Managing Innovation and Transformation (B-KUL-B3079C)

6 ECTSEnglish60 First termCannot be taken as part of an examination contract
Henkens Bieke (coordinator) |  Henkens Bieke |  Rosseel Peter
OC Smart Operations and Maintenance in Industry

After successful completion of this course, a student will:

- understand different perspectives on managing (technological) innovation
- apply key principles of different perspectives on managing (technological) innovation on real-life cases
- critically reflect upon one's own stance vis-à-vis managing (technological) innovation
- have insight into the difference between change and transformation, and its impact on a company/organisation
- be able to cultivate a transformational mindset
- be able to operate in a transformational setting (such as Industry 4.0)
- be able to lead/initiate, implement and manage change, on a personal, team and organisational level
- be able to deal with the risks that transformational processes entail
- be able to deal with resistance

No specific previous knowledge required


2 ects. Industrial Testimonials (B-KUL-B551CM)

2 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture20 First term
OC Smart Operations and Maintenance in Industry

The OLA “industrial testimonials” is taught entirely by guest lecturers from companies, who offer their in-house insights to the students of this programme. There are cross-references with the (core) OLA “managing innovation & transformation”.

The basic course material consists of the presentations used during the lectures. This material is complemented with compulsory reading material and optional reading materials for those students who want to deepen their insights in specific topics. Where possible, materials will be made available electronically (Toledo).

Guest lecture

4 ects. Managing Innovation and Transformation (B-KUL-B551CN)

4 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture40 First term
OC Smart Operations and Maintenance in Industry

This OLA consists of 2 big parts (each divided in a more theoretical part and an application/critical reflection part)

1) Innovation management & transformation from a process perspective:

  • Key drivers for successfully managing (technological) innovation
  • Perspectives on managing innovation/transformation (traditional perspective and design thinking perspective, incl. workshop)

2) Innovation management & transformation from a human perspective:

  • Leadership, strategy/(cultural) change, learning
  • Integration of these aspects into a holistic view

The basic course material consists of the presentations used during the lectures. This material is complemented with compulsory reading material and optional reading materials for those students who want to deepen their insights in specific topics. Where possible, materials will be made available electronically (Toledo).

Discussion - Group assignment


Evaluation: Managing Innovation and Transformation (B-KUL-B79951)

Type : Partial or continuous assessment with (final) exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Oral, Participation during contact hours