English: Culture I B (B-KUL-HFT06C)

3 ECTSEnglish26 Second term
Buysse Lieven (coordinator) |  Buysse Lieven
POC Toegepaste taalkunde Brussel

Students are able to

  • acquire and apply knowledge of geography, economy, politics, society, and institutions of the former British Empire
  • understand and assess texts on these topics
  • retrieve sources on these topics.


3 ects. English: Culture I B (B-KUL-HFT06c)

3 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture26 Second term
POC Toegepaste taalkunde Brussel

This course is concerned with the birth and evolution of the former British Empire, and in doing so pays attention to political, social, cultural and linguistic aspects. The main yet not exclusive focus will be on the British influence on Ireland, Canada, South-Africa, India and Australia.

Discussion - Presentation - Traditional lecture

The course will be taught as an interactive lecture, alternating with student presentations on specific aspects of the former British Empire. Students are also expected to follow relevant current events in the media.


Evaluation: English: Culture I B (B-KUL-H75845)

Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Oral, Paper/Project, Presentation
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : None

The evaluation consists of the following components:

1. Oral exam (80%)

2. Presentation (20%)

Students must have taken part in both components in order to pass the course. Those who do not take part in the exam will receive an NA score ("niet afgelegd"/"not taken"). Those who do not deliver the presentation will receive a zero score for that component, and a total score of max. 9/20.

Further details on evaluation will be provided on Toledo.

The evaluation will be similar in the September exam session to the one in the June exam session. Students who obtained a score of min. 10/20 for the presentation will not need to retake that component.