Multilevel Analysis (B-KUL-G0W07A)

6 ECTSEnglish30 Second termCannot be taken as part of an examination contract
POC Sociologie

In this course students learn how to analyze hierarchically structured data with mixed models, which are often called multilevel models. The course offers a detailed understanding of two-level linear models and introductions into several additional mixed models for various types of data.

Prior experience of linear regression modelling and statistical significance testing is required. Experience with R and the analysis of variance (ANOVA) is helpful. 


6 ects. Multilevel Analysis (B-KUL-G0W07a)

6 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture30 Second term
POC Sociologie

1. Introduction to hierarchical data structures

2. The linear two-level model with random intercepts

3. The linear two-level model with random intercepts and random slopes

4. Cross-classified, multiple membership and generalized mixed models

5.  Analyzing panel data with Random and Fixed Effects Models

6. Growth curve models for panel data

7. Contextual effects in multilevel models

8. Multilevel models with more than two levels, the within-between specification for pooled cross-sectional data

9. Comparing and testing in multilevel modeling, estimation techniques and some advanced topics



All material will be provided in Toledo. These include the slides from the lecture, a reading list, data sets, R scripts and exercises for the hands-on sessions.

We will use the statistical software R for this course. During the course we alternate between lecture-style presentations and hands-on session with R. The course consists of 12 sessions, which are provided in four weeks of block teaching (three sessions each week). In the first nine session we alternate between lectures and hands-on exercises, in which students apply the statistical models in R. The last three sessions are for additional discussions (Q&A), individual consultations on students’ assignments or projects and (non-mandatory) student presentations.

Videos are made available, in which the material is explained in an uniterrupted presentation. These are not livestreamed or recorded in class, but separately recorded. 


Evaluation: Multilevel Analysis (B-KUL-G2W07a)

Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Paper/Project

Evaluation characteristics

Students have to submit a paper (about 12 pages) with an original analysis of hierarchically structured data. Students are free to use the software of their choice and any data set. This can be their own data, any freely available secondary data or one of the example data sets from the course. The use of ChatGPT (or any other large language model) is allowed but only within the rules specified by the KU Leuven. 

Determination of the final result

The final grade is assigned on the basis of the quality of the paper, and is expressed as a mark out of 20 (rounded to a whole number). The paper is evaluated by the lecturer. 

Second examination opportunity

The evaluation characteristics and the determination of the final result of the second examination opportunity are similar to those of the first examination opportunity, as expressed above.