Integrated Business Project/ Social Profit Project (B-KUL-D0N75A)

6 ECTSEnglishSecond termCannot be taken as part of an examination contractCannot be taken as part of a credit contract
N. |  Hoofdt Sabine (cooperator)
Facultaire POC Economie en Bedrijfswetenschappen

Upon completion of this course, the student:
- Is able to apply the acquired knowledge and expertise to have (social) impact in a purposeful and durable way.
- Has gained insight into various aspects inherent to a project-based organizational structure.
- Has grown in a number of meta-cognitive skills (e.g. professional communication; presentation skills; working effectively in a team; negotiating, ...).

The student is responsible for finding a project via student organizations AFC, AFD, Humasol or KU Leuven KICK. The student must take into account the prerequisites that are formulated by the project manager.

More information can be found on the FEB student portal.


6 ects. Integrated Business Project/ Social Profit Project (B-KUL-D0N75a)

6 ECTSEnglishFormat: InternshipSecond term
N. |  Hoofdt Sabine (cooperator)
Facultaire POC Economie en Bedrijfswetenschappen

Students gain experience with various aspects of entrepreneurship and develop professional skills by participating in consulting and implementation projects.

The student is responsible for finding a project via student organizations AFC, AFD, Humasol or KU Leuven KICK.

Once he/she is selected by the organization, the student follows the procedure for internship applications mentioned on the FEB student portal.

Only upon approval of the internship coordinator and Education & Students Services Department, the student can validate the internship in the individual study programme.

More information can be found on the FEB student portal.

Practical experience.

Work out and/or implement creative and high-quality projects for a startup, (non-profit) organization, SME, large company, NGO, ... These projects have a duration of one semester to one year and are carried out in teams of 3 to 5 students.


Evaluation: Integrated Business Project/ Social Profit Project (B-KUL-D2N75a)

Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Process evaluation

The grading scale of this course unit is pass/fail.

The grading scale of this course unit is pass/fail.

More concretely, a contribution to a consultancy project is assessed on the basis of:

1. an individual reflection paper of the student in which the most important personal findings and realizations within the framework of the project are presented.

2. the daily functioning, assessed by the project coordinator of the team.

3. the final report (paper, presentation, ...) to the client. This assessment is also determined by the company/organization for which the consultancy project is carried out.

If the student repeatedly or seriously fails to meet the obligations stated in the project proposal, participation in the project work may be terminated and the final assessment for the course unit will be NA (not taken).         

No 2nd examination opportunity.

Due to the nature of the evaluation, there is no possibility to re-examine the project (August/September) for students who did not pass the first examination opportunity.