Master’s Thesis (B-KUL-G0Z69A)
In the master's thesis the emphasis is on the competences of students to make an active contribution to scientific research. The following specific objectives are pursued:
- formulate research questions and develop a research plan;
- independently collect information and assess it for its relevance for answering the research questions;
- independently follow up and analyze developments in the field;
- acquire the attitudes to collaborate on scientific research in a team;
- learn to communicate in a scientifically correct language, through collaboration with fellow students and researchers;
- be able to practice physics in one of the specific sub-areas of medical physics (radiotherapy, radiology or nuclear medicine), via a thorough training and contact with the current state of research;
- using modern experimental or theoretical methods and techniques;
- critically analyze the results obtained and their interpretation;
- reporting and presenting the original results in a coherent manner and putting open questions in a correct perspective. Establishing relationships with techniques and results from literature and from actual research are an essential part of this.
Previous knowledge
At the start of the master's thesis, the student is expected to have a thorough basic knowledge of the research domain.
The master's thesis can only be taken during the year the student wishes to graduate.
Order of Enrolment
You can only take this course if you have to acquire no more than 72 credits to obtain your degree.
Identical courses
This course is identical to the following courses:
G00B3A : Master's Thesis
Is included in these courses of study
- Master of Medical Physics (Leuven et al) 120 ects.
11 ects. General Research Abilities (B-KUL-G0Z69a)
The master's thesis comprises the research work with thesis, supervised by a supervisor from the department, and as a rule with supervision in his/her research group. Students integrate and participate in ongoing research, including seminars, work discussions, study work, and last but not least, the performance of specific experiments and/or calculations. The work is reported in a scientific text (master’s thesis), and in a contradictory defense for all interested parties in the department and evaluators involved.
This specific learning activity focuses on the acquisition of research abilities in general. It can be exempted if the student has previously already performed research that was reported on in a master’s thesis and successfully passed the exam.
Master's thesis topic, validity period:
If the supervisor, at the end of the 3rd examination period of the second stage, finds that insufficient progress is made, this will be discussed with the student. The chairman of the program committee will be informed. It may be possible that in that case the choice of the topic lapses and that a new topic must be chosen. Reasons for the cancellation of the topic may be because:
- during the academic year in which the master's thesis is included in the ISP the student has worked, without legitimate reasons, too limited on the master's thesis research, or practical arrangements or agreements have not been fulfilled, so that the master's thesis could not be completed
- the supervisor can not offer the topic in a next academic year (e.g. the research topic is finished / stopped, guidance will no longer be possible in the research team when needed.
Course material
Professional specialized literature and books.
13 ects. Research in Medical Physics (B-KUL-G0Z70a)
The master's thesis comprises the research work with thesis, supervised by a supervisor from the department, and as a rule with supervision in his/her research group. It foremost concerns domains of the specialisms and expertise within the radiotherapy, radiology or nuclear medicine services of the UZLeuven hospital. Students integrate and participate in ongoing research, including seminars, work discussions, study work, and last but not least, the performance of specific experiments and/or calculations. The work is reported in a scientific text (master’s thesis), and in a contradictory defense for all interested parties in the department and evaluators involved.
This specific learning activity focuses specifically on the acquisition of research abilities in medical physics.
Master's thesis topic, validity period:
If the supervisor, at the end of the 3rd examination period of the second stage, finds that insufficient progress is made, this will be discussed with the student. The chairman of the program committee will be informed. It may be possible that in that case the choice of the topic lapses and that a new topic must be chosen. Reasons for the cancellation of the topic may be because:
- during the academic year in which the master's thesis is included in the ISP the student has worked, without legitimate reasons, too limited on the master's thesis research, or practical arrangements or agreements have not been fulfilled, so that the master's thesis could not be completed
- the supervisor can not offer the topic in a next academic year (e.g. the research topic is finished / stopped, guidance will no longer be possible in the research team when needed.
Course material
Professional specialized literature and books.
Evaluation: Master’s Thesis (B-KUL-G2Z69a)
The evaluation includes an assessment of the process and product (form and content; thesis and defense). Four grades are given: one from the promoter, one from each of two readers, and one for the defense. The relative weight of these four quotations is 10: 3: 3: 4. Each of the odds is determined using the faculty assessment grid and appreciation/grading scale. Additional faculty information can be found here.
The learning activity “General Research Abilities” can be exempted if the student has previously already performed research which was reported on in a master’s thesis and successfully passed the exam.
A necessary condition to pass for the master’s thesis is to upload a certificate of information skills in Toledo. This certificate can be obtained through the Faculty Toledo community “Academic Integrity at the Faculty of Science”. Obtaining and uploading the information literacy certificate is assessed via "pass / fail". A student who gets a "fail" for the certificate, gets a "fail" for the entire course unit, which is converted into a non-tolerable grade. In concrete terms, this means that anyone who does not obtain and upload the certificate cannot pass for the master’s thesis.
The master’s thesis does not qualify for tolerance.
Information about retaking exams
The master’s thesis can be submitted for a second exam after the necessary additions/modifications have been made, which potentially imply additional original research efforts.