State-of-the-art Research Methods in Biology (B-KUL-G0C99B)

3 ECTSEnglish10 Second termCannot be taken as part of an examination contract
Moons Lieve (coordinator) |  Arckens Lut |  Moons Lieve
This course is taught this academic year, but not next year. This course is taught this academic year, but not next year.
POC Biologie

Students become familiarized with a variety of new methods applied in contemporary biological research. They follow seminars and take part in the subsequent discussions in an interactive manner. Students get acquainted with the latest technological developments in biology, biochemistry and biotechnology. Students acquire the necessary information to judge the applicability of the methods in a biological research context.

This course is included in the PhD student program of the Arenberg doctoral School but can also be followed by students of the doctoral school Biomedical Sciences or the doctoral school for the Humanities and Social Sciences. There is no specific previous knowledge.

Prerequisites: This course can only be followed by PhD students with a Master’s degree in Sciences, Biomedical Sciences, Social Sciences or equivalent.


3 ects. State-of-the-art Research Methods in Biology (B-KUL-G0C99a)

3 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture10 Second term
POC Biologie

Guest speakers, post−docs and senior PhD students will share their knowledge and hands on experience with a given methodology. The course comprises 5 seminars of 2 hours.

For each seminar:
- Introducing publication, enabling to facilitate interactive discussion after presentation
- Pdf file of powerpoint presentation supplied by the speakers

All seminars end with a question round and a discussion in which all students are encouraged to participate.


Evaluation: State-of-the-art Research Methods in Biology (B-KUL-G2C99b)

Type : Exam outside of the normal examination period
Description of evaluation : Written
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : Course material, Reference work

The grading scale of this course unit is pass/fail.

The exam consists of making a report at the end of the seminar series. Each participant chooses one method/technology of interest and writes a short research project in which he/she presents how the planned research would benefit from applying the method of choice. The report should be written in a grant proposal format and should not exceed 3 pages, references included.
Scoring: Pass or fail
Please note that in order to qualify for the exam, attendance of at least 4 of the 5 seminars is required. The goal remains to follow all seminars !

No 2nd examination opportunity.