Master's Thesis (B-KUL-H00D8A)

24 ECTSEnglish720 Both termsCannot be taken as part of an examination contractCannot be taken as part of a credit contract
Seo Maria (coordinator) |  N.
POC Materiaalkunde

Learn how to define a research project in the materials science and engineering field. Students should be able to execute the project in cooperation with a research group. A scientifical report should describe the research work performed, summarize the results and position with respect to the state-of-the art. The research work should be discussed and defended in the final master thesis presentation.

A sufficient package of courses in the master programme (48 ECTS at the master level), including both P&Os.

You can only take this course if you have to acquire no more than 72 credits to obtain your degree.


24 ects. Master's Thesis (B-KUL-H00D8a)

24 ECTSEnglishFormat: Master's thesis720 Both terms
POC Materiaalkunde

The master's thesis aims at performing a research work on a topic from the specialization engineering programme. This study can be purely theoretical, experimental or a mixture of both. It is expected that the student is able to define a research question and to plan as well as to perform research by him/herself after a starting training period, guided by the daily supervisor(s).


Evaluation: Master's Thesis (B-KUL-H20D8a)

Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Report, Presentation, Participation during contact hours
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : None

The master thesis is evaluated by a jury of at least 3 persons: the promotor(s), the daily guide and at least two assessors, on the basis of three aspects:
1. The process: the work during the year (independence, critical sense, creativity, handling of difficulties and setbacks)
2. The product: the final project and/or the manuscript (scientific content and impact, depth of insight gained, critical interpretation of the data, consistency, style, language, care, readibility, processing of the relevant literature, layout of figures and tables)
3. The presentation and the oral discussion (style, language, care, structure, completeness, timing, how questions are answered, resilience)

A score is proposed by the jury members based on their individual evaluations. The final score will be decided by the special meeting (deliberation) in consensus. 

Although each of the three aspects contribute to the final score (see the evaluation scheme on the website of the master programme), the student must receive a pass score for each individual part. Detailed information can be found on the student website of the master’s programme.

If the student fails one of the parts (presentation or report), the jury decides which part(s) need to be revised.

If both parts are not acceptable, the student needs to re-do the presentation as well as submit a revised manuscript.

The jury will provide a detailed list of comments and recommendations for the revision, and the student must take them into consideration while revising the presentation and/or the manuscript.

The re-evaluation will take place in the same way but the jury can decide to adapt the procedure.