Seminar on Methods for Economic Research (B-KUL-D0E25A)

6 ECTSEnglish46 Second termCannot be taken as part of an examination contract
OC Economische wetenschappen FEB Campus Leuven

The objective of the seminar is to familiarize students with economic research, to enable students to conduct their own empirical research and to summarize it in a research paper. 

Students must have completed the following courses (or equivalents) successfully:

* Completed: D0E10A De globale economie and D0E11A Markten en prijzen and D0E12A Wiskunde voor economen 
* At least simultaneously recorded: i>D0E20A Wiskundige analyse : micro-economische problemen, D0E19A Wiskundige analyse : macro-economische problemen, and D0E21 - Statistiek voor economen



6 ects. Seminar on Methods for Economic Research (B-KUL-D0E25a)

6 ECTSEnglishFormat: Practical46 Second term
OC Economische wetenschappen FEB Campus Leuven

The seminar familiarizes students with the different stages of economic research: 

  • Formulating a research question based on economic theory and literature;
  • Using a statistical software for data management and statistical analysis;
  • Reporting results in a research paper.


All course materials are available via Toledo.


Evaluation: Seminar on Methods for Economic Research (B-KUL-D2E25a)

Type : Continuous assessment without exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Paper/Project, Participation during contact hours
Learning material : None


The evaluation contains two parts: one assignment (15% of the overall grade), presentation (paper report or oral) of the advancement of the project during the term (15% of the overall grade), and a final paper (70% of the overall grade, done in group). 

- The assignment is an individual coding assignment, carried out individually using a statistical software (R, Stata, Phyton, etc.). The aim of the assignment is to learn how to use statistical softwares for data management and statistical analysis. 

- The paper is a research paper in which students formulate a research question based on economic theory/literature, and carry out a statistical analysis. The evaluation criteria are: (1) The clarity of the research question and its relation to theory/literature. (2) The transparency and reproducibility of the analyses. (3) Correct and balanced interpretation of the results. (4) The quality of the tables and figures. (5) Quality of the text (clarity, logical structure, readability, includes all necessary parts).

- During the term, the students will also hand in preliminary work before the final paper: a research proposal at the beginning of the term, and some presentation of their advancement (for example: methodology to be used, preliminary results) during the sessions. This will account for 15% of the overall grade. 

Determination of the final result:

The final grade is a weighted score and consists of the paper (which counts for 70%), the assignment (15%) and the quality of the preliminary reports during the term (15%). If the student does not hand in an assignment or does not respect the set deadline, then a 0-grade will be used for the assignment in the calculation of the final grade. If the student does not hand in the paper or does not respect the set deadline, then the final grade of the course will be NA (not attended). Same goes for the preliminary reports. 

The evaluation structure in the second exam opportunity is identical to the first exam opportunity: a code assignment and a project. Students can transfer their code assignment grade if they prefer to.