Interdisciplinary Lab: Strategy, Innovation and Entrepreneurship (B-KUL-HMH16F)

6 ECTSEnglish39 Second termCannot be taken as part of an examination contract
Wijen Frank (coordinator) |  Wijen Frank
OC Business Administration FEB Campus Brussel

This course evaluates the following learning outcomes:

The student

5.1 collects and consults data sources in an effective and critical way within a certain management domain or as response to a societal question and adapts the type of data  or source (popularised or scientific source, primary or secondary data) to it. 

6.2 reflects critically about existing research and questions scientific findings from previous research. 

6.3 builds up a logical, clear and internally consistent and contentwise responsible reasoning according to a scientific method. 

6.4 draws out independently a meaningful and achievable research design, can motivate the choices made and executes the research design consistently, i.e.  chooses a relevant research method and technique given the research question, estimates the consequences of the procedure chosen  with respect to reliability and validity of the results and takes this into account when drawing conclusions.

6.6 debates about questions with respect to the executed enterprise oriented or societal research project. 

7.4 uses what has been learnt in specific and complex situations and uses his/her capability to think analytically, synthetically, abstract and creative thinking in an authentic manner. 

8.1 formulates the interdisciplinary problem in a team which lies at the roots of the project, analyzes the content of the project, the circumstances around the project and factors influencing  the process of the project and formulates on this basis (general)  objectives for the project. 

8.2 organises the project in team and formulates a detailed and realistic planning taking into account the context of the research question, the scope of the project, the side conditions, the limitations, the quality expectations and available resources.  

8.3 follows individually and in team the schedule and applies time management. 

8.4 assumes responsibility for his/her role in the team and executes his/her part of the project. 

8.5 follows up the project in team, monitors the progress of the project, copes with uncertainty, provides feed back and formulates action and improvement point during the project. 

8.6 participates in a constructive manner to consultation within the team and with other people involved in the project.

8.7 evaluates his/her own contribution critically and evaluates in team the process and outcome of the project. 

9.1 informs specialists and non specialists written and orally in a correct and structured way about his/her general and specialised knowledge. 

9.2. chooses and uses adequate communication types and adapts content and styme of communication to the public and the aim of communiciation. 

9.3 communicates in a convincing way short and concisely about his/her vision and management in different contexts and justifies choices made, written and orally.  

9.4 argues clearly and convincingly. 

9.5 Is aware that communication is a two-way street, asks for and anticipates input or feedback of the supervisor(s), listener(s) or reader(s). 

10.1 (SIE + BMO) reflects critically about the way in which important evolutions in innovation management can be translated into organizational policy, taking into account the idiosyncracies of the specific firm context

10.2 (SIE + BMO) reflects critically about the way in which important evolutions and innovations within SME management and entrepreneurship cen be translated into organizational policy, taking into account the idiosyncracies of the specific firm context. 



Students are recommended to have a background knowledge in international business strategy, strategic innovation management, and SMEs and entrepreneurship.


6 ects. Interdisciplinary Lab: Strategy, Innovation and Entrepreneurship (B-KUL-HMH16f)

6 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture39 Second term
OC Business Administration FEB Campus Brussel

Timely topics of interest within the areas of strategy, innovation, and entrepreneurship, with an emphasis on strategies leading to economically, environmentally, and socially sustainable business practices.

The sessions will be led by Dr. Frank Wijen from the Strategy, Management, and Innovation (MSI) unit. Internal and/or external guest speakers may add insights on specific (additional) topics.

Topics covered include:

  • Drivers of sustainable business
  • Markets for sustainable business
  • Differentiators of sustainable business
  • Stakeholder engagement for sustainable business
  • Temporal development of sustainable business
  • Sustainability standards
  • Social enterprises
  • Circular business
  • Climate change

Lecturer slides, references to academic articles, and other relevant course material will be made available via Toledo.


Discussion - Group assignment - Individual assignment - Paper - Presentation

The adopted teaching format is a seminar, including interactive lectures, group discussions, and student presentations.

Examination consists of a combination of individual and group assignments.

Individual assignments consist of written and/or oral answers to questions on the academic literature and other material. These questions may be raised before, during, and/or after the sessions.

Group assignments consist of an oral presentation and a written report on an actual sustainability-related business problem.

There will be no final written exam but permanent evaluation.

Deadlines can be found on Toledo.


Evaluation: Interdisciplinary Lab: Strategy, Innovation and Entrepreneurship (B-KUL-H75013)

Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Paper/Project, Presentation
Learning material : Course material

individual and group assignments before and/or after the lectures