Qualitative Research Methods (B-KUL-G0I65B)

3 ECTSEnglish21 Second termCannot be taken as part of an examination contract
Aalbers Manuel |  Swyngedouw Eva (substitute)
OC Geografie

  • To develop a critical understanding of the strengths and shortcomings of different research methods;
  • To understand how the positionality of researchers affects the process of geographical knowledge production;
  • To acquire skills in designing, collecting, coding, analyzing and reporting qualitative data;

To critically evaluate potential ethical problems involved in doing geographical research.


3 ects. Qualitative Research Methods (B-KUL-G0I65a)

3 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture21 Second term
Aalbers Manuel |  Swyngedouw Eva (substitute)
OC Geografie

This course discusses the epistemological, methodological and ethical issues related to practicing social research in general and geographical studies in particular. It provides an overview of the research process, from identifying research topics, defining research problems, choosing appropriate research methods, to collecting, analyzing and reporting data. While the course will provide an overview of the wide range of possible qualitative research methods, it will focus more on text analysis and in particular semi-structured interviews. Through individual assignments and small group research projects, it offers the opportunity to learn through practicing interview techniques in real world situations in an ethical and reflexive way. Ultimately, it prepares the students to design their research projects and carry out essential fieldwork for their own master's thesis. 

Book chapters, papers and videos provided on Toledo.

Mixed lectures/seminars, 7x 3 hours


Evaluation: Qualitative Research Methods (B-KUL-G2I65b)

Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Paper/Project, Report, Participation during contact hours
Learning material : None

Students are given a range of individual and group assignments during the semester, which are all evaluated. The main goal here is to go through the full research cycle of designing, collecting, coding, analyzing and reporting qualitative data, in particular by going through the different steps of interviewing (and to some extent text analysis) as a research method.

  • Small assignments during the semester: together 50%;
  • Final report: 50%.