Service Learning and Social Entrepreneurship (B-KUL-HBA14H)

3.i Describes the perspectives of economic science, uses them in a (business) economics context and reflects critically on them.
4.a Has a functional multidisciplinary knowledge to identify social phenomena and to reflect on them, also from a philosophical-ethical perspective, and link them with the corporate and market reality in a reasoned way.
8.f Critically reflects on his own behaviour and approach, in the context of lifelong learning.
11.b Demonstrates creativity, takes initiative, assumes responsibility, and sets priorities when carrying out economic (business) assignments.
11.d Suggests and evaluates alternative solutions to a problem.
12.c Reflects on business and economic thinking and behaviour from a social and ethical point of view.
13 has insight into his or her own competencies and motives, takes a pro-active attitude towards his or her own development and can reflect critically on their own behaviour (13).
Specific learning outcomes:
1) Integrating sustainability values and frameworks when analysing societal challenges that are relevant to social entrepreneurs, providing sound advice and suggesting possible directions for solutions that take account of these values; (11b, 11d, 12c, 12d)
2) Responding creatively to societal challenges in interaction with different actors; (4a, 11b, 11d)
3) Critically reflecting on the perspectives of (business) economics in the analysis of societal challenges that are relevant to social entrepreneurs; (3i, 12d)
4) Critically reflecting on one's own behaviour and approach within the framework of sustainability and social entrepreneurship; (8f, 3i)
5) Critically reflecting on the learning process regarding sustainability and its importance in one's own and professional environment; (8f)
6) Presenting the advice on and/or solution of the socially relevant problem in a plenary session and reflecting critically on it.(12c)
Previous knowledge
The students have to use the knowledge in relation with business economics and economics in general that was acquired during their bachelor years. Depending on the specific service learning project, some knowledge will be more relevant than others.
Identical courses
This course is identical to the following courses:
HBH99E : Service-learning en sociaal ondernemerschap
Is included in these courses of study
6 ects. Service Learning and Social Entrepreneurship (B-KUL-HBA14h)
The theoretical framework relates to sustainability frameworks and social entrepreneurship. We will examine various frameworks of sustainability, hybrid business models, alternative forms of organisation such as the sharing economy and cooperative enterprises, and analyse how social entrepreneurship fits in this diversity.
In addition, much attention is paid to reflection. We explain the different levels of reflection, i.e. descriptive, interpretive, critical analytical and reconstructive, give room for group reflection and discuss how reflection frameworks influence how we deal with social challenges.
Course material
Scientific articles
Language of instruction: more information
The Bachelor Business Administration is entirely taught in English. Students who are not following the BBA, but who want to participate in the course must have sufficient language skills in English.
Format: more information
Company visit
The students will study theoretical frameworks on sustainability and social entrepreneurship during several lectures. Most of the time will be spent on addressing the societal challenge that is relevant for a social organization. It is expected that students will interact with the social entrepreneur, among other things by being present at least 3 times at the location of the social organization. In addition, ample attention is paid to reflection during plenary sessions.
The students work in a group on the solution of the societal challenge. In order to achieve a good match between students and social entrepreneur, the challenge based learning methodology is used. Afterwards different ways are organised to stimulate contacts with the social organisation, like:- discussions with the social entrepreneur to frame the social issue;
- Regular visits to the site of the social organisation in order to immerse oneself in the values of a social entrepreneur and thus to come up with a creative solution that fits in with a social organisation;
- Proposing the solution in the presence of the social entrepreneur and to the fellow students, among other things by means of a poster on a social market space.
Evaluation: Service Learning and Social Entrepreneurship (B-KUL-H75910)
The societal challenge is addressed in a collaborative way by a group of maximum 4 students. The students are assessed on the basis of a paper, a presentation, a reflection paper and an individual defense.
- The group paper makes sufficient use of the theoretical frameworks on sustainability and social entrepreneurship. The paper is assessed according to the following criteria: taking into account the specific situation of social entrepreneurship while reporting about how the societal challenge is dealt with; logical structure; sufficient reference to scientific articles (at least 5 not covered in the classes) in an integrated manner, and adequate use of APA standards.
- The contribution to and/or solution of the societal challenge is presented during a social event on the campus via a poster or another creative presentation. The social entrepreneurs are also invited to the event. The presentation is assessed on the basis of content, commitment and creativity.
- The personal reflection relates to three moments: at the beginning, middle and end of the project. Its evaluation is based on the degree of integration of the different levels of reflection and is presented in a separate document.
- The solution of the case is defended individually. Students can have the paper with them and are evaluated on the basis of how well they respond to the questions related to what is written in the paper.
- The final result is divided as follows: solution of the case via the joint paper (35%) and the presentation of the solution in a creative way (25%), individual oral defense of the paper (10%) and personal reflection (paper) (30%).
- The student is obliged to complete all parts. Non-participation in one of the parts results in a 0/20.
If a student repeatedly does not comply with the requirements set out in the agreement with the project company, or seriously violates them, for this particular student the project shall be discontinued and the student shall receive a 0-grade. The student shall have no right to an alternative assignment or a second exam opportunity.
Information about retaking exams
The features of the evaluation and determination of grades are identical to those of the first examination opportunity, as described in the tab 'Explanation'. If only one student in the group obtains an unsatisfactory result, the student revises the paper according to the teacher's guidelines, in addition to the oral defence of the paper (10%) and the reworking of the personal reflection (paper) (30%)