History of Canon Law: Thematic Issues (B-KUL-B0B43A)

3 ECTSEnglish20 First termCannot be taken as part of an examination contract
This course is taught this academic year, but not next year. This course is taught this academic year, but not next year.
POC Kerkelijk recht

This course invites students to look at thematic issues in canon law from a historical perspective. The engagement with texts and arguments from the great canonists of the past should enhance the student’s sensitivity for the rich diversity of the canon law tradition and its lasting impact on the Western legal tradition. She/he will get a sense of the relevance and irrelevance of historical debates for understanding contemporary canon law. This course should also increase the student’s ability to assess current developments in canon and civil law on a critical basis.


3 ects. History of Canon Law: Thematic Issues (B-KUL-B0B43a)

3 ECTSEnglishFormat: Lecture20 First term
POC Kerkelijk recht

Examples of topics that can be treated are:

  • Sacrament and contract: the history of marriage law
  • Due process: the canon law contribution to the law of procedure
  • Crimen et peccatum: the history of penal law and penitence
  • The financing of the Church: a historical perspective on benefices, prebends and patronages, and on the reparation of churches after the Iconoclast Fury
  • Canon law, economics and business
  • Protection of weaker parties: The status of miserable persons (personae miserabiles​)


Powerpoint presentations

Notes taken by the students during the classes

A reader with scientific articles which will be made available on Toledo.

This course consists of ten lectures of two hours. Students are encouraged to prepare for all lectures and to participate in an active way.

During the intensive lesson weeks, active participation by all students is expected.


Evaluation: History of Canon Law: Thematic Issues (B-KUL-B2B43a)

Type : Exam during the examination period
Description of evaluation : Written
Type of questions : Open questions
Learning material : None

A two-hour closed book examination, consisting of open questions. More information will be given during the classes.