Statistics for Business 2 (B-KUL-HBA69A)

The course aims at contributing to the following learning results:
The student...
- Uses static and dynamic models, graphically and algebraically, to analyse and solve (business) economic problems (5.a)
- Uses descriptive and inferential statistical methods and techniques to solve (business) economic problems (5.b)
- Uses confidence intervals and hypothesis testing for parameters of distributions to solve (business) economic problems (5.b.2)
- In line with the given practical relevance and the definition of the (business) economics problem, chooses and uses the appropriate techniques to acquire, analyse and interpret data (6.c)
- Chooses and uses the appropiate inferential statistical techniques to analyse and interpret data (6.c.2)
- From qualitative and quantitative research findings, draws scientific conclusions that bear practical relevance (6.e)
- From quantitative research findings, draws scientific conclusions that bear practical relevance (6.e.1)
- Is familiar with relevant ICT applications and uses the knowledge and skills to solve (business) economic problems (11.g)
- Is familiar with relevant ICT applications for inferential statistical technique (11.g.2)
Previous knowledge
The admission criteria for the programme can be found in the programme catalogue.
In order for the students to start this course in the best possible way, they are expected to have the preliminary knowledge, competences, and attitudes they acquired in the courses listed below. Students should be able to apply them.
If you want to follow this course, it is advisable to have completed the following courses first:
Statistics for Business Economists 1
Mathematics for Business Economists 1
Identical courses
This course is identical to the following courses:
HBH70A : Statistiek voor bedrijfswetenschappen 2
HLH29A : Statistiek voor bedrijfseconomen 2 (No longer offered this academic year)
Y00932 : Statistiek voor bedrijfswetenschappen 2
Is included in these courses of study
- Bachelor of Business Administration (Brussels) 180 ects.
- Bachelor of Business Administration: Double Degree Kedge (outgoing) (Brussels et al) 240 ects.
- Courses for Exchange Students Faculty of Economics and Business (Brussels)
- Bachelor of Business Administration: Double Degree Galway (outgoing) (Brussels et al) 240 ects.
3 ects. Statistics for Business 2 (B-KUL-HBA69a)

- Central limit theorem
- Sampling
- Confidence intervals
- Testing hypothesis for the mean and proportion
- Testing hypothesis for two parameters
- Chi-square goodness-of-fit test and Chi-square test for independence
- Pearson correlation test
Course material
The course material is available on Toledo.
Format: more information
The course consists of a combination of formal lectures, learning conversations and collective work. During the formal lectures the most important concepts will be explained and illustrated by means of examples. Students are expected to participate actively during these lectures. Regularly a tuition will be organised during which difficult exercises from the syllabus will be dealt with. Making exercises is an essential part in order to be successful. Exercises will be placed at the students' disposal in the lecture notes and on Toledo. As a result, the students will be able to evaluate their knowledge of the matter by means of the solutions. Exercises not dealt with in lectures and tuition may be handed in, in order to be corrected.
The coursematerial is available on Toledo.
Evaluation: Statistics for Business 2 (B-KUL-H70032)
The course assessment is a written exam. The exam consists mostly of exercises and it can contain some smaller theoretical questions. The exercises are comparable to the exercises that are solved in the classes. A good working knowledge of the course topics and the methods that are used is necessary to pass the exam.
A self-made formula (one A4 both sides used) and the ICT used during the lessons are allowed during the exam. ICT is a device helping to obtain but not offering the solution. In other words, the solution must be written down on the exam paper in well-explained, comprehensible steps (this will be demonstrated in the formal lectures and tuitions).
Information about retaking exams
The evaluation methods during the first and second exam opportunities are identical.