Minor 1 (B-KUL-D0K41A)

15 ECTSEnglishBoth termsCannot be taken as part of an examination contractCannot be taken as part of a credit contract
OC Handelsingenieur en Handelsingenieur in de beleidsinformatica FEB Campus Leuven

This course is offered at UNamur. The student chooses a packages of 15 ECTS under the thematic option ‘Digital and Information Management’. This package differs from the one for the KU Leuven course Minor 2 (B-KUL-D0K42A). For more information, see https://directory.unamur.be/teaching/programmes/732M or https://directory.unamur.be/teaching/programmes/731M respectively. 


15 ects. Minor 1 (B-KUL-D0K41a)

15 ECTSEnglishBoth terms
OC Handelsingenieur en Handelsingenieur in de beleidsinformatica FEB Campus Leuven
