Sustainable Development (B-KUL-HMA78A)

6 ECTSEnglish39 First termCannot be taken as part of an examination contract
Rogge Nicky (coordinator) |  De Jaeger Simon |  Rogge Nicky
OC Business Administration FEB Campus Brussel

Message for students Milieu- en preventiemanagement: Given the importance of the active work format (and also to keep such an active work format practically feasible), only a limited number of MPM students are admitted to this OPO. More specifically, max 7 students of MPM can register for this course. Interested MPM-students can apply for the course by sending an email to . Only the first 7 MPM students, can register for the course.


This course evaluates the following learning outcomes:


The student


1.2 (SM) uses concepts and models from economics and business in order to analyse and develop a regulatory framework from a social viewpoint

1.3 (SM) recognises ‘wicked’ problems (poverty, inequality, biodiversity, pollution,…) and takes them into account when developing a sustainability policy

2.2 (SM) can, based on the main principles of sustainability, reflect critically on regulatory policy choices

2.3 (SM) can reflect critically on ‘wicked’ problems (poverty, inequality, biodiversity, pollution,…)

2.4 (SM) takes the international dimension into account when formulating a motivated advice on sustainability

2.5 (SM) knows the main philosophical and analytical economic frameworks against which normative and positive questions regarding the assessment of sustainable development are cast

4.1 (SM) reflects critically on the impact of societal, international and organisational trends on the sustainability policy of an organisation, while taking into account the consequences for the relevant stakeholders

10.1 (SM) keeps his/her knowledge regarding sustainability topics up-to-date based on practice-oriented, policy-oriented and scientific information sources



If you want to follow this course, it is advisable to have completed the following courses first, Managerial Economics; Macroeconomics.


6 ects. Sustainable Development (B-KUL-HMA78a)

6 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture39 First term
OC Business Administration FEB Campus Brussel

The course starts with an extensive discussion on the economics of Sustainable Development (SD). Topics such as SD & Behavioural Economics, SD & Capability Approach, SD & Economics Debate, SD & Performance Measurement, SD & sustainable economic growth, SD & human development policy analysis,  SD development and new economic models and SD in a circular economywill be covered. Examples of questions that will be discussed and debated on include: "Are insights for behavioral economics helpful for environmental policy?", "Green nudges. Do they work. Are they ethical?", "How to integrate Environmental Sustainability and Sustainable Development in a conceptualizion of well-being based on the Capability Approach?", "Are we consuming too much? An economist viewpoint/debate", "Is the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) index an adequate framework to measure the progress of the 2030 Agenda?", "Is a transition towards a genuine circular economy feasible?",   “What is the impact of pollution havens on the global distribution of welfare?”, “Should we export our used electronic devices and cars to developing countries?”.

To be decided

We aim for a Student-Centered Approach in which students:

- Prepare and actively participate in discussions on the course topics during lectures

- Self-study through reading and listening

- Participate actively in group work and presentations

- Reflect and work individually on course topics

In this process, the primary role of the professor is to coach and facilitate student learning and overall comprehension of the course material.

NOTE: Given the importance of the active work format (and also to keep such an active work format practically feasible), only a limited number of students are admitted to this OPO. More specifically, max. 7 students of MPM can register for this course.


Evaluation: Sustainable Development (B-KUL-H75079)

Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Paper/Project, Presentation, Process evaluation
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : Course material

Determination final result

The grades are determined by the lecturer as communicated via Toledo and stated in the examination schedule. The result is calculated and communicated as a whole number on a scale of 20.

The grade is determined based on the following:

- Attendance and active participation during the lectures and discussion sessions

- Preparation and presentation(s) of group assignment

- Individual preparations of lectures and individual assignment(s)


Second exam opportunity

The final grade of the second exam opportunity is determined based on an individual assignment as communicated by the lecturer via Toledo .

Second exam opportunity

The final grade of the second exam opportunity is determined based on an individual assignment as communicated by the lecturer via Toledo .