Advanced Engineering Risk Management (B-KUL-HMM53A)

3 ECTSEnglish20 Second termCannot be taken as part of an examination contract
Reniers Genserik (coordinator) |  Reniers Genserik |  Reiss Boris (substitute)
POC Milieu- en preventiemanagement FEB Campus Brussel

General aims: To ensure that students gain more and better insight in state-of-the-art research of some topics in engineering/operational risk management, being very important for risk management in the near future.

The graduate of the Master in Environment, Health and Safety Management

2. Is able to critically assess the impact of an environmental, well-being and sustainability policy and to evaluate it.

2e The student is able to link prevention measures to monetary valuation and, by doing so, to insert economic parameters in the safety policy.

2f The student is able to reflect critically on and debate about different economic approaches that can feed the policy on safety investments.

5. Is able to reflect critically on and make use of sustainable alternatives as an innovative answer to social challenges.

5d The student is able to reflect critically on the level of ambition and the options of policy to optimize the safety policy in an organisation.

5e The student is able to reflect critically on the completeness and the innovative character of a safety policy.

6. Is able to autonomously select sources of information, data and research methods in a scientifically underpinned way.

6b The student is able to write a well-founded referee report for a scientific article.

6e The student is able, in group, to draw up and justify a specific economic approach for the optimization of safety investments, based on primary and secondary sources of information and data.



The course is sequential to Engineering Risk Management (HBM25C) (3rd Bachelor). It is recommended that the ERM course has been successfully completed before commencing with this course.


3 ects. Advanced Engineering Risk Management (B-KUL-HMM53a)

3 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture20 Second term
Reniers Genserik |  Reiss Boris (substitute)
POC Milieu- en preventiemanagement FEB Campus Brussel

In the course Engineering Risk Management some themes are looked at more in depth, such as security, economic aspects of risk and safety, domino effects, use of dynamic risk analyses, etc.


Evaluation: Advanced Engineering Risk Management (B-KUL-H75288)

Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Paper/Project, Report
Learning material : Course material, List of formulas, Calculator, Computer, Reference work

For the evaluation of the course, students are asked to:

-       Write each one referee report. The students learn about this assignment in the beginning of the course and the assignment is handed in together with the paper.

-       Write a paper in group about one of the topics of the course

-       No separate exam

The features of the evaluation and/or the determination of grades differ between the first and second examination opportunity. Students who failed at the first examination opportunity are required to complete an individual, written assignment and an improvement of the referee-report.

individual paper (extra assignment) + improvement referee-report