Sustainable Management (B-KUL-HMA77A)

This course evaluates the following learning outcomes:
The student
1.1 (SM) uses concepts and models from economics and business in order to analyse and develop a sustainability policy within an organisation
1.3 (SM) recognises ‘wicked’ problems (poverty, inequality, biodiversity, pollution,…) and takes them into account when developing a sustainability policy
2.1 (SM) can, based on the main principles of sustainability, reflect critically on organisational policy choices
2.3 (SM) can reflect critically on ‘wicked’ problems (poverty, inequality, biodiversity, pollution,…)
2.4 (SM) takes the international dimension into account when formulating a motivated advice on sustainability
3.1 (SM) can develop and assess an integrated sustainability policy in an organisation (M)
4.1 (SM) reflects critically on the impact of societal, international and organisational trends on the sustainability policy of an organisation, while taking into account the consequences for the relevant stakeholders
4.2 (SM) follows recent news and information on sustainability topics
10.1 (SM) keeps his/her knowledge regarding sustainability topics up-to-date based on practice-oriented, policy-oriented and scientific information sources
10.2 (SM) reflects critically on the way important trends and innovations regarding sustainability can be translated in organisational policy development
The basic thought is that wicked problems, such as climate change, poverty, child labour, ask for a systemic change of our economic system. Organisations cannot do this in isolation, but need to involve other actors. This asks for a different approach: instead of isolated competition the emphasis is on collaboration. The aim is therefore to foster the sustainability competencies that are helpful to make a transition shift towards sustainability, i.e. systems thinking, future thinking and action taking.
Is included in these courses of study
- Master in de handelswetenschappen (dag + avond, programma voor studenten gestart vóór 2024-2025) (Brussel) 60 ects.
- Master of Business Administration (Brussels) (Track Sustainability Management) 60 ects.
- Courses for Exchange Students Faculty of Economics and Business (Brussels)
- Master in de handelswetenschappen (programma voor studenten gestart in 2024-2025 of later) (Brussel) 60 ects.
6 ects. Sustainable Management (B-KUL-HMA77a)
- Course structure
- Reflecting on wicked problems
Assessment: Understanding where we are now and finding out what is happening around us
- Planetary boundaries and social foundations
- Sustainable Development Goals
- Alternative economic and business models
Formulation: Deciding where you want to go to
- Current trends: Circular economy, climate risks & nature-based solutions
- Stakeholder management
- Multi-actor collaboration
Implementation: Put your plan in place and make it happen
- Operations & supply chain management (incl. LCA)
- Strategy and organizational behavior
- Marketing and communication (incl. labels, sustainable consumption)
Monitoring & evaluation: Keep it going
- Accounting and reporting (incl. Management systems, Global Compact, GRI)
- Impact assessment
- Pitch and paper focusing on a business case
Course material
Course material (powerpoints, scientific publications, reports...) will be made available online via Toledo.
Format: more information
Asynchronous online learning - Group assignment - Guest lecture - Individual assignment - Presentation
Students are encouraged to learn about sustainable management in a variety of ways:
- On-campus and online lectures to learn about key concepts and tools
- Guest lectures from practice
- Group discussions with other students
- Learning by searching for relevant online content
- Individual assignment to apply concepts and methods to a specific business case
- Group assignment to develop a sustainable strategy for a specific business case
- ...
Evaluation: Sustainable Management (B-KUL-H75078)
The final score for this course consists of the sum of the scores received for two assignments:
Individual assignment 1 (max score is 10 points)
- A business case is assigned to each student
- Each student needs to answer a set of questions related to this case
- Deadline: 15 November
Group assignment 2 (max score is 10 points)
- Each student is part of a group of four to five students
- Each group selects a company or organization related to a specific industry (see Toledo for specifics)
- Objective: Develop a well-defined strategy or suggest a specific action tailored to make your business or organization more sustainable.
- Output
- Group assignment 2A - Active pitch of the proposal (max score is 4 points)
- Presentation for the class group
- Aim: Sell your proposal to the company
- Use a video, PowerPoint or poster
- Deadline: First half of December (see Toledo for specific timing)
- Group assignment 2A - Active pitch of the proposal (max score is 4 points)
- Group assignment 2B - Write a group report + contribution statement (max score is 6 points)
- With problem statement, motivated action or strategy, expected impact, link with academic literature, and other relevant information
- Contribution statement: paragraph stating who did what
- Further practical requirements (layout, length…) will be posted on Toledo
- Deadline 30 December
- Peer evaluation (correction on group score)
- Correction for each team member (except oneself): any number between – 2 points and + 2 points. The total sum of the corrections over all team members should be less than or equal to +3 points. The average of these scores will be used to change the group score into an individual score.
- Deadline 10 January
Evaluation criteria
Individual assignment and group report
- Explicit link with models and concepts treated in this course
- Structured and interesting exposition
- Convincing motivation
- Compliant with academic quality criteria (e.g. APA reference style, consistency, ordered)
- Clear and logical structure
- Correct and easy-to-follow language
- Objective and critical perspective
- Specific and to the point – no general, vague statements
- Plagiarism will lead to a score of zero!
- Not respecting the deadline will lead to a score of zero!
Group pitch
- Creative and relevant proposal for a sustainable action that helps the organization to improve its societal impact
- Captivating and interesting presentation
- Convincing motivation and credible benefits to the organization
Information about retaking exams
For the second exam opportunity, a student
- can decide to keep his/her score received in the first exam opportunity for the individual assignment 1 (max score 10 points), and/or the group assignment (max score 10 points) – deadline: 20 August
- can submit a revised version of the individual assignment 1 by 20 August
- can submit a revised version of the group report (jointly with other group members if applicable) (max score 6 points) by 20 August
The scores obtained for the class pitch (max score 4 points) and the peer evaluation during the group assignment are transferred from the first exam opportunity and cannot be changed during the second exam opportunity.
The final score for this course consists of the sum of the scores received for two assignments:
Individual assignment 1 (max score 10 points)
- A business case is assigned to each student
- Each student needs to answer a set of questions related to this case
Group assignment (max score 10 points)
- Each student is part of a group of four to five students
- Each group selects a company or organization related to a specific industry (see Toledo)
- Objective: develop a strategy or suggest a specific action to make the company or organization more sustainable
- Output
- Active pitch of the proposal (4 points) - Score transferred from first exam opportunity
- Write a group report + contribution statement (6 points)
- With problem statement, motivated action or strategy, expected impact, link with academic literature and other relevant information
- Contribution statement: paragraph stating who did what
- Further practical requirements (layout, length…) will be posted on Toledo
- Peer evaluation (correction on group score) - Score transferred first exam opportunity