Onclin Chair Lectures II (B-KUL-B0B51A)

Course Content
The Onclin Chair Lectures is an academic chair that focuses each year on a current theme in the field of Canon Law. Students are actively involved in a current debate and are encouraged to formulate their own opinions.
In addition to the academic session itself, this course also includes five lectures of 2 hours that builds on the current theme. These lectures are given by the speakers of the Onclin Chair or other experts in the field.
The objectives of this course are to actively involve students in the field of Canon Law and to introduce them to current themes. They become acquainted with experts and debates and thus learn about other disciplines in the field or canon law.
Previous knowledge
Students already attended "Onclin Chair Lectures I".
Is included in these courses of study
- Master in samenleving, recht en religie (Leuven) 60 ects.
- Master of Society, Law and Religion (Leuven) 60 ects.
- Master in het kerkelijk recht (Iuris Canonici Licentiatus) (Leuven) 120 ects.
- Master of Canon Law (Iuris Canonici Licentiatus) (Leuven) 120 ects.
- Postgraduaat consultor in het kerkelijk huwelijks- en procesrecht (Leuven) (Consultor kerkelijk huwelijks- en procesrecht) 60 ects.
3 ects. Onclin Chair Lectures II (B-KUL-B0B51a)
Course Content
The Onclin Chair Lectures is an academic chair that focuses each year on a current theme in the field of Canon Law. Students are actively involved in a current debate and are encouraged to formulate their own opinions.
In addition to the academic session itself, this course also includes five lectures of 2 hours that builds on the current theme. These lectures are given by the speakers of the Onclin Chair or other experts in the field.
The objectives of this course are to actively involve students in the field of Canon Law and to introduce them to current themes. They become acquainted with experts and debates and thus learn about other disciplines in the field or canon law.
Evaluation: Onclin Chair Lectures II (B-KUL-B2B51a)
The grading scale of this course unit is pass/fail.
1) Presence during contact moments
In order to pass, the student must have been present during the academic session as well as the five additional lectures. The lectures that are organized outside the intensive teaching weeks can be followed online or viewed afterwards via the recordings. Students prove their attendance through attendance lists
If the student cannot participate for serious reasons, he or she must inform the faculty and a replacement assignment will be provided.
2) Written exam
During the examination period, a written exam takes place in the form of multiple choice questions.
These questions include the learning material of the 5 extra lectures. No guessing correction is applied and each question has the same weighting.
When the student has 50% or more correct answers, the end result results in a PASS.
Information about retaking exams
Students who did not pass the course due to absence during the mandatory contact moments must submit a replacement assignment before the faculty deadline for papers in the re-examination period. The replacement assignment is determined on an individual basis based on the frequency of their absence. If these students have not yet passed the written exam, they must re-take this exam in the third examination period.
Students who were present during the contact moments but did not pass the written exam only need to re-take the written exam. The modalities for this exam are the same as for the first exam.