Introducing the basic results and methods from elementary number theory. Applications and computational aspects are extensively discussed.
Previous knowledge
Courses G0N27A Lineaire Algebra, G0T45A Algebraïsche Structuren and G0N88A Algebra I.
Is included in these courses of study
4 ects. Number Theory (B-KUL-G0P61a)
Review of basic arithmetics: Euler function, congruences of Euler and Wilson, Chinese Remainder Theorem.
Structure of the unit group of Zn.
Solubility of congruences: Lemma Hensel-Rychlik.
Quadratic reciprocity laws of Gauss and Jacobi.
Fast algorithms for congruences and primality testing.
The field of p-adic numbers.
p-adic numbers and the Hilbert symbol.
Rational points on a conic. The Hasse principle.
Quadratic rings.
Whole points on conic sections.
Applications in cryptography.
Prime numbers and the Riemann zeta function (introductory).
Elliptic curves
Course material
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2 ects. Number Theory: Exercises (B-KUL-G0P62a)
Same as lectures.
Course material
Same as lectures + Toledo.
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Evaluation: Number Theory (B-KUL-G2P61b)
The evaluation consists of:
- a written exam during the examination period (with grade E).
- 3 (non-obligatory) assignments during the semester (with grade T).
The final grade is calculated according to the formule max{E,(3E+T)/4}.
It is not possible to retake the assignments for the second examination attempt, but the previously submitted assignments do count for the final grade.