The Idea of Europe: History and Contexts (B-KUL-HAL50A)

6 ECTSEnglish26 Second term
Coudenys Wim (coordinator) |  Coudenys Wim
POC Toegepaste taalkunde Brussel


  • acquire knowledge about the historical development of the idea of Europe from the Middle Ages to the present, focusing on early conceptualizations of Europe, the rise of the nation state after the French Revolution, the climax of empire, and current challenges to the European idea
  • acquire knowledge of and learn to use key concepts relating to the development of the idea of Europe, such as nationalism, transnationalism, colonialism, identity (politics), diversity, multiculturalism, federalism, sovereignty, etc.

None required


6 ects. The Idea of Europe: History and Contexts (B-KUL-HAL50a)

6 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture26 Second term
POC Toegepaste taalkunde Brussel

This course provides an overview of the historical development of the idea of Europe from the Middle Ages to the present, while pursuing a critical understanding of key concepts that have determined this development.


Evaluation: The Idea of Europe: History and Contexts (B-KUL-H75700)

Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Oral, Report, Participation during contact hours
Type of questions : Open questions

Students will prepare a portfolio (review) of reading assignments, on which they also will report (briefly) during the contact hours. The examination consists of one or more open questions and a discussion of the portfolio. Weighing: Portfolio/reports (= participation during contact hours)/discussion and the open questions during the exam each count for 50%.

Same modalities as during the first exam period.