The final exam will be a written examination during the exam period with questions about the course, the reading assignments and additional mandatory reading material as well as the exercises.
The students are expected to be acquainted with the education and the examination regulations of the KU Leuven and the faculty additions.
Information about retaking exams
The characteristics of evaluation and the determination of the end result of the second exam opportunity will be identical to those of the first exam opportunity.